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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2023 in all areas

  1. I have no desire for TGO to become an echo chamber and I welcome diverse opinions so long as they constructively add to the overall dialogue, but we've reached the end of this road. Daniel, you've been a longtime member of TGO and years ago we all had quite a bit in common. Since then, something changed and I really don't have the mental bandwidth to try and figure out how or why. I forced myself to do a search on your recent posts and everything for at least the past two years, and probably longer than that, seems to consist of contrarian behavior meant to elicit a negative reaction from everyone else. I guess for your own amusement. I am going to trust that God has other people in your life who will continue to point you back toward him. But, sadly, TGO won't be that group now. It brings me no pleasure to say it, but your time here is done.
    16 points
  2. Trolling is his only function here. Nothing new.
    10 points
  3. It's really up to law enforcement agencies to put good officers in as SROs and stop using school assignments as a cushy place for pansies to coast along, or past their prime thoroughbreds to ride out a few final years before retirement. Agencies need to treat schools as the gathering place of America's most valuable assets. If your local agency is putting Barney Fife, Joey Bag o' Donuts, or Buford T Justice in your schools, it's time to demand better.
    8 points
  4. We had to cover the memorial at TCS last night to protect is from the storms. We got it all uncovered this morning.
    7 points
  5. This. He only shows up when something happens, spouting borderline antigun rhetoric and stirring the pot. Otherwise, I've never see him contributing anything else here. I blocked him. Better for both of us.
    7 points
  6. I've been trying to find the data but I've been having a hard time finding it, I think on purpose. What I've been trying to find is the actual numbers of kids being innocently murdered. Everything is lumped together to make a higher number. Once you take out suicides, accidents, and gang activity, the actual number of kids murdered by firearms each year is pretty low. I'm trying to compare those numbers, or the numbers of kids killed by "assault weapons" to the amount kids killed by drunk drivers. Once I find this data I'm going to point out the fact to my anti or on the fence "friends" that nobody seems to care or talk about banning alcohol, because we know that it wasn't the Budweiser that did it, it was the guy that decided to drink and drive. There were 5 other kids and 1 adult also killed in TN recently, a car wreck on I24. Nobody wants to talk about things like that much. Gang activity is also a big killer in places like Chicago. I think this is why they group 18-19 year old in the children statistics, because it inflates the number a bunch due to gang activity. Also look at abortions. There were over 600,000 children killed legally killed though abortion last year, the number one killer of children by a long shot. A argument can be made that the only thing different in abortions and the kids killed at Covenant is the ones at Covenant were wanted.
    7 points
  7. ^^ THIS ^^ Kids need to interact with others and learn social skills. For some its difficult. Parents need to encourage this interaction and talk to their kids if they seem to be having problems. That's part of the problem. Too many parents just think of school as a babysitter and have no interest in how their kids are doing. Take a real interest in your kids. Ask them how their day was, encourage a response and actually listen. Parenting is becoming a lost art. We need to start there.
    6 points
  8. Back a few years ago I wrote to a few of our elected officials about an idea if using Veterans as security in schools. It could be a plan that could be easy to do. Most Veterans could use the extra income and Veterans live all over the country so that means most if not all live close to a school. They are all trained with firearms and would not run from an armed intruder but would move toward them and take them down. Just an idea!!!!
    6 points
  9. I've researched the abortion numbers. There are two reporting entities, the CDC and the Guttmacher institute: "The CDC compiles figures voluntarily reported by the central health agencies of the vast majority of states (including separate figures for New York City) and the District of Columbia. Its latest totals do not include figures from California, Maryland or New Hampshire, which did not report data to the CDC." According to the CDC, for the year 2020, the number was 620,327 legally induced abortions/deaths. "The Guttmacher Institute compiles its figures after contacting every known provider of abortions – clinics, hospitals and physicians’ offices – in the country. It uses questionnaires and health department data, and provides estimates for abortion providers that don’t respond to its inquiries. Guttmacher’s figures are higher than the CDC’s in part because it includes data (and in some instances, estimates) from all 50 states." Guttmacher’s national total for 2020 was 930,160 legally induced abortions/deaths. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/01/11/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-u-s-2/ So if you argue that we need stricter gun laws to "protect our children" and you are pro-choice you are, at best, a hypocrite.
    6 points
  10. Do and believe whatever you want but this comes dangerously close to insulting another member's child. LOL.
    6 points
  11. I would argue we need 100% choice of schools through a direct value per student from the government. You get $x towards school and you decide which one to go to. Every school can then be required by law to have an SRO. If you want to send your kid to private school, you pay the difference. Win/win. I personally don’t like the idea of online only and would never do it ( although I don’t have kids). They need socializing and should learn how to deal with other people. We don’t need one more way to isolate kids from others and let them think that is normal. (Referring to Greg’s idea, not the quote). At the end of the day, it should be up to the parents of each kid.
    5 points
  12. You can't. This is something that can only be taught one on one by word of mouth. Encourage all your friends to take a better interest in their children's lives. The best thing you can teach your children is that they CAN come to you with their troubles. Then you advise not judge.
    4 points
  13. Not sure why it's ridiculous, both of my kids went to private catholic school up to the 8th grade, I paid my tax's and didn't get squat in return.
    4 points
  14. I think we're at the point of needing an SRO at every school. Private schools like this need to pay for their own though. We just have to hope the SRO does a better job than the one at Stoneman Douglas.
    4 points
  15. McNally is doing anything he can to pander to anyone who will save his job from his own nauseating proclivities. A sad old man who undoubtedly struggles to get a meager rise in his shorts from staring at scantily clad younger LGBTQ+ men on Instagram. He's a pitiful old pervert signing on to something that he hopes will keep him employed. Sadly, I have begun to agree.
    4 points
  16. We have to take money out of the thinking. SROs, LEOs, break proof glass all will work, we have to get past the cost! Davidson county, ie Nashville will not put armed protection into elementary schools. I go into schools about every week, we have to go to the office to check in. The school has a camera set up to see your face and you show your DL to the camera as well. You are then buzzed in. There are some locations that the sun makes it very hard to see the image. Someone has to come to the door to see in person. Good guys will obey the rules, bad guys do not play by the rules! At TCS, the shooter shot out the door glass and walked in. We have to get past the cost. You just can not put a price on a child's life. Children are our further and more!
    3 points
  17. As soon as school choice is put into effect and parents are giving their tax money back from public school tax. At that point parents can afford a better school to send their kids to.
    3 points
  18. We have, and have won major battles in the courts reinstated 2A rights across the country. If you are not supporting local and or national gun rights organisations then you may not be doing enough. We know, and deep down, they know, that taking guns from law abiding citizens isn't the answer. An armed society is a polite society, I firmly believe that, and data backs that up. But for the antis, it's not about safety, it's about control.
    3 points
  19. Nashville Tragedy Shows Feeding Mental Illness Isn't Compassion (thefederalist.com)
    3 points
  20. I have one. He’s in college, a Baptist preacher, lives on his own, and pretty much self sufficient. Not a kid in any respect.
    3 points
  21. An emphasis on the "more pharmaceuticals" is a biggie. Meds have replaced state mental hospitals but people go off the meds without monitoring. Society used to allow police to arrest people for vagrancy, petty crime, public nuscence or indecency etc. These arrests often weeded out people who needed mental care. Now they roam around unchecked.
    3 points
  22. We as a country could put skilled, armed security in every school in America if we really wanted to. Maybe instead of sending $26.4 Billion (that's just the financial aid part) to Ukraine, we invest that into the safety of all of our children and consequently, the future of America.
    2 points
  23. Young-un I'm not going to admit an age bracket change....
    2 points
  24. I sighted in the Holosun 507k-GR today. I'm pretty happy with it, but i shot like crap.... I certainly hit what i was aiming at but i was low and left (that's probably me). Rested it's fine. Still getting used to that flat trigger, I might look for options there. This is my first striker fired pistol, it's not broken in and i'm using an RDS for the first time. Plus i'm rusty (adulting is hard). I'm also a bit spoiled by having several very good CZs.... Still happy with it, just need more time behind the sight.
    2 points
  25. I’ve read that for years. Something to the extent that they grow it in the US, take the “tame” components and make cola and the “bad” components get used in pharmaceuticals.
    2 points
  26. Never in my craziest nightmares did I think that this would happen at TCS. As a parent, you can’t even really go there. That is a rabbit hole that you just can’t go down. If I can’t trust a school, can I trust a movie theater, or concert hall, or sporting event, or parade, or any other public venue. I want my kids and everyone’s kids safe. I want us all safe. But we live in an unfair, imperfect, world with evil. We just have to either all have guns (not a bad idea) no one have guns (not a good idea) or just hope that we don’t win this particular lottery. Of all the schools in Tennessee for there to be a school shooter (I am differentiating between this type of attack, and a fight or quarrel that ends is violence between students) it ended up happening at home. I do think we need to protect out children. And a school security officer it a good idea. The Kroger near my house has a security guard, malls have security guards, public venues have security guards. It doesn’t mean we are guaranteed to be safe, but it is a deterrent.
    2 points
  27. That and Bill Lee is open to grant funding for private school security. I'm all for private schools having guards, but they should fund it like they do all their other operating items. Coupled with a red flag law that's just meant to turn down the heat and we'll have taken some steps backwards.
    2 points
  28. I think you are on to something here. More and more families are considering some form of home schooling or online instruction. The issues that we learned during COVID is the difficulty of getting children (especially littles) to engage/pay attention online and some parents were just not cut out to be "teachers at home." Still, if we were to have this discussion a year from now, I'll wager that some type of "hybrid" educational models will emerge.
    2 points
  29. I have a 629-1 w 4" brl. Had it for years. Purchased it from a guy needing money for a divorce probably 25 years back. That always bothered me. Anyways, you picked two peaches. They are very nice. Hope you enjoy them and sounds like you are. My Son-in-law loves the 629 and wants me to give it to him. I have been thinning my collection as of late. Just turned 75 and need to dispose of my guns so my wife will not be bothered with that if I go first. Two of my grandsons hunt so the guns will go for use which makes me glad. I had close to 55 guns when I started and now have about 25 left. I inherited 7 from my father and it has been hard to send them on. My grandson in S Carolina is into hunting ducks, rabbits, squirrels and quail so I gave him dads Remington 1148 16 Ga. Also gave him my Stevens single shot 410 that dad purchased for me on my 8th birthday in 1956. Had a 20 Ga Mossberg pump and also gave it to his sister. They have put all of them to good use last fall. O well, it was great fun collecting them and now time for my grandchildren to enjoy them. Enjoy your guns res308. I sure did the ones I collected. Still shoot quiet a bit but not like I once did. Much too costly now.
    2 points
  30. One is none...two is one...Therefore you only have one and can buy another and have two.
    2 points
  31. They can’t buy one from an FFL. They can purchase one private party and possess one with zero issues in TN.
    2 points
  32. But it’s too late, she’d already been incensed. Boogity, boogity…
    2 points
  33. TFA is a fine organization working hard to protect our rights here at home. I can't even remember how long I've been a member. At least 25 years as best I can recall. I'm still a member of the NRA. I'm not at all happy with their current state, but I do still pay my annual dues. However, I won't give them one penny more until LaPierre is gone and they straighten up. I keep my membership because they are still the big boys on the block and because the politicos and antis are watching the membership numbers decline. That could affect their influence in Washington.
    2 points
  34. My point they are legally adults, and saying that "children" are now being killed at a higher rate via firearms, when you count 18 and 19 year old adults as "children" to pad the numbers is misleading at best. Also, you'll note the years they're quoting, which is right in the middle of the pandemic when travel was greatly reduced, and thus fewer vehicle wrecks, and thus fewer deaths. Frankly, I don't care what the death rate is for violent inner city gang members, the higher death rate they have, the less crime they're committing over the long run. And the less likely it is to impact me.
    2 points
  35. For those that have the time and interest, this is the best review of the need for mental health institutions. It is entitled, "Bring Back Asylums . . . but Better." About 35 minutes, but it is very well done.
    2 points
  36. Ha. Well, we do have about a years supply of dog food stockpiled. I like to tell him if the economy gets any worse we'll both be eating it. That's my best friend, like him so much I even bought my home specifically to give him a little land to let him run and roam and be a country dog. Can come home after working 20 hours and dead tired and he never fails to put a smile on my face. He earned his keep this season tracking for me and he got some venison bone broth and sheds/bones as a reward. Most high energy and prey driven dog I've ever owned, he needs to run an hour a day or else he's miserable. Helps me get some sunshine and garden. I think he's got a little bit of boxer and lab mixed in. Before you sign up for ownership, just know that little $200 pound puppy has had $40k worth of medical expenses, and has spent probably in total 30 days on multiple ICU vet visits. Spider bite, adverse vaccine reaction, 2 ACL surgeries, couple dogs jumped him, and then the kicker was ALS/Fungal Meningitis (Spinal tap, brain stem, intense). He's a little gimpy some days but he's always happy as hell. His antibiotics are a pre-covid luxury car payment a month. People tell me I'm nuts, but I waited my whole life to have a place to let a dog run. Would love to get him a sibling but I don't have the time these days. That said, he is worth every penny, and I get my return on investment everyday I pull up the drive. He's met a couple of TNGO members so if you ever get a text with a vehicle make and model and a puppy in the back seat that'll be this stud.
    2 points
  37. From what I've seen of your past posts, you never came here to be a part of our community. You came to use the Classifieds to conduct business. You rarely posted anywhere else. Rule 1: Life ain't fair. Deal with it. BYE.
    2 points
  38. I never said you were unimportant. I said you were unknown here. But you're making yourself known now.
    2 points
  39. How the heck is anyone supposed to know your post count on AKfiles and reputation to make transactions on TGO. This a regional/state forum. Nothing like a big city guy coming to a small town to declare his importance. Tends to rub the small town guys the wrong way no matter how big the city was. You gotta earn your reputation where you're at not, where your from.
    2 points
  40. Also consider that you only have 21 posts. Many folks here strongly prefer to do business with long standing and established members who they know. We had a thread about such things just recently. It simply boils down to their gun, their choice.
    2 points
  41. Yeah, an "I'll take it" with a delay condition is not an I'll take it. It's "I'll take it" and most convenient that gets it. A weeks delay is a sellers discretion to agree to or not. The seller has the right to accept what is most convenient for him. An "I'll take it" does not give the buyer the ability to dictate the terms after the fact.
    2 points
  42. Notoriously inaccurate. You can't hit nothing with these things.
    1 point
  43. Just so folks know, I did get a reply back to my Veteran idea from two elected officials and they said a similar idea was already being kicked around and being looked at. I have a veteran buddy that I use to go to the range with before I moved out here and he said he would be glad to become a security person at a local school. We spoke on the phone Thursday after he saw all the videos and he said that the cameras showed the shooter shooting out the door glass and that there was two short clips of the shooter outside prior to shooting the glass out. He said that when the shooter stepped through the second door she should have been shot right then. I agreed with him because he said that when she was seen outside in that short film clip with those weapons there was no doubt what her plans were and he would have been ready when she entered the building.
    1 point
  44. That is ridiculous. We barely fund our public schools. The last thing we need to do is pay for private school security.
    1 point
  45. NONE of them can be trusted. It's impressive that you felt it necessary to bring a partisan slant into this thread, though. Most folks wouldn't have had the nerve.
    1 point
  46. Kind of reminds me of the 09 to 12 era here.
    1 point
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