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Both made with 440C SS with a finger guard as well. 12 1/2" OAL with a blade of about 6 1/2". Combo leather/kydex sheath with leather dangler. 2. Sold to Leethetoolguy Handle is ironwood and spalted oak with G10 pins and accents. SS finger guard. $130. shipped. Thanks for lookin'!!6 points
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234k miles. 5.4 Auto. Plenty of dents and dings, but a good used truck. No rust, no leaks, runs and drives good.2 points
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Funny how the left wanted EV mandates and now they are burning EVs. Guess it never had anything to do with the environment.2 points
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@Defender Thank God you are in remission and moving fwd w/your life. Cancer is scary and nothing is guaranteed. I like to hear of people who are successful in their cancer fights. It proves there is always hope. As for the fatigue, that seems to be a recurrent complaint about the cancer & treatment. Which is most responsible? I don't know but it seems to reaffirm what a tough battle one is fighting and it takes strength and determination to keep going. Keep living your life @DeepSouth - I admire your stamina and determination. I hope you find your cancer in remission soon, too.2 points
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I have Primers and Smokeless Powder For Sale. All sales must be in the Memphis area please. Prices are Firm. No Trades Please. Thanks for looking. 1. I have 13 Boxes Federal Small Pistol Primers, 3 Winchester Small Pistol Primers, and 1 CCI Small Pistol Primers. I am asking $70.00 per 1000 box. 2. I have 3 Boxes of Federal Large Pistol Primers. I am asking $70.00 per 1000 box. 3. I have 6 4lb jugs of VihtaVuori N320 Smokeless Powder. I am asking $150.00 per jug. 4. I have 3 1lb jugs of VihtaVuori N320 Smokeless Powder. I am asking $40.00 per jug.1 point
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Hello everyone, my wife and I just moved here last summer. Found the forums and wanted to join up. Looking for places to shoot. I have been to the (don’t know if I can mention names) rather large place near Costco and the 24. Wouldn’t mind something outdoors here and there during the nice weather coming up. anywhoo, take care Rob1 point
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He's made quite the fortune with other people's money. He's extremely intelligent but his financial independence allows his eccentricities to run wild. That said, the irony of these protests is hysterical.1 point
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Looks like a good deal to me. I know what you mean about Facebook but I don't think you would have to deal with it too long before it sold.1 point
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Like I said in my intro, one of things I collect are .32ACP pocket guns. I decided to pull out a few of my more interesting examples Top left is a Frommer Stop in 7,65. This is one of the strangest pocket guns out there. The recoil spring sits on top, which is pretty uncommon. However, the oddest thing about this pistol is that uses a rotating bolt, similar to what you'd find in an AK. There was even a machine pistol version of it. Two pistols, upside down, each with 25 round magazines, are mounted in a little tripod. I assume the Hungarians had worries that the rabbits would rise up against them Top right is a French "Unique" pistol. This one features an acceptance stamp showing that it was in use with the Moroccan police Bottom right is a German Dreyse M1907. The Dreyse was fairly innovative for its day in that it's striker fired and the firing pin protruded out of the back so you could see/feel if it was cocked Bottom left is the venerable Colt M1903 pocket hammerless. As far as vest guns go, none are more classy. I actually carry mine from time to time. Makes you feel like an old tyme detective searching gin-joints for a dangerous dame with gams that don't quit In the center is a CZ 27. This one features several Waffenampt markings indicating that it was accepted into service with the German military in WWII. The fact that it is blued rather than parkerized would indicate that this was produced just before or early into the German occupation of Prague. This one is magnificent. The bluing is still deep and rich and the trigger even retains its factory straw bluing. Whoever it was issued to clearly didn't do much with it. Honorable mention: Maxine. Like all cats she feels the need to make an appearance when the guns come out Hope you folks enjoy the post.1 point
They’ve been doing this weekly for maybe a month now. If Musk hadn’t thrown that Nazi salute they probably wouldn’t be quite so fired up.1 point
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I would have more confidence in BPD handling knuckleheads than Memphis.1 point
pop pop, next time you are out running around you should go hold one in a shop to see how well you can wrap around and how it feels. Then consider how your grip will change overtime. The round drives mags to be longer front to back which means grips are extended. Its why so many have the brick feel to em. One of the driving factors for the round was to defeat body armor. FN wanted it to be adopted more widely at inception. Its designated AP rounds are restricted, but some of the non AP could do it. Not to many home invaders use body armor The late great Paul Harrell had a good vid or two on it if you are still looking to confirm / deny. He had a good analogy as I recall. Its like a pair of snap ring plies, only good at one thing, nothing else.1 point
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Safety Reminder for Buyers and Sellers This is an automatic reply meant to protect you as a buyer and a seller on TGO. Use the Buyer/Seller Feedback feature to research who you are dealing with. Please come back and leave feedback for each other after the transaction is complete. Your experience will help others. Never agree to use an electronic form of payment to buy or sell a gun! None of the electronic payment services will protect you against fraud in a firearms transaction. They all have terms of service FORBIDDING the use of their services to buy/sell guns. DON'T DO IT. Be very wary of anyone who insists on brokering a deal in private or outside of TGO. Scammers almost always prefer to operate out of the public eye. The complete Trading Post Rules and also some more helpful suggestions can be found by clicking this link. Everyone should read them at least once! ~~~ This was an automatic reply ~~~1 point
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The patent expired about 5 years ago, so other manufacturers are pushing it now they have something “new” to offer. I’d say rent or borrow one first. I had my FN 5.7 for a few years. It wasn’t a great gun imo. The recoil was very light, absolutely. But the ergonomics and size were bad for a pistol. It was more about the novelty of the rifle velocity ballistics. Like a good portion of others that had them before the patent expired, I sold it to a member here a few years ago. Would I get another now that they are 1/3 to half the cost? I don’t see it. Ruger was first out of the gate and I scratched my head that they just knocked off the FN including its bad trigger. While the ammo is cheaper, it’s not cheap. I have hard time justifying it over say an AR pistol in the home defense scenario. much more adaptable. cheaper ammo, more capacity, and will make things just as dead If the ammo drops to sub AR prices and they offer some more interesting platforms that are clear improvements / ergos over things so close to the FN, it would offer more draw imo.1 point
I can’t shrink it. Maybe I can…I have a saw. Wait! You mean the truck or the price?1 point
Too high? Too far away? Nobody need a reliable truck? Don’t make me out this on my wife’s Facebook account and deal with the associated craziness. I hate to get rid of it, but there are now two of us here, neither commutes, and between us, we have four vehicles, and the highest wheel tax in the state. Something has to go. This is just the first on the chopping block, but I drive it anywhere without concern. We’ve pulled the boat to Norris Lake, Guntersville, and many other places without the first problem.1 point
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What a masterpiece this song is. The whole album, really Title is: 2112: Overture / The Temples Of Syrinx / Discovery / Presentation / Oracle: The Dream / Soliloquy / Grand Finale1 point
That is something I had never considered - the implication of Bruin on SBR regulations. I’m not remotely close to a gun control expert but there probably weren’t any barrel length and stock restrictions in Ben Franklin’s day. On the flipside, there probably aren’t a lot of people who want to challenge SBR laws because of the optics. Personally, while I am no fan of the Bruin decision, I think SBR laws are dumb. This pistol is pretty heavy and hard to hold steady. Mount the stock and suddenly your grip becomes rock solid, the weapon pulls in nice and tight, and your eye aligns naturally over the sights with a firm cheekweld. The stock makes any average shooter into a capable fighter. I can envision many many situations, hunting or defense, where the addition of the stock on a compact gun makes the difference between hitting and missing your target in a stressful situation. Just my 2c. Re: the Astra, I also didn’t know these existed until I saw them on Gunbroker. There are a few more clones out there, I think Star and Royal also made some. These Astras are known for having many improvements over the Mauser, particularly the takedown is very fast and easy. The left side lifts off to reveal the interior, which came from the factory jeweled (mine has faded but the jeweling can be seen on Forgotten Weapons’ video on this model). The bore is near perfect. As soon as ammo arrive I intend to take it to the range. I also want to do some accuracy comparisons between stocked vs unstocked. I’ll try share the results.1 point
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Yes, I normally try to shoot the matches at Cohutta Pines in Cisco GA , Cleveland Hunting Rifle and Pistol Club in Cleveland TN , and occasionally at Montlake in Soddy Daisy and then I try to hit the local state level matches and the Nationals and World when they are not on the other side of the country.1 point
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Hit another milestone today. 199.6 lbs when I weighed myself this morning. I believe this is the first time I have been under 200 lbs since high school. I am close to being literally half the man I was when I started losing weight 13 months ago.1 point
I have pocket carried ever since TN passed the Concealed Carry Law bake when. Always carry in a good holster that covers the trigger. Neve carry anything in the gun pocket except my EDC and its holster. Have always strived to be as safe as possible where carry is concerned. I believe any gun is useful no matter the caliber. I don't know many people who want to be shot with any caliber. I am sure there are thugs walking about who will test a man's resolve and I met 3 one day. The 32 is the smallest I have ever carried and I used a flip up barrel Tomcat but it was just too small for my liking so I went to the Colt Pocketlite in 380 and carried it for 6 years. I researched the 32 quite a bit and most have the opinion it is a good caliber and is a fairly effective caliber. I was convinced enough to carry it for a while just didn't like the pistol I had. I recently read a book the security guard (Carl Chinn) wrote about a couple church shootings he was involved with. He was present with a 32 in his hand as the perp walked into the Colorado church campus in which he was security for. The perp had an AR 15 and a 9 MM and 40 caliber pistol on him. He had already killed several on another campus and shot 3 in the parking lot of Carl's church as he came in. The perp drove 70 miles away from the first campus, the came to the church where Carl was head of security for on the same Sunday morning. Carl said he seen the shooter shoot out he glass in the locked door and enter, coming in armed to the teeth, and he realized he was going to face him down with a very small 32 7 shot pistol. Luckly for him, Jean Assam stepped out, just in front of Carl, from a parallel hallway and confronted the shooter with her Beretta 9 mm Police service pistol and stopped his assault. Jean had been a former Police officer shortly before she had volunteered to be on the armed security team in the mega Colorado church. Carl got a bigger pistol to carry after this confrontation. Jean Assam has a web site, and you can Google her name and read her story if you like. I am not on a security team and I know most of you all are not also. Don't have plans of getting into a running gun battle with anyone today either. The 32 should do an adequate job for self-defense although I choose to carry a 9 MM or 357 today, because I can. Helps my confidence level. I, like Carl Chinn, felt under gunned with my little flip up brl Beretta Tomcat. If it works for you, then do it. Edited to add content.1 point
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New here? Step up and tell us about yourself. A good format to follow would be your first name (if you care to share it), where you're from, what your interests are, what gun(s) you have, where you like to shoot, etc. It helps break the ice and you might just find new friends as a result.1 point
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