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SOLD PENDING MEET ****I have a USGI M1 Garand, Springfield SN 704,XXX receiver from 1942, I believe. Just the rifle, sling, and 5 enblocs included. No paperwork or box. Really cool rifle. See pics for other details Plenty more pics or can FaceTime video to see. Must be legal to purchase/own firearm. Prefer to meet in the Chattanooga, TN., area. $1,250 OBO2 points
Like new Beretta PMXS with hard plastic case and 2 30rd magazines.$850 A brace could be added if one was inclined.1 point
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Newer KUSA KP-9 pistol with the updated bolt carrier and firing pin. 9mm. Ultimak gas tube. Russian railed lower handguard. Zenitco charging handle. Krebs safety. Jmac adapter with SBA5 brace. Magpul AFG. Holosun 515 titanium red dot. 4 KUSA mags. 2 KUSA window mags. 2 Russian pufgun mags. Factory gas tube and upper handguard. (If you want it: Factory stock with Rifle Dynamics stock bag. Selling as a pistol. NFA rules apply for the stock if you decide to form 1 the pistol and add the stock.) Asking $1800 or Trades + or ~ $ peq15 ACR SCAR Colt AR Tavor FS2000 Early Colt 1911 and 1911a1 Glock 19 Gen4 MOS only Gen 1 Glock 17 HK P7 Sig MCX/Spear 20” colt/FN ARs clone rifles1 point
Glock 19, Gen 4 - $450 Includes: Bravo Concealment OWB Holster, OWB Mag Pouch, case, and 4 mags. Glock 19, Gen 4 - $525 Includes: Case, 3 mags, OG barrel, and Alpha Wolf threaded barrel. Light not included. Will remove the threaded barrel from the package if not desired. Glock 43, Gen 4 - $375 Includes: Case, and 2 mags. Glock 48, Gen 4 - $375 Includes: Case, IWB Bravo Concealment holster, and 2 mags. Less than 500 rounds through each.1 point
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Was wondering if anyone has ever tried hog hunting WMA land in northern Alabama? I would like to get into night hog hunting but it is illegal here in TN unless you want to use a freaking shotgun. I know the hog hunting is better in the southern portion of the state but I would like to be able to drive there within a couple of hours.1 point
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My cousin told me his dad was the original Boss Hog of Hazard Ky which is about 35 miles north of Harlen County. He was there around 1942 to 51. The coal wars spilled over into Letcher and Perry County, where Hazard is located, as well. My uncle owned a pool room in Hazard, and killed a drunk man who drew a handgun on him in the pool room, years ago. He shot the man in self-defense, but my uncle Claude Reed had to leave to keep the dead guy's family from killing him out of revenge. There was not much law around there during the early/mid 40's. My dad told me the Sherrif was about all the law they had back then, and they generally just came by after the shooting was done and helped clean up the mess during the coal war period and after wards. Said many were corrupt. Most people in Eastern Ky just took care of things themselves until the early 50"s. My cousin told me his dad ruled Hazard with an iron clad fist and the pool room was his place of business. Cousin Jack said his dad carried, and had close to him 2 SW and 1 Colt Revolvers during that time. He sold his business, including 3 working moonshine stills, for a considerable amount of money in the early 50's and moved across the road from where we lived at the time in Camargo, in N E KY in 1953. My uncle moved to Morning View in W Ky, a few years later, and lived there till he passed. Many said one of those revolvers saved his life that night. Like I stated previously, revolvers have been close to me in every serious situation that I have ever been forced to react too. I never felt unprepared in a single one of them. Now my time in Vietnam was different, although I was never in combat that the VA will recognize. I was on the perimeter backing the Marines, dug in a fox hole in a second line of defense for 3 weeks, during the Teat Offensive of 1968. It was quite a show as "Charlie" overrun the North end of the base, and I was on the West end. We could hear small arms fire coming from the Flight Line and several heavy charges destroying fighter, helicopters, and bomber aircraft less than 800 feet away. I was 19 at the time and that is where I became a man. Not many people can say exactly when the grew into a man, but I can. I viewed a lot of the Pilots carrying SW 38Spl revolvers ever day during 67/68. Edited to add; My father said his brother was as about as crooked as they came during those times. Was involved in a lot of lawlessness.1 point
I love me a good wheel gun. I like to carry a S&W 38sp or a Chater Arms Bulldog 44sp. I can draw the S&W faster than any handgun I own. "I can put two in your guts before you can clear leather with 9mm race gun". The 44sp is just big and loud. The only problem is the lack of ammo capacity. So, I carry a P-365 as a backup.1 point
So much wrong with this video. First guy using his armpit as his holster, victim using his back left pocket as his holster, and the thugs walk in with an AR pistol visibly protruding out of one of their backpacks. Then the victim tries to negotiate instead of GTFO of there. Even the bystanders didn't seem to endangered enough to get out of there as well. Open carry has so much more risk involved than concealed.1 point
My grandfather was a mechanic for the coal company in Louellen KY, in Harlan County. He died in 1942, of a staff infection. My Aunt used to tell me stories of the Harlan County War between the Unions and the companies. I have his Browning Belgium Auto-5 12ga shotgun.1 point
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As I woke up to see 20 on the weatherbug this morning I figured it was the perfect time to get this listed 2006 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible 90,000 miles Woman owned 2.5L 5 cylinder automatic 16" Aluminum wheels Power convertible top with heated glass rear window ( top is in great shape and works flawlessly BUT see below ) Leather interior in good shape Paint is in good shape but does have some dings scratches etc given the age Brakes and tires are in good shape New Battery Clear Tennessee title Never wrecked, clean carfax. The biggest negative this car has is the convertible top material has started to separate from the glass. My research found this was common in this car as well as convertibles with tops that were mfg in a similar fashion. While you can drop the top and cruise in the open air to your hearts content when the top is up you have a gap around the glass that will need repaired or at the least covered. As to be expected there are YT videos showing repair options and if you really wanted to you can buy a new top and have it installed. This option is not realistic unless you can buy a top and do it yourself which is possible if you're mechanically inclined. The car still has plenty of life left in it I just need the room. Price is $6,000 I am in east tn but I will deliver this car anywhere for the additional cost of fuel. I will post more pics when time allows. Please pm me with any questions.1 point
Where was that? My grandfather was heavily engaged in the coal mine wars in Harlan county, KY.1 point
That’s cool, you might enjoy the story of my own model 1905, 4th change. It was purchased for self protection during the bloody coal mine wars by my great/great grandfather. He was the county judge among other things back in those days. It passed from grandfather to me back about 12 years ago. It’s a .32-20 model, managed to swing a few cowboy ammo boxes for it over the years, but slowly been gearing up to reload the caliber.1 point
I got one myself. They are pretty neat. I was actually pretty impressed with the ftlbs that they can put out.1 point
I love S&W revolvers. I've been collecting them for over 40 years now and have bunch. But sadly S&W ain't what it used to be. I don't own and have no plans to own any made in this century.1 point
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I think a lot of it has to do with your age. Many of us Boomers grew up at a time when all the cops carried revolvers and wheelguns were all over the TV and movies. For us they're normal. But the younger generations grew up with semi-autos. That's their normal. Revolvers are still great guns, but just not the standard any more. You go with what you're used to. Although I have seen many posts on gun boards where some younger person discovers revolvers and is suddenly in love with the old guns. I think wheelguns will be with us for a very long time yet.1 point
Zastava m90 with the following mods : BCM foregrip, rearden muzzle device, SLR 13.7” handgaurd with railed gas tube, CMC triggers AK 2.0 single stage, tango town grip, TWS dogleg railed dust cover, and a primary arms SLX 3x prism. Also included are all original parts, 4 clear AC unity mags and a sling with QD swivels. Rifle has 150 rnds total through it. Trade interests would be long range rifles asking $1450 OBO1 point
I may have commented this in the past, so forgive me if I've already shared this. From my lens CC is a shield, OC is a sword. I don't want to have a conversation about it. I don't feel the need to inform people that I'm armed. In today's political climate I am more likely to have a negative interaction than a positive interaction. Even though I despise the Anti-gunners beliefs, I recognize that they may have their reasons for disliking them. You never know what someones story is. I'm not interesting in eliciting an emotional reaction from someone because I'm carrying in public. It's there if it's needed, nothing more. The lord tells me that I should be meek, and that's how I live my life. If someone thinks that's not "alpha" or "manly enough", well they are entitled to their opinion as much as I'm entitled to ignore it. Likewise I feel that if anyone wants to OC, go for it. It's perfectly legal in TN and you should do what makes you feel the most comfortable.1 point
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I thought I posted earlier two more links for some good information about the fight for reform in the NRA. https://electanewnra.com/ This second link is a current board member in a RugerForum thread. A lot of good information. Also in post #75 she recommends voting yes to Amend the NRA Certificate of Incorporation. https://www.rugerforum.com/threads/current-status-of-the-nra-from-an-insider.319066/1 point
Stand by for date, original date won't work. So I want to put together a big event where we can all show off our bbq rigs, eat some good smoked meat, and bang some steel after the meal. I'll smoke ribs, chuck roast and a pig butt on the smoker. Feel free to bring sides and non alcoholic drinks to contribute. Open carry of fancy leather and engraved pistols is encouraged. Bring out your best. After a big meal of smoked meat and sides we can retire to the back field to bang some steel with pistol and rifle. Address will be posted at a later date or sent via PM. It's in Oliver Springs. Please no alcohol or drugs, they have no place around loaded firearms.1 point
I went the Mossberg mdl 500 way. Had a youth model 20 Ga with a side saddle that held 6 rounds and 5 in the tube. It came with an 18 1/2' brl so I purchased a 28" brl for it and gave it to my grandson. I put the plug back in it so it would be legal to hunt with as it only holds 3 rounds in it now. He duck hunts with it. I have a mdl 500 in 12 Ga with a side saddle and 18 1/2" brl in my gun safe now. My 500 has an extended tube on it and it holds 8 rounds on board now. Fills my needs in the shot gun world.1 point
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