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  1. If divine providence is absent from the discussion of why a bullet meant to blow Trump's head off missed by a scant few millimeters and only because he turned his head at just the right moment... then the only thing we have left is that he survived purely by coincidence. I'm not a fan of the idea of coincidence, so I attribute his survival to the idea that it wasn't his time to die yet because God isn't done with him on this earth. Now, whether that means God is long suffering in his grace and allowed Trump to live another day because there is something keeping him from being "right with God" that still needs to be resolved [read: salvation] or if it means that Trump plays a role in some plan that God has... I don't know and it's not my place to say. I do not and dare not speak for God on such matters. But with all of that being said, I think we can agree on the simple fact that our nation will be electing its next president a few months from now and the options that we currently have are to either continue down the extremely disastrous road that we've been on for the last four years, governed by people who outwardly seem to hate our country and everything that it stands for, or we pivot back to Trump - a man who still seems to be the antithesis of that. A bullet nearly irrevocably changed our options. The fact that it didn't -- by sheer fluke or coincidence or whatever you want to call it -- feels to me like divine providence.
    13 points
  2. 13 points
  3. So God can do anything. Creation of the universe or causing a shooter to miss his intended target. He could very well have turned the bullet into dust if He so desired. Our point isn't to say God didn't do that or couldn't do that, it's to say that we simply don't know. Faith his taught me that knowledge of God's work is positional. When it's time for you to do His bidding, you'll know. Others around you may not however, because it's not theirs to know. That's your personal relationship with Him at work. Example.. recently I was in Phoenix AZ recently, having breakfast in a hotel with my son. It's just the two of us at a 4 seat table. The room fills up pretty quick and a family comes walking out with their plates looking for a seat. I overheard them talking about splitting up, so i offered to move us to a 2 seater nearby. Just common courtesy stuff. As we're sitting there, i kinda felt this draw to talk to the gentlemen, so i asked where he was from. Turns out he's from foothill ranch CA. I said "huh, that's funny, that's the only place i've ever been in CA". He chuckled and went back to eating. Oddly, i feel this pull to hear more from the guy, so i offered up "yea we're from TN" to which he replied, "oh wierd, we just got back from there. A little town in Wilson County".... which is where i live. I asked why he's in Pheonix and it turns out his family is there because his sister is undergoing her last chemo treatment from breast cancer. I just casually said "Oh man, I'll be praying for her" and to my shock, he says "OH THANK YOU SO MUCH, COME ON MOM!" and jumps up to have my pray over them. I am NOT a people person. I chat on here a fair amount because i like the community, but that pull.. i just couldn't describe it. It was like I HAD to know more about this guy. That was God at work, through the holy spirit. I have no doubt. Did I work some kinda miracle? absolutely not, but was I a tool to help this family with their journey? Yeah, I believe I was the tool that God used at that moment. His sister rang that bell btw.
    11 points
  4. Indeed they do. A long time ago in a land far away, I thought my ticket was about to be punched. I said a prayer, and a calmness came over me that I’ve never hadn’t experienced since my baptism. It wasn’t my time. I also believe in miracles. I was told by doctors on a Friday that I would be cut open on Monday for a medical issue. It didn’t happen, and I left the hospital a few days later with meds and a lifestyle change. It wasn’t Trump’s time!
    10 points
  5. I stopped trying to explain matters of personal faith to people who aren't genuinely interested in understanding them a long time ago. Your objective here isn't to understand, it is to argue. I don't have the time to spare for that, nor the interest.
    10 points
  6. I'm struggling to think of anything I've read from the most ardent Trump supporters that suggests they think he can turn water into wine. What I can think of are many cases of people simply pinning their hopes on Trump as the candidate who most closely seems to represent their personal values, or as being the candidate most likely to bring some stability or restoration to the economy, secure the borders, bring important manufacturing capacity back to the United States, and project enough power globally so that America, Americans, and American interests are safer than they have been in a long while. Are those the things that you think makes him some sort of god-like deity to his supporters? Because, man, if so... most Democrats think the exact same things about their candidates of choice. Well, except for the stuff about a stronger America. Democrats don't seem to care much about that as far as I've seen.
    8 points
  7. I think a common misconception is that "something bad happened, so where is God?", asserting that he doesn't exist because things didn't go their way. God is always working, but that doesn't have to mean sunshine and rainbows through all things. The bible details immense amounts of suffering by even the most devout. We were given free will by the creator on high, but that's here, on earth. God saved a lot of people that day, but didn't save that firefighter/father. Why? I don't know, but God does. Always working doesn't mean we will always understand the plan. God doesn't owe us an explanation. That said, I would say its crazy to think that Trump has some personal protection order that prevents death from God himself. He's just a man.
    8 points
  8. I have not been one to hold the views of the southern preposterous lie center as anything of value in a very long time. Many years ago, they performed a valuable service, but have long since strayed from their original mission. as far as the article is self goes, the author absolutely has a particular viewpoint that they are trying to push. That’s something one should always be aware of in all media. Still am of the view that there may be data of value to consider here, we shall have a better idea in the fullness of time. Lastly, I don’t speak much about my faith because I do not want my weaknesses to push anybody away from drawing close to Christ. In this moment I feel compelled to speak up as a Christian though. Please accept these words with the humility and respect that they are offered. It is difficult enough to discern the intentions of man in any individual instance where they are unable to tell them to you. I find it a very risky proposition to ascribe divine motives to any event that cannot be truly tested by scripture. In this particular case, it risks, deifying a mortal man, and putting a divine mandate upon his shoulders. While I have openly expressed my feelings about President Trump, I am very grateful to God that he was not killed in this attempt on his life. I am praying for the injured, the dead, and their families. But please, to my brothers and sisters in Christ be very cautious before laying a divine imprint upon the events of Saturday.
    8 points
  9. From that article: I just want to point out that this is the mindset of the Southern Poverty Law Center. SPLC has been held up by people on this forum before as being the kind of organization that you should care about what they think. Well. I guess in this case you certainly should.
    7 points
  10. Daniel 2:21 God chooses the leaders of a nation. He chose and used Darius and Cyrus of Persia. Saul of Tarsus, all evil men at the time. God used an errant Prophet and his jack ass (who spoke) so I know that he can used a self important person like Trump. I do not fully trust Donald Trump but I know that he is in God's hands, for God's purpose as we go into the End Times. I look at all events through a lens of Biblical prophecy so I see things differently. The Messiah has come and the world stage is being set for His return. Israel is the key. Those that choose not to see it or believe it are free to do just that. God's plan is well above my pay grade, so I read the manual and watch. Trump is a piece of the puzzle, as was Stalin, Hitler, Washington, Tojo, Reagan and others. Watch and pray brothers....as we were commanded.
    6 points
  11. Amen. I will vote for him because I like most of his policies and we were better off when he was in charge, not because I want to be his buddy. He was not my first choice for the nominee, mainly because I felt others could do anything he could do with less noise and drama. I’ve read a lot of accounts that claimed one-on-one he is the nicest person people ever met. Maybe so, I don’t really care. Politicians are tools for us to use to get good things done or prevent bad things from being done, nothing else.
    6 points
  12. I can’t see why he shouldn’t.
    6 points
  13. the Bible tells us it rains on the just and unjust alike. It also says man has a prescribed time to die.
    6 points
  14. I as well but I'm not wasting time on someone who's been a member less than a week
    6 points
  15. That article smells like damage control. Deflect from over the top rhetoric being a factor and blame it on the father being involved in “gun culture.”
    6 points
  16. Divine intervention.
    6 points
  17. That inner peace you describe is inspiring. It's been my experience that only God can make me feel like that. Thanks for that testimony about the surgery that never happened.
    5 points
  18. Coolest thing I've see you post my dude. Hope you're recovering well.
    5 points
  19. This is the video I mentioned yesterday. There was an enormous lack of urgency by law enforcement to respond to the people pointing out the threat.
    5 points
  20. I would only wear it at home because wearing it out in public would invite interactions with people, and people are generally just the worst.
    5 points
  21. Donald Trump - Missed Me - T-Shirt – Nine Line Apparel
    5 points
  22. This theory is the latest attempt to discourage a few would-be Trump votes, like claiming that Trump was convicted of sexual assault - a known lie intended to plant some doubt. Besides the rants of a few wackos, what evidence or indication is there that Trump suddenly became anti-2A? It’s another idiotic conspiracy.
    5 points
  23. Or Trump may say, “Wow, guys with guns saved my life.” And 2A is still part of the platform.
    5 points
  24. I hope they have that image on a tshirt soon for his campaign, so I can buy 4 or 5 of them.
    5 points
  25. LOL @ ^^^ First thing I do when reading an article is see who wrote it.
    5 points
  26. I don't think of President Trump as a deity, I view him as a flawed man just like me. Is he perfect? Far from it as I am.
    4 points
  27. All of the things you mentioned would outstanding, if Trump can achieve them. While he’s at it, I’d like him to push unity among Americans. Because Americans disagree on who should lead the nation, doesn’t mean we need to hate one another. There are billions of people outside of our borders already doing that. Deity may or may not be a stretch. I formed that opinion based upon reading many thousands of comments during live streams. Also, a stronger America, is an inclusive America.
    4 points
  28. Would never consider I was being dismissed. There are a few people on here that I find offensive, Chuck is not one of them even when we disagree. Thanks I will revert to the preacher in me now I do not believe God cares in the slightest who leads what country nor if any of our nations even exist. When the Hebrews asked for a king, what did God tell Samuel? they have not rejected you they have rejected me (God) God did not appoint a king but told Samuel to harken unto the people. God is not interested in what a person aspires to or achieves. He does not mold every day of the world. He set it in motion and placed us here with free will as stewards of his creation. His will is that His word will stand throughout time regardless of man not because of mankind. I believe that each of us has a job to do but if we refuse God will send another IF it pleases him. Otherwise it will be set upon us as failure at judgement whether the task is done or not. That said, I do believe this nation will continue to decline as long as we refuse to acknowledge the true and living God. I also believe that decline is inevitable. We can delay it but it will come to all nations.
    4 points
  29. Oddly enough, other than MSM saying it was an AR-15, both sides have been uncommonly quiet about gun control. Usually after any shooting MSM goes right to gun control. Curious indeed? I seriously doubt Trump will go anti-gun. He knows very well who his base is and where they stand.
    4 points
  30. Some folks might see me making comments on this as knocking on Trump, it's not. I admittedly think he's nowhere near someone I want to be President, but that's not relevant to any of what happened here. He's a politician, image matters as you say. Two things came to mind when I saw the images of him with the blood smears. 1) He has a political advantage from it. Even if it's going to make Democrats less aggressive in how they go after him and his policies, that's something. I think it'll bring his supporters out even more than anything else, which is the opposite of how Biden is losing enthusiasm in his base. 2) The response he had was very human and indicative of his character. He has always been a defiant type, and with the adrenaline flooding his system, he wanted to stand up and be seen as such. Part of that is maybe it's hard to get a 6'3" guy who I assume can't bend over that well to keep his head down, but he very clearly saw the moment, even if it was a spontaneous reflex.
    4 points
  31. An evil man with murderous intent accurately fired a bullet that was headed right for another man's head, but at the last possible second the victim turned his head and the killshot became a flesh wound. I'd say that chain of events is all the evidence many of us need to believe that God saved him. God doesn't owe you any proof and neither do I.
    4 points
  32. I'd stand with this man any day. I'd trust him versus any .g0v alphabet agency. Language Warning.
    4 points
  33. Jack Black is a pos.
    4 points
  34. I read about others claiming it was staged too. How nuts do you have to be to think anyone would allow someone to shoot your ear from 130 yds away? Shows how illogical and blinded by hate some people can be.
    4 points
  35. He pushed his wife and daughters to the ground and shielded them with his own body to save them. Had he not done so, they might be dead instead of him. Sounds divine to me.
    4 points
  36. southern preposterous lie center. Fantastic post!!!
    4 points
  37. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2024/07/14/trump-shooting-gunman-father-ar-15/74401175007/ I’m starting to get the vibe that this may not have been as ideologically motivated as first assumed. It may very well be just a standard case of a disaffected weirdo looking for fame on his way out.
    4 points
  38. I’ve listened to both and I can take Tucker more easily than Bongino. Tucker knows the art of interviewing. IMO Bongino appears to intentionally be inflammatory. You’re right, with Bongino’s background and access, he shouldn’t have to talk with veins in his forehead to make his point. I guess I’ll give them both another chance. I’m serious about not being interested in the news anymore. I attempt to have a clear and peaceful mind on a daily basis. All the biased “news” ruins that goal. I now fill that time swimming three days a week, flight sims, reading random stuff and watching almost anything until college football kicks off.
    3 points
  39. I get some weird impression that you cool af to hang out with and I'd only disagree with 5% of your beliefs. That 5% though...LOL
    3 points
  40. I have hoped that for years. Saturday’s assassination attempt “miracle” gave me another boost of idealistic hope that maybe the daily barrage of ignorant vitriol spread by politicians, the media, and most importantly, internet halfwits, would subside a bit. No chance for that. It’s back to business as usual. One day, people are going to sit in ruination and ask “What happened?” Well, duh.
    3 points
  41. Oh, man... there's the problem right there. And I say this as being someone who makes the same error all the time! The problem is you're reading what the whackadoodles on livestreams and social media are saying. I've sworn off Facebook so many times now because I find myself reading something incredibly asinine and thinking, "I wonder if this person is as much of a dip#### as what they just wrote leads me to believe." And then I click their profile, read a few more things, see family photos where everyone's eyes are spaced just a little too far apart if you know what I mean. Before I know it, my assumptions are confirmed and everyone's a dumbass, the whole human race is a miserable mistake, and I'm just ready for a giant meteor to crash into earth and end it all. Don't pay attention to the comments on live streams. Those are lonely weirdos whose own families won't even talk to them anymore. I suspect their customer bases are 10% true fanboys and 90% people who just like stirring up liberals. Businesses who sell #### for the sole sake of antagonizing people you don't like always make big money.
    3 points
  42. I think the politicians and main stream media are equally to blame for this predicament. They foment the vitriol as if pitting us against one another is the only way they can achieve their goals. We should be even more afraid of why they don't want unity than we are of the lack of it. EDIT: Even though I'm well aware of this fact, I fall for it all the time.
    3 points
  43. Maybe some think DJT is appointed but no true Christian would elevate him to deity. Going down that road would make the shooter akin to Judas who was used for God's plan. I can't see Trump as the anti-christ either.
    3 points
  44. Wouldn't that be quiet the plot twist nobody is expecting. One thing that may be armchair quarterbacking but did cross my mind is the following. I read somewhere that a local officer confronted the guy as he was climbing the ladder but the shooter pointed his rifle a him so he backed away. You can also see a lot of agitated onlookers at the beginning on the video. So you are in the middle of a rally and see someone that you suspect is about to take a shot at the ex-POTUS. Why not scream "Gun" as loud as you can? If you are LEO, simply discharging your weapon into the ground would achieve the desired effect. Is it just that everyone was way too afraid to be the "person that overreacted"? While it seems extremely likely that the entire incident was based on poor planning, I also chalk a lot of it up to complacency and the status-quo.
    3 points
  45. He'll know how to turn the assassination attempt to his advantage. Was already starting when he realized the shooter missed by the images we saw. He's very attuned to image presentation. The timing of it with the convention is something I think he'll make use of as well.
    3 points
  46. That's a weird way of saying he survived an assassination attempt.
    3 points
  47. I already voted early. But not for her.
    3 points
  48. Watch: New Video Shows Trump Shooter Climbing To Roof - People Warning Police | ZeroHedge
    3 points
  49. Thanks for the linked articles guys. I wouldn't normally look at USA Today. their article was subdued somewhat and even stated they were using unsubstantiated and hacked info leaked by investigators. Not saying it wasn't factual, just that what was written earlier about waiting until the investigation is over bears repeating. The spokesperson did say the rifle was nothing special. Pure speculation on my part: This was an exceptional young man who was ostracized by his peers and decided to show his father and the gun club how well he could shoot. The comment on learning why is very relevant and a touchy subject to those of us here in middle Tennessee.
    3 points
  50. I put this thread on timeout for the moment in the hopes that we all will be able to lower the temperature and tensions, a little bit with a breather. In the meantime I will leave this for consideration and reflection.
    3 points
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