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I’ve had a long time to mull this over and I believe that my opinions are about to be incredibly unpopular and some of you will likely view me differently, if you had an opinion of me at all. But I’m reminded of the cliche that freedom isn’t free. I’m heartbroken for the families and friends that lost their loved ones. I do not view this as anything other than the tragedy that it is. And I know that cliche isn’t typically used this way but it’s the other side of the coin. Sometimes bad things are going to happen. There are precautions we can take to minimize these risks but I’m not sure how I feel about police in schools. I understand that the world is different than my generation and those older than me grew up. But we didn’t have that. Children already think of schools as prison and uniform patrol is going to be the prison guards. I don’t believe that this is going to be healthy for our youths in the long term. I’m okay with this strategy if we are using it as a bandaid with a limited life span. But we must attack the root of the problem and begin to reform our society. I don’t know what that involves or what it looks like. I’m not smart enough and haven’t done the required research. But I know it must happen soon or we already much too late. I fear the future. I fear for our children. The strongest moves anyone could make right now would be to sit down at a bipartisan table and have honest discussions. Lay out the goals and begin to map a path to achieve those goals. We aren’t all going to get what we want. But we must all recognize that concessions we make at that table are for the betterment of our children and ultimately our society’s future.9 points
I would say that it also matters what they are told about the police by their peers, their community. But, yes. This is vicious cycle, unfortunately. All of it. In the 26 pages of this thread so far, I have read a staggering number of responses that amount to addressing the symptoms of a problem, but not many things that get to the actual root of the problem. Our culture is broken because we've allowed it to become broken. This occurred over literal generations of lifetimes, not all at once. We're perhaps seeing the decline of our culture accelerating now because the rate of decay has reached critical mass and changes are happening faster now than ever before, but it certainly did not all happen overnight.8 points
5 points
Let me ask a question: Why does anyone believe that so-called Red Flag laws will work when you consider the other past cases of mass killings where law enforcement agencies had advance notice of threats or intent to do harm and yet still failed to stop the event? Think about that long and hard. The statement "The FBI/police were aware of [the individual]" has occurred so frequently in the aftermath of mass killings that it has become the butt of countless dark jokes. And yet... none of those agencies preemptively did anything to stop the killers. And in cases where a friend or family member knew the killer was making threatening statements ahead of the actual event, those friends or family members could have EASILY reported them to the authorities and potentially averted disaster. Threatening a person or group of people is already "assault". It is already illegal. A person guilty of making threats or threatening remarks can today be arrested and investigated for that! Further, arresting a person for making threatening remarks does not require that you adjudicate that person in advance, unlike filing for an emergency protective order under "Red Flag" provisions. It's actually a faster process. Conversely, if no one knows of the killer's intent ahead of time, no number of red flag laws would help. A killer that flies under the radar will never be stopped by these proposed laws. The only real difference between what we have now and what we will have if Red Flag laws are enacted is that gun owners will be subject to legalized and expensive harassment without the protection of due process. It's all bull#### meant to grab guns and preserve jobs for politicians.5 points
This video has serious "it's not a toll road, it's a choice road" vibes. I post it here not to make a comment on Red Flag laws - we can do that elsewhere. Rather, I post it as an example of a representative who must just think his voters aren't that smart. That's all.5 points
Honestly it might stop a couple but I've never been in the camp of taking away rights "If it could just stop one of these shootings", "save one life etc." The people pushing these laws care more about their hidden agenda than saving lives. Here where there are more unregistered guns than people , open borders, gangs and Dem run crime infested big cities, A red flag law would stop perhaps a few wackos that weren't determined enough to seek a gun off the streets or steal one. All those teen gang bangers don't get their guns at the local gun shop or on trading forums like this! Narcotics have been heavily enforced forever yet look at all the addicts. What about human trafficking? YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT ILLEGALLY WITH ENOUGH CASH ! Oh yeah they want to stop that too, anyway.... A poorly written and enforced Red Flag law might do more harm than good. I see visions of Ruby Ridge type incidents in our future if they go too far that will equal any recent mass shootings. And that will further the agenda of those behind pushing these laws I'm afraid.5 points
Open and honest discussion is fine. The point being to find a middle ground both sides can live with. A compromise. This requires some give and take from both parties. We know what the antis want from us. But what exactly have they got to offer us in return?5 points
It's almost like a person's upbringing factors into how they perceive the police.5 points
We might not like to think of it this way but a uniformed SRO being the first target could be considered a good thing. a) it takes time away from the shooter being able to find innocent children or teachers as their target. b) a trained SRO/LEO stands a much better chance of slowing or even stopping a shooter than a student or teacher. They might not always stop them but there is more of an opportunity to do so if the shooter is seeking the SRO out. c) any delay the SRO may be able to create gives that much more time for additional LEO to arrive on scene and react. d) I would hazard a guess that many SRO's would gladly risk their life as the first target if it meant fewer or better yet no innocent lives were lost that day.4 points
I remember when TGO was super pissed at Lee for his COVID protocols in 2020 and swore to not vote for him again. Of course no one was going to vote for his democratic challenger either. Here we are. This is why I will continue to advocate for more than two crappy choices. I'm so extremely sick of our broken two party system. If you all can't see that both parties are doing damage, I'm not sure what it would take to convince you. Sorry for the rant.4 points
Mane this is close to what I was trying to say!!!4 points
Exactly, if the SRO tries to clown or joke around with kids and they refuse to participate because they are told “all cops are bad” at home, whose fault is that?4 points
I'm afraid we are at a point in our society where there is no "fixing" this, only minimizing the damage done in each instance. We have to realize that Freedom is dangerous, and the more freedom we want, the more dangerous it may become. I will not trade Freedom for Safety. As to guns, I for one will not abide with any more gun-control concessions, for the simple fact that pro-gun side are the only ones giving any. If they feel gun-free zones work, great, start with government offices and government officials. You think talking is better than armed security? Great, again start with the above. No, the fact that every attack stops when the good guys arrive with guns should be acknowledged and be made easier and faster to get to that point.4 points
Not by choice, but everything you listed is by and large overwhelmed by Heller and McDonald, the adoption of Constitutional Carry in a lot of states, and the Bruen decision (which will be more important as time goes on). Legally, we're in far less danger of being disarmed than at any time since the post revolutionary war period. These are salad days for gun owners unless you're fixated on full auto.4 points
Fair enough, but I think you eluded to the unavoidable impediment. One side wants to solve the problem and the other side only wants to confiscate gun from law-abiding citizens. All they bring to the table is "get rid of guns" that's why there can't be a reasonable discussion. They bring bullhorns, mindless chanting, and signs, not reason, logic, or practicality.4 points
You misunderstand my point. I can see why it was taken that way. Both sides MUST agree to honest and open discussion. Not debate. Discussion. Progress towards a common goal cannot happen without that. And currently, no one is willing to have a discussion. Politicians are more interested in remaining in office, while their constituents are too busy demonizing one another.4 points
"Concessions for the kids" is right out of the socialist/communist textbook. That's how they disarm society. Our Constitutional rights have been conceded repeatedl: National Firearms Act (1934) Federal Firearms Act (1938) Gun Control Act (1968) Firearm Owner Protection Act (1986) Gun-Free School Zones Act (1990) Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1993) Federal Assault Weapons Ban (1994) Have the anti-gun side given any concessions? Even one?4 points
Heckler & Koch VP9 in like-new condition with two 15 rd factory magazines, one 17 rd ETS polycarbonate magazine, factory case, all grips and back straps with manual and HK sticker. I fired exactly 50 rds when I bought it two years ago, cleaned and lubricated per the manual, and it’s been in the safe ever since. $600 Located in the Knoxville area.4 points
Gangs, drugs, and assaults are symptoms. They won't go away until we understand the problem(s). Understanding won't be easy and fixing will be even harder. Coming to the table unwilling to compromise accomplishes nothing.4 points
If we put Robocop or Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in schools and they terrorized children, I might agree with your concerns about SROs. But we don’t, at least not around here. The admittedly few SROs I know about or have experience with are actually fairly popular among students. They clown with the kids and get along well with faculty. Some schools even list their SROs as staff on the websites. My experience with them is mainly in suburban schools, but it would be a mistake to assume they are merely protectors and not enforcers. Suburban schools have many of the same problems as inner city schools. If by “concessions” you mean compromises granted to more restrictive gun control proposals, I’ll pass. I’ll willingly consider any gun control proposal that passes a simple two step litmus test - first, will it actually help solve the issue? Second, are those proposing the change sincerely trying to solve the issue? Is their proposal merely one of the prongs in a bigger agenda? Have they actually educated themselves about what they are proposing? Do they want to take guns while hamstringing police? Do they also claim that NRA members are all terrorists? When politicians propose banning AR-15s because the Nashville shooter was “able to fire 152 rounds in 15 minutes” (something any of us could pull off with a single action revolver), I can’t take them very seriously. It’s a rare day when the latest proposed gun control laws pass my sniff test.4 points
I am hazarding my own opinion here, and not as a point of debate. I am only sharing my thoughts. How much progress can we make until we may share an enlightened dialogue without name calling? How can we "talk" when we use labels for each other rather than "gentlemanly disagreement?" How do we define the worth of other persons? Are persons worthy only when they agree with us? Are persons worthy only when our perspectives match? Are persons worth only when "we" are against "them"? Or are all persons worthy because they are also made in the image of God? We may not agree on things, and we may have difficulty talking about issues, but at the end of the day, we hold respect for one another whether or not we agree on all topics, but at the very foundation of relationship, we are all humans. "It takes a different value system if you wish to change the world." Jacque Fresco Again, I am NOT trying to provoke an argument or be confrontive to anyone. We may be diverse, but we may also share respect for one another. I've never met anyone from TGO, but I would like to think if I did, we could talk about things, agree and disagree, shake hands, and walk away as friends based on our mutual esteem for each other as persons and not merely on our shared perspectives.3 points
This^. Uniformed officer, highly visible, with a patrol car parked out front. At one point, schools with such an arrangement had never suffered any shooting events. That has since changed, but only slightly, the vast majority of school shootings occur only in institutions without a visible police or SRO presence. Most potential shooters will seek out (perceived) easier targets ...3 points
3 points
I have a like new in box condition Glock 19 Gen 5 equipped with Trijicon HD night sights, has front/rear slide serrations, includes (3) factory 15 rnd mags with orange followers, aftermarket grip plug installed, all backstraps are included and factory box/docs. This weapon was never holstered/carried and has only fired less than 50 rnds to confirm flawless function and that the sights are on target. Please, NO trade offers as CASH is king. Price: **SOLD**. NOTE: Buyer will be required to produce a TN driver's license & TN CCW and complete a bill of sale.3 points
Red flag laws are gun control. Period. They don't do anything to stop a person from obtaining a firearm through means other than retail sales. They don't do anything to stop a person from committing assault with an improvised weapon of another sort. The just control gun sales and give the false impression that a politician has "done something". If we really cared about stopping mentally and emotionally broken people from harming other people, we'd do something about the screwed-up person. I mean, if only we had some clue that the Covenant shooter was in need of geniune psychotherapy.3 points
Remember when it was okay to not see things the same? We used to have this thing you're talking about called humanit. Wasn't that nice?3 points
I called my State Senator Steve Sutherland's office & left a message with the person who answer's his calls. I told him what I was calling about, gave him my number if the Senator wanted to talk about this. An hour later Senator Sutherland called me & assured me he did not support this garbage Lee proposed. Big thumbs up for Senator Sutherland!!3 points
And I’m is!!!! Until we can buy sheen guns, there is still work to do.3 points
I see your point. But school ain't what it used to be. Schools have their own criminals that need to be watched. Gangs, drugs, assaults and theft are sadly all too common in today's schools. The cops aren't there just in case of an attack. They are there to maintain order in a sadly dangerous environment.3 points
3 points
Yo're right. We all want the details of what occurred. Curiosity...yes. Morbid...no, I don't think so. Any thinking person wants to know the how and if possible, the why of such acts. Maybe we think it will give us a better insight into the psyche of these disturbed shooters/killers. As firearms owners, we all want to know what the shooters use. It's just a part of our makeup. Well, now that I say this...perhaps it is a bit on the morbid side; but we are not going about gleefully knowing what a particular weapon/caliber can do to a human body and celebrating it because we might just happen to own a similar weapon. Curiosity is a strange and wonderous think. It gives us the ability to think and learn. Some of us just seem to need to kill to satisfy that need. Not well spoken here, but hope it makes sense to you as you read.3 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
I think you nailed how liberals think. They judge all cops by the actions of a few or all conservatives by the ideals they disagree with then demand everyone else be evaluated as individuals. It's intellectual laziness on their part is what it is.2 points
Well, ones a red flag law, and this isn’t that. We can provide details of what it is at a later time but it’s definitely not a red flag law it’s just a way to ensure that folks we think shouldn’t have access to guns and be prohibited from having them. But there will be due process, all the due process. The best due process you can have. But it’s not a red flag law. It isn’t even a bill yet.2 points
This is an opportune time to remind your representative that Governor Lee may not be facing another election, but odds are pretty good they are.2 points
Same thing happened to me in HS, a close friend invited me to supper. I never turn down a home-cooked meal, but he seemed anxious for me to see how his people eat. It was just like we ate at my house, except we there was no eggs in the greens and his momma put sugar in her cornbread. LOL I'll argue to my dying days that we all have more things in common than things we don't. Some folks just keep pointing out the differences to keep us at odds.2 points
I’ve had numerous polite discussions with Democrats over the years about why I oppose something as harmless as universal background checks. It usually goes something like this: them: Why are you against universal background check laws? me: Because they are unenforceable. If I sell you a gun and we don’t tell anybody, how will that law be enforced? The only way to enforce it is by mandating universal gun registration. them: why are you against that? me: Because then the government will have a list of everybody’s guns them: Why is that bad? me: Because what I have is none of the government’s business. We have politicians who have said “we should do what New Zealand or Australia or whoever has done” and would use this new list to confiscate guns tomorrow if they could. Or establish some Red Flag law targets. Some are bloviating, but some are serious. them: Come on, that’s crazy talk. Like that could really happen me: It already has happened and is sometimes followed by mass murder. Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Cuba, Cambodia, take your pick them: Man I don’t think that sort of thing can happen here. me: Neither did they. I don’t think I’ve converted any gun-grabbers, but I have gotten a couple Democrats to at least understand how one step hinges on the next There are a few open minded Democrats, but I don’t think the “average Democrat” is willing to listen to reasonable 2A supporters.2 points
Man, I HATE the term 'cultural appropriation' like its a bad thing to like the 'culture' or even adopt some of it, that originates with another culture or race. I see where it can sometimes be a bad thing but probably not usually. until lately it seems. But, lol, i hate hot chicken, whether its the NaSHVILLE VARIANT OR OTHERWISE.2 points
Cultural appropriation and gentirfication. Hot Chicken places have been around for many decades in Nashville. They were hole in the wall places in mostly black neighborhoods frequented by primarily black folks and the few "in the know" white locals. Then hipsters and developers took East Nashville back, shot the property values through the roof, found out how good that food was, and decided they needed to make a buck off of it. There are several places better than Princes but it is the "original" and still the primary gold standard. Started going to places like Bolton's in East Nashville in the late 90's or early 2000's when my Nashville native wife brought me here. Her parents grew up in East Nashville and her Mom was one of those "in the know" local white folks.2 points
Yes it was. In the dark with nothing to sit on or lean against. I wanted to stay well off the shoulder/road so I wandered down to the tree line but did not want to get into the undergrowth or weeds too much to avoid getting attacked by chiggers, ants, ticks, or some other pest in there. Fortunately the ditch area was wide and apparently recently mowed. I eventually took a hard bag off the bike and sat on that for a bit but it was not that comfortable on the incline of the ditch.2 points
It was a Metzeler Tourance that was put on last year. I did not get the date code off of it unfortunately. I checked pressures at 5 am before leaving the house. I run 38/42 normally and they were 36/41 when I checked. The tire had 6k~7k miles on it. Should have had 2k~3k left before I replaced it before my big trip next month. This occurred at just over 600 miles and 12 hours of riding for the day. It was about 120 miles from my last fuel stop. It was in the low 40's when I left the house, crept up into the low 70's and was dropping back into the 60's at this point. I suspect that I picked something up in the last few hundred miles of the day and it was getting low. That area is straight and flat. I had the throttle lock/cruise set for miles at a time without adjustment so i did not notice any ill handling or odd tracking before the failure occurred. It probably built up some heat and just let go at a weak spot. Several people have reported that Metzelers are known for delaminating like that. In fact the guys at the shop that replaced it said it was what they called "The Metzeler Shred" so apparently it happens often enough that it has a nickname. It was not the only time I heard that nickname as I have told this story to some other riding folks. The Rim was not damaged that I could see. Lots of rubber debris to clean up. It did take out part of the rear fender (Plastic) so I will have to trim or replace that. I ordered new tires and a TPMS setup with two sensors to mount when I put those new tires on. If I had gotten a temperature warning or slow leak warning earlier I might have avoided it all. I do carry a small pump, tire plug kit, rubber cement, and basic tire tools when I travel so I may have been able to address a screw or nail and gotten to some sort of services before failure. This was on a 2005 BMW R1200GS. Did have the bags and trunk on it but they were mostly empty as it was just a day ride. I had some raingear, tool kit, tire kit, and an extra fleece jacket in the luggage so I was not overloaded and riding solo.2 points
2 points
Gov. Lee is a politician who doesn’t have to face reelection. We’re in for a rough ride I fear.2 points
Outstanding collection! Sad to see when this happens. Hope your health and your finances improve ASAP. GLWS GOD BLESS.2 points
2 points
It is my understanding that they are a strong Christian family. Maybe that was one of the issues because she felt an outsider in her own family. I grieve for them. They lost their oldest child and can’t grieve for her without I’m sure feeling guilt for the families she destroyed and lives she disrupted.2 points
I used to be able to. I used to keep waterproof matches and a spark tool in my go bag. I’ve lapsed with that lately. Also, I’m a big reader of post apocalyptic fiction and am reminded of how things could be,2 points
Very simple. No one really knows how many guns I own, regardless what I tell them or what they think they know. That’s the quickest way to help someone disarm you.2 points
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