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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2025 in all areas

  1. Born earlier this week, little Arwen Elizabeth GlockSpock. Such a little sweetheart.
    8 points
  2. Hi there, I am located in southern Nashville. I have a lightly used Colt 1911 (commander, .45 ACP) in excellent condition (only 250 rounds through it) - here is the Colt website for reference (https://www.colt.com/detail-page/combat-elite/?attribute_pa_variant=combat-elite-commander-45acp) Included with this handgun, there is an inner-waistband holster, a carrying case, two new 8-round magazines from Wilson Combat (model 47D - https://wilsoncombat.com/magazine-1911-45-acp-full-size-8-round-standard-base-pad.html) and an ammo canister with 850 rounds of range rounds 45 Auto 230 Grain FMJ Sellier Bellot (https://www.sgammo.com/product/45-auto-acp-ammo/1000-round-case-45-auto-230-grain-fmj-sellier-bellot-brass-case-ammo-sb45a). Beautiful gun and very fun to shoot. Very nice trigger. Features an external safety and a grip safety. I am happy to answer any additional questions you might have. Feel free to reach out! Cash only. Can be flexible regarding location, but preferably meeting around Nashville/Franklin area.
    7 points
  3. Remington 03A3, 30-06 caliber. Barrel stamped R.A., flaming bomb, 9-43. Serial number 4050722. Front bayonet band stamped R, front swivel band stamped R. Bolt un marked. Bore bright and shiny with deep grooves. Stock is solid with “S” stamp in well of on/ off switch, stock is also stamped RA-P. $1100.00. Must be TN resident, at least twenty one years of age. Pick up in Crossville. Trades considered: WWII M1 carbine, Colt S P1, Nambu P38. $+/-. Check out my other listings. Thanks
    2 points
  4. Exactly. I’ve gotten a few and never paid a single one. Even in a CMV. One time I did mail back the citation with “NO!” written on it in thick sharpie.
    2 points
  5. I feel that these speed cameras are illegal, you have the right to face your accuser. Fight it in court and you have no one to talk to unless they specifically have someone go over the video for each and every ticket they mail out. Personally I think that it is the duty of the citizens to not put up with this crap; and remove them where possible. As for the OP who got a speeding ticket in a school zone on a Saturday, I would fight that in court. Time does matter, the reason for the school zones (and they are often posted as such) is to protect kids, if the kids aren't there, they shouldn't be reduced speeds.
    2 points
  6. I'm pretty sure Oak Ridge and Knoxville did away with speed cameras several years ago. They had little to do with public safety and a lot to do with revenue, except the camera contractor was the one making all the money. I don't recall if there was legislation but they were very unpopular, even more so when the details came out. Something about them being run by a contractor and the municipalities not having staff of actual cops to review every case. There are some red light cameras still around, but I don't know if they're operational.
    2 points
  7. Appreciate the input all around. The gun is a gift for a guy with a specific want. I'm a Ruger guy, we debate all the time. I'll keep looking, and hoping...
    2 points
  8. Might ought to consider a 3” .38. You’re much more likely to find one as opposed to a .357. Mostrun .38s through their .357s anyway. Also, you might consider a Ruger. They tend to be cheaper and are built like a tank!
    2 points
  9. Up for sale is a Gen3 Kel-Tec Sub2000 (Sub2K) in 9mm that takes Glock 19 mags. This generation allows the barrel to twist and fold, so you can finally mount optics without any aftermarket parts. Comes with 2 mags and a Primary Arms SLx MD-25 red dot with anti-reflective device attached. How much? $450 (or $350 for the rifle without Optics) PCC retails for ~$400 Optic retails for ~$240 What is the round count? 50 Any blemishes? None, looks brand new. Marked out serial number in pics (FYI) What's in the box? Kel-Tec Sub2000 (Gen 3) 9mm Pistol Caliber Carbine M-Carbo brass deflector (Kydex) 2 G19 magazines Primary Arms SLx MD-25 red dot with anti-relective device (PA-SLX-MD-25-G2-ACSS and PA-SLX-MD-25-ARD) (if you want) I can throw in a gun lock Why would you sell such a great PCC? I used this as trunk gun, but am replacing it with a Matador-9 folder. This Sub2000 will just be sitting in the safe, so wanted to get it to a new home. Looking for any trades? Not currently, just cash. What are your terms for sale? Face-to-face sales only - facilitated in the Mount Juliet, TN police department headquarters parking lot designation for person-to-person exchanges. This cuts down on scams and counterfeit cash deals. Must have valid TN Carry Permit Must be legally allowed to purchase a firearm Cash only. Email with any questions.
    1 point
  10. Lightly used Staccato 2011 P Optic Ready CS Frame, SS Bull Barrel, Tac Texture. Comes with nine magazines, six (4 are staccato and 2 are atlas) 20 round magazines and three (all staccato) 17 round magazines, Safariland 6360RDS Level 2 or Level 3 Holster (has both options) OWB Holster with Safariland QLS Lockng Fork, Tier 1 Concealed Agis Elite IWB Appendix Holster, one extra Guide Rod by Dawson Precision, Trijicon SRO 2.5 MOA, Surefire X-300 Turbo. Original Bag, Paperwork. One owner, approximately 1500 rounds through it. This whole setup, new costs around $5000+, located in Gallatin TN, not looking for any trades. Nothing wrong with gun, I rarely shoot it and I am not a gun collector, if I am not going to use it then I don't need to keep it $3950 obo, will only travel within Nashville area for serious buyer
    1 point
  11. Located in Monterey but can meet Cookeville Crossville Nashville (mon-fri between 6am-2:30pm) Need to flash HCP or bill of sale. Glock 43X MOS bought brand new 200 rounds thru it Vortex defender CCW 3moa dot TLR7sub Nightfision suppressor height sights Ranger gear/johnny glocks trigger shoe Glock store Triblock laser stippling 3.5lb connector Shield arms steel mag catch 2 S15 Gen 3 mags with +2 extension total of 17rds 1 factory 10rd mag Factory box and all accessories SOLD Shadow systems CR920X 2 factory 15rd mags Holosun 507K TLR7X sub $850
    1 point
  12. ***ON HOLD - DEAL IN PROGRESS*** I have a little used, recently purchased Ruger Tactical 22/45 MK IV, Mod.40149 in black. Weapon comes with it's factory box/manual, four magazines and is equipped with a Holosun EPS Carry Green 6MOA with picatanny mount and rubber optic cover. The Holosun's box, manual, spare mounting screws and sight tool will be included. The weapon and optic has seen approx 200 rnds cycled and both are in like new condition. Weapon functions flawlessly and is dead on accurate. I will not separate the weapon from the optic as this is a package deal. I am NOT looking for any trades and will not respond to lowball offers. Price is $600 for the package which will include 600 rnd of CCI MiniMAGS. Buyer will need to present a valid TN CCW and complete a bill of sale - NO EXCEPTIONS.
    1 point
  13. Having 7 trees removed and 8 more trimmed come Monday. Costing me 4800.00. Some of these trees are leaning over our house and only 30 feet away. These trees are from 40 to 55 feet tall and probably over 60 years old. We have lived here for 40 years, and they were large when we built our house. I had them trimmed 15 years ago and they have grown back and now several has leaned over the house if they would fall. Lots of money but it is not getting any cheaper to take them out. I mean some of these trees are very tall and large most hackberries and one 55' wild cherry, and one 55' ceder.
    1 point
  14. I’ve had this rifle in the safe for a few years and it hasn’t seen daylight since my daughter last shot it. Less than 500 rds through it. I have a couple of Remington mags and an extended mag, as well. Looking for $275 cash or open to trades.
    1 point
  15. This SIG P229 in 9mm needs a new loving home. The gun is milled for an optic and has suppressor-height night sights (although I've never used it with an optic). I've installed a solid stainless guide rod. The gun came with G10 grips and the small Legion slide latch, but I wasn't crazy about the grips and hated the tiny slide latch, so I installed an E2 grip and a standard-size slide latch (which is nickel, because at the time I bought it, everyone was sold out of the phosphate versions; now I've grown to like the contrast). Also included with the gun are the G10 grips and the original Legion slide latch in case you want to reinstall it. Comes with two OEM 15-round magazines and one Mec-Gar 15+2 extended magazine. $650 to a resident of Tennessee legally able to purchase handguns. I live in Chattanooga but will drive a reasonable distance for a sale. Thanks for looking, Whisper
    1 point
  16. I’d love a couple! shoot me a text @ 6156059918
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. I think I tractor with a backhoe attachment or the way to go. A much cheaper option, that honestly I'm not crazy about at all, are the Harbor Freight tow behind backhoes. I didn't like the thought of having to get off the machine and reposition it with a truck every time it needs to be moved. Plus there is no way that thing has enough ass to dig anything other than soft dirt. All that said there is a Facebook page dedicated to them and they get great reviews by people who actually own them. Another option is a Chinese mini excavator. I know basically nothing about them other than they can be had for about $5k. But I imagine that with most any Chinese clone equipment you are rolling the dice, best case scenario.
    1 point
  19. My wife and I both carry the 43X. If you get a good purchase and disciplined grip on the G19 and are used to shooting with the Glock grip angle--then the transition to a 43X from a 19 is gravy. I upgraded the OE sights with Ameri-glo night sights. Added an extended metal mag release so the firearm could accommodate the Shield 15 round mags. Added a flared mag well and changed the OE trigger to an Apex replacement because Glock stock trigger shoes are continually the worst part of the gun for me no matter the model. The size is perfect for CCW and the hand grip allows a good full purchase for a guy like me with sausage fingers-- I also added the Talon grip appliqués. Never had an issue with the Talon tape coming off during multiple high volume fire training events no matter the weather. So-- I carry the 43X 90% of the time along with/a spare 15 round mag. The other 10% vacillates between the Sig 365XL w/Romeo 0 red dot and Wilson Combat grip upgrade...and a 1911 CDR.
    1 point
  20. I says on the back of the notice you do not have to pay it and there are no penalties if you do not. I have gotten 3 and never paid any of them. You get some notices and threats but thats it.
    1 point
  21. This may not interest you anymore, but I'll put it out there for anyone else that might be considering the Echelon. My favorite delivery service (USPS....) missed the three day shipping window, as the spring kit was supposed to be here Thursday. It finally arrived Sat. and I immediately started the install of the Powder River Spring kit in the Echelon. The new kit no longer contains the trigger return spring, which was causing issues, so you just keep the OEM spring in it for that. You get a Sear Spring, a Safety Sear Spring, a Striker Spring, and a Striker Safety Spring. I didn't need to remove the trigger for the spring install on the COG, and all the parts went together as they should. After getting done with the install, and checking all the safeties and confirming the gun operates just as it is supposed to, I did a half dozen trigger pulls on it. I went from 4 lbs 10/11 ounces down to 3 lbs and 6 ounces. So the bottom line is that you definitely can use the Tyrant trigger and reduced the take up from OEM (6mm) down to 1mm......and the PRP spring kit will net you almost a pound and a half off the trigger pull. I'm 100% happy with it now.
    1 point
  22. Any other pics as well as price?
    1 point
  23. Have you folks seen the HILARIOUS takes on mora knockoffs sold by outdoor research products(walmart) and the wish.com ones.... THATS a knockoff i will not buy.
    1 point
  24. Don't post pictures. Sorry Very large trees though. I don' climb any longer so at tree surgeon's mercy.
    1 point
  25. Got a SB5 Tactical G36 Receiver in yesterday, now to check fitment of the parts I have and do what fitting is needed for them to be installed on the new receiver. Bbl action wrench and Bbl nut removal tool's should be here today. Stay tuned if your interested in this project. Thanks.
    1 point
  26. I for one don't open carry cause I don't want to. So there
    1 point
  27. Plain old mil-spec Kabar has always worked for me.
    1 point
  28. Trying to put a Cheddite 209 primer (yellow box) in a Win AA case tells me they are definitely 'tighter' (bigger) than USA primers. I don't know anything about 16mm vs 18mm sizes. Importing supplies helps when there are shortages but then these peculiar oddities crop up, like non-uniform primer sizes. It can get frustrating. I found this explanation in a review of Cheddite primers (I do not know if this is true or not, but it does match w/what I experienced): "Federal primers are made in inches. Cheddite are metric. Use USA primers in USA shells & use Metric in European shells. USA primers are 0.241 Metric is .0242 - Len Steyer, OH" I'm happy to hear your brain tumor is responding well to the chemo. That is encouraging! I'm hopeful your esophageal cancer starts to shrink more so you can detect improvement in your ability to swallow. Not being able to enjoy bread and other things you like is aggravating. Interesting about your sensation of taste/smell being affected. Back to homemade .410 shells - making your own cardboard over-wads for use in metallic cases seems like a good way to save some money & kill time. Gluing two wads together sounds like it should work to provide a thicker, stiffer wad, provided the glue holds up over time. Only way to know is to try. As for the cost of shot, over $50 a bag for 25lbs is painful when I remember getting it for $18 a bag @ Gene Sears in El Reno, OK. Such is the march of time and effects of inflation. I just need to recalibrate my brain for the new 'normal'.
    1 point
  29. 1 brick or 1000 Match SPP for sale $100 OBRO Lawrenceburg to Spring Hill and within reason https://www.natchezss.com/federal-premium-gold-medal-match-centerfire-gm-small-pistol-primer-1000ct-fagm100m?srsltid=AfmBOooOKVYSOIw78l9dNLoQ2BdI8OUjypCz1gvuYXWT1f2auoSBr-rL best price I've seen and it's more than in asking before taxes
    0 points
  30. On the ticket, it was processed by a company in Chattanooga by a deputy, they get a % of the ticket and I get a CC processing fee, if I'm dumb enough to get caught again I'm saving the processing fee and paying postage
    0 points
  31. On a side note, I got an email from TFA about a local meeting and they asked that nobody OC because everybody may not support your rights. I found it odd that the people advocating for long gun carry don’t want you to OC a handgun at their meetings.
    0 points
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