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  1. I totally agree. We wanted to kick some behind when the lazy public school teacher and principal advised putting my son on medication. He was bored, so he was disruptive. After getting my son enrolled in academic settings with more challenging curriculums, my son thrived and the disruptive behavior stopped.
    7 points
  2. I did. I had thought this was more of a retaliation thing against the school for her perceived treatment, but learned that she was just a cold hearted bitch that had swallowed the current socialist messaging hook line and sinker.
    7 points
  3. I was one of those Ritalin kids from the early 80s. Caused a lot of issues later on in my life. If any school administrator suggests getting your kid put on ADHD meds, punch them right in the mouth. (Not joking in the slightest. They’ve earned it.) Then get your kid/grandkid out of that school.
    6 points
  4. When I’m out in public looking over my shoulder. I’d like to have as good an idea as possible exactly what I’m looking for. Just like having fire extinguishers and a spare tire in the car, I like to be prepared as possible.
    5 points
  5. I have a few extra/duplicate Rugers in the safe that I'd like to turn into something I want more. Sale would be okay if nothing is trady. I'm not even sure how popular these Rugers are here, so I've just listed approximate trade values. I'm hoping to trade one or more for similar total value or trade up or down (with cash). Feel free to make offers via PM. I'm into everything, unfortunately, but at this point my collection doesn't need any economy guns, nor super sweet Glocks with $2500 in upgrades. I have several Ruger revolvers, but mostly collect S&W with some Colt sprinkled in. Northern Chattanooga area (Harrison) EDIT: I'll be in the Monteagle area this coming weekend for a trade (Nov 18/19) Police Service Six .38, gloss blued, light muzzle wear and cylinder trace. $550 Edit: $500 Security Six .357, parkerized matte finish, excellent condition. $600 *pending GP100 .357 w/full shroud, select grips, excellent condition. $900 *pending
    4 points
  6. The way we do school in the US is actively hostile to boys. The solution has been to attempt to paper over it with psychoactive drugs. It doesn’t work for the kids and it doesn’t work for society as a whole. This case has other factors involved, but I think the primary issue of giving folks drugs instead of getting them real help holds.
    4 points
  7. There’s a vast difference between diagnosing and treating and adult and a child. This is something the medical establishment seems to have forgotten and big pharma never cared about at all. I’ve got a lot of first hand experience and knowledge gained from looking into why certain things may have gone they way they have in my life. I am 100% comfortable standing by my prior statement.
    4 points
  8. Mediations only work if there is a pre diagnosis natural imbalance. Introducing chemical altering/adjusting medication cause the natural process to stop producing its own chemical processes. Thus the reason giving these drugs during early development (ex ridilun, etc.) creates such large manic/depressive shifts later in life. It's been now proven that less than 10% of kids put on behavioral medications actually had/have natural chemical imbalance. Point being, as far as medication goes, we are creating chemical/prescription dependent people. Mix that with existing mental disorders (not chemical imbalance induced) that have no chance. What I gleaned from the manifesto excerpts, is that a girl with issues found enablers that encouraged her to embrace dilusion. I can almost guarantee drugs were prescribed to mitigate her response to the mental conflict. That set her up to quietly boil till the lid popped. I'm continually grieved that we take borderline people and pressure cook them with medication instead of acknowledging the reality that there is absolute truth and bringing thought inline with the reality of that truth. Ironically, the cognitive behavioral approach is the only one that had proven to be effective and it is the last approach used. You can't prescribe it. Off my soap box. They should have released the pain (manifesto, etc) early and let them move on. This isn't helpful.
    4 points
  9. Well,....we knew the life of Kyle Rittenhouse instantly. It took a bit longer to find out about the scumbag child molester he shot. I'm not sure why the media thought a minor attracted person's privacy was more important, but I have an idea.
    3 points
  10. @Bullseye717has been suspended for a week. Crapping on threads is not allowed. Crapping on multiple threads for no reason will get you suspended or banned.
    3 points
  11. @Bullseye717 I see you joined the forum this past summer, and your latest activities mostly consist of wandering through the Trading Post depositing thumbs down dislikes on people's sale threads. Welcome to the site. In your future wanderings, please read the Trading Post rules, paying special attention to the section that says, "don't be a dick." Cheers!
    3 points
  12. I probably had what would later be diagnosed as ADHD. This was in the late 70s/early 80s. My mother asked my doctor about it once and his response was, “All he needs is 10 acres and a 10 foot fence.” Fortunately, she got the point.
    2 points
  13. From what I got out of her ramblings she hated white people that had money. Sound like something I have heard in the past spewed out by the blm people.
    2 points
  14. Links2k posted an article a while back stating that the public school model was designed a century ago to prepare people for a life of factory work. Basically, sit down, shut up, and follow directions. That article had a lot of merit in my opinion. I am not in the education industry, and do not pretend to know the solution to this problem, but what we currently do isn’t working. Mind altering drugs damn sure isn’t the answer.
    2 points
  15. With all due respect, you shouldn’t take my word as fact any more than what you see in the media. I’d prefer you see for yourself and have your own informed opinion. There really isn’t much there beyond incoherent ramblings, but I did not know that until I saw it.
    2 points
  16. If an Steyr TMP and a Mac 10 had a baby…
    2 points
  17. Best be cautious quoting those old classic Disney movies that we all grew up with. ..... Some liberal will accuse you of being a racist...............
    2 points
  18. My wife got a Vespa last year, so she could join my grandson and I on motorcycle rides. I liked her scooter so much I got me one too. I ride it most of the time now, but my grandson loves the Super Tenere better. He finally nagged me to get out on the big bike this weekend. You can tell by his big grin that he had fun.
    2 points
  19. Yep spoke to a gentleman about it and no written permission needed. I asked him about the spot I intended to hunt and it's good to go. I'll be trying it come the weekend hopefully.
    2 points
  20. They are trying awfully hard to keep it a secret. It makes me wonder if something was going on at that school everyone wants secret or the shooter doesn't follow the narrative some want. Could be a bit of both or neither. Reminds me of the Vagas shooting. "Something bad happened. We didn't have a clue why. Guns are bad. Look the other way. "
    2 points
  21. I have posted this before. When the British marched on Concorde and Lexington, they were after the canon, the powder and the shot(lead). They went to Boston to get the ships that had the Canon and powder and shot on them as well. The British knew that if the common man did not have powder or lead, all he ended up with was having a club to fight with. It will never make it past the courts. Well, unless this country goes to hell in a handbasket, and the Dems hold power for more years than we can think about and appoint a leftest commie Supreme Court.
    2 points
  22. We have a good friend who has studied the " mass shooting medication " thing quite a bit over the years. There is one common thread. Early use of Ridlin. Neither medical profession nor the school folks will touch this issue. Be careful what ya allow the doctors n school system to prescribe for your kids and grandkids. These kids are yours. leroy...
    2 points
  23. Respectfully, she was 28. While she certainly was somebody’s child, I think that some of you that keep referring to her as a child are (probably unintentionally) mitigating the severity of what she as an adult did to those actual children and teachers. I remember a time when a teenager would be tried as an adult if the crime was even less heinous than this, and now we are living in a time that the CDC considers 18-19 year old thugs that are killing each other “children” to pad their gun control agenda numbers. I don’t think you intended to insinuate that, but within our community which is very much under attack in part due to this animals actions, I think the language matters. I definitely agree with you about her signs of mental illness, and while her self identified status did not appear to be at play in the manifesto, I definitely think it is relevant to the overall picture of instability and hate that consumed her.
    2 points
  24. Looking for a 9mm compact have plenty of stuff to trade or cash. Let me what know what you have. Middle TN area
    1 point
  25. This very thing happens all too often. “No child left behind.” A kid has energy. Deal with it. You can’t get a puppy to sit still all day, why do you think a kid should. Especially when they are bored out of their skull.
    1 point
  26. It will go longer than some of the vehicles they are making nowadays. Better mileage to
    1 point
  27. Respect your point of vie. To me, a longer barrel with comp is not as concealable as the original P365. My OPINION is either go EDC sized, or with a larger practice/comp gun. Some may accept the compromise thinking it makes them more capable. My first and best trainer was a State Dept contractor ...yes they use those. He was German and had up close and personal personal security experience. He taught me much in four days of one on one training. The points which stand out the most are: 1). "if you ever use your weapon, it will be up close, brutal and VERY FAST. 2). I can still hear him yelling...."Move...get off the dime...EDVARD, learn to run if you move that slow." If you want to spend more money, get some serious training...including empty handed drills...and for heck sake get a good holster. END of RANT. Edit changed Secret Service to State Dept my bad
    1 point
  28. Anyone else not read it besides me? I don't care what that moron thought. The shooters thoughts and opinions went out the door the moment they stepped foot into that school as far as I'm concerned. I want them lost to time. I don't even know their name and I don't care. If i wanted to read dog#### I would have looked at my dogs asshole.
    1 point
  29. I bought these under the impression that they were OEM mags, but they turned out to be aftermarket. From some research it seems they are from the mid 2000s. Unsure of the actual brand. I bought them as partials (they were not fully assembled and we're missing pieces) and I added all OEM springs and most of them are OEM followers, so I guess they are somewhat OEM lol. Anyway, I have a ton of these and don't them all, trying to make some money back. They have a decent lockup in my sp5 and seem to function fine. All 8 for $240
    1 point
  30. Get the best of both worlds and get a 365XL and a parker mountain machine comp/barrel and slap a regular 365 grip module on there. Get the benefit of velocity and the comp while also getting the concealability of the smaller grip length. Throw in some 15/17rd mags and you get "full size" gun for a duty/training class rig that is very similar to your EDC gun.
    1 point
  31. Yes. We got a little glimpse into the mind of an evil, insane person. To cure this problem in the future, we need to learn what causes these events. I’d like to learn more.
    1 point
  32. What you see is a gorgeous but rarely shot HENRY IN .357/38. This gun shows signs of being pulled in and out of the safe but still looks amazing!!
    1 point
  33. I bought a $25 shirt from FPC. They sent me a letter I have saved on my phone that says that I’m a member and I’m covered under their injunction.
    1 point
  34. I’ve always held the belief that this is how they’ll implement gun control. Tax the hell out of it, more restrictions on imports, make it so the common man can’t afford it like they did with the NFA back in the day. My dad will still pull out his CCW at bass pro when we buy ammo in TN and the cashier is always kinda confused. Buy cheap and stack deep. Since they banned Russian imports a few years ago look at the price of 7.62. Primers are through the roof. They don’t have to disarm a population if the population can’t find accessible ammo. JMHO.
    1 point
  35. Will you please clarify, is this basically an ACC Premier Chassis system, like below? https://www.shootcentertarget.com/product/mdt-acc-chassis-system-r700-blk
    1 point
  36. She is cured now. I feel that she was fed a bunch of anti-white, anti-wealthy crap somewhere in her educational and or social media experience that had her hating herself and those she had come to hate.
    1 point
  37. If you collect the persimmons and put them where they would not naturally drop I believe that would be considered baiting. They way a game warden explained it to me was if you are hunting in an apple orchard you are fine shooting deer that eating the apples off the ground around the trees. If you collect the apple and move into the woods and then hunt over them then it would baiting.
    1 point
  38. I like the T-grip and have them on several of my guns. Never got around to trying BKs, but always heard good things about them. But as age and arthritis work on my hands, I find that I'm better off with a more hand filling style of grip on my revolvers. Last I heard the guy who took over Tyler was running it as a part time business and was spotty at that. Working only when he had time and felt like it. They still take orders, but it may be many months, possibly a year before you get it. Communication is also a big problem as they don't answer phone calls or e-mails. Ordering anything now is questionable at best.
    1 point
  39. It would be awesome if they doubled down and followed in MO’s footsteps and did not tax on ALL ammo and firearms. As well as diapers and feminine hygiene products. https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/missouri-senate-approves-to-cut-taxes-on-guns-ammo-diapers-feminine-hygiene-products/amp/
    1 point
  40. This one followed me home today. 2013 with 8050 miles on it. It should fill a niche nicely!
    1 point
  41. As someone who’s read a bunch of manifestos over the years professionally, I can say what I’m about to say with absolute certainty. Whatever it is that anyone is hoping to find in the shooter’s writings - you're going to be disappointed. You’re not going to understand it - because there’s nothing to be logically understood. You’re not going to find a reason - because the reason was this person was terribly broken in a way that we don’t - and can’t understand. The manifesto is a red herring - allowing politicians to distract people by calling for their release. There are a lot of reasons not to release it. One, like @Snaveba mentioned above - they contain a lot of truly graphic stuff that serves no public good by its release - and may take the trauma victims have suffered and make it worse. Look at what Sandy Hook parents have had to deal with for the last decade, and you’ll understand why they don’t want it released. But second, and more importantly we don’t release manifestos because there are broken people out there who that stuff *does* inspire.
    1 point
  42. There are armed guards at the White House. There are armed guards at the Capitol There are armed guards at the Supreme Court There are armed guards at the Governor's Mansion There are armed guards at the State Capitol There are armed guards at my local courthouse Seems like the .gov folks all think some people are worth paying for armed guards for their safety.
    1 point
  43. I've got a few 10/22's but this is my favorite. Volquartsen barrel, Magpul stock, Timney trigger with a Vortex 1-4x scope. Great lightweight shooter.
    1 point
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