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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2024 in all areas

  1. $2,500 Older model, with original Kobra Carry roll mark. Low 4 digit serial number dates it to 2005 (when Ed was still working on guns). Has EB gun smith stamping on the inside of the slide. Factory couldn’t confirm that Ed built this gun, as their records don’t go back that far. But, it is logical given that he was still working then that he either did some of the work on this gun, or at least gave it final inspection. Has recently been back to Ed Brown for their tune up package, all new springs, inspection, and ultrasonic cleaning. While there I had them do a reliability enhancement with an upgraded commander sized ejector (commander ejector was developed after this gun was built), and had them completely refinish the gun. So it’s like brand new. I fired 100 flawless rounds from the gun, cleaned it and put it back in the safe, now it’s just sitting. Looking to sell to fund another project. In the Lord’s caliber, .45 ACP Would consider trades on higher end hunting rifles or a 5 inch Springfield Prodigy (partial).
    4 points
  2. Harvested my biggest bear last week in Maine. Was able to trap him with a snare and take him with my TC Contender 30-30 pistol. The boar weighed 333lbs.
    4 points
  3. It might get out of committee...but i doubt it. Anyone filing legislation that isn't on the "must pass" list this late in an election year is just posturing for press releases. If he's serious, he can re-file it in January 2025 and try to drum up support.
    4 points
  4. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/jon-bon-jovi-prevents-woman-moment-crisis-from-jumping-off-bridge Jon Bon Jovi was in the right place at the right time Tuesday when he helped coax a woman from jumping off a bridge in Nashville. The "Livin' on a Prayer" singer happened to be filming a music video on the Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge when he saw a woman in a "moment of crisis," Fox News Digital has learned. "A shout out to @jonbonjovi & his team for helping a woman on the Seigenthaler Ped Bridge Tue night," Metro Nashville Police Department officials shared on X. "Bon Jovi helped persuade her to come off the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety."
    2 points
  5. This is a “look at me” bill to get him reelection points. It will go nowhere. We do not want the federal government getting involved in national carry business. Methinks it will not end like many assume…think NY or CA requirements and restrictions for carrying mandated in TN.
    2 points
  6. I'll sign one if a seller insists, but have seen no reason for one otherwise.
    2 points
  7. Hey all. Newbie here. I wanted to get some opinions on what you guys think an effective caliber might be for elk. I may eventually use this mystery rifle for buffalo someday, assuming I get that draw within my lifetime. I'm leaning toward 7mm PRC, as I'm looking for a flat shooting cartridge that won't leave my shoulders worse off than they are at present. If my budget for the rifle is upwards of $1500, which brand do you guys like? Right now, I'm looking at the CVA Cascade LRH, which is about $700 under my budget, but the reviews I've read and watched seem really amazing, and it is available in 7mm PRC. Thoughts if you have some on this?
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Up for sale is a brand new, never fired Battle Arms Development workhorse 5.56 NATO. Comes with one mag, in the factory BAD hard case. Asking price is $800.
    1 point
  10. Well, just saying you sold it legally, or actually having some paperwork to back it up, could make a difference in how much they want to talk to you-lol.
    1 point
  11. Stossel has done a lot of stories over the year that exposes common misconceptions. This one and the one about recycling are my favorites.
    1 point
  12. I didn't know that, thanks. I bet that forces them to leave a lot behind. I only say that because it often took my dad and I HOURS to process a deer at home where we have the best equipment and table tops.
    1 point
  13. You bone it in-place and just pack out the meat and the head.
    1 point
  14. Radical Firearms AR-15 6.5 Grendel with 20" SS Match grade barrel and 15"FHR and a Redfield Revolution Scope 3-9x40 Rifle is a tack driver, has 100 rounds through it. Includes a set of LEE 6.3 Grendel Dies 52 Rds of 123 GR Hornady Black 87ish Rds of once fire reloads loaded with 120 Gr ELD X and 26 gr of H335 I bought it to shoot coyotes, Landowners sold the land and I got into bow hunting so it just sits in the safe. $700 open to trades for a 5.56 AR
    1 point
  15. A good maintenance regimen matters - but in terms of low maintenance in saltwater, I can’t say enough good things about Penn reels. The Penn Squall is level wind reel that is all metal - and low maintenance. If you prefer a spinning reel, if the Battle III was the last reel I could ever buy, I’d be good. I must have a half dozen or more in various sizes. They spend a lot of time in the surf - and generally just get sprayed off with fresh water at the end of the day. A deeper cleaning about once a season. If you’re looking for more of a value reel - I’ve got some old Penn Spinfishers that I’ve been using since the 90s. They’re loaded with good braid and I wouldn’t hesitate to fish them today.
    1 point
  16. I figured I would sum up this thread with a conclusion… So I had all but decided on the Leupold Mark 4HD, when I came across a screaming deal on a Athlon Ares ETR 4.5-30x56 UHD that I just couldn’t pass up. Now I haven’t ran it through the motions on the range, but WOW I’m impressed at first glance. Again, I haven’t beat on the thing yet, so don’t come after me, but in terms of feel, it’s as sturdy as my Nightforce and the glass is shockingly clear. Who knows if it tracks perfectly or if the reticle is spot on throughout the magnification range yada yada yada… but so far I’d say I would absolutely buy another one considering it’s half the price of a Nightforce. So far my only gripe is that the turrets are a little TOO tactile for my liking, but I’d assume that’s personal preference. Long story short I figured I’d update the thread for anyone who looks through this later and give a final thank you for everyone’s comments. Shoot straight gentlemen!
    1 point
  17. I have them as well, had one on my back like yours. I fell on mine and it became infected, it took 2 trips to get it all out. I have at least 6 to 8 on different parts of me. Not a worry as long as they do not get infected. Hang in there Bro.
    1 point
  18. Same thing happened to me years ago. I sold a Ruger Security Six to someone and kept a copy of the BOS. A few years later two detectives showed up asking me about the weapon and I was able to show I had sold it. The person I sold it to used it in an armed robbery of a liquor store.
    1 point
  19. Unfortunately, I don't trust any of them and the reasons should be pretty obvious. More than likely, I will be voting independent or writing in a name. "That's just throwing away your vote!" "Why not pick the lesser of two evils?" Because I can't in good conscience cast a vote for either of the "sides" that have shown themselves to be unfit to lead the people. Our government has been out of touch for quite some time and the amount of money and power it has accumulated isn't going to be surrendered for the good of the people. That "representation" is gone. I'm not sure I believe the federal election matters anymore. Local and state have a much closer impact on day to day life and can make the difference when there is federal overreach (and - on the flip side - quite destructive if the wrong people get in). It's really hard not to be cynical and right now I can't see the country getting or keeping a good leader with wise counsel for very long. That type of leadership is exactly what we need to help correct and guide our course forward, but make no mistake it won't be one president alone that solves the issues we are facing. The other part is that we the people need to be honest with ourselves about our part in this mess. Everything that we have allowed to happen because of the obsession with convenience, our selfishness, fear and apathy. We have allowed our lives to become so busy and narrowly-focused that we no longer look around to make sure our country hasn't gone adrift. That being said, as a Christian, I know that God can and will flip evil action and intention for His good purpose (Christ has already won). I'm hoping and praying to be surprised this year for the better, or given "peace beyond understanding" and increased faith if He allows our country to fully enter the dark.
    1 point
  20. I forgot that my uncle had three guns stolen 20 or so years ago. A decade later, he got a call from the police telling him one had been recovered. They gave it back to him no questions asked. This was the same department (Memphis PD) as the one I mentioned earlier. Different departments probably have different procedures and requirements, or maybe it’s just the whim or mood of whoever is in charge that day or that year. All I know is I want all available ammo to fight to get my gun back or clear my name if I ever have the need. A BOS may be weak, but it’s better than nothing.
    1 point
  21. Yes - a friend of a friend was denied his recovered gun when he couldn’t prove ownership. Another fellow provided the police with his original receipt after they implied that such a receipt would be the only way to assist his plight. Both cases were years ago and I don’t know if a BOS would have helped in either case, but the first guy would have appreciated the opportunity to try. I have never needed a BOS for any of the reasons I listed, but I have also never needed to file a life insurance claim. Hopefully, both trends continue.
    1 point
  22. The son dug an old series 70 Colt gubmt model out of the safe the other evenin and I handled it for a while. It re- reminded me how great they are. I went ahead and rounded me up a Fusion Freedom ( gubt with good sights, beaver tail, n skeletonized hammer ) to shoot a bit. I finally took it out the other day n shot it. I like it alot, the problem is my 78 year old hands are wearing out. I'm letting the pistola twist in my grip a bit, and it ain't lockin the slide back on the last round. I like the Fusion alot, I just need a bit more wrist n hand strength. I'ma guessin that that trip was the first time in 40 years I've shot one. They are a great pistola, plenty of power and an extra good trigger. There ain't nothing like a gubt model... leroy...
    1 point
  23. Any of this ever happen to you? How about anyone you know?
    1 point
  24. Anybody here ever had a problem a bill of sale corrected?
    1 point
  25. Out of principle I won't do one or ask for one. I am required by law to "believe" they are a TN resident and legal to own a firearm. Usually when i ask those questions, they offer to show me their ID or similar, but I decline. I don't begrudge the guys that do and I understand their reasoning but I've walked away from some deals because of it. It's not personal and I don't say anything unless it's necessary. It's a personal principled choice and I leave it at that.
    1 point
  26. My view on this has evolved over time. I used to want one as I thought it protected me, and the other guy, but then, after realizing just how bad the fed gummit is, I don’t use them myself, and won’t buy if one is required, unless it’s something I really really want at a good price. I mean, if I’m going to leave a paper trail, I might as well buy new.
    1 point
  27. I no longer do transactions either way that involve BOS. I’ve done a couple early on, but people were wanting more and more info on them over time, to include DL # and address. While that info is attainable to those that know how and where to look, I’m not in the habit of handing it over to strangers. When I sell a firearm I do my due diligence in asking to see a carry permit and/or asking if they are legally able to purchase a firearm. I am more than happy to flash my HCP if asked, but have walked away from deals when guys wanted to take pictures of it or pull out a BOS that they hadn’t previously mentioned. I typically don’t sell here to newer buyers but I will buy from them, which helps them build credibility through the feedback feature. I also factor the value of not having a paper trail into the price, both buying and selling. I don’t think that there is anything suspicious about wanting to participate in a perfectly legal transaction that does not involve a paper trail. I appreciate that not everyone feels that way, and thus you can obviously put whatever terms you want on your sale, it just won’t be with me.
    1 point
  28. I do BOS either buying or selling. Two copies. One for me and one for the seller/buyer. In today's world I just think its a good idea to keep up with where a gun came from and where it went. As long as LE doesn't come calling, nobody will ever see it other than you and the seller/buyer. The only con I know of is that some people will refuse to do a BOS and it may cancel the deal. Frankly, that makes me suspicious and I don't want to do business with that person anyway.
    1 point
  29. NEW NEVER FIRED MAGAZINES NEVER LOADED ! Crown Jewel of True Performance Shooting ! No Need to Say More . If you know the perfect shooter , then you know the Beretta 92X Performance $1,300.00
    1 point
  30. The rotating clown show that ended with Sunak just made the UK Conservative party look spent, and the voters weren't rewarding perpetual failure. It's crazy that a national government can have the same turnover and turmoil as our House of Representatives in the top leadership for all those years, but it works for them. One interesting tidbit of the last election there, Nigel Farage is back. He's a seated MP and head of the Reform party with its five MPs after this election. That's a drop in the House of Commons, but Reform came in third with 14% of the overall vote, so they're not some fringe act the Conservatives and Labour can ignore. Populism sways the UK enough to let a spark become a fire from time to time. All that to say, I wish we had a viable third option over here that wasn't hostile to guns. I'm not about to be lambasted into voting for Trump and I'm not doing the same for Kamala. I'm desperate for a political home that isn't the better choice of you gotta be f'n kidding me.
    1 point
  31. I hate the thought, but that first sentence is on point. The quick adjustment in mainstream and social media platforms made with candidate shift, switching their narrative / opinion and it's resulting impact was immediately palpable. MSM And SM have been the driving engines for many years now. Most obvious since the events of 2019. It's 24/7 and as long as you control the algorithms, you control the country.
    1 point
  32. I fear we may be too late. I've said many times that for at least the last 30 years or more our public schools have been pushing the liberal agenda hard. Just about everybody under 40 is a brainwashed liberal. Real Americans are fast becoming outnumbered. This election may be the tipping point. Vote and pray for America.
    1 point
  33. I've used 30-06 for 5 elk 180grain and 308 168 grain for 2elk.
    1 point
  34. I picked up a Rossi rs22. light weight, shoots fine and I don't care if it gets beat up. I did find the mag had some burrs that had to be cleaned up before it would run reliably. Have yet to try the Mossberg mags to see if they are better.
    1 point
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