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Wife got back from church today and told me about these puppy's. It appears that some idjit dumped them at her church. They were freezing, very hungry, and in bad need of a bath. They probably wouldn't have made it another night. Poor little fellers are both crashed out now. My shepherd is all spun up over them and is already protective of them. And here's after milk, food and bath.27 points
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For those that have not met me I have always been a pretty big guy. One of my favorite sayings was I was not recoil sensitive. I have been over 300 lbs for the last 15-18 years. At my heaviest I was 419 lbs but for the last 5-6 years I have been around 380-390 lbs. With the help of my wife I finally decided to have weight loss surgery. So last year I started working with Vanderbilt to get ready for the surgery. Then I find out that my insurance will not cover it. I can still do the surgery but it would be 21-23K out of pocket. That was kinda a kick to the nuts so I stopped thinking about weight loss for the rest of last year. I was talking to my doctor at my annual physical in February of this year and he suggested I try the weekly shots like Mounjaro or Ozempic. These would have 2 benefits for me. One it would help control my A1c(blood sugar) and help with weight loss. So I took my first shot on February 15th. For the first 2 months I was on Mounjaro. Then there was a national back order and could not get it. So no shot for month 3. He then switched me to Ozempic for month 4 and I have been on that since then. This has been the only medicine I have taken that has made me not want to eat. This medicine works differently for everybody. I have been pretty lucky because I have had only minimal side effects and have lost a lot of weight. In the last 10 months I have lost 150.6 lbs. I went from 380.2 lbs 2/15/24 to 229.6 lbs 12/12/24. I have been seeing my doctor every 3 months while I have been taking this medicine. One other benefit beside the weight loss is that the doc has taken me off my blood pressure medicine. He is also considering taking me off most of my other medicine because my bloodwork is coming out so good. The hard part is going to be starting soon though. Maintenance. I have finally gotten in the habit of eating less. I just have to make sure I do not revert back to my old habits once the doctor starts reducing my dosage. One of thew worst side effects of lasing weight is being constantly cold. I use to rarely wear a coat. If it was above freezing I was in short sleeves. Now I wear long sleeves in the house. I bet I have worn more sweatshirts and coats in the last 2 months than I have in the last 10 years. For visual reference I went from this: To this:21 points
20 points
Picked up a new to me S&W 629-1. It has been shot but not very much. Looking forward to getting it out and putting a few rounds through it.19 points
They all move here because it is a great place. You know what made it a great place? Their absence.19 points
We ventured out today on our isolated Island and could not believe the generosity being shown. There is at least 6 places along the 25 mile road that doesn't go anywhere giving out food and water. We got some bottle water at one about a mile from our house and some staples like bread and milk etc. Tried to make a cash donation to help replenish and they said no. Everything was donated and an another truck was coming this afternoon. We then tried one the other direction in the hopes they had bulk water that we could fill our jugs for flushing and dishwashing first one had a long line so we kept going down to where we heard they brought a big tanker in, like 5th wheel semi size tanker and they filled up our jugs for us then told us we had to take a case of bottled water even though we had plenty at the moment. They said everyone that stops gets at least a case. Then to our surprise a small specialty grocery next door was not only open but had electricity. There internet connection was down so cash only. Not a problem we keep cash on hand just in case of a power outage not expecting a massive flood. So we indulged in some treats we probably would normally buy along with some fresh cold cuts, eggs and 2 of their great deli sandwiches. Then back home, pretty good outing. Found a neighbor that we had only met once sitting at the end of the driveway (we are at the top of the road so it is a good place to see about half the road). He asked if we needed anything he was apparently out check us old people to see if we needed anything. I assume he saw us leave and was waiting for us or guarding the road, because after he talked he took off. Second neighbor that has checked on us and offered to help if we need anything. Our neighbors are pretty much friendly but it isn't a let's get together neighborhood, so it is great that they are willing to offer help. Even the fellow that does our lawn work, that lives out of the isolated area, texted yesterday and today checking if we were ok and even offered to bring us food, water and gas if we need him, he is a volunteer at one of the food/water stations. There are great people out there.18 points
17 points
Guns handed down by family members are some of our most cherished. I’m sure many of you will have examples to show here. I have my Dad’s first rifle, a Stevens single shot.22 and a Remington semi auto.22 given to me by my grandfather. Yesterday my father gave me his Smith and Wesson model 19-4 Combat magnum. I have memories of seeing it safely protected in his bedside table drawer but have never shot it. He said he thinks he only fired it once or twice. Still looks like new.17 points
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ADDED, im only doing this to chase another bucketlist item. Truck runs, drives great, youll be suprised. Hydro boost brakes, th400.... serpentine set up. Tires are great on the road, dont expect much in the snow. Been fun, but time to move on. Wife wants a ping pong tsble to go where it sleeps . Leaks oil, not enough to add between changes. I call it Truck Norris, 1970 C-10 on a military CUCV frame. Basically all K30 parts. 14 bolt rear, Np205 tc, Dana 60 front. Mildly built 355 with bootlegger cam. 37" Bfg with spare. Stereo, 12000lb winch with remote. 3 battery set up for winch and aux power. Tank under bed, diamond plate bed, same as truck. Nee rear leafs and all plates, bolts, brake lines. Front and rear gone through kingpin, lines bearings, seals....... Lots of work, truly only drive to church. Maybe the right weapons/ammo. More pictures for serious.....14 points
14 points
I have this t-shirt that has an Israeli flag on it and says, "Proud to support Israel." My church has had a long relationship with a synagogue in town. I was wearing this shirt yesterday when my wife and I went to the grocery store. I had 4 people in the store walk up to me and thank me for wearing the shirt. One lady and I talked for a while about what this country has become. Then this man walks by pushing a cart and says, "You know you are supporting baby killers, don't you?" The snarky look on his face, the fact that this was happening in a Piggly Wiggly, one of the last bastions of rural American culture, I snapped back, "Hammas are the baby killers, hiding behind women and children like cowards." I guess he wasn't expecting this, not being from the South and all. He went on a mad tirade about the history of the middle east and how much he hated the Jews. Then he walked up into my face, with is chest all bowed out. He didn't seem to notice when I dropped my right foot back a little. He probably didn't know I was thinking about the best way to take him down if he touched me. Then he finished by saying "You shouldn't be wearing that shirt!" My response was calm and subdued, "I will wear whatever shirt I want to and you can kiss my LARGEMOUTH BASS!" He decided to walk away suddenly, and I turned around and saw the security guard walking down the aisle. I said, "There is something wrong with that guy, I think he's on drugs, you might want to go talk to him." Which he did. Thus ended the confrontation. Some may say that I was asking for trouble, wearing a shirt like that. Maybe I should have turned the other cheek. I didn't want to hurt the guy, but I will make my stand to live and die a free man, as long as my wife approves.14 points
Do to some family needs i have up for offering a Amazing model 99 300 Savage, has a OLD Leupold scope m8x4x (Probably 40 years old or more) bright clean/clear glass. Bought new by my Grandfather. This is one of the duplicates and I want someone to love it like He did. more pictures on request, she's a beautiful rifle, especially for almost 75 years old. I do have ammo to go with her. I value this at a crazy amount do to its History and beauty! I'm willing to take ??? cash/trade. Warning: deer in 7 states know of this rifle and will scatter at its mere presence. Gonna post for a week, then back to its storage safe. Thanks14 points
If divine providence is absent from the discussion of why a bullet meant to blow Trump's head off missed by a scant few millimeters and only because he turned his head at just the right moment... then the only thing we have left is that he survived purely by coincidence. I'm not a fan of the idea of coincidence, so I attribute his survival to the idea that it wasn't his time to die yet because God isn't done with him on this earth. Now, whether that means God is long suffering in his grace and allowed Trump to live another day because there is something keeping him from being "right with God" that still needs to be resolved [read: salvation] or if it means that Trump plays a role in some plan that God has... I don't know and it's not my place to say. I do not and dare not speak for God on such matters. But with all of that being said, I think we can agree on the simple fact that our nation will be electing its next president a few months from now and the options that we currently have are to either continue down the extremely disastrous road that we've been on for the last four years, governed by people who outwardly seem to hate our country and everything that it stands for, or we pivot back to Trump - a man who still seems to be the antithesis of that. A bullet nearly irrevocably changed our options. The fact that it didn't -- by sheer fluke or coincidence or whatever you want to call it -- feels to me like divine providence.14 points
I'm making this as a separate thread because I don't want it to get lost in the larger discussion. When you are looking up information on yesterday's events, please be careful and validate where you're getting your information. Just like what happened with COVID-19, there are groups capitalizing on the subject matter by standing up fake websites that contain malicious software packages. There were countless fake John Hopkins websites for instance. Clicking a random link is a surefire way to get malware/Trojans/spyware, etc. If it looks fishy, it probably is.14 points
None of this is a surprise. The left has been riling up their side for two years. “Get in their face”, running Rs out of restaurants, showing up at their houses, “we will do whatever it takes.” At least leftists are mostly unfamiliar with guns and shooting.14 points
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14 points
Thanks for the replies and info. S I L will get it today. His 31 Y O son, who has "Downs Syndrome", wanted his mother to wrap the pistol box in pink paper. She did. His dad picks at Cody all the time. A little payback never hurts. His whole family will be here at 1:00 for lunch. BBQ and Fried Chicken, cheezie Mack n cheese, baked beans, salad ranch dressing, Coconut cream pie and B Day Cake, you know, Man food guys. My birthday today also, 76 today. Just never figured I would be here for this day. I am blessed by God. Bible says man's normal allotted days, baring accident or health, are three score and 10 (70 Years). Or if blessed four score (80 Y O). I AM TRAVELING BLESSED TIME GUYS. Jesus Christ is the way. (John 3:16-17) For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. Life is good for me today. I have accomplished the things necessary to put myself into the position to be able to take advantage of God's saving grace, through faith, in His Son Jesus. Put simply, I am on the way to heaven, today. Can't wait to see Son In Laws face getting a 12" square Pink Box that he has no Idea what is in it. We goanna have a big laugh, together!14 points
Allow me to bring this thread back from the dead... So, twelve or thirteen years ago I started taking Krav Maga classes. It lasted about 4-5 months and then I quit. Work and other things in life got in the way and I just lost the drive. >>> Fast forward to December 2024 >>> While my brother in law was visiting for Christmas he told us that he and his wife had begun taking Krav Maga classes. They spoke about how much they enjoyed it, how challenging it was, and so forth. Given that several of my friends have been hounding me about coming back to join them at Krav classes, it set a slowly smoldering fire in the wet leaves of my give-a-damn. One of those friends started his Krav Maga journey 12 years or so at around the same time I did and passed his black belt test in mid 2024. Talk about something that catches your attention! Realizing that two of us took wildly diverging paths and one of us ended up with their black belt while the other kept buying progressively larger belts.... Yeah. >>> Fast forward to January 2025 >>> One of those friends told me on New Years Day, quite coyly, about a gift pass that he had for a free month of unlimited Krav Maga classes. It was the proverbial straw that broke the fat camel's back. "Say no more. I'm in.", I said. >>> Fast forward to January 30, 2024 >>> And now here we are at the end of my third week of returning to the art. Three classes a week, more or less. (I had to miss a Saturday due to family commitments) I totally suck at it. I've forgotten most of what I learned previously. I'm nearly 15 years older and probably 75 pounds heavier than I was back then too. BUT... I'm loving it. Clothes are getting looser. Stamina is increasing. I'm allowing myself some grace and mercy and allowing myself to be terrible at it, rather than being the usual maladaptive perfectionist that I normally am. It feels like the journey I am supposed to be on, embracing my limitations and imperfections, and trusting that the process will slowly erode both of those things while it also erodes some of those 75 extra pounds. The point of all of this? I just want to encourage you. You aren't out of the game until you sideline yourself. Life will try to sideline you, but it can't unless you let it. It may slow you down. It may limit you. But you don't have to quit unless quitting sounds like a good way to go out. Get out there and do something that challenges you this year. Six months from now, I hope to be surprised at what I've accomplished.13 points
Well, it's not a firearm, but I'm still pround of it. I've long wanted an automotive hoist, but really didn't have a place to put it. So I finally put up another pole-building specifically to house a lift and give me some space to paint. I got a great deal on a used 12K hoist, but I spent something over $25K on the building, so penny-wise and pound foolish. Anyway, the hoist is now fully assembled and operational. I still have some dirt work to do outside, as the approach is a muddy mess right now. The hoist came with two bridge jacks, and both of those need some work, too. I'm never without plenty of chores and projects.13 points
Today it is hard to say goodbye to the best little dog ever….Bella, our toy maltipoo crossed over the rainbow bridge yesterday afternoon after church. Sweet girl, you were such a good girl, and you will always be in our hearts. I know we gave you the best life we could, and had 15 long, wonderful years with you!! I can honestly say, I don't cry very much, but I cried hard last night. She was our first baby, and gave comfort on so many nights when things were rough, not to mention we grew up together. My wife and I were 21 when we got her, and she has been there through so many up and downs. Hug your pups extra tight tonight.13 points
When I first started carrying I was a proponent of open carry for all of the reasons your friends have mentioned. The longer I carried, and the more experience I gained with firearms the less desire I had to open carry. The only benefit of being allowed to open carry at this point is if at the end of the day of range Larping I just want to get home, I can just get in the car and go and not worry about it if I have to stop and get gas or something along the way. Otherwise, there is no benefit to advertising that I have a firearm on me . my view at this point boils down to this. Should you have the right to open carry, yes. Should you open carry, no.13 points
Think of it this way - if the Democrats (anti-gunners) win, they will grant citizenship to the 10 to 20 million illegal immigrants they allowed in. From that point onward, the Democrats will never lose a national election again. And the Supreme Court will get packed to flip it to a progressive/leftist majority once more and gun control will wash across the land like a tidal wave. We will become just another Australia/ Canada/ Great Britain with no free speech & no check on Gov't overreach. The end. Vote pro gun. It might be your last chance to use the ballot box to make a difference and save your country. You don't have to "like" Trump to vote for him. You just have to like your freedoms & your country. Choose wisely. Vote wisely. God bless America.13 points
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13 points
USSS has some Real explaining to do. A guy with a long gun on an elevated roof 125m from their principal. Something(s) really broke down tonight.13 points
People who want a new civil war to kick off are morons looking for an excuse to larp around town in their gear and possibly shoot someone. Let's see how you feel when it's your neighborhood and family getting shot up. I swear...13 points
Up for sale is a Winchester Model 1894 Saddle Ring Carbine chambered in 30 WCF (30-30) made in 1911. It is close to, but not all completely original. This one was pretty rough when I started. When I work on an old rifle, I don’t want to make it “new”, just clean and functional. It’s not a collector’s piece, but it is now a really nice historic old shooter. The rifle has been completely disassembled, cleaned and put back together. There was little (if any) original bluing left on the metal. I did not try to make the metal look new, but I cleaned it up and gave it a vintage look with cold bluing. The original gum-wood stock was in pretty rough shape and had, at some point in the rifle’s 113-year life, been refinished and sanded a bit too much. The original gum-wood forend was also sanded and bit too much and is split at the front. I cleaned them up as best I could, but they were still just to ugly. I replaced them with a reproduction set from Gunville.com in American Black Walnut. After hand fitting the new furniture, it was finished with a hand rubbed oil finish. The original stock and forend will be included. The saddle ring is also not original to the rifle but I believe it is an old piece. It also now has the correct v-notched ladder rear carbine sight. $950, OBO. Located in Nashville. For sale/trade to persons who can legally own a firearm. Trade I’m interested in would be a Winchester 1873 in 32-20 I can send more (and higher resolution) photos (including some before photos) upon request.13 points
Woke up Monday morning with my truck sitting on my chest. Woke my wife and told her I think I am having an attack. She called 911 took the ambulance 20 minutes to get to my house. Ten minutes later I was on the road to Ascencion St Thomas in Murfreesboro. There about 20 minutes and was taken to Cath lab. Had a blood clot in one of my bypass arteries. Now heart muscle damage and am in heart failure with only 30% heart output (should be 50 to 75 % at my age) but finally home. Not feeling real bad but am somewhat weak. Will need serious rehab and rest. Heart muscle damage and in danger of several bad outcomes in the short time future. I got to get the weight off and watch diet plus take 3 different heart related new meds now and pray for the best. Consensus is, most probably caused by my bout with Coved about 2 months ago. Seems a lot of people who get the new strain of Coved are having blood clots shortly afterwards. Looking to an uphill climb at 76 now. My wife and girls are very glad I am home. Life is short guys. Hope you all are prepared for your demise, I am. I am a child of Jesus the Christ and live for HIM. I am sure my attack took place 5 minutes down the road to the Hospital and could tell the Paramedic was excited with trying to show it. Kept running heart strips all the way to the Hospital. Both my arms were tingling and almost useless, and I began sweeting profusely. I was not scared and was at total, peace, after my prayer, with whatever happened. Only way to be that way is to be a child of Jesus, guys. I did feel terrible concerning and sorrow for my wife because if worse came to worse she would be left alone. Think about eternity guys, please.13 points
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All original Nickel Colt 4" Python from 1975. It comes in the original matching serial number box and shows little sign of use. I'll let the pictures do the talking for this one. I'm asking $4000 and located in Lebanon, TN for this amazing Colt Snake Wheel Gun. Please message with questions. Thanks! Now $3500 FTF or $3525 Shipped to your FFL.13 points
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I'm a confessed Sig fan fanboy, so I like collecting some of the rarer examples. Back before Sig was Sig-Sauer, they were bound by strict Swiss export laws. Partnering with W Germany's JP Sauer & Sohn in 1976, they produced their guns in Eckernforde and began exporting to the world. Before Sig Sauer was an approved importer into the US, they ran their first imports through Hawes Firearms, and Browning. The Sig Sauer P220 was the first of these rebranded guns, and was marketed as the Browning Double Action Pistol - the BDA. The BDA was imported for only three short years, after which Sig Sauer was a registered US manufacturer for their own products. It had the Euro-style heel magazine release, which limited its success, but the modern design was undeniably effective. Approximately 10,000 sold in 45ACP, and another ~2700 in 9mm. The rarest of all was the BDA chambered in. 38 Super. Only 750 or so of these rare Sigs were imported under the Browning partnership, and they are one of the hardest early US Sig handguns to find. I'm pleased to have come across two over the years, and I snagged them both. Note they have an unusual slide profile at the muzzle. This is alternately called a "pinched" or "dolphin" nose, and was unique to the ~3400 9mm and 38 Super BDA's.13 points
13 points
I love Sako's. That is why I bought this even though I don't shoot this caliber. Since I never shoot this I thought I would pass it on to someone who would actually use it. It is a 1967 L61R Sako Finnbear in 338 Win Mag. Overall it is in great shape. The bore is nice and shiny. Another reason I bought this is because it had all of the original paperwork from when it was first ordered. Just made it a little more cool in my eyes. It also comes with period scope bases and a box of Hornady Precision Hunter ammo. Not really looking for trades right now. $1000 $90012 points
12 points
Chattanooga $1300 $1200 each, or $2400 for the pair if you're collecting or perhaps setting up a dual wield retro-akimbo setup for the end of the world. Trades welcome as always. This pair of Smith & Wesson 29-2 revolvers are the best expressions of the Model 29 .44 Magnum line. These 8-3/8" barreled, dash-2 revision wheelguns incorporate all of the early product improvements, and none of the cost-cutting revisions of the later versions. They include pinned and recessed barrels, recessed cylinders, the improved ejector rod, and deletion of the 4th screw holding the cylinder stop spring. The Model 29 is best known as the sidearm of choice for "Harry Callahan" from the Dirty Harry movie franchise. I've had three of them for some time, thinking that all three of my kids would like to inherit one, but they've all taken to more practical barrel lengths in .357. So the Model 19's and 686's are staying, and this pair of 29's are hereby released. The third 29-2 stays, 'cause I have a few decades of shooting .44Mag left in me! Good condition, very faint turn rings, extremely low round counts (can't find any powder on either one, and I never shot these two). Strong bluing with very slight/hard to notice imperfections, probably from handling. No muzzle wear; as-new chambers and bore. Desirable target trigger, target hammer, and target sights make both of these "Triple T" guns. *Oops, I left a sticker on the lefthand gun's grip. That's not a blemish. Trivia: Dirty Harry features Model 29's in both 8-3/8" and 6-1/2" lengths, depending on what looked/worked best in each film scene. There's a fair chance these two were probably definitely not in the movie (but maybe not in the sequels, too).12 points
I have worn t shirts that support Israel in public and more folks ask if I'm Jewish. I say no but my Savior is and I'm supposed to be like Him. The times are getting darker and our light we shine draws them from the darkness. We were told persecution would come to us. It is something not taught in the "churches" today. Be ready brothers, the storm is coming!12 points
I put this thread on timeout for the moment in the hopes that we all will be able to lower the temperature and tensions, a little bit with a breather. In the meantime I will leave this for consideration and reflection.12 points
Damn the President was just about killed, and people here are talking how now he will be an anti 2a president, really come on this isn't the time for any of that. You know what no one is perfect and no one will have your pure beliefs, but for my 57 years on this earth Trump is the best President during that time. He maybe an A**hole like the rest of us, but at this point voting for him or not he deserves our support. God bless him and this country we need it.12 points
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Drove about 250 miles round trip to get this bad boy today and Im over the moon ecstatic. Thanks to @Patton for the tip on where I could find one. Ill be pairing this fighting revolver up with a Simply Rugged Sourdough Pancake in black alligator as my Sunday go to meeting rig. The Sourdough has the IWB straps on it, and should help make carrying a big chunk of steel much more comfortable.12 points
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This was a civil trial, not a criminal one. It'll have to be enough that Wayne is going to spend the rest of his life in financial destitution and the next ones holding the reigns know they're being watched. Ironically the NYAG might have done more good for the NRA in the long term here than could be had from internal discontent.12 points
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