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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2023 in all areas

  1. Here’s Cash the ACD. Good boy. Kinda goofy. Definitely spoiled rotten.
    12 points
  2. This is Pascal. My daughter named him after Rapunzel’s lizard in the Disney movie Tangled. Pascal is 12 years old, weighs six pounds, and has no teeth, but he thinks he is a wolverine. This is Cody. We lost him in February. He had 8 or 10 pounds on Pascal, but had a much better disposition. He always looked like he was smiling. This is our other dog, Teddy. Teddy is actually a cat, but may have more dog DNA than Pascal. Teddy is the friendliest pet we’ve ever had.
    10 points
  3. He is a Doggo ... Dogo Canario He is very large for the breed weighting 165 pounds 30" at the withers. Most males are 125 pounds to 140 pounds 26" at the withers ... They are also called Presa Canario ... not for first time owners but great family dogs if you train them from an early age. They bite hard and once they are going after something you better have a well-trained dog that listens to your commands.
    9 points
  4. I don't recommend selling them to a gun shop or FFL dealer. Remember, they have to resell them at a profit. They'll low ball you bad. At best, you might get half of what they're actually worth.
    5 points
  5. 5 points
  6. Hey guys, I WAS SCAMMED… SELLERS BE CAREFUL. Selling my Ruger GP100 Match Champion .357. 4.2” barrel. The Match Champion has some factory polishing of internals resulting in a smooth running double action pistol. Simply have not had the opportunity to shoot this gun and see no reason to keep it in the safe. Probably shot 12 rounds total thru it. Extremely nice, never carried… (Holster included). I purchased this Gun new. MSRP on Ruger's site is $1239 Would be interested in trading for a Ruger SP101 or GP100 with a 3” barrel in like new condition. Murfreesboro, TN (615 294-5577) $750 SOLD
    4 points
  7. Benelli M4 H20: * Briley carbon fiber +2 magazine extension * Additional Briley +1 extension attached * Carlson Breecher choke * GG & G bolt & bolt release pad * Mesa Tactical rail & shell carrier $1850 or I'm interested in Staccato, CZ Shadow 2, and LTT Beretta 92 variants. Feel free to drop me a line with any questions or offers. Thanks fellas.
    4 points
  8. The folks here like guns and lots of us are near by in the West Tennessee area. Post 'em here in the For Sale Forum. I have some experience with selling off estate guns. Several years ago I dealt with my late best friend's collection for his wife. First step is to do a complete detailed inventory. 2nd: establish current fair market value. This can be done by checking closed auctions on GunBroker and similar items for sale on the internet. Finally just sell 'em. I got a few tables at a gun show and sold many of them there in one weekend. Its a very time consuming and tedious process, but it will get you the most value. I'm right here in Bartlett. If I can be of help, just PM me.
    4 points
  9. ATF proposal on firearm sales could criminalize millions of gun owners, NRA warns!!! https://www.foxnews.com/us/nra-torches-biden-admin-plan-change-rules-gun-buyers-sellers FIRST ON FOX: The National Rifle Association lambasted a proposal from the ATF that the gun-rights group says could "unjustly criminalize" Americans for selling a firearm and consequently create "serious confusion" for legal gun owners who engage in firearm transactions. "The Biden ATF's proposed rule, ATF2022R-17, is just another attempt to demolish our Second Amendment rights, with the potential to unjustly criminalize everyday Americans for engaging in lawful firearm transactions," NRA-ILA Executive Director Randy Kozuch exclusively told Fox News Digital in a statement. "This rule blatantly disregards the recent NRA-backed Bruen ruling on the Second Amendment. It also creates serious confusion among lawful gun owners who buy and sell firearms legally for various purposes, from collecting to self-defense." Kozuch was reacting to the ATF proposal ATF2022R-17, otherwise known as "Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms," which would amend the agency’s regulations and incorporate provisions of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a gun control law signed by President Biden in 2022. The proposal would expand the definition of "dealer" to anyone who "sells or offers for sale firearms, and also represents to potential buyers or otherwise demonstrates a willingness and ability to purchase and sell additional firearms." The proposal would also incorporate the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act’s definition of earning a profit from gun sales, meaning a "dealer" would include individuals who sell guns for other forms of profit – such as personal property or services offered – not just cash. The proposal would subsequently spark confusion among gun owners about which firearm transactions would require a federal firearms license, accordant to the NRA. "If the Biden administration were truly committed to combating crime, they would focus on enforcing existing laws and reform their soft-on-crime policies, targeting actual criminals instead of law-abiding American gun owners," Kozuch continued in his statement to Fox News Digital. Following the House and Senate’s approval, Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act into law in June 2022, which was championed by gun-control activists as the most significant firearm legislation in nearly 30 years. The law incentivized states to implement red flag laws and expand background checks for 18- to 21-year-olds. The ATF’s proposal was introduced in August this year and was open for a 90-day comment period from Sept. 9 to Dec. 7. The NRA was one of more than 330,000 groups and individuals who posted public comments about the proposed rule, detailing in their response that the proposal would spread confusion for gun owners, notably collectors and competitive shooters who frequently purchase and sell firearms. "Many NRA members buy and sell firearms for various lawful purposes. Collectors buy and sell to enhance their collections. Competitive shooters buy and sell in search of a competitive advantage. And all exercise their right to buy and sell firearms, seeking arms that best fit their needs to defend themselves and their families. But their freedom to do so is hindered by ATF2022R-17 (the ‘proposed rule’) because it would create serious confusion about what firearm transactions can be conducted without first acquiring an FFL," the NRA’s comment states. Republican Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen led a coalition of 26 attorneys general on Dec. 7 in a letter to the ATF, slamming the proposal’s "shocking and unconstitutional attack" on the Second Amendment. "The proposed rule is unconstitutional, violating the Second Amendment by making any individual who sells a firearm without a federal license liable to civil, administrative, or even criminal penalties," Knudsen’s office said in a press release last week. "In America, it should be legal for a family member to sell a firearm to another family member without risk of prosecution. But the exception is flawed," the Knudsen-led letter states. "Reading the exception, one can conclude that if a family member sells another family member a firearm for as little as one dollar more than the original purchase price, that seller could be open to civil, administrative, or criminal liability. That absurdity risks hurting innocent people and chilling law-abiding behavior." The NRA applauded the Montana Republican and the coalition of AGs for "truly honoring their oath to office." "NRA members appreciate Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen and the coalition of 26 attorneys general, who, unlike Joe Biden, are truly honoring their oath of office by actively fighting against this rule. The NRA is resolutely committed to fighting this ill-advised rule at every turn, safeguarding our constitutional rights from such blatant federal intrusion," Kozuch said.
    2 points
  10. That’s very true - and there are some legit questions about how long consumer spending will last. 70% of GDP is consumer spending. So, to be clear - the American consumer is propping up the whole economy. It’s not awesome - but it is how it has been for a long time. Mind you, all of us *should* be pulling for Taylor. It matters. Some of y’all might have noticed that the Fed - with their dual mandate - did 15 consecutive interest rate hikes to try to get inflation down. They’ve gotten it from better that 9.5 to a little over 3%. All the while, they’ve kept unemployment low - including some historic lows for some historically underemployed groups. If you want a proverbial “soft landing” - that is monetary tightening without causing a significant recession - most economists would quietly admit right now that this is about as good as it gets. They don’t want to jinx it. For better or worse - consumers spending on stuff like the Eras tour plays a significant factor in this
    2 points
  11. Bump. FYI, someone on here was bugging me about finding it for cheaper somewhere else and how my price point would "make it hard to resell them in this economy". If that's you or your line of thought, keep walking. I am not here to facilitate your ability to maximize the value of these items. Also, good luck explaining to the alphabet boys your not-business strategy. And to boot, according to my research, you CAN'T find it cheaper anywhere else. Occasionally they show up on GB for less than $3K. These are extremely rare. And if you can find it IN STOCK cheaper somewhere else, I'll be happy to negotiate that with you. I am not unreasonable, but I am short on patience when it comes to the scheming little parasites in this community.
    2 points
  12. You wouldn't believe the number of gun enthusiasts blind to this proposed rule. I tried my best to spread the word at the last gun show before the "open comment section" closed but the overall attitude was either " I'll just stop setting up at shows" or "won't affect me" . Another bite in the ass thanks to the BSCA. It's got all the usual suspects from the D side but these are some R's that need to hear about the screw job they gave the gun owner. Roy Blunt, Missouri Richard Burr, North Carolina Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia Bill Cassidy. Louisiana Susan Collins, Maine John Cornyn, Texas Joni Ernst, Iowa Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Rob Portman, Ohio Mitt Romney, Utah Thom Tillis, North Carolina Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania Todd Young, Indiana
    2 points
  13. My power has been restored! No Internet yet but I'll take my house not freezing. It's been a crazy few days. If anyone needs help, Northeast High School has tons of supplies. The community has been amazing with donations and assistance.
    2 points
  14. Touch downs all around me but nothing at my house except rain and some wind. Saw today where it hit and power line down, power poles broken off, buildings smashed, and vehicles smashed and one on its roof and almost in Ft. Campbell Blvd. In winter (December/January) if it gets over 50 degrees F for two days here it means bad storms/tornados.
    2 points
  15. Assuming they're all "normal" firearms then you just pack them up and bring them home. Straight from the horse's mouth, which is the other end from where they've been speaking lately: https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/whom-may-unlicensed-person-transfer-firearms-under-gca The exception to that would be if the inheritance includes any National Firearms Act (NFA) items. Those would be suppressors (aka "silencers"), full-auto guns, short barreled rifles, and short barreled shotguns. There are a few other oddball things too that would fall under "destructive devices" and the purview of the NFA rules. Those still need to go through a transfer plus a $200 tax stamp unless your benefactor had them in a trust and you and/or your siblings were named on the trust as trustees.
    2 points
  16. They made me a better irons shooter because I learned to shoot more target focused. The idea that you always have to focus on the front sight and therefore can’t pay attention to what the target is doing is becoming Fudd lore.
    2 points
  17. Here's my daughter, Maggie, with our purebred yellow labs Daisy and Shelby, and our pitbull / cattle dog mix, Barrett. We have always had a dog since we first got our own house. The kids grew up with a big 90lbs pitbull / black lab mix, Sebastian, who was so gentle that he'd let them bounce on his head, and so intimidating that the Jehova's Witnesses stopped knocking. Sebastian was a rescue, just like every dog we've had since. He was a 7 month old that was too much puppy for his original family to handle. Being black and a pit mix, he was not likely to be adopted. We found him at the pound on his last chance month, and he was the best-behaved dog anyone could ask for. When we moved to a house with property, Sebastian gained a little brother, Scout. He was a cattle dog / shepherd mix that looked just like a half-sized German shepherd. A lifelong puppy-sized short-haired shepherd that leapt up cliff faces like a mountain goat. He was a street rescue from Calexico. Injured in his first weeks of life, a dog charity imported him to the US. Whatever happened to him down there left a permanent impression on him, because he was extremely, inconsolably aggressive to only one kind of person: Hispanic males. He was a mixed mutt from the streets of Mexico; he was our Racist Street Taco. Barrett was a rescue from the pound; friends picked him up in Texas as he was about to be put down. He'd had a hard first year; he grew up in the shelter and overcame Parvo. My friends tried keeping him but he had a submissive peeing habit that they couldn't beat. They drove him 1000 miles to us in Chattanooga just to give him another shot. It's been six months and there's no more peeing. I like dog training. His purebred sisters are rescues, too. They were $1000 AKC puppies who were adopted by a single lady who works 10+ hours in an ER and lives in a condo. Apparently, she decided that might not be the best recipe for success with two 60lbs dogs after the puppies destroyed the condo a few times over and earned her some HOA violations. We agreed to take them in, and now they're right at home on acres upon acres of private ranch. We never go out to buy a dog. There are so many in need already, and somehow they seem to find us at just the right time. We love our dogs, and we're glad to have a place for them.
    2 points
  18. This is Ginger. She's a rescue so not sure of her breed but in her mind she is a Doberman. Lol. She's had surgery on both knees, one eye removed and surgery on her other eye. But she's worth every dime as she is the best dog I've ever had. Great thread.
    2 points
  19. This is Lilly, my sons dog.Somebody dropped her in front of my mothers house when she was a pup along with. 3 more.He kept her, and the others got homes.She visits my daughters dogs where she lives across the field and they have the run of the farm.She is VERY SPOILED .
    2 points
  20. He's a handsome fella. I would post but our 3 Shih Tzu pups passed a couple years ago. Enjoy Tigh.. Found this pic of Minnie , Gizmo , and Maggie
    2 points
  21. “Leave The World Behind “ on Netflix. It seems very relevant to our world today and also has a nod towards prepping.
    1 point
  22. M1A Socom 308 with m14alcs chassis, atlas bipod, vickers blue force sling, us optics 1-8 lpvo with American defense mount. 5 mags. $3300 … $2700 without scope/mount and bipod. Maryville
    1 point
  23. Forgot to post this here when it happened but better late than never.... (Oct 14th 2023) Today the year long journey to the IDPA World Championship match finished up. We shot half the match on Friday and the other half today. A couple of stages on Friday were not some of my best work but Saturday was pretty solid. In my entourage here was my everything Brandi Harris , my friend Trey Hudson , and my friend / coach / “man servant “ for the weekend Michael V Swisher . Mike helped keep me focused, manage equipment, pull the wagon, and strategize. For those who just want the cliff note version of the match , I finished in the top ten in my division at the World Championship with a 5th place in Master Class in the Backup Gun Division ! And finally a big thanks to my sponsor Natchez Outdoors ! Randy Harris Harris Combative Strategies Harriscombative.com Shooting past one of the NUMEROUS non threat targets. Look who I ran into....Rob Leatham and Mike Seeklander ....I need some serious help with my selfie game...
    1 point
  24. Bored and raised here in murfreesboro. I'm right on the out skirts in christiana. I'm looking forward to learning and meeting new people with the same interests. I just recently joined the IDPA as well.
    1 point
  25. Selling my covert. It's in great condition and would make a good suppressor host. It comes with three magazines. Wanting 450 for it.
    1 point
  26. SPM Returning her to the wild. Bought this from a member here love the gun just doesn’t fit in with the rest of my crew and I need tires on three damn vehicles. Right before Christmas go figure. Good condition for its age match barrel 14 rd capacity in .45 getting very hard to find comes with x3 14rd mags alien gear iwb holster the front little fiber part is loose in the sight . The base is solid just needs the little fiber changed sorry I do not have the box for it
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. I am constantly bothering Kustoff or Blackburn and Hagerty included- It seems at times that regardless of the Constitution these bad actors are gonna act bad- I don't think most people actually give a care one way or another as long as they can continue planting their face in the screen of their phones- Until one day someone takes away their phones-
    1 point
  29. Probably a long shot, but only interested in trades at this time. Dan Wesson .357 6" barrel. Very clean, and very well maintained. It is an absolute pleasure to shoot. I really hate to let it go but after carrying it while pig hunting I've decided that I really want a 4" barrel. I know they made a 4" barrel for these, but they are hard to find and stupid expensive when they are available. Looking for a S&W, or Dan Wesson in .357 or larger. Sorry, not interested in Ruger, or Taurus, I'm sure some of them are fine, I just don't care for them personally. Needs to be somewhat close to, if not an even trade. Any desired pics available on request. I'm in Lebanon, TN, I go East a little bit, I don't go west hardly at all.
    1 point
  30. After searching the site, I see that my complaint is just one of many. I’ve read posts on here with similar complaints dating back to 2015 which was prior to COVID and have nothing to do with new employees. It’s pretty disheartening to read all the fraudulent denials once people moved to Tennessee after previously having no issues with states that used the NICS system. I remember thinking how odd it was that I had to get a background check a week after I just got my lifetime HCP here when purchasing a firearm. At least that one went through without an issue. Considering how I retired from the military and returned back home to TN, I’m pretty disappointed with this TICS process. I had zero issues with NICS while active duty in KY, TX, and GA.
    1 point
  31. Same here. It amazes me the number of people who spout 2A this and 2A that but won't lift a finger to do anything to protect it.
    1 point
  32. But what did the dad want to do? I cracked up at that remark
    1 point
  33. She ran the whole gambit as sassy wine mom who is lowkey racist but wouldn't mind a little action once the sauce kicks in.
    1 point
  34. Yeah , back in January of 1999 Clarksville got leveled downtown by another bad tornado right in the middle of winter just like this time. Except no one died in thst one cause it happened at 4am . I worked 26 hrs straight during that one. I slept an hour in the back of a state troopers backseat.
    1 point
  35. I really don’t think much either way of her. I’m just sick of seeing her on the tv every time it’s on. Not really her fault though. I feel the same way about British royalty.
    1 point
  36. She’s Dolly Parton without the teats. Everything she gets accolades for, she makes money at. I do admire the prowess of her publicists.
    1 point
  37. Almost all of Hollywood is liberal. There would be nothing left to watch if we boycotted based on that.
    1 point
  38. Here is another few of Darby I didn't know I had on this computer. As you can see Darby and Kasey look like they should be sisters but they are not. You can tell the difference in weight is about the only way I can tell them apart in pictures.
    1 point
  39. Leroy chilling after some ball time. Leroy hanging with his girlfriend Daisy from next door. Leroy patiently waiting for his mama Leroy giving up on mama and preparing to nap.
    1 point
  40. This is Cody, my baby. 105 pounds of rotten to the core. In the second picture he's helping me with my building project. Well, more like supervising. The most talkative feller I've ever had. Plus, he's a promising contender for the World Title of King of the Belly Rub. In my world there has never been a more loved and protected dog. I call him my son.
    1 point
  41. Looks like Lilly and Tanner might be related. He really, really, really hates squirrels.
    1 point
  42. This is Gypsy the Wonder Dog, dressed up for Christmas. She turned 8 this July. People frequently ask what breed she is, and I tell them with confidence she's a purebred brown dog. There's surely a good bit of Doberman heritage there, but it's mixed with some other stuff. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  43. I stopped going there for a long time, I bought a 1971 NIB Colt series 70 Gold Cup from another forum and needed a transfer done. I stopped in and talked to them and they even called the FFL that had the gun and set up the transfer. I thought that was pretty good of them, my Colt came in and they called so I went over to fill out the paperwork and pick it up. When it came time to pay I was a little shocked and mad, I was charged $65 for the transfer. I'll admit I didn't enquire as to what they charged and that's on me, I figured that they charged similar amount as the other shops, $25 + $10 background check. Never really went back other than use the range. Just looked at their website, I definitely won't use them for a transfer,$45 + background
    1 point
  44. This is Boo our 5 y/o GSD. Rescue from a wonderful foster family. She definitely understands "guard Mom"
    1 point
  45. “No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog will make you rich.” Good on you. I say that to myself every time I swipe monthly at the vet. Worth every penny and then some.
    1 point
  46. My Catahoula Leopard dog (Wrangler, brown - right in both), German Shorthair Pointer (Parker, black/white top middle and bottom left), Olde English Bulldogge (Barkley, brown/white - top left), and Beabull (Gus, beagle/bulldog mix - bottom middle).
    1 point
  47. This is Shadow, aka the galloping goober. 100lbs of dumb. He'll be 4 on Valentines day. His dad is a black lab and mom is a boutique big terrier. Their owners (friends from kids' school) didn't think mom was old enough yet and went on vacation. He has 12 siblings.
    1 point
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