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Everything posted by bobmack

  1. hi, you might look for the S&W models 622 or 422 or 2206. - nearly identical to the model 41. a little hard to find but you can usually get a pretty nice one for under $500. i've been looking myself but just bought 3 other guns in the last 2 weeks so have to wait a bit. -- or-- sell one of my 'sigs' -- or -- ?? saw a nice 2206 with scope on 'gunbroker' for $500. good luck with your search -- hope you don't beat me out on one. bob
  2. my sentiments exactly -- i'd rather take that $10 and add it to my spending fund so i can do some dickering with a 'local' shop who might appreciate my business. wake up and smell the economy --- $5. is tops in my opinion. thanks, bob
  3. i completely agree with this to protect yourself. i just lost a sale from someone who refused to do so. in my mind it appears they they 'might' have had something to hide. i don't know what he thought i might do with a copy of a driver's license that is basicly illegible anyway. so if a buyer/ seller can't be 'upfront' then i don't need to do business with them. just my 2 cents worth, bob
  4. this is the same situation as last year's gas prices. it's just a damn shame people have to be greedy and can't be satisfied with what they would or could actually use and not hoard it. especially those that are trying to make a fast buck by gouging other people on a resale. i hope the prices drop back to normal and they get stuck with it. it's these type of individuals that really screw it up for the average guy. makes me want to get rid of my guns and find another hobby. bob
  5. hi, they use a large silouette target and you only need 36 of 48 in the black. my class did 5--10-and 15 yds with 3 sets of 6 shots each. really not very difficult especially if you have some experience. best of luck, bob
  6. hi, i'm hoping my next purchase to be an H.K. p2000sk in both .40 and .357sig. --- the perfect carry gun [iimho]. i've had my eyes and hands on one of these for a while now -- just have to raise the $$$. merry christmas to all ! bob
  7. hi, a big +1 here for the cz rami. i have a poly version in 9mm with 10 rd mags. light and very concealable and really smooth trigger in both double & single action. i just wish it had the decocker but thay do have one out now. i picked up a couple of 14 rd mags recently for a bit more firepower and grip. -- a good touch. i also just modifyed a couple of pearce mag base plates to add some grip length and it really makes a big difference having a place for the 'pinky'. all in all a nice little carry gun and more accurate than i expected. regards and have a merry bob
  8. hi, i took an old nylon/cordex holster with the mag pouch and attached it with the standard belt clip to the plastic shield at the base of the drivers inside seat belt in my work van. since this part is stationary it remains in ideal position at all times. that places it a few inches below the seat level and just at arms reach. -- also out of sight. being an inexpensive fits-all type holster, i have the option to use any number of different guns plus a spare mag. its convenient, hidden and very easy to get to without even moving your body. --- WORKS FOR ME ! best wishes to everyone for a merry christmas, bob
  9. bobmack

    Walther P99

    hi, i've got a 9mm model which i've had for several years. it is one of the most natural fitting and comfortable guns i own. get one --- you'll be glad you did. regards, bob
  10. most sincere condolences to the family. may he rest in peace in a better life. bob
  11. hi, when trading, state sales tax would only be due on the cash difference between the items traded or exchanged. same as with a car or truck trade. hope you get a good deal, bob
  12. bobmack


    hi, just for the record, --- if you go to their website and request it, they will send you a free sample in the mail. great product. bob
  13. bobmack

    THE Question

    Connery set the standard as the first and the best. i'd say Brosnan next and then Roger Moore. Craig doesn't do anything for me. the others get honorable UN--mention. regards, bob
  14. hi, i have both for several of my guns, but for 'carry' i prefer the flexability and softness of LEATHER. -- i'm gradually geting rid of the 'kydex'. thanks, bob
  15. bobmack

    Beretta 85 9m short

    to digress a little --- if memory serves me --- he switched in "tommorrow never dies" in about '96/97 to the walther p99 which was relatively new at that time having just hit production in '96 in 9mm version. back to the original subject --- i always liked both the berreta 85 and the browning bda-[basicly same gun, both made by berreta] and found them to be a very comfortable gun to handle. a bit heavy for carry but a nice gun to shoot. they seem to have increased in value lately and if in nice condition it is probably worth the $400. good luck with your choice, bob
  16. good one
  17. i'd agree on that completely. --- as i too found my 239 in 9mm to be a bit heavy for really comfortable summer carry. i like my 232 much better for carry but the .380 is a little lacking in 'punch'. and also, i have big hands so 'slide bite' can be an issue. i've since settled on a CZ Rami P [2075] in 9mm. pretty impressive ---[and this coming from a sig guy]. nice size and weight, good grip and very comfortable , reliable, and accurate to shoot. i had a feel for the new sig p250 the other day and i think i'd like to shoot one of these. --- might be a good alternative. regards, bob
  18. bobmack

    Kel-Tec P32

    hi, my Mrs. carries a p32 and she really likes it. very light and conceals nicely. i fired it myself and it's really pretty acurate at short distances. it really seems to do the job it's designed for. i've thought a couple of times about getting one for myself for the hot weather carry. can't beat the price either. bob
  19. bobmack

    New Handgun

    hi, great looking gun. i never really thought that much about a CZ till a couple of months ago, i came across a RAMI[2075] 9mm and really liked the weight and feel. well i bought it and took it to the range. -- i loved it -- it's now my current carry gun. good luck with yours --- a very good decision. bob
  20. hi, i usually carry a spare mag where the weather and clothing allow. almost always have a spare in the car/truck with me. like the 'scout motto' says --- BE PREPARED regards,
  21. hi, the #6 sight is shorter which effectively raises the muzzle in relation to the rear sight. therefore it will shoot higher than a # 8 sight. see my previous answer. bob
  22. hi, +1 on the sig p245. also the H&K USPc [compact] in .45 both excellent, reliable weapons. bob
  23. hi, i've had 'directv' for almost 10 years. --- much better picture & sound quality over cable and more dependable [except for an occasional heavy storm] but alas ! --- like much of TV --- i have 150 channels of NOTHING. bob
  25. 2 for the price of one !


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