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James Yeager

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Everything posted by James Yeager

  1. http://www.TacticalResponseGear.com
  2. The offer still stands for the duel if anyone wants to grow a set of balls.
  3. That finger along side the gun technique is just plain stupid.
  4. Ditto.
  5. James Yeager

    walter p99

    I use Glocks in 9mm but there are plenty of other brands that work. I thought folks could figure it out because I have a Glock as part of my company logo. Sorry. The offensive/defensive nomenclature is a mindset issue. I teach "Fighting Pistol" instead of "defensive pistol" because so many people that carry guns think that handguns are strictly a reactionary tool. They aren't. No matter who started the fight if you don't finish it quickly you will be injured. Just because somebody else started the fight doesn't mean you won't be pressing the attack. I am not some troll who is here to talk poorly of your weapons choices. Nobody has to like what I say but what I say does need to be heard. I will not be insulted if anyone chooses to ignore my posts.
  6. James Yeager

    walter p99

    A lot of weapons mentioned on this site are not rigorous enough to be used as an offensive weapon.
  7. James Yeager

    walter p99

    I guess I just imagine all the XDs that choke and puke in our classes.
  8. Frangible ammo is only frangible when it hits STEEL or something as hard.
  9. Carry in condition 1 everyone. PLEASE.
  10. I challenge you to a duel with paint marking guns.
  11. Carry the gun and gear you are most likely to have in a gunfight. I would also recommend you quit carrying two different types of guns.
  12. How about we do a Fighting Pistol course only for TGO members? We will never pick one date that suits everyone but we can accomodate most. For folks (and their spouses) that were signed up on this forum before 2/22/07 we can do a discounted price IF we get at least 10 folks to participate.
  13. James Yeager

    walter p99

    We have had every size and caliber of XD in classes. They simply do not run well. The 9mms run better than the .40 and .45 but still have many issues. We have yet to have an XD get through a class without 30-50 or more malfunctions in the 1,000 rounds. That is too much for me. Out of the many XDs we have had in class the last couple of years all but one owner replaced their XD with Glock the day after class ended. I would not carry an XD unless I planned on beating people to death with it.
  14. They are less prone to tilting. Green followers work fine but if you have some old black follower mags the MagPul upgrade is recommended.
  15. James Yeager

    walter p99

    It is a good gun. It is tough/expensive to get mags and holsters for though. ........just another manufacturer's attempt to make a Glock. Walther didn't make a better gun but they did make a good one. It is a FAR better choice then a XD.
  16. We would be glad to have you dude.
  17. Hey Greentimber. Long time dude.
  18. Don't be the first guy to buy those.
  19. Carry your gun all of the time. A Brother is Murdered One of our brothers, a student, is dead. We will call him Rob. Rob was murdered September 13th, 2003 about five miles from my home in Big Sandy Tennessee (population approximately 600). While some details are sketchy we do know a few things at this point. One of the things I know for sure is that Rob, who was a Carry Permit holder, was shot to death, while unarmed, with his four-year-old daughter standing near him. We have had many students including men, women, police, military, civilian, American, foreign and every nationality you can imagine. I have had a school since 1996 and quite a few folks have one of my certificates hanging on a wall or lining their birdcage. My students are my extended family, and I tell them that, and they stay in my home quite often. I get a constant flow of e-mails and phone calls from them with a myriad of questions and comments about every imaginable topic. My students are my brothers. Rob was a “gun guy”. He owned many guns, was a reloader, and has some suppressors for several of his guns. He apparently shot often although I had never met him before his class with me and hadn’t seen him since. We corresponded a few times via e-mail as he was applying for his Carry Permit but that was it. This incident apparently happened because the murderer, a 70-year-old male, thought Rob had shot one of his dogs. This is a big deal in the southern United States. Many people let dogs run wild. Some are vicious, some tear up trash bags and some just walk aimlessly about. The fact is that many dogs run wild and many people don’t like it. Did Rob shoot one of his dogs? Who knows? The incident essentially occurred like this: Rob went out on the lake with his daughter and two other adults, launching his boat from a public ramp. The murderer apparently waited all day at the rampfor Rob to return. The murderer approached, there was an altercation of sorts, and he fired two rounds from a .44 Magnum Ruger Redhawk and then walked in and did a contact shot to Rob’s head. Rob, and a friend, took a Tactical Pistol course from us about two years ago. He took the course with a Stainless Para-Ordinance P-14. He was about to apply for his Carry Permit and wanted to get some training. I asked why he was shooting the P-14 instead of his “carry gun”. He said he was going to carry the P-14. I expressed my opinions to him that not only are Para pistols too big for daily carry they are not rugged enough (This is not a 1911 bash, it is my opinion that Para-Ordinance guns have terrible reliability.). He was content with his decision. Like with all of our classes we talked about and did a lot of shooting. But our Tactical Pistol class goes into great details about Mindset and Tactics as well. If you Alumni will dig up your handout from my class you will see gunfight rule number one as being “Bring a gun.” Owning a gun doesn’t make you safe. Guns are not Talisman that will ward off evil spirits. To go about daily you must have a gun on your person and a serious attitude that you will be aware of what is going on in your environment. As an Instructor I must, like all Instructors, unlock my students’ potential and in some cases even change the way they think. Many times the change is profound, even life altering, for some students. I have had students tell me after courses they have made serious life changes like making their personal connection with God, making a Will, buying life insurance and so on. They do this because I tell them you should not be encumbered by these thoughts while fighting for their life. Firearms Instructors are not unlike motivational speakers. We must motivate and elevate our students to do things they may never do otherwise. One of them is getting them to actually carry their gun everyday. I know that sounds weird because these are students in firearms classes after all. It is true though that many shooters do not carry a gun everyday. There are certainly reasons not too, but I cannot think of one reason that is worth dieing over. Rob would have been carrying illegally. Was that why he wasn’t armed? I know what the Warrior Spirit is. I know what people who have it look like. I cannot give it to you, you cannot buy it, and without it you are very likely to fail. Without it you are very likely to think carrying your gun is a burden, will get you in trouble, or won’t be needed. What good is a fireman without water? All of that knowledge and skill goes to waste as the building burns in front of him. Guns are like fire extinguishers. You hope you never need one, but when you do you want the biggest damn fire extinguisher you can pick up. I have lost sleep over this. I have cried over this. I have gotten angry over this. How do I reach people? How do I motivate them enough to save their own life? What can I do to unlock the Warrior that is locked deeply inside every man? A good man is dead. Be alert. Be armed.
  20. That is also the bad part about mags being put in the wrong gun.
  21. If you don't take care of that G-17 you can STILL give it to your grandkids.


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