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I have an 18 inch Springfield M1A scout that is in a VLTOR chassis system. OD Green color, Full length rail, qd points, adjustable stock, etc. I love it.. it's fantastic but I have a few other 18 inch rifles and looking to trade. It is basically brand new, less than 100 rounds down it. I'm interested in any m1a that is 16 inches. Tanker, Socom II, etc, I could be open to anything at any of the 16 inch M1A's that is still in good condition.1 point
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This is my favorite stuff so far. https://www.ebay.com/itm/164355358110?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uavAfZz2TeC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=CsQiqgA9SsC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Before I used this I used Van’s cold bluing and always had good results.1 point
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Nobody really knows who's full of s$%t in this case. Either one or both could be the problem.1 point
Property rights are paramount in TN as we all know regardless of where one is from. If some half-assed YouTuber is creating chaos it needs to be addressed. There’s not much substance in this thread that I can see, but maybe “plaintiff“ has a valid grievance that no 2A notions or “muh rights”, not to mention common decency, can overcome.1 point
So you moved to Tennessee from where?1 point
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Sure looks like a P80 to me, but I've not seen a high-quality image, so you could be right. I'll look online for better photos. And we'll likely learn much more in the coming days. EDITED TO ADD: A guy on a DIY forum who has built 3-D guns is saying that the gun in question is a Chairman Won printed clone of a Glock 19. So, you appear to be correct that it's a 3-D printed frame and not a P80. Cheers, Whisper1 point
If it's just light freckling, you'd be surprised what rubbing it gently with 0000 steel wool and oil will do to remove it.1 point
I had an FN FNX 45 for a spell, not the tactical though. It was a HUGE gun-lol. I never bonded with it. Too big to carry and for target shooting I'd rather shoot a 1911. Also, I'd take my CZ97 over the FN any day.1 point
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Here in mount julie, we'd had our first a week ten days ago. It lasted to the sun come up anyway.1 point
I don’t disagree about the hyperventilating from the government and media types over it all. I do still think this was a 3DP frame though. There’s a few spots where you can see what appear to be print lines. But otherwise, yeah. All that you said is on point.1 point
Thanks; my comments weren't as precise as they should have been. I realize that some 3-D printed guns use unregulated actual gun parts and 3-D printed receivers, but most cops and the news media use the term "3-D printed guns" to promote fear of untraceable guns being made in basements with this evil new technology that must be regulated. To be fair, some media outlets are reporting the murder weapon as being homemade, which seems to be accurate, but that's not the same as a 3-D printed gun. If you buy an 80% receiver that requires only a drill press and a Dremel tool to finish, and then you buy the unregulated gun parts that are traditionally manufactured, you have a homemade gun, but not a 3-D printed gun. This assassin appears to have used a P80, which would not have required any 3-D printed parts. We'll learn more when someone who is actually knowledgeable about guns gets a chance to look at the murder weapon. Still no photos available of the silencer yet, so we don't know much about it (although Bloomberg did report this morning that it is made of metal). I did not know about the FGC-9; thanks for that info. Cheers, Whisper1 point
I’m not sure if you’re being intentionally facetious, or are just unfamiliar with 3DP in the 2A space. My following comments are written to assume the latter Most 3DP firearms will require some amount of unserialized parts. In most designs, barrels and for pistols, slides, are still required for building a working gun. For a Glock style gun it’s pretty much all just printing of the frame with almost everything else being 3rd gen OEM compatible parts. Even the FTN.3 pistol suppressor only uses some 3DP parts and some other parts that are purchased though we don’t know what design was used as there are other can designs which are fully printed and usually only good for a few rounds. One of the biggest leaps forward in the space was the FGC-9 which was the very first design useable design that required the purchase of zero gun parts. The barrel was steel tubing rifled using a process known as electro-chemical machining.1 point
Google. The answer is most likely Google. It’s the first result when you do a search.1 point
That gun makes more sense than a Station 6. I wonder whom came up with that gun seems odd just to make up. Most people minds go to black gun equals Glock1 point
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To lazy to find or make a new one, just recycling the one from the last few years.1 point
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I managed to shoot a buck I've been following on camera all year. He's not a monster, but I can't resist a quirky non-typical! First got him in camera in late June & as he sprouted, I could tell he was going to be cooler than average. By the time he was full & in velvet I knew that he would take up my concentration. I managed to luck into him on Thanksgiving around lunchtime & put a 77gr Tipped Matchking through him at 124yds. I stripped & cleaned him myself & finished him drying yesterday, for a simple euro mount.1 point
I honestly forgot to change it from last Christmas lol. Cousin Eddie for the win.1 point
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I’ve been rolling through his Twitter feed and I gotta tell you, do not believe the reports that are describing him as an “anti-capitalist leftist“ because they are way off base. His vastly critical of corporate power, but to conflate being anti-corporate monopoly with being anti-capitalist is disingenuous at best. I see no inherent conflict between being anti-government central planning of the economy and being anti-corporate Monopoly control of the economy. They’re both coercive authoritarian means of exploiting the wider population for the benefit of a relative few. it appears that he suffered a really gnarly back injury, and I would expect went more than a few rounds with his insurance. This seems personal as well as political.1 point
Someone wanted him caught. They maybe even paid him to be caught.1 point
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At this point, it has no original finish anyway. If it was mine, I'd get it blued simply to help prevent further damage from rust. The original finish was most likely a dull matte blue unless it was a very early gun. Be careful to preserve the original markings.1 point
It's your gun. Do what you want. I know I've had some guns restored and have never regretted it. If it loses value from refinishing, but you never plan to sell it, what do you care if its resale value is decreased after you're dead? If you'd like it better refinished, go ahead and get it refinished, and enjoy it during the rest of your life. You'll be focused on other things in the next life. Cheers, Whisper1 point
It would lose most of its value for collecting if you reblue the spots. The rust spots will decrease the value some but the reblue will drop it even more.1 point
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I love to shoot my DA/SA P30L. With all the adjustability you can make the gun feel like it is part of your hand.1 point
I think that printing targets are the only way to go!!! More money for ammo...:up:1 point
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It’s pretty wild that we’re back in the ‘20s and Italians are committing Propaganda of the Deed.0 points
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