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Everything posted by bobmack

  2. hi, what cailiber ? sounds like you might have the wrong # sights. most of the sigs use different #'s for different calibers to allow for the difference in the line of sight. generally the 229 in 9mm will have # 8 front AND rear. the .40 cal will have a # 6 front and a # 8 rear.. the.357 will usually be close to the .40 with some slight visual compensation. check and there should be a number on each site. someone may have installed the wrong ones. good luck --- great gun, bob
  3. hi, i handled a pm9 today and it's a nice carry' for a lady. narrow grip, racks easily and a decent trigger pull although a bit pricey. --my S.O. carries a keltec p-32 -- also a nice lady gun but a bit of a weak caliber. also a +1 on the 230/232 although not an easy rack till broken in.[also pricey] the bersa thunder .380 is probably the best 'bang for the buck'. definitely take the Mrs. with you though. --- she's the one to satisfy. good luck, bob
  4. dang, wish i still had my bike --- i'd be up for it for sure. maybe i'll start looking again. bob
  5. hi, with the exception of the court house ban, -- i feel that if i am qualified to have an 'hcp' it should be good anywhere without limits. NO restrictions period. bob
  6. age has nothing to do with being qualified or experienced. an 'hcp' license is not a right but a privlege earned. a gun in the hands of an unqualified person is as dangerous as one in the hands of a criminal. i voted moderate and that's my opinion---and im sticking with it. bob
  7. hi, if you're usually shooting a da/sa/ triger, a dao is not easy to get used to at all. it's like shooting a bunch of first shots with the da/sa. practice, practice, practice! if you can't hack it , sell it to me cheap. i've been thinking about one. best of luck with it, bob
  8. voted NO as per TEXAS law. but, don't know if he should have gotten off 'scott free' considering the published facts. but, it's about time we get one for our side good guys 2 -- bad guys 0 bob
  9. although i don't know him -- i wish him the best for a speedy recovery. regards, bob
  10. hi, a big A+ for joe and dan at hero-gear. i had a couple of very pleasant transactions there just a couple of months ago. great selection, decent prices, and friendly service. i'm saving my 'lunch money' for another deal real soon. regards, bob
  11. hi, just voted currently 90% to 10% with 2271 votes. rather emphatic i'd say.
  12. hi, had a 'lorcin' a few years ago that i bought brand new. took it to the range the first time with my 2 boys for a day of fun. it jammed twice and then i got a total of 14 rds thru it and the firing pin broke. ruined the whole day. took it back where i bought it and the guy that sold it to me said it was a 'pos' and to send it back to the factory. [guess where i never shopped again] sent it back and they installed a new firing pin and polished the ramp -no charge. but, -- like a bad dog -- , couldn't trust it again. got rid of it. it pays to spend a bit more and go with known quaility. bob
  13. as i've said before --- how come ? we get 50 choices for Miss America BUT only 2 for Mr. President ???? bob
  14. cool wheels. ride safe. bob
  15. hi, i always thought the lighter wood grips on the snubs looks a bit 'chintzy' and cheap. further i feel the ruber grips have a better and more controllable feel to them. of course i have big hands so i opt on the side of control and function more than looks. but then again, a nice set of rosewoods hummmm -- decisions -- decisions good luck, bob
  16. some pretty interesting and convincing stats. perhaps the mods will make that a 'sticky' less we all forget. good post ! bob
  17. some people have waaaaaay - waaaaaay too much time on their hands.
  18. hi, isn't it amazing -- we have 50 choices for Miss America. BUT, --- only 2 for the PRESIDENT of the United States of America. what has happened to this wonderful country ????? no wonder some people don't vote. sign me disgusted, bob
  19. hi, 'on-target' indoor range in murfreesboro has rental guns. not sure if they have the kahr but a decent place to shoot. bob
  20. bobmack

    Sig Pro 2340

    hi, i have a 2340 myself and it really has a nice smooth and even trigger pull even in double action mode. it has a very solid and quality feel to it. i recently acquired a .357sig barrel for it that i havent fired yet but i'm sure will perform with "Sig' perfection. [ i am a bit biased ] take it out and shoot it --- i'll bet you'll love it. bob
  21. hi, being an ex 'Pa. yank' ----nothing like an ice cold 'Yuengling' lager' matter of fact , --- i think i'll go crack one NOW. bob
  22. hi, first i've seen that. --- good laugh --- kinda cool. regards, bob
  23. hi, i've had a bar-sto 9mm for my 229 for a while but haven't had a chance to shoot it. it fits and locks up nicely so i don't expect any problems. i've heard before that you could use the stock .40 mags so i'm glad to have you confirm no issues in that respect. hope you enjoy it. --- definitely cheaper shooting. bob
  24. my thoughts exactly. these kids[girls] ages 15 & 16 haven't a clue. they are so selfserving and inconsiderate that they probably didn't even think of the consquences. probably consider it a big game or teenage prank. sadly enough i feel very sorry for the kids they will bring into this world. like we don't have enough unsupervised or uncontrolled illlegitimates. " i'm sure glad i don't have as far to go as i've been".


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