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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2024 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. It must have been really hard on her. Right up to the point that she started killing children. F**k her problems.
    5 points
  3. I have a few guns for sale: Ruger LCP II 22 lr: like new in box - $250 Ruger LCP II 380 ACP: like new in box -$250 Ruger American Predator: 223 REM, like new in box, minor surface scratches under the barrel -$400 CZ All Terrain 20 ga: 3” chamber, 28” barrels, like new in factory case with 5 chokes and wrench- $600 Prices are firm. Take it or leave it. Thanks for looking.
    2 points
  4. Federal Judge Blocks ATF Rule Expanding Definition Of Gun Dealer | ZeroHedge
    2 points
  5. The anticipation is rising for all members who are joining up for the meet and greet. Can ya feel it?
    2 points
  6. Her arms are wierding me out!
    2 points
  7. The NRA hired Aaron Luper as their lobbyist in Tennessee in the 90's, she was a dyed in the wool Democrat that donated money to Ralph Northam, They then hire a member of Bill Lee's staff, who had never been a member of the NRA and was not an advocate for the 2nd. This last young man (Kelby Seanor) lasted two years and was a fireball ala Darren LaSorte he got moved up and i have no idea what we will wind up with. Seanor stood his ground as much as Washington would let him and hopefully that portends better things for us all, but lobbying is buying access. We are better off suing for gains than trying to elect enough people to change the metric. It takes dollars to put up suits and win them. Lawyers are not cheap and doing the research and writing the briefs that will sway a judge or panel is expensive. If every person who buys a hunting license in Tennessee (728,759) would donate the cost of one box of ammo to our Foundation we would have over $10million to work with. Per case cost is $150K more or less, and. I am scrapping and begging to get enough in the bank for one per year. GOA helps by allowing us to get their staff attorneys to help write briefs, more than I can say for any of the other organizations. I donate to SAF (Life Member) and FPC (won the 18 year old's law suit in Beeler) and work gratus for TFA and have for the last 25 years. If the latest ATF run at your rights does not scare you, you have soft spots in your head...
    2 points
  8. I have 4 like new Ed Brown stainless 1911 9mm magazines with bump pads. These are 9 round mags. Maybe used once. Would like to trade for equal quality 1911 mags. Prefer 38 Super, but might trade for 45acp. Now $15 each.
    1 point
  9. Target sold ammo? Just found these forgotten treasures hidden away. Bought around 1980 when I was just a kid...well my dad bought them. Price on the 30-30:
    1 point
  10. Continuing my collection purge. Located in oakland tn near memphis. Springfield 1903, low serial. I have shot it and its a very accurate rifle at 100 yards. $1200 tn residents only, legal to own, hcp holder preferred sold
    1 point
  11. Nice gun, really hate when you have such good deals so far away GLWS Get close to me in Knoxville and I'll take it!
    1 point
  12. Yeah, I guess it's because of the finishing they didn't do a good job but it's a shooter and that's it.
    1 point
  13. ROFL I didn't even notice that. meanwhile, he has an unlit cigarette finger.
    1 point
  14. If she had the surgery, she still be bat s$^t crazy.
    1 point
  15. firearms? register? I can't even fit them into the same sentence!
    1 point
  16. You buy reloading components as a hedge against inflation and availability... and stealth. I am the only person who knows what I cast and load. I am loading ammo with 20 year or more old components. Nobody is gonna beat that price. Haven't bought a pistol bullet in 30 years.
    1 point
  17. Most warranties these days are tied to the original purchaser.
    1 point
  18. Hello everybody, it getting to be that time of year again. Here are my classes for the year, all of these classes are free. April 4 Edible wild and medicinal plants Primitive fire building This will be given at Standing Stone State Park (bear Livingston, TN)as part of their nature rally, don’t have the times as of yet, I usually do one before lunch and one after. May 2 Crossville, TN 1:00PM EDIBLE WILD AND MEDICINAL PLANTS Class size 15, be prepared to hike a mile or so regardless of the weather, contact me for scheduling June 6 Edible and medicinal plants 1:00PM CST CROSSVILLE,TN Class size 15, be prepared to hike a mile or so regardless of the weather, contact me for scheduling AUGUST 1 Primitive fire building CROSSVILLE, TN Class size 15 9:00AM CONTACT ME FOR SCHEDULING September 19 1:00 PM CST Edible and medicinal plants-Crossville,TN Class size 15, be prepared to hike a mile or so regardless of the weather, contact me for scheduling. October 17 9:00 AM CST BUTCHERING and processing large and small game, I will show how to field dress deer a deer sized animal without gutting it or handing it up, also will demonstrate small game, I would like a small donation for this one, due to the cost of the goat and rabbits that will be used, everyone gets a share of the meat.
    1 point
  19. If just for your own target use, consider a GOOD 1911. I know I know, old school. But they still are magnificent X ring shooters.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. You would think that putting a couple of large concrete block in front and rear to prevent this would be a reasonable expense. Of course, a good camera system with off-site storage is critical as well! I feel for these small business owners who are being targeted!
    1 point
  22. That's one thing about technology that bugs me.... it causes irretrievable failures in things that would otherwise work forever. I'm old, so I didn't grow up with things like built-in range finders, but I'd rather have my scope just be a scope. Same with other stuff, too. I don't want fancy electronic displays in my car, because I keep my cars a long time and I suspect those displays are going to fail long before the engine will, and that the parts will be unavailable in ten years.
    1 point
  23. There should be huge "overreaction" any time our rights are threatened or taken away.
    1 point
  24. Well, since communists deal in instilling fear, I believe everyday people will cease setting up at gun shows. Attendance will be down & many promotors will go out of business. I believe many will drop prices & liquidate their collections. I believe there will be arrests both at homes & gun shows to bolster their agenda, make examples. These tactics have been used in various states, especially the blue states. I hope I'm wrong & these unconstitutional "laws" are overturned. Some here have labeled President Trump a dictator, yeah right, there's a dictator & his minions in office now seeing to the destruction of our country.
    1 point
  25. as a relatively low cost/low hassle option I use the EVA DRY bundle. It comes with two separate units I can place in different parts of my safe and they "charge" for about 2 hours and are then good for a month or two. Doesn't matter if I lose power, there is no mechanical parts to break, and if for some reason something goes bad its $50 to get a new pair ($25 each) so it's pretty economical. I have had this for coming up on 2 years and my safe has zero problems despite being in my garage which is usually open to outside air with me working out of it.
    1 point
  26. Gregg, if you buy it, I'll pay to have it chromed.
    0 points
  27. @Worriedman Is TFA using funds for the suit for the Covington writings? I was seriously thinking about joining TFA because I do think our 2nd Amendment right needs qualified people to help protect it in the courtroom, but that suit has absolutely nothing to do with gun rights, so made me think money was being wasted. I have no inside information and if you can explain it to me that makes sense I would probably reconsider.
    0 points
  28. I feel this morning's coffee working. A positive feeling nonetheless.
    0 points
  29. Damn, Rob! Let me make you a black leather scabbard for it, and you can mount it to your bike. Don't get rid of that!
    0 points
  30. I bought my first one in the early 2000s and it's been a downhill slide into addiction ever since. My single stacks really haven't seen the range very much since then. I've built several and still have a few frames and slide sets I need to do something with.
    0 points
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