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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2025 in all areas

  1. Up for sale is a new Remington Nylon 66 in mowhawk brown. This went from the store..... to my closet..... to my safe ..... where it has occupied the back corner for the last several decades. I do not have the box, but it has never been fired or even taken out except to get a wipe of oil every now and then. If you had one of these as a kid, you know what fun they are! It would make a great gift to pass down to your kids or grandkids too! Cash sale only, Columbia or Spring Hill area. Bill of sale required. I am not on TGO 24/7, but I will reply to every PM in the order I get them. $600.00 OBO
    9 points
  2. Well here we are a little over three weeks later. You can see that they've got it pretty rough
    8 points
  3. A 1911 manufactured for and issued to the various branches of the US military. These are genuine USGI.
    3 points
  4. ****SOLD*** I have a like new in box Glock 19 Gen 5 MOS equipped with Ameriglo night sights. Includes factory box, MOS plates, backstraps and (3) 15 rnd mags. No trade offers please. Asking: **SOLD** Buyer will be required to complete a bill of sale and present a valid TN CCW. I'm willing to meet around the Lenior City/Knoxville area.
    2 points
  5. Commander only had 3 magazines thru it. Only letting it go because my truck is down and a little extra cash wouldn't hurt. Has box, extra mag, 2 holsters, and stuff from factory. This is a great .45 and its like new. I'd prefer a trade plus a little cash. 357 revolvers, 45 lc revolver, .223 bolt gun or..... Pricing at 850$
    2 points
  6. Putting back up since the last offers fell through.. Colt series 70 Wiley Clapp edition 1911a1. Features brass bead front sight, Novak blacked out rear sight, national match barrel, VZ G-10 grips, one Wilson combat Magazine. Been a safe queen most its life. Priced to sell at $800. Located in Knoxville.
    2 points
  7. I got an e-mail from CMP this morning. They're selling 1911s again. A few changes in the rules. No more "Rounds" of sales. No more Random Generated Numbers. Its first come, first served until they're gone. Still a lifetime limit of two per customer, but you can order two at the same time if you want. Prices went up a little, but its still a bargain. Details at https://thecmp.org/
    2 points
  8. They are just Magpul GL9 magazines, nothing special. I already had a few dozen and they’ve always worked. I trust them as much as I do their rifle magazines.
    2 points
  9. There are several side mounts for Winchester 94 lever guns. Most all take advantage of the existing threaded holes on the left side. The scope will be off set to the left to allow for the casing to eject out the top. Being a lefty, this was not really difficult move of the head, as I could just move my head a bit over and tighter to the stock. I would think it might be a little more difficult as a righty as I think you would have to lift your chin away from the stock. I turned the scope 90deg to give the casing more room. that just made the elevation the windage and vise-versa. It was a little odd to sight in at first. I think this is close to what was on my Winchester (I don't have it any more). Weaver Detachable Side Mount #3B (Black) 48412 B&H Photo Video This looks like a decent forward scout scope mount that used one existing location on the left and the rear sight dove tail to mount. Alum Fixture 94
    2 points
  10. ANIB unfired with box and docs. 1301 Tactical. Standard stock and magazine. Not looking for trades at this time. $1200 Easiest contact is lucymcmail@gmail.com Thanks
    1 point
  11. Swedish M96, all matching except cleaning rod with range plate on butt. Very nice rifle. Exc shiny bore , asking $500 1904/39 Port Mauser acquired from Atlantic Arms, 8mm, have ammo available separately, will include 100 rds with sale if FTF, all matching came with correct but non matching bayonet and correct sling. Really nice rifle with exc bore. Asking what I paid few months ago, $600 Argentine Remington Rolling block, was told these were refinished for export, crests removed and reblued. Beautiful rifle with exc bore shiny bore, hard to imagine 100 yr old rifle that shot black powder would look so new. Asking $600. SOLD 1969 Russian Izhmash AK, matching kit from R-Guns, safety and recoil spring are line out refurb parts during rearsenal. Built on properly marked matching Childers receiver, used NOS Romanian barrel. Built by Troy at Inrange. Doesn't get any better. Beautiful laminate furniture, unfired since he built, safe queen. Asking $1800 SOLD Haven't figured out pic loading here yet but happy to text pics. Would rather sell but will entertain trades
    1 point
  12. Update: After all the confusion I called the marketing department instead of the rebate people and the guy I talked to was very helpful and it looks like I may get it after all. Fingers crossed. It became a mission to me not just for the $125 but the principle. I like their firearms a lot and am cautiously optimistic that I will be finally satisfied.
    1 point
  13. (Sorry, I don’t know how to be concise) The Citizen Safety Academy is a training school that is growing in significance in the national training scene. Led by two of the five “REAL” rangemaster instructors, Aqil Qadir and Tiffany Johnson, they occupy a unique place in the industry. In addition to their own traditional classes, Aqil Qadir has been taking over as the point man for Rangemaser’s Combative Pistol Classes, allowing Tom Givens to focus on his Instructor Development courses. As if that was not enough however, Aq and Tiffany have also developed a pair of courses that in my experience are just as vitally needed as they are unique to the training world in their “Gateway Instructor” and “Assistant Instructor” courses. As others have stated more eloquently than I can, the Firearms Instructor world is an open ocean of skills, knowledge, teaching ability, and more. This is in large part due to a general lack of regulation, government or within the industry itself, as to what qualifies a civilian firearms instructor. Literally anyone can become a firearms instructor in most states by simply deciding to market oneself as one. Outside Law Enforcement and Military structures, which are often centered around specific weapons platforms, chosen personnel, and frankly fundamentally different operating conditions; there are only a few reasonably well known instructor programs. These are: NRA, Rangemaster, and the rapidly growing USCCA program. I have not gone through the USCCA program personally, so I will withhold commenting on it. However, the NRA and Rangemaster instructor programs cannot be more different in the demands and expectations of the student, of which both are vastly higher for the Rangemaster class. In fact, the only benefits I can mark the NRA course for are 1) Name Recognition for the uninitiated, and 2) Corporate Discounts. Despite the many benefits of the much more thorough Rangemaster course, there are still gaps in the curriculum, and CSA’s programs fill that void extremely well. The stated goal of the three aforementioned courses is to create a knowledgeable lead instructor ready to teach classes and take on the world. However, real life is not like that, and we as a society already suffer from the symptoms of having “too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.” There is an immediate need for entry level and gateway instructors in the space, but CSA is the only (to my knowledge) group to acknowledge the need. While I have not taken it yet, the first CSA Instructor path course I became aware of is their “Gateway Instructor” Course. I think of this course as the “Instructor Course for Non-Instructors,” with the thought process being that, for nearly all of us, our original introduction to firearms was not a qualified instructor, but rather a coworker, family member, or close friend, who took us to the range or taught us the “4 Rules,” often with inconsistent success. If that sounds like you or someone you know, it might be worth looking into. Between this “Gateway” Instructor and the “Lead” instructors running the course, there is a gap that is filled by the Assistant Instructor, or “AI” (Not that one). These AI’s fulfill vital roles, especially in group classes, but have been completely neglected until now. Historically AI’s have often been newer, but still fully qualified instructors in their own right, who aid the “Lead” throughout the class, but have never been taught how to do so effectively. This was the class I was fortunate enough to attend this Sunday afternoon at Top Gun Memphis. For those unfamiliar with Top Gun Memphis, they are more than an indoor range. In many ways the genesis of Top Gun begins with Tom Givens’ original Rangemaster location in the Memphis area (occasionally known as the ‘Mothership” to those in the circle) where many currently well known instructors first made their bones. When Tom closed the original location to begin itinerate training full time (which should also tell you about just how bad crime is here) there was a severe vacuum in the space, which after a decade was finally filled when former Mothership staff got together to fill that gap. Since then it has become a bit of a Mecca of training locally, bringing in national trainers regularly, in addition to the quality local instructor cadre; Rangemaster Certified all. I was a last minute addition to the class, as life happens and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to attend, but I am very glad that I was. While I am not currently a part of the Top Gun Instructor Cadre, I run in the same circles and know several of them quite well, in particular Mekkos (AKA “Memphis”) Beech and so taking a class with them was a lot of fun. Additionally, while I have taken a course alongside Aqil before, I had not yet had the opportunity to meet Tiffany, so I was excited about the chance. What followed was a particularly well thought out and well presented class. Early on we spelled out the major differences in the 4 major roles in training courses, the Lead, the Assistant Instructor, the Range Safety Officer, and a Coach; and how while a single person can perform each one of these roles throughout a class, no one person can perform any of these simultaneously. In broad strokes, the Lead is where the buck stops. Given my background, I would liken the role to that of a head football coach. They are ultimately responsible for everything that happens in the course and dictate the strategy, or what will be taught and the manner that it will be handled. However this global vision of the class requires assistance to achieve the maximum amount of success for the students. This is where the “AI” and focus of this course comes into play. In keeping with the football coaching analogy, they perform the job of a position coach; taking responsibility for a smaller section of the group, carrying out direct instruction, and executing the plan as it was designed by the Lead. They act as the enforcers of the curriculum and ultimately exist to make the Lead Instructor’s, and therefore the students’, life easier. Range Safety Officers differ from instructors in so far as they are only responsible for the safe operation of range activities, and therefore have no teaching responsibilities. In this way RSOs are very much like lifeguards at the local public pool. Unless there is an immediate safety concern, RSOs should stay silent throughout the course, leaving the instructors to do their jobs without interference. Coaches are the opposite side of the coin of an RSO. Coaches are instructors who have a laserlike focus on one or two students, dedicating a significant amount of time and resources to them, while neglecting the rest of the class. Unless there is a surplus of instructors at the event, it is highly recommended that Coaching does not occur in class setting, instead reserving it for a private lesson, so as to not derail the class as a whole. From there, we focused primarily on the 4 C’s of instruction: Communication, Coverage, Choreography, and Control, and how the presence of the first three all impact the fourth. First is Communication. The emphasis of Communication is not for instructors to be understood, but rather being clear and concise enough to minimize risk of being MISunderstood. There are no second chances on the range, and we cannot put gunpowder back in the casing after a communication error. If more than one person is uncertain, the failure is 100% on you as an instructor. It is also here where the majority of Assistant Instructors have the most difficulty, and that is SHUTTING UP. The Lead is in the driver seat and should be allowed to carry out their job. Interrupting or talking over the Lead is both highly unprofessional and extremely disruptive for the class, who now at best need to split their attention, or at worst, do not know who to listen to. This is especially damaging if the AI contradicts the Lead instructor in front of students. Hashing things out should occur out of hearing of students. Next is Coverage. Coverage is placing yourself or other instructors into positions where they can see and hear everything in a class, so they can make corrections immediately. We discussed the costs and benefits of different positionings and techniques, such as Roving, Wide Angle, Flanking, and Scanning. It is imperative that AI’s be able to reach everyone within their charge in “Two Steps and a Reach” so that we can get there in time to stop a dangerous situation. We probably spent the most time on Choreography, which as they put it, is “actively conducting the symphony.” In reality this is structuring all of the “moving parts” of class so that they can be handled safely and efficiently, and improving the student experience. Aq and Tiff brought up a Gabe White quote that I had forgotten, that “Disorganization is the Enemy of Safety,” which I believe is highly accurate. A meticulously planned and highly organized class is predictable for the student and will not breed the chaos that lack of certainty can bring. In particular we discussed having SOPs for lane assignments, switching ammo, individual exercises, holster work, drills, changing targets, novel stimuli, team exercises, and ingress/egress from the range; and how they impact the class. Finally, we covered Control, which is the sum of the first three C’s mentioned. This is where AI’s catch and fix problems can not be foreseen or avoided by Communication or Choreography. As a general rule, it is vastly preferable to begin class with an excess of Control, as we do not know the skill levels walking through the door. If a class has earned it, it is much easier and safer to release some of the Instructor’s Control of the class than it is to try to regain Control of a class that is beginning to get away from the instructor. We finished the day with some simulated exercises, where AI’s had to deal with common range occurrences while staying within their role. This is a great form of practice and would be much more beneficial than simply throwing an AI to the wolves and figure things out on the spot, which unfortunately is how most instructors learned the actual art of teaching. In review, this was a very beneficial course, and I am glad I took it. Much of this class puts into words things that experienced instructors take for granted intuitively, but have never expressly put it into words to consider. In that alone, this course succeeded. Personally, it allowed me to look at how I run my own classes, and how I can improve the student experience by being more deliberate in several areas.
    1 point
  14. I thought the second season of Lioness was better than the first.
    1 point
  15. Never really liked Billy Bob that much, but I think it was the roles. I liked Landman. His character cracks me up. I just had to keep reminding myself the actress playing the daughter is like 27. If you watched it, you know what I mean. Started watching Lioness Season 2. Pretty good 1st episode.
    1 point
  16. Simply unacceptable, Customer service is non excitant with most manufacturers.
    1 point
  17. Remington 742 woodsmaster 30/06 built in 1979 in very nice condition (I wish it was a .243 too) comes with 2 mags the gun functions and shoots great price is $750 in Shelbyville trades considered would be colt 1911 commander ruger revolver nice shotguns
    1 point
  18. press is Hornady Have all this some powder,large mag pistol primers some small pistol primers, 45 LC/45 ACP bullets. maybe more just gotta go through everything Knox tn
    1 point
  19. I've watched 2 so far. It's not too bad for something to watch in the evening but I won't be buying a team shirt. Seems the chipping and bunker play isn't very consistent. The "pitch off" last night showed that some shots stop and some roll off the green. These guys know how to hit everything precise and you could see the disbelief on their face when the ball didn't react how it should have. The technology into everything is very cool though.
    1 point
  20. Never heard of it. I may have to look into it.
    1 point
  21. I hate the "rebate" game. You have to be so frustrated. You bought the gun, submitted the requested information and were denied your rebate. Now they won't even communicate with you. That's not right.
    1 point
  22. In case you haven't already seen it, Glock and Aimpoint have collaborated to deliver a new variant of several Glock models this year, each featuring a slide cut with a new Aimpoint optics mounting footprint designed to work with Aimpoint's new COA pistol optic. Before you totally dismiss it as the answer to a problem that no one was asking, it really is worth looking at. Not something I'd rush to replace ANY of my existing Glocks with, but (a.) it designed as a package primarily meant for organizations looking to move to optics-equipped handguns, and (b.) it might be worth considering later in the year (or next) if you are in the market for a new gun and optic. Glock's Site: https://eu.glock.com/en/technology/glock-aimpoint-combo Aimpoint's Site: https://aimpoint.us/coa/
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. This safe beast may be the most amazing 1911 I have ever put my hands on. It is a stock Kimber Custom II that has been fully upgraded with Wilson Combat components (original parts included) and a custom trigger that breaks like Murano glass. This is an amazing weapon that I dumped a ton of money in, and then found myself going another direction. Round count is less than 75. Everything in the picture is included, including 500 LN rounds, 2 extra Wilson Combat mags, 1 extended 1 standard, leather holster, a box of Silvertip HP(in case of werewolves). If you have always wanted an excellent 1911, but didn't want to drop 5k into it, then message immediately!!!!! $1000 cash Disclaimer: I have not personally fatally wounded any werewolves with Silvertip HP, use at your own discretion.
    1 point
  25. That's a good deal! I paid that for a non convertible
    1 point
  26. I don't think you really read the material or stopped to understand why this mount is likely very superior to the MOS system. I am personally aware of 10-12 individuals who have had MOS plates and screws fail, or who inadvertently used the wrong length screw and cause the MOS plates to bend (and fail).
    1 point
  27. I like animals way more than people.
    1 point
  28. Hunters call them "The Rib Eye of The Sky."
    1 point
  29. Yes they are and they are delicious.
    1 point
  30. She got back from the Florida vacation last night around midnight. She's attending a graduation ceremony this morning. The rest of the family gets back tomorrow. She woke me up early this morning to show me the ring. I was told I had to act "excited" and "happy for her". She laughed at my attempt. LOL
    1 point
  31. I recently bought an FN 510 Tactical. Great gun but they have rejected my rebate submission multiple times. Usually not telling my why. They finally said the receipt from KYgunco didn't have enough info. Ky gun sent me the info they wanted promptly and after resubmission they cancelled it anyway. After several calls to customer service which no one answered they also didn't return my voice mail. I wonder if they even have anyone working in customer service. I wonder if they use the health care insurance model for rebates and just deny some submissions hoping we won't follow up. They make good firearms but I have spent my last dollar with them just on principle. Lots of other good manufacturers out there to deal with.
    0 points
  32. I only clicked here to see which member you were referring to lol
    0 points
  33. Depends what money you're doubling... I mean... I have no objections to dealing with wealthy buyers if you want to offer 1200.00...
    0 points
  34. At a glance, I thought it was WTB Witches. LOL
    0 points
  35. There is a joke that goes With a boy there is only 1 prick to worry about. With a girl you have to worry about all the pricks!
    0 points
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