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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2024 in all areas
Here's a New CZ 75 D COMPACT 9mm w/ Three 15rnd. Mags, Case, and Paperwork. Price Reduced-$700/OBO CASH FTF, NO TRADES at this time. I live in the Whitehouse area and can meet locally around Goodlettsville, Hendersonville, Gallatin, and Nashville area. Here's a couple of pictures, I'll get more later this morning. Thanks for looking.7 points
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It's awesome to have friends to shoot with, but it's even better to create your own. My 9 yr old grandson clearly favors head shots. Even at only 50 ft, I think he's doing pretty good for his age, especially with open sights. If he keeps this up, he'll be my 1st round draft pick in the zombie apocalypse draft. He shot a mix of offhand and with a rest. My dad was a hunter, so he taught me to use a rest whenever you can. I think that's solid advice for hunting, but I want my grandson to be more well-rounded. This is his favorite firearm, a Rossi Bravo lever action .22lr that we bought from a forum member last year. He might actually love shooting even more than me, LOL. We really enjoy the TWRA range, SRHEC, on Percy Priest lake. I think next time I'll see how he handles 50 yards with and without a scope.4 points
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Search continues for two suspects accused of shooting THP Trooper (wsmv.com) Prayer for his recovery.2 points
Little SS skinners $100 each. Comes with sheath shown. 1/8" Thick 440C SS. 7 1/4" long with 3" blade. 1. Digital Camo G10 handle. Black G10 pins. 2. Black Canvas Micarta handle. Brass pins.2 points
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The GOP has practically gutted the whole 2A section from their party platform for 2024. https://thereload.com/2024-republican-platform-drops-gun-rights-promises/#:~:text=In its first official platform,the process entirely in 2020. “The 2024 platform’s cursory discussion of gun policy priorities marks a significant departure from the party’s 2016 platform. The party previously dedicated an entire section to the Second Amendment. In it, the GOP listed specific pro-gun policies it wanted to enact, as well as gun-control measures it opposed.” “We support firearm reciprocity legislation to recognize the right of law-abiding Americans to carry firearms to protect themselves and their families in all 50 states,” the 2016 document reads. “We support constitutional carry statutes and salute the states that have passed them.” “We oppose ill-conceived laws that would restrict magazine capacity or ban the sale of the most popular and common modern rifle,” the section continues. “We also oppose any effort to deprive individuals of their right to keep and bear arms without due process of law. We condemn frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers and the current Administration’s illegal harassment of firearm dealers. We oppose federal licensing or registration of law-abiding gun owners, registration of ammunition, and restoration of the ill-fated Clinton gun ban.” I really don’t think we have any friends in high places, anymore.I’ve felt this way for a while now.1 point
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Staccato C2 Limited Edition includes: Dawson Precision ICE Comp, Threaded barrel, DLC coating, X-serrations, trigger tuning, 2 - 16 round mags, OEM documentation, and soft bag. Price $2,400 In person sale near Chattanooga. Must be a Tennessee resident. I don’t want to ship. I accept cash, Zelle, PayPal F&f, and Venmo.1 point
SOLD Comes with a case, Price is 200.00 and FIRM, No Trades You know you need this. I'll throw some pics up tomorrow Here's the manual for this unit: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b4413869772ae5b390f1a56/t/62404ee2b4bd35212ca637b8/1648381685252/FLIR+C3-X+Manual.pdf Works perfectly, find leaks in your home where you couldn't be sure before. Amaze your friends an family as they now need to spend money to fix all the air intrusion happening in their home. Be excited to discover that "Thermal Bridging" is bs 98% of the time and the pictures prove it. Be all the rage at family get togethers because everyone wants a pic of them on fire. NOTE : This is also how you discover potential mates are cold fish and maybe not for you, saves a lot of time1 point
Sorry to hear that-- I have a 2019 4Runner and as far as paint chips and maintaining the finish go-- it's doing really well. Better luck for you in the future sir!1 point
Placing all the information in the bright clear light of sunshine would, more likely than not, have a remarkable disinfecting quality all of its own...1 point
https://www.newschannel5.com/news/one-man-in-custody-for-thp-trooper-involved-shooting-another-still-on-the-run NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — After a more than 24 hour manhunt, one of the suspects wanted for shooting a state trooper in Cookeville has been captured. Officials were able to arrest Braze Rucker, but the Tennessee Blue Alert from the TBI is not over because they are still working to identify the second suspect in this case. The THP shared video of Troopers from Kentucky and Tennessee taking Rucker into the Hopskinsville Police Department. 29-year-old Rucker was found and arrested by Kentucky State Police in Princeton, Kentucky, which is North of Hopkinsville and about two hours away from where the suspects' car was recovered by law enforcement in Gallatin, Tennessee.1 point
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It sounds like you have your shopping down to a science. You are a "mall walker" but without the mall! That's great thinking for getting in your steps while avoiding the heat and cold. Your neighbor lady sounds nice offering to help w/the lawn mowing (her boys) and taking you where you need to go. Kinda renews my faith in people a bit. God bless her for offering to help during your time of need. Your son scored big finding another wheelchair w/the parts you needed. Sounds like you are covered for mobility. I hope you keep recovering quickly and can get back to enjoying some time @ the range soon.1 point
He reluctantly let me have a turn with it. I see why he likes it. We had a red dot on it, but we both hated it. This rifle has really really good open sights.1 point
He's looking tough! Give him a high five for me. See now I wanted to shoot that lever action as well!!!1 point
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It is. Had a bit of a heath scare. Came back negative for cancer on Thursday. I'd just got finished working 18 12 hour days. Took the boys out riding go-carts and a bunch of other stuff the afternoon after the appointment. I was horse playing with them Thursday afternoon and destroyed my ankle. I'm 50 years old with 12 and 14 year old boys. I was told they'd keep me young. LOL1 point
I'm always suspicious of any takedown system that separates the optics from the barrel. They often need to be zeroed after assembly. I'd love to see one in action.1 point
I have seen pistol bullets (or their “trace”) fired from handguns numerous times and they appear to be several feet long. It’s usually a .45 shooting into sunlight early and standing near, but not directly behind the shooter. A 9 or.45 has three or four times the bullet going 1/3 the speed, so it shows up a lot better than a 5.56 would. No idea how long the image is actually there for the brain to process.1 point
When I was spotting in F-Class, a 308 or 5.56 took forever getting to the 1k mark. I was watching the actual trace not the bullet. That bullet would have been 2450-2600 depending on the load at the 150 yard market. Assuming cheap off the shelf white box ammo.1 point
For me, it was the way he could calmly work around stupidity, absorb it and only perhaps use slight sarcasm instead of losing his mind. Masterful comedy.1 point
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Greg is right... Check this out... https://patriots.win/c/TheDonald/p/17te9pKIWx/ The " Trans Kids " are deeply troubled and are a danger to themselves and others... We need to quit believing the fairy tale that this is just a passing phase... Check out who some of Kyle Rittenhouse attackers were...SIGH... leroy ...1 point
I feel betrayed by every person holding elected public office. Regardless of party.1 point
Wondering if releasing the writings is harmful, then why is the media allowed to do an Anniversary story & dredge up old wounds .1 point
I’m mostly interested in preventing something like this from ever happening again in the future. If there is something in those notes that could help with that, I think keeping them locked away is an injustice. I cannot begin to imagine the grief those involved live with every day, but I’d think they’d want to prevent a repeat of this as well.1 point
The difference in me and you ( and the families ) is, Indeed, that I'm not " intimately involved "... That, I will grant. I can ( and do ) have empathy for them. That said, I believe that this is an issue of substantial public safety interest having considerable, social, political, professional, and institutional ramifications that does not need to be hidden nor swept under the rug under the guise of protecting the feelings of those involved. Those " involved " will, sadly never recover from this tragedy; and I understand that. That does not lessen the need for these issues not to be fully aired. leroy...1 point
In case you haven’t noticed, our government, as well as the media, have recently proven themselves quite untrustworthy. This, coupled with the fact so many folks are adamant the public not see this material makes me think that something very bad is being covered up.1 point
With all due respect; let me translate this pronouncement: " We know best, how dare you ask these impertinent questions "..! It's the usual " Were experts n we know best. You are not mature nor smart enough to ask these impudent questions "... Some institutions and possibly personalities are being protected here, and it ain't the devastated families who lost loved ones here; nor the blueprints n floorplans of the Covenant School. I find the " morbidly curious " pronouncement to be a bit over the top. When you do that; you've moved from debate to defamation. That's never a good look. The questioning the details of what this poor demented child thought with an eye toward prevention of these tragedies is, in my view, a reasonable and fair question to be answered in the public forum. Your mileage obviously varies. leroy...1 point
Man, the conspiracy theories. Has it not occurred to everyone that: 1: The School and Church (with the concurrence of MPD) don’t want intimate details of the school (layout, etc) made public to the crazies that obsess on school shooters/shootings (like this school shooter did). The school still gets threats from crazies since the shooting. 2: The School and the Chirch (with the concurrence of the MPD) don’t think in that putting the crazy writings, detailed preparations, and others research done by this shooter will do anything but help fuel the next school shooting. 3: Putting all this out will be mentally harmful to the families that lost loved ones, as well as to the student and adult survivors (my wife included) that still deal with the effects of the shooting every day. 4: Once it is out there, it will forever be out there on the internet for future crazies to read, covet, and use to fuel their own sick fantasies. 5:Most folks who want this material released are just morbidly curious. Others think there is must be some “big reason” that “we can’t know about” or that “doesn’t fit the agenda” or some other political bull####.1 point
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Yessir, but I wasn't very specific and I don't see an option to change the title, so bring on the hot rods, four wheelers, crotch rockets, and bulldozers. No bowties allowed, though.1 point
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I have rarely heard of anyone ever saying, yea I noticed the signs but didn't say anything. Maybe it's from not wanting to be blamed for not reporting, or from the shame they may feel from not doing so. It is a discussion that needs to be raised, because many of the actions she may have taken beforehand can be attributed to many of us on any given day, such as buying weapons, weapons training, and other tactical behavior. Which is why red-flag laws are so dangerous IMO, it can have disastrous consequences if LEO comes busting down a door in the middle of the night at any security minded person's home.1 point
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That wasn't clear by the title of the post. Dilution of the English language continues, apparently.0 points
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