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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2024 in all areas

  1. My father bought this new in 2002 and has had it till my son bought it this past year as his first car. It has 213000 miles and is still mechanically solid. $SOLD Nashville area. The Bad: It's older and has a few dings, specifically in the driver door, rear bumper, and a crack across the windshield. The check engine light is on due to the O2 sensor. Interior is good but is starting to get thin. It's 22years old! The Good: It has new front and rear brakes, new front end including suspension. It was re-painted white (factory color) this summer, new headlights, and new front bumper. Toolbox is in decent shape and everything works. It's a solid work, utility, towing V8 Toyota.
    5 points
  2. For sale is a very nice Smith and Wesson Victory Model 38 Special. This revolver was most likely engraved in Germany after the war where it also had the ramp front sight added, and the lanyard ring removed and the lanyard hole plugged up. These were common modifications done after the war had ended. Gun functions perfectly well and is in amazingly good shape for a gun made in the 1940s. If only it could talk:) Prefer gun to be picked up at my office in Brentwood. I travel to the Cookeville area on weekends. 750 obo Thanks
    4 points
  3. Thank you all for the service & sacrifice you've made for us.
    2 points
  4. Throughout the generations, they have protected us. Thank you!
    2 points
  5. Many a troublesome semi-auto .22 has been repaired by nothing more than a good cleaning.
    2 points
  6. All unopened, factory sealed. Hodgdon: Universal 8lb $250 Tite Group 1lb $30 H110 1lb $35 Longshot 1lb (x2) $30 each ($50 for both) Alliant Powder: Bullseye 1lb (x6) $40 each ($200 for all 2000MR 1lb $45 Reloder 17 1lb $50 Ramshot: TAC 1lb $35 Vihtavuori: N165 1lb $40 IMR: SR4756 8 lb $200 8208 VBR 1lb $40 4064 1lb (x2) $50 each ($80 for both) I'll consider all offers. Thanks
    1 point
  7. I have a lightly shot blue 4.2" Ruger in 38/357. Comes with box and paperwork. 2021 manufacture date. Beautiful gun but I have enough pistols in 357. I have more pics $675.. Open to rifle and handgun trades. Tikka in 223, 243, 22 250 or ??? Knoxville area. Can meet within reason.
    1 point
  8. Browning Buckmark Camper w/ 5.5” barrel for sale. Excellent condition with minimal rounds. Comes with one magazine and factory box and docs. Local Brentwood pickup at my office preferred. 275.00
    1 point
  9. For sale is a like new Colt Cobra Special Edition .38 Special 2” with Brass Sight and Black Finish with wooden grips. Part number COBRA-MB2WBB. Very few made around 2019. It’s both DA/SA. Black DLC coating. Brass bead front sight. Perfect addition to any collection. Bought this and shot maybe 25 rounds thru her. She has been in the safe since then. She needs a new home. PIckup at my office in Brentwood. 800 obo.
    1 point
  10. For sale is my M&P 9mm FDE Vtac Special Edition w/ threaded barrel. Great series 1 gun that runs great suppressed. It has been a safe queen for several years and needs someone to show her some love. She has the Apex carry trigger that is awesome. Pickup at my Brentwood office or we can arrange a local Middle Tn meet. 375 obo Rick
    1 point
  11. For sale is a Custom Stainless Threaded Ruger MK II w/ 4” Bull Barrel. This is a 1989 gun that I bought like new about 15 years ago. It started life with a 5.5” barrel. I had it cut to 4” and threaded and had the ‘address’ removed from the barrel. It was an incredible job. You cannot even see the line when the thread protector is in place. I just have too many suppressor hosts and prefer optics with my 61 year old eyes. This jewel runs like a F1 race car. Super quiet and oh so sweet. It comes with the original shipping box and original box with all the docs. This is your chance to own a classic Ruger with a modern twist. I am not gonna give it away. This is not your modern Ruger. It is 35 years old and made the way guns were supposed to be made. Like I said, I am just selling it because I need the room in the safe and I have other 22 hosts with optics. It comes with 8 magazines which sell for about 25.00 new. I am pricing this package at 500.00 for the lot. I am gonna be pretty firm on this because I think I could get more at auction since this is a one-of-a-kind. Thanks for looking. Gun will be available for pickup at my Brentwood office. Rick
    1 point
  12. M&P Performance Center 9mm Ported Shield w/Apex Trigger and 5 factory mags. 3 are 7 rounds and two are 8 rounds. Another safe queen that needs a new home. Probably less than 100 rounds. Has been in the safe most of the time. Apex trigger is a very nice upgrade and the factory porting make it easy to shoot. My loss is your gain. Pickup at my office in Brentwood. 350.00
    1 point
  13. For sale is a lightly used Kimber Rimfire Super 22lr with a threaded barrel. Original owner. Has been mainly a safe queen since I have so many 22lr that are my suppressor hosts. Excellent condition. Adjustable sights and a great trigger. Comes with 5 mags that function much better than the plastic ones. Original box and docs. These are rare and last few on GB have sold just under 1k. I will sell this one with the threaded barrel and the extra mags for 850. Pickup at my Brentwood office and save the GB fees and shipping. Rick
    1 point
  14. For Sale: Remington 11-87 "Special Purpose" 12ga w/ extended magazine tube and Surefire forend I've been on the fence about selling this one for a while now, but realistically I no longer shoot it. Back when I did 3-gun this was my 12ga of choice. Semi-auto, 3" chamber, extended magazine tube, Surefire forend (no longer being made), and a speed feed attachment to allow for faster loading. The shotgun has a 20" barrel and the mag tube holds 8 rounds The shotgun takes chokes and has traditional rifle sights on it. I believe there's an improved cylinder choke in it right now. I also have the original mag tube cap and spring if you ever want to revert it back to its original tube. Asking 850. Will consider trades for .357MAG lever guns and .32ACP pistols F2F meetup in the triangle between Goodlettsville, Gallatin, and Portland
    1 point
  15. One more. The Surefire forend has a momentary on/off switch. The light itself also has an on switch
    1 point
  16. Safety Reminder for Buyers and Sellers This is an automatic reply meant to protect you as a buyer and a seller on TGO. Use the Buyer/Seller Feedback feature to research who you are dealing with. Please come back and leave feedback for each other after the transaction is complete. Your experience will help others. Never agree to use an electronic form of payment to buy or sell a gun! None of the electronic payment services will protect you against fraud in a firearms transaction. They all have terms of service FORBIDDING the use of their services to buy/sell guns. DON'T DO IT. Be very wary of anyone who insists on brokering a deal in private or outside of TGO. Scammers almost always prefer to operate out of the public eye. The complete Trading Post Rules and also some more helpful suggestions can be found by clicking this link. Everyone should read them at least once! ~~~ This was an automatic reply ~~~
    1 point
  17. Buy when its on sale and in bulk. Ammoseek.com is your friend.
    1 point
  18. Everything that BigK said. Never pay for shipping and tax. This means serious hunting and having a reserve stash of cash for when you find it. There are often deals that sell out in an hour as the internet is vast and market is competitive. Find the places that don’t charge tax and make a note. Top of my head: beebees, rivertown munitions, Gilbert or Gibson guns in KY come to mind. Sign up for those emails. Hit the free shipping threshold. Always buy bulk. You’ll pay a huge premium buying little by little. Better to save up some capital and then send it. Subscription service would be super cool but I fear shipping would ruin it on smaller batches. Surprised there’s not more of this though for people that shoot on a schedule and want peace of mind.
    1 point
  19. I'm very cheap when it comes to ammo purchases. I have a price per round that I consider a bargain. I won't buy if I can't hit that mark, but if I find it that cheap, I will figure out a way to fit it into my budget. For instance, I won't buy 9mm ammo if I can't get it for 25 cents per round including tax and shipping. This means buying at least a case at a time and multiple email subscriptions to find that deal. I haven't found .223/5.56 cheap enough in years, so I kinda stopped shooting it until I get desperate or prices drop (not likely, I realize).
    1 point
  20. Maybe a used 20 ga coach gun? Nothing to jam or go wrong.
    1 point
  21. Damn had a hard top . Absolute fun car . Wish I could buy to abuse it . GLWS for newer members legit seller here fellas
    1 point
  22. Grunt 67, I had a heart attack on April 15. Went to Acencion ST Thomas Rutherford and they put 2 more stints in (total 11 now) and cleared a blood clot that blocked my "windowmaker" 100 %. My cardiologist is at St Thomas West in Nashville. I was lucky to get through it. I did the rehab, and it really helped me. I am now having difficulty with stamina. Can only work hard for a couple hours, maybe 3. Takes days to get over the heavy exercitation. Being 76 has some to do with it, however I can really tell a difference after the attack. My daughter has a horse farm, and I go out and help her sometimes. Usually finished in 3 hours and really exhausted for the rest of the day. I feel good and have no heart pain so consider myself lucky to still be here. I give God all the credit for showing mercy to me, and my wife, and allowing me to still be in this realm. I very well could have entered the next realm on April 15th. I am one of God's faithful followers. I have put my faith in His Son Jesus and believe he will do what He has told us in the pages of the Bible. I have accomplished the thing I need to do to put myself into a position to be able to take advantage of God's saving grace through faith in Jesus. Guys, believe me, you should do it also. Our time here is limited. We are not meant to stay in this realm forever. Please I urge you to prepare yourselves.
    1 point
  23. All are the same 4116 SS blank that is 8 1/4" long with a blade of about 3 3/4". They are 4 MM thick. All have jimping on spine and come with combo kydex/leather sheath shown. All the handles are stabilzed. They are $105 shipped. 1. Double dyed oak. Dark green and white accents with dark green liners. 2. Stabilized oak with tan and cocobolo accents. 3. Double dyed with lime green and white accents. Has hammered look on sides of blade. 4. Triple dyed with red and white accents. 5. Single dyed with Black and white accents with black liners. Has hammered look on sides of blade.
    1 point
  24. For sale, mid 50s Springfield production M1 rifle. Very nice condition. Looks to be original condition with all Springfield parts with exception of the H&R trigger housing. I have had several M1s over the past 40 years and this one is the nicest one off all. $1600. Sold to qualified Tennessee residents or C&R FFLs.
    1 point
  25. Unopened Box, Original U.S. WWII, Boxed N.O.S., M4 Bayonet & Fighting Knife with M8A1 Scabbard, Chattanooga $500 OBO Unissued / New-Old-Stock WWII U.S. Army M4 Carbine bayonet fighting knife, with an original M8A1 scabbard still in the original box unopened. Original issue labeled box,. Prefer to meet around Chattanooga. If you buy it, open it, and there is nothing inside I will refund most of your money
    0 points
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