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  1. I looked and there are a few threads about a member's dog(s) here and there, but I was surprised that we don't have ONE big thread of all the doggos on TGO. So, let's fix that. ^^^ This is Tiberias, or Tigh for short. Yeah Tigh is spelled weird but I'm also a Battlestar Galactica nerd and fans of the show will recall that the XO of the Galactica was named Tigh. Anyway, he's a pure bred German Shepherd Dog and currently 4-months old. He was a rescue and we were fortunate to be called this past Monday and asked if we wanted to come get him. And yes, we most certainly did. Tigh is proving himself to be the goodest boy possible. Super loving, super loyal, and also already very protective of his new house and his new pack. We're thrilled to have him. So, so me your dogs!
    30 points
  2. STOP IT!!! The word you're looking for is 'Sale' An item you want to sell, is 'For Sale' Do better.
    26 points
  3. First off let me say thanks to all of you that offered up a prayer for my daughter. She completed all her chemo a couple weeks ago and had her double mastectomy yesterday. She's home resting and her mother is there to watch over things for about a month. She is deemed "cancer free" in that all her lymph node biopsies came back negative and of course her lump is gone as well. She still has some localized radiation treatments after she heals from surgery but for now everything is lookin' good.
    26 points
  4. Hey gang. Welcome back to TGO. There is a lot to cover in this post, so I am going to try to hit things in the order of most important or impacting, to least. Where is my TGO user account? If you created an account on TGO after August 17th you will most likely need to create your account again. We lost almost 30-days worth of data in this crash. What Happened To My Benefactor Account? A lot of my work today has been around connecting Benefactor memberships with those who purchased them. I was successful with most of them, but there are a few of you (less than 10) that I will be reaching out to in email so that we can work together to get you squared away. I am prioritizing this near the top of importance because you guys keep TGO afloat and I will take care of you. I posted something and now it's gone! Anything posted after August 17th is lost. I am very sorry. I suppose the good news is that if you posted something and regretted it, you now have a second chance. This part really sucks and I am absolutely not trying to down-play it. Trust me, however upset you are, I am infinitely more upset. I hope that you'll dive back in and recreate whatever we lost. What happened?!? This is the million dollar question. Our server suffered a catastrophic hardware failure that could not be recovered from. Thankfully we had backups, but I had to go back 30-days in time to find a backup that was viable. This problem had unfortunately been brewing for a while and I did not notice it in time. Prior to today (9/18/23) we were using a different web hosting company. We aren't using them now because I am greatly disappointed in their ability to assist and am livid over the outcome. The best and only way for me to respond was to move TGO to another hosting company who I believe will be much more responsive and responsible. That said, I cannot place full blame on them. Sadly, I missed some signs which were obvious in hindsight so some of this is absolutely my fault. Especially related to backups. I am now making backups of my backups and storing them in several places (online, offline, and in the cloud) so that we have more recovery options if something like this ever happens again. How can we help?? Post, post, post. Dive back in and start using TGO. This will be a scar for a while, but like all scars it will eventually fade. Other than that, there really isn't anything to do. I just noticed [insert problem here]. If you notice anything weird with your account, especially with payments for Benefactor memberships, let me know. I'll sort it out and get you taken care of. That's about it for now. Thanks for your patience while we were offline. I suppose if there is a silver lining to all of this, it has provided a chance to do some things different and better behind the scenes. Hopefully those differences and improvements will equate to odds heavily in our favor for the future. --David
    26 points
  5. I don't care what you believe this is 100% unacceptable in our country.
    24 points
  6. Over the last six months my wonderful wife has had a series of serious sinus infections. The myriad of drugs she has been on affected her as badly as the infections. Over time she also noticed that when the infection started her two back teeth on the top left also would ache. Our PCP sent her to Vanderbilt and an excellent ENT found in a CT scan that something was going on with the teeth. He referred her to an excellent oral surgeon who found there was a serious infection in the gum. The infection in the gums was being broadcast to the sinuses. A massive double infection; one affected the other. Surgery was called for. She had to go through two hours of surgery with the ENT to "clean out" the sinuses. When he finished the oral surgeon then went in for two hours to remove the teeth and repair the gums. Surgery was successful and both surgeons found massive pools of infection in the upper sinus and in the gums. If the infection made it to the brain I would have lost my wife. A week past surgery my wife is doing great and post surgical visits with both surgeons show the infection is gone and she is healing well. (Just getting used to chewing without two less teeth.) This has been a scary period for me and for her. I wanted to give thanks to God, extremely caring and COMPETENT doctors, and to my wife for fighting through a difficult time (except through suffering from my cooking!). Just felt the need to share what she has been through, the fear I felt after realizing how bad the infections were, and my gratefulness that she is sitting across from me reading a funny book and laughing because she is feeling better. I invite you to share my thankfulness and my joy. Thank you for reading.
    24 points
  7. This is Ginger. She's a rescue so not sure of her breed but in her mind she is a Doberman. Lol. She's had surgery on both knees, one eye removed and surgery on her other eye. But she's worth every dime as she is the best dog I've ever had. Great thread.
    22 points
  8. This is Lilly, my sons dog.Somebody dropped her in front of my mothers house when she was a pup along with. 3 more.He kept her, and the others got homes.She visits my daughters dogs where she lives across the field and they have the run of the farm.She is VERY SPOILED .
    22 points
  9. Friends from day one, inseparable. Coal and Sadie.
    21 points
  10. This is Gypsy the Wonder Dog, dressed up for Christmas. She turned 8 this July. People frequently ask what breed she is, and I tell them with confidence she's a purebred brown dog. There's surely a good bit of Doberman heritage there, but it's mixed with some other stuff. Cheers, Whisper
    21 points
  11. Last weekend, doing it again today, 4p -6p at the Northshore Kroger. Swing by for free pets
    21 points
  12. This is Ellie. A bit neurotic at times but a good dog.
    21 points
  13. Been looking for good . 357 carry revolver and was curious about the K6S or a King Cobra. Willis68 had both and I got to handle them both and both are fantastic. The K6S was just so light, thin, slim, and modern feeling. At the same time, it felt solid and tight. I really liked the looks of the 2" barrel but really liked the increased ballistics of the 3". I got to say this is the most carriable 3" revolver I've ever held. Excited to get it to the range.
    20 points
  14. This is Koira. We kinda inherited her from my youngest daughter who, during a rough spot, was unable to care for her. Now she's a part of the family for sure and thinks she's Queen. VERY loyal and loving dog, probably the most so I've ever seen. She's very attached (almost neurotically) to my wife, but likes me ok too. I think she's around 5 years old.
    20 points
  15. This is Boo our 5 y/o GSD. Rescue from a wonderful foster family. She definitely understands "guard Mom"
    20 points
  16. This was our 120 pound lab. The wife said no dog in the house and absolutely not on the furniture, yet here he is. He passed at only 3 years old from cancer. It's been a a couple of years, but still not ready to replace him, he was a good one.
    20 points
  17. My Catahoula Leopard dog (Wrangler, brown - right in both), German Shorthair Pointer (Parker, black/white top middle and bottom left), Olde English Bulldogge (Barkley, brown/white - top left), and Beabull (Gus, beagle/bulldog mix - bottom middle).
    20 points
  18. Been working on this for a while, finally got it to my liking. These are all AR500 steel and self healing(ish) rubber that I made from some stall mats.
    20 points
  19. Testing the waters.... 1971 chevy. Cucv frame. 14 bolt rear, Dana 60 front. Np205. Th400 and 355 sbc. 37" tires. Lots of other stuff, just ask. $25,900
    20 points
  20. They all move here because it is a great place. You know what made it a great place? Their absence.
    19 points
  21. Thank you all for sharing the pics of your pups! Just a quick post before I head in to work a bit. Good on you @A.J. Holst ! Awesome helper you’ve got. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Boo before and can confidently say she is a “Good Girl”, but I would not want to get on her bad-side. My pups, 2 sets of Pekingese (Bastian & Lil then Buckley & Grace) over a 25 year period are in Heaven guarding my Bride. But I know Rhonda has her hands full with them! Entitled little devils but they gave us a lot of love in their time. (My son just sent this pic to me after I told him about my vicarious living through it). Thanks again to all! The little guy is Poe. He’s resting on his sister Nala. Nala is a squirrel killer. Poe couldn’t be bothered with such.
    19 points
  22. Matilda and Venus. Our Great Dane and our step dog. Venus belongs to my step daughter Timmy, our 7-9 year old part Dane rescue with Matilda Timmy and Matilda competing for Mama's attention. Don't mess with Mama, they don't like that. Timmy is 140lbs of attitude, he knows what you tell him, he just decides if and when he will do it. Matilda is 3 years old, covid dog, she sleeps between us. Venus is a big round ball of chicken. the pic of her laying with Matilda is because she couldn't get out of the corner.
    19 points
  23. This is Cody, my baby. 105 pounds of rotten to the core. In the second picture he's helping me with my building project. Well, more like supervising. The most talkative feller I've ever had. Plus, he's a promising contender for the World Title of King of the Belly Rub. In my world there has never been a more loved and protected dog. I call him my son.
    19 points
  24. Here's my lot... Duchess and Winchester. We lost Ruger ,our Black male, in October and are still dealing with it. He was with us for 12 years and our pack is not the same. UPDATE Duchess went to join Ruger last Monday night. She lost her battle with bone cancer. Pain and sorrow are not what I wanted this year. She is at rest now....... I look forward to being with them when I get home to the Lord.
    19 points
  25. Here's my daughter, Maggie, with our purebred yellow labs Daisy and Shelby, and our pitbull / cattle dog mix, Barrett. We have always had a dog since we first got our own house. The kids grew up with a big 90lbs pitbull / black lab mix, Sebastian, who was so gentle that he'd let them bounce on his head, and so intimidating that the Jehova's Witnesses stopped knocking. Sebastian was a rescue, just like every dog we've had since. He was a 7 month old that was too much puppy for his original family to handle. Being black and a pit mix, he was not likely to be adopted. We found him at the pound on his last chance month, and he was the best-behaved dog anyone could ask for. When we moved to a house with property, Sebastian gained a little brother, Scout. He was a cattle dog / shepherd mix that looked just like a half-sized German shepherd. A lifelong puppy-sized short-haired shepherd that leapt up cliff faces like a mountain goat. He was a street rescue from Calexico. Injured in his first weeks of life, a dog charity imported him to the US. Whatever happened to him down there left a permanent impression on him, because he was extremely, inconsolably aggressive to only one kind of person: Hispanic males. He was a mixed mutt from the streets of Mexico; he was our Racist Street Taco. Barrett was a rescue from the pound; friends picked him up in Texas as he was about to be put down. He'd had a hard first year; he grew up in the shelter and overcame Parvo. My friends tried keeping him but he had a submissive peeing habit that they couldn't beat. They drove him 1000 miles to us in Chattanooga just to give him another shot. It's been six months and there's no more peeing. I like dog training. His purebred sisters are rescues, too. They were $1000 AKC puppies who were adopted by a single lady who works 10+ hours in an ER and lives in a condo. Apparently, she decided that might not be the best recipe for success with two 60lbs dogs after the puppies destroyed the condo a few times over and earned her some HOA violations. We agreed to take them in, and now they're right at home on acres upon acres of private ranch. We never go out to buy a dog. There are so many in need already, and somehow they seem to find us at just the right time. We love our dogs, and we're glad to have a place for them.
    18 points
  26. This is Shadow, aka the galloping goober. 100lbs of dumb. He'll be 4 on Valentines day. His dad is a black lab and mom is a boutique big terrier. Their owners (friends from kids' school) didn't think mom was old enough yet and went on vacation. He has 12 siblings.
    18 points
  27. @19_A_CPT bred a good pup. Just passed 4 months!
    17 points
  28. Ordering chit from the back of a magazine, mailing a check, and waiting 6-8 weeks for delivery. Sea monkeys, x-ray vision glasses, and switchblade combs.
    17 points
  29. My youngest was bored - so I told him he could go clear all of our elderly neighbors cars. He was out for a couple of hours with the leaf blower and a brush. They tried to pay him but he wouldn’t let them. regardless, our kitchen had filled up with the treats they made him. Good trade in his eyes.
    17 points
  30. I had at least one dog in my life since age 6 and most of them were or are rescue dogs. The last 2 where some type of terriers which 1 of them I had for 18 years and she was rescued by me from a big wild yellow Tomcat that had stole her from a litter somewhere and was going to make a meal of it until a 22lr ended that. Animal control had been trying to trap it without success so when I had the chance I took it and I thought it had a rat but it turned out to be a newborn puppy that I ended up bottle feeding and buying doggie milk at 10 bucks a can which the Vet set me up with all the stuff I needed. I had animal control come out and collect the dead cat and all their cage traps they had set around my house. The guy thanked me for killing the cat as he was getting complaints from everyone in the neighborhood about it. I named her Kasey and I had her for 18 years and lost her to heart failure. It was like losing a Child and I still have her on top of my TV console. I had her cremated and placed in an urn. About 3 months a friend of mine brought a dog to me that could have been Kasey's sister in appearance and he had to find a home for her because he was moving and the new place didn't allow pets. Her name was Darby and I took her in. I only had her about 3 years and lost her to kidney Failure and I have her on my TV console also. Now for present time I have a best friend name Rosie and my daughter was doing Home Health Care and one of her patients was a breeder of Basset Hounds and she had a 5 year old that she could no longer breed and was going to have her put down and my daughter sent me a picture of her and I told her to get her so she told the woman that her father was Rosie so they made arrangements to get her to me. I still have her and she is now almost 8 years old and spoiled rotten.
    17 points
  31. Our Husky turned 14 last week. She's a strange dog that typically disappears most of the day rather than hang out with us.
    17 points
  32. My wife’s brother has a daughter who has two daughters of her own. Best I can figure, that makes them my great nieces. Anyway, the oldest is about 3 years old. She never seemed to like me much, although they live several hours away from here, and we don’t see them very often. At her preschool, they were asked to name the things they are thankful for this Thanksgiving. She named off several things, including the family members she could think of. Then she asked her mom “Who’s the guy with the white beard?” Her mom said “Santa Claus?” She said “-No, Greg.” I thought that was pretty cool. It probably ain’t much to you, but hell! I beat out Sant Claus.
    17 points
  33. Every day I try make my Wife smile and laugh at least once. Every day I try to make a someone's day just a little bit better than it was.
    17 points
  34. Dad loves finding cool little tools to give as Christmas presents to my brother and me. The one he found this year will be very helpful. How many times do you need to figure out what size a random bolt or nut is? Usually I take it to the hardware store and start trying it out until I find out what size it is. With this tool I can now figure out out pretty much any odd bolt or nut I have. It has standard and metric and different thread pitches. Pretty simple idea but it will be very useful.
    16 points
  35. My daughter age 39 and a mother of four has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She's seen the docs (got a second opinion) and the oncologist and is being set up for treatment of her particular type of cancer. Without going into to much detail I am asking that for those of you that pray may include Sarah in your prayers. She' a good daughter, wife and mother and she can use all the help she can get. Thanks in advance to all of you that may take the time.
    16 points
  36. This is Sully, he is kind of a turd but my wife and kiddos really like him. He wasn't getting along at his first home with the resident German Shepherd so my wife agreed to keep him for a few days to help a friend out. That was 6 yrs ago.
    16 points
  37. This ole boy has been gone several years now. My wife had a hard time with it. She’s still not ready to get another one. I’m not sure she ever will be. He was a once in a lifetime friend.
    16 points
  38. My wife reminds me all the time, especially when dealing with my trouble-making neighbors as a representative of the HOA board (a mistake I will never make again), that I spend too much time trying to bring people around to my way of thinking. I believe that she's right. I've spent too much time doing that in this very thread. My opinion, therefore, is that Israel should unleash hell on Palestine and Iran and forever change the map of the Middle East. If this accelerates the end of the world, then come quickly Lord Jesus.
    16 points
  39. Ruger New Model Blackhawk "Buckeye" Edition For those unfamiliar this was a limited run issued by Ruger for Buckeye Sports in what I believe to be 1988-1989. As usual with limited runs they quoted only 500 of this model exists but I've never done the leg work to verify. I just know this one is new in the box and have been in my Ruger collection for a long time. Time to see if someone else wants to add it to theirs. Chambered for 38-40 / 10mm. The 10mm cylinder has never been spun and only left the wrap long enough for a pic. 6.5" barrel. It has the Buckeye blossom etched into the top strap to indicate the limited model and has a SN special to this run. Box isn't mint but really good for it's age. Only trade interest would be a collectible on my short list and those are pretty specific anymore. $1500 I'm in east tn but travel occasionally and I'm also not against shipping it if that's whats needed.
    15 points
  40. Good morning and happy holidays! I've had a box of stuff I never use sitting in the closet for ~10 years and just simply don't need it. Some of it is junk but some good stuff here (says a guy about his box of junk). As far as the holsters, from top left is: 2 1911 polymer holsters(don't know brand, screws rusting on one slightly, other one is like new), Wilson Combat leather 1911, Galco 1911 leather. Bottom row: El Cheapo Glock 19, and both a De Santis and CQC holster that will fit a J-Frame or SP101, etc. In the box is a laser target set (probably needs batteries but barely used), some rando revolver grips (SP101?), a picatinny 10/22 mount with scope ring (M-223XR, whatever that is), and the lesser of two M1 bayonets I have (1950s vintage, smells funny, just like some of us...kidding!!!!). In the spirit of the holidays, I could sell this piecemeal but frankly I'd rather go to Lost Pizza in Collierville and have a beer this afternoon instead of worrying about all that. So, free to a better home than I have been! Stipulations - must be able to meet at Lost Pizza in Collierville this afternoon around 1:30, where I will be having a beer as stated. First to reply in the comments that can do this - it's yours! (No DMs please, so everyone knows I'm not hooking up my highschool buddies.) All the best! William
    15 points
  41. Here’s Cash the ACD. Good boy. Kinda goofy. Definitely spoiled rotten.
    15 points
  42. This is my boy Festus. He is a friend ,shop foreman and guard dog. Honestly don’t think he would hurt anyone. But his bark has scared many that didnt expect it.
    15 points
  43. I'm making this as a separate thread because I don't want it to get lost in the larger discussion. When you are looking up information on yesterday's events, please be careful and validate where you're getting your information. Just like what happened with COVID-19, there are groups capitalizing on the subject matter by standing up fake websites that contain malicious software packages. There were countless fake John Hopkins websites for instance. Clicking a random link is a surefire way to get malware/Trojans/spyware, etc. If it looks fishy, it probably is.
    14 points
  44. We all make mistakes. Sometimes you find yourself having to break down those mistakes with a hammer type bullet puller. Forget about that irritating spring loaded case holder that comes with it. Instead, use the shell holder from your die set. It fits perfectly in the hammer, is fast and easy to use.
    14 points
  45. As I PM'ed with several revolver aficionados who responded to my Ruger trade post, I realized some people might enjoy a peek at one of the focuses of my collecting: S&W revolvers. Pictured here are from top down are: 1979 Model 629 8-3/8" with a pinned barrel and counterbored cylinder 1983 629-1 4" 1976 Model 29-2 8-3/8" with a pinned barrel and counterbored cylinder 1982 29-3 4" All are "3T" Target Triggers/Hammers/Sights. Both pairs represent the jump in engineering changes from pinned barrels to threaded, and dropping the machining complexity of counterbored cylinders which results in a larger gap to the frame behind the cylinder, in order to clear the protruding cartridge rims. The long barrels are somewhat softer shooting, but the short barrels are more pointable. All require a recitation of the words "do you feel lucky, punk?" after closing the cylinder. I hope some enjoy the peek in the safe.
    14 points
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