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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2024 in all areas

  1. Hey we could take the money out of what we send to Ukraine!
    4 points
  2. Asking teachers what their thoughts on anything 2A related is like 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. They are going to take a dump on our 2A rights 10 times out of 10. The ones who don't wanna touch guns would NEVER be forced to, but they want to prevent the ones willing from saving lives. If a teacher is smart enough to educate our kids, he/she is smart enough to be trained to protect our kids. SROs are not any smarter than a teacher and the amount of actual firearm and situational training would likely be about even. If I need an opinion about astronomy, NDT would do. On religion, school shootings, and politics, he has proven himself to be a moron.
    3 points
  3. John Adams: 'Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.'
    3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. My sis-in-law lives in London, where my brother (RIP) grew up. I hope she and all her friends and loved ones are safe!
    2 points
  7. TN and NC Wolfpack play tonight and is on regular TV ABC 7:30 Go Vols. Also Michigan and Texas today at 12:00. Fells like fall football weather here cool windy with leaves coming down. Have a great weekend
    2 points
  8. That was before anti bullying. Now kids have no idea how to cope if someone calls them a bad name.
    2 points
  9. It’s the foundational law of the land. Its applicability to all and the results of its inadequacies should be readily apparent to anyone with eyes and a working brain. That’s the point of the Adams quote. He knew what kind of document he had helped craft and the type of people it was written for. We have created a population that can’t be adequately ruled by it because they do not possess the requisite moral principles that act as self limiting boundaries on behavior.
    2 points
  10. I have 3 adopted children. 4.5 in total if you take in account the 22 year old I have treated as mine for 6 years. (He's not officially adopted)I have a safe in the garage, a safe in the bedroom, several interior doors require key codes. My Wife doesn't have access to either safe. She does know the key codes because one is to the bedroom door. To get a gun you need a key code for the room and access to a safe. Home defense guns are accessible from the bedroom, if you're in the bedroom and you know what to do. My Wife and I are armed at the house. 3 of my adopted kids have issues. The main issue is the absolute absence of emotions from my oldest son. He knows it's an issue. Guns are not apart of his life even though he knows its apart of mine and his older siblings. My youngest son is the opposite. If he witness something get hurt, he'd be devastated. We spend a ton of time in the hospital or Dr with our youngest Daughter. We have had a few issues with the old Daughter due to the amount of time we spend with the other kids, but it was relatively easy with her. It's a delicate balance with them all. Stuff like this scares me to death. My oldest Daughter has won F-Class championships at 1k and 600 yards at 10-12 years old. My 14 year old son doesn't know how to take a safety off an ar15. My Daughter is almost 21 and slinging cows blood on a white background at MTSU so she can get a degree in forensics. It's not always the parents fault however sometimes it is.
    2 points
  11. The “change” everyone always harps on is not going to come from voting, elections, or the seriously pathetic excuse for people we have running the country from towns to cities to states and finally, the country. This is the society we have created. No one is responsible. Children have equal rights as adults. Those in government are self serving idgits whose only talent is talking. Rampant idealism with no grounding in reality or history. People pumping out kids and expecting the idgits to raise them but they can’t.
    2 points
  12. I think some people just need to come to the realization of several things. First of all, if you or your 13 year old kid is questioned by the GBI, FBI, or whatever law enforcement agency for threats made in person or online, you have some major issues that need to be resolved. Secondly, part of that resolution sure as hell is not going to involve providing something like an AR to an obviously troubled child. Especially after the previous point. Thirdly, parents are in fact responsible for their children. Period. If you enable your child who already has a “history”, you are culpable. i could go on but there is no point. Many of us grew up in a very different time. Unfortunately, times and people have changed…for the worse. Oh, and if things like this continue “they” will take all the guns, regardless of the constitution, although the idea is absurd.
    2 points
  13. Here I have a beautiful S&W Model 63-3 chambered in .22LR. This firearm is in very good condition and has seen little use. Everything works as it should and it locks up tight. It comes with the original box, packaging and accessories. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I’m located in East Nashville, thanks for looking.
    1 point
  14. $500 4 mags and holster. Ameriglow i dot night sights. 4 mags and Bravo Concealment holster.
    1 point
  15. Thanks Austin7.62. I got a few other nice finds with this one to include an Enfield 1888 modified by WW Greener. Another find was a VL loader Daisy Heddon that shoots caseless ammo...wild.While they are all very fascinating, I've just not been the collector of old arms, lol.
    1 point
  16. From what I understand the system did work. Shooter came in, panic buttons were pushed, SRO got there very quickly and ended it. Problem was the shooter still had time to hurt a lot of people. However, bear in mind that the damage could have been much worse. No matter how prepared you are, life and death are a matter of seconds. For the most part, nobody really knows what's happening until the first shots are fired. Then its too late. We need to be focused on keeping the crazies outside and not get in. Even more we need to heed warnings and stop them before they even think about shooting. We are in a mental health crisis and nobody wants to address it.
    1 point
  17. IMI Jericho 941 FS (rare two tone) Comes with one magazine. $500 Must be legal to own a handgun in the state of TN. Serial number blacked out for photo.
    1 point
  18. KelTec KSG 12 gauge for sale. Added MFT Vertical Grip. Pump action, double tube 14 rounds (7 per tube) with 18.5" barrel. Asking $625. Purchased earlier this year but am selling to fund another purchase. FTF transaction in or around Murfreesboro.
    1 point
  19. ^^^^^^ I can't say I've ever been a Texas fan, but I really hope they continue to play well and win against Michigan. The TN game should be good!
    1 point
  20. All armed teachers proposals I've heard are trained volunteers only with Principal approval, so no burden on anyone. Agreed on all the extra security you mentioned though
    1 point
  21. I believe the Dad has a very good chance of beating his charges in court. However, the legal fees will bankrupt him. But then, maybe that's the whole idea behind these charges. If your kid gets crazy, you're gonna pay one way or another.
    1 point
  22. I've helped a lot of people over that mental hump in the past 6-8 years. Once they saw what they could do with a dot, and how it improved their shooting with iron sights, they all admitted that their previous apprehension was unfounded. I shoot faster and more accurate with a dot than I ever did with irons, and I wasn't shabby with irons in the first place. I hope that we all can agree that speed with accuracy, or improved accuracy alone, are what we want from our defensive shooting abilities. You can't miss fast enough to win a gunfight, but you also literally have the rest of your life to get shots on target when the fight begins.
    1 point
  23. In general I'm supportive of armed teachers and like the concept of smart guns for the purpose. To expand the thought, would less lethal options such as tasers be worse than nothing? I have no personal experience with such weapons so I'm genuinely curious.
    1 point
  24. One of the originals this world is a less place without him. I know he taught me a thing or two.
    1 point
  25. The genZ group is way different depending where they live and grow up. I work with a bunch and they are mostly conservative, with an acceptance of others shall we say. My 23 year old son is like that. And talking to them they are all voting for the bad orange man, and like minded local politicians. Most of us were taught don't talk politics well BS to that don't ever stop talking politics. And please if they won't install term limits we have to stop voting the same people to the office if they can't move up move them out. No more lifetime politicians.
    1 point
  26. I run a 12.3" 12 gauge police 870 for the tractor and shoot rats. I hate to tell you how much fun it is.
    1 point
  27. So I only know what I personally like, but my Beretta A303 20 gauge semi autos are among the most reliable guns ever (with standard loads). Have had mine since the 1980's. Can be found used for a decent price. However, only the sport model had a shorter barrel AFAIK and that was 26". Don't see those a lot.
    1 point
  28. Guys, this is a 2 year old post
    1 point
  29. and slipping off topic somewhat. I fully believe that "they" would and will try to disarm Americans completely. It is the basis of "their" platform to take care of you every need. Your diet, your health care, your security, what your children are taught, what kind of car you drive, what you can and cannot say. If you don't think "they" will actually try to take your guns you need to open your eyes to what they have already taken.
    1 point
  30. So we need parenting? Discipline? Morals? Yes we do! I keep several weapons at the ready. When my children were young I had one out of four that was not trustworthy. One who would sneak, scheme and work through barriers to access. I had to keep all but one empty and locked, I had one that was always within arms reach, ready to go. We have the responsibility as parents to understand our children and their tendencies. We have the responsibility of seeing that they are not perfect and see their faults. Adapt and overcome. Trust but verify. I have avoided the news on this shooting. I don't want to know what the media says, I don't care what the politicians have to say. This is tragic, as with the Nashville shooting, I'm sure clues were missed or ignored. We live in a time where parents will fight unceasingly for their children even if they know the child is wrong. So yes, we are all complicent allowing our society to get where we are. It's going to take adults to fix this. Not teachers and politicians but parents. Also, there have been two students in Nashville schools caught with guns this week. Do I think the timing of an election year is part of the issue? Sure, the rhetoric is not lost on our youngsters, they hear when the president says a GOP win will destroy our country.
    1 point
  31. This is very true and is well stated. I too switched several years ago to a XDs .45 and have run thousands of rounds through it. The acquisition of this firearm, the feel, the familiarity, the reliability and the fact that it is muscle memory rather than only thought to bring it to bear, far exceeds the benefits of a few more rounds or a red dot or a rail system or anything else. Everyday carry (EDC) is for one purpose..... to save my life and the lives of my loved ones. It represents the most hallowed position that can be held in the realm of firearms. This is in no way a put down of the newer technology that is available or the cool features, etc., etc., etc. I enjoy those as much as most others.
    1 point
  32. Most parents ain't got a clue about their kids. Sure, they're perfect when around Mom or Dad, but when they're on their own, totally different kid. But this is also perfectly normal. All kids hide things from their parents. Its natural. Think about all the stuff you got away with as a kid that your parents never knew about. Long story I won't get into, but I once saw a 13 year old look a Police Officer dead in the eye and say that if he got into trouble over this, he'd kill the kid who reported him. Repeated that several times and was dead serious. Of course when his mother arrived she said "My baby? No way, you're the liar!"
    1 point
  33. Welcome to TGO. I'm not that good enough at clays to judge, barely get by with a 12g without looking really bad but ran the clay machines enough times for competitions to see good shooters get higher scores than me with a .410 if you still want to do clays. Maybe try sport clays so you have a bit more time doing a round. I haven't shot it yet but was given the tour of the new Greeneville sport clay course and it looked challenging. You need to bring a 4 wheeler/golf cart of some kind or rent one. I think they said the cart was only $5 extra,.
    1 point
  34. Been watching his videos for years. One of my favorites. Hated to hear it yesterday.
    1 point
  35. Please, no one take this as a statement of indifference or callousness toward those injured or the families of those murdered. I mourn with them, as we all do I am sure. That said, of course a school shooting happened during the run-up to the election. No conspiracy theory is needed to support my lack of shock, either. Sick people are going to do sick things to get attention during this time of increased attention by the media on things that are polarizing or triggering to the American people. Keep your collective head on a swivel, people. The months ahead are going to be interesting.
    1 point
  36. Hate to hear this. I only discovered his videos a year or so ago. I enjoyed watching them. Through his experiences and vast knowledge, he offered some good info. He will be missed. RiP Paul.
    1 point
  37. Knew this was coming but still hate to hear it. I always enjoyed his presentations. RIP.
    1 point
  38. And here's the final look, also installed a new set of Night Sights also. The grips are made by Wood Caliber and are made out of American Walnut. Now I'll tear it back down lube and hand polish some of the internals put it all back together screw on the grips and give it a go and see how it runs.
    1 point
  39. He announced he had cancer several months ago and quit doing videos. Still sad to hear he's gone. I watched a lot of his vids over the years. Learned a thing or two.
    1 point
  40. RIP Mr Harrell, prays to his family.
    1 point
  41. The rotating clown show that ended with Sunak just made the UK Conservative party look spent, and the voters weren't rewarding perpetual failure. It's crazy that a national government can have the same turnover and turmoil as our House of Representatives in the top leadership for all those years, but it works for them. One interesting tidbit of the last election there, Nigel Farage is back. He's a seated MP and head of the Reform party with its five MPs after this election. That's a drop in the House of Commons, but Reform came in third with 14% of the overall vote, so they're not some fringe act the Conservatives and Labour can ignore. Populism sways the UK enough to let a spark become a fire from time to time. All that to say, I wish we had a viable third option over here that wasn't hostile to guns. I'm not about to be lambasted into voting for Trump and I'm not doing the same for Kamala. I'm desperate for a political home that isn't the better choice of you gotta be f'n kidding me.
    1 point
  42. "Dark Winds" on Netflix-- 3 Episodes in...so far so good.
    1 point
  43. You do understand that we want pictures don't ya?
    1 point
  44. Red for me because I find it stands out well against most backgrounds.
    1 point
  45. Emerson CQC-7 folder in pocket. ESEE 4 fixed These two are workhorses in my humble opinion.
    1 point
  46. The EDC will get many good responses. As for a fixed battle blade, contact Grand Torino here on the forum. He'll make you a custom to your specifications for a very fair price. I've bought several of his builds and had a commissioned camp knife that is phenomenal.
    1 point
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