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5 points
I have a 1965 Colt .357 python revolver with the 6" barrel in blue steel for sale. To my knowledge, this gun has never been fired. The only obvious alterations from original is where my grandad stamped his name on the butt of the grips which are aftermarket smooth grips. Since the same year make and model of this pistol is selling on gunbroker.com for around $3,500, I'm asking $2,750. I'm in Chattanooga, TN.4 points
Also, you saved a bunch of $$$ over the first crappy bid, still probably saved $$ over the second bid, got a new tool, and a great feeling of accomplishment. Bravo on taking up the challenge.4 points
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Thanks. Yes, it is first generation and was made in 1909. It is chambered in .38 - 40.4 points
4 points
It needs a new home: Smith and Wesson Model 625-2, .45 ACP and Auto Rim, 5-inch barrel, excellent condition. These don't come up for sale often in this condition because many of them from this era have been beaten to death in bowling pin or falling plate matches. No lock, no MIM, just all-round revolver goodness. SOLD Thanks for looking, Whisper3 points
Here is another rifle that I never shoot. A Marlin 1894 Cowboy in 45 Colt with the octagon barrel. I do not have the box. I am the second owner. It has been shot some but not by me. Appears to have been used very little. $15003 points
Up for sale is a rifle I never shoot. It is a Browning 71 in 348 Winchester. Of course this is Brownings version of the Winchester 71. These were only made for 2 years, ‘86-‘87. Factory ammo is very expensive but luckily I have a bunch of ammo to go with the rifle. I think I still have the box for the rifle but I am not positive. I have 120 rounds of factory ammo. 40 rounds are new manufacture and 60 rounds are vintage manufacture. Most vintage ammo sells for $140 per box or higher. I also have 220 rounds of reloads. I am selling the reloads as components. So if you reload it gives you a lot of brass and bullets to use. $2500 for everything.2 points
It has been several years since I had a Class 3 Dealers License but I believe the Form 5 was for tax free transfers, such as to a law enforcement agency or to a heir named in a will.2 points
If you want something solid instead of a faux vent, look for a plumbing access panel. This is a smaller one but they come in various sizes. I have a finished storage room behind my media room. I added those access panels on the storage room side of the wall so I have easy access to my in-the-wall cabling connections.2 points
2 points
West Knoxville HF didn't have this one in stock so I had to pay a little more for one. I know people like to pick on Harbor Freight but for certain parts they do just fine. I got the hole opened up a hair and got the flex tube fed through. I'm leaning towards installing an access door here similar to Farman instead of replacing with finished sheetrock.2 points
When I’m wavering on a gun purchase, I ask myself, “will I regret walking away from this gun right now? Will it be easier or harder to get it later at this price?” You can always get more money but is your opportunity to buy this gun right now one that you’ll regret if you pass it up?2 points
I have as gun magnet in my RV, near the head of the bed to hold my Colt at night.2 points
I had to open up my ceiling to get to the water pressure regulator and knowing a patch would look like a patch I put an A/C return grate up to hide the hole. I used cardboard and duct tape to seal the louvers. Now, if I need to get up there just take down the grate.2 points
I've fired Hornady JHP and Reed Ammo JHP through Makarovs and 82s without a problem. Speaking of ammo, when I bought my Maks and 82s about 20 years ago I laid in a supply of about 3,000 rds of various FMJ brands. It was about 10 cents or less a round. I have enough now to shoot for at least 15 years after I'm dead.2 points
I built all of mine, so all they know is that I bought a lower, but I've lucked up and bought most of my lowers 2nd hand, so only 1 or 2 have a 4473. If I bought a complete AR pistol w/ brace, I fully believe the ATF keeps those records, effectively creating a registry like you said.2 points
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Last winter I read an article where folks were stuck in their cars on a frozen Interstate for a day or so. The gas-burners were in real trouble and people were having to walk a ways. A guy in a Tesla was A-OK. Not so much because battery > gas, but because he started his relatively short trip with a fully charged battery because he always charges it up at home. Lots of the gas cars didn't start out full. That's not to say this is always the case for all people, but always starting your day with a full "tank" is a pretty nice thing to do. The article also brought up the fumes from the gasoline cars. Our cars are not air tight and all those cars sitting still and idling for hours is a concern. all that exhaust pools around the cars. Normally it's fine because we're all moving, but in an hours/days long standstill it can be an issue. I'd like to have one as a commuter car, but not as my only car. That's true of a gas or diesel truck too. The difference is that a full gas/diesel tank has a longer range than a fully charged F-150 EV battery, and refilling is a lot more convenient and faster.1 point
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I received this as a part of a deal on a motorcycle. Came to me as used but like new, I fired 5 rounds through it and it operated perfectly. Good entry level AK, far better build and fit and finish than I would have expected, only lacking pedigree. Will trade for any interesting revolver or pistol, 22 preferred. Any trade offer welcomed. Can also trade up. Comes with new drum. 423.237.8203 Crossposted.1 point
1 point
With the exception of guns I buy simply to hold and make a buck, I try to keep my gun purchases to well-researched guns that the specs, reviews, and my own style suggest an 85% probability that I'll use and enjoy. Today that's possible because reliable gun reviews by knowledgeable people are available with the help of Google (what constitutes reliable and dsknowledgeable people is another discussion). If I am disappointed after the purchase, I put it away for a while and try to decide if it's me or the gun. Sometimes I didn't give it a fair trial, was in a hurry to shoot it rather than learn about it, etc., all things relating to me. Then sometimes, it's just the wrong gun for me. Nobody's fault, just my subjective findings didn't match the reality I was expecting. That's what I discovered 40 years ago about Colt .45 autos and Browning High-Powers. They didn't suit me, and still don't. I do have an FEG HP clone which now is a good shooter I got in a trade, but it could go out the door tomorrow and never again cross my mind. Same with a Colt Police Positive in 32/20 made in 1923. Beautiful gun, but just not me. It too, can go. At one time or another if you buy enough guns, you get one that is just lousy but you hang onto it thinking it will get better. I have found that thinking is like holding on to a sack of cow manure you hope one day will become chocolate chip cookies.1 point
Follow the link below and scroll down to "Related Resources" and click on the "New: Frequently Asked Question. That brings up the document from ATF that I referenced in my earlier post. At this time--you can register as an SBR and change the stock. Who knows if they will leave it like that. May be an incentive to get more people to register.1 point
True gun- and metalsmithing is a dying art. There are a variety of skills to master: machining, finishing metal and wood, making small parts and springs, heat treating, and of course mechanical diagnosis. Not to mention a good knowledge of the legal requirements and licensing. Today there are easier ways to make better money. Cylinder and Slide was planning on closing their doors because they apparently couldn’t find anyone willing or able to take over the business.1 point
I’ve bought a nice example of each of these off our trader in the last couple of years. I also bought one that looked like Jay’s years ago from Centerfire . Stripped and blued it. Looks beautiful now. Will dig it out and get a picture later.1 point
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Might try replacing one of the bricks with a piece of 2x4 to see if you still have clearance, and it won't put as much strain, if any on the HVAC duct work.1 point
Walk into Smoky Mountain Silencer in Newport and ask to see the Glock 20. If you like it, call me at 423.237.8203. I will get the gun out of consignment and I will meet you for a trade. As much as you dislike 1911s, I dislike Glock, you are welcome to it. Or, if you don't mind a 4473 we can do the swap right there in store. Either way it'll cost me cash.1 point
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Ran across the new FN High Power the other day. $1,350 ain't happening,1 point
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It depends. Most people think the law is black and white. In reality it's shades of gray and green.1 point
I know I generally see it in regards to firing pins and having to do with primers and other debris around firing pin channels and the parts below them. For me personally, it’s a risk I’d rather not take. My gun in my holster on my person.1 point
Lots of ambiguity there. I'm still not sure where it all really stands. As for the 120 day "free" registration...I really don't know what I'd do if I had such a creature.1 point
Lots of new pistols recently. Being a longtime RIA fan; I am, like MacGyver, very much interested in seeing and shooting one. Not outrageously priced, but at hovering around 1K, it will not be a likely addition anytime soon for me. Also like the fact that it's made in the continental USA and not an import; but that's not a buying issue for most of us. I see the Canik Rival S being a competitor for this RIA. Sounds like booth are going to be very popular with range and competition shooters. Simply because I'm so vested in the Canik line, I would probably go for the Rival S first. But if money were no object...The RIA 5.0 would go into the number one position for me. Either would be an awesome addition to any shooter's safe though.1 point
When your tyranny knows no bounds and your financial ability to defend your position in court is backed by the unlimited funds of your tax-paying subjects you get actions like this, right?1 point
Sportsman guide had these earlier today for $210 w/ shipping (not sure on tax to TN) for non members. That was pre-covid pricing, just checked but now they’re sold out and sportsman is notorious for taking orders without having stock. Came w/ three mags. I picked up a TX-22 mid covid, has seen a few rounds and probably went 800 or so without cleaning. After break-in and cleaning it eats my worst ammo like a wrangler/SA revolver would. I was able to snag a comp slide and added their cheap dot during Black Friday for 20% off, w a couple of mags and +5 extensions. If you were interested I’d create a shopping cart and add in email and play the wait a day or two game to receive an email w a coupon. https://shoptaurus.com/products/taurustx-22-competition-conversion-kit.html It appears the comp is in stock now, I had to join their email list as I was waiting for it for at least 4 months to restock. dot: https://shoptaurus.com/products/bushnell-rxs-100-reflex-sight.hthttps://shoptaurus.com/products/bushnell-rxs-100-reflex-sight.html I thought about buying the keltec, then remembered I had more .22 range guns than brain cells. And like ohell said the cp33 is a ton of fun for a plinker. TX-22 definitely gets taken out every time, no questions asked. Fun to shoot on the cheap and warmup. (They also just dropped a subcompact this morning for around $310, I know dealer pricing is $271, and suggested MSRP is $399). Hope this helps someone!1 point
I think if you have to ask the question, you already know the answer. LOL1 point
We hired the inspector, not the seller. He did catch other issues like I mentioned. It's well known that a home inspector will never catch every issue. I lived here 1.5 years before figuring this out. It's a 32 year old house so if this is my worst problem I'll take it. I'll get it fixed and move on. I'm going to get a few estimates from Heat and Air companies before ripping out the ceiling. They may have a solution.1 point
You really need to research what they all are and current values. Some of those old mil-surps that were dirt cheap 15 - 20 years ago are bringing very good money now. Some that are still common and inexpensive can bring premium prices with certain markings. You are only going to get .50/1.00 or less selling as a package deal. Way less if the dealer realizes you don't know much about what they are their values. If I were closer, I wouldn't mind helping you identify and value them. I had a C&R up until about 8 years ago. I realize that my children and their spouses really have no interest in most of my old mil-surps. Recently I've been selling a few. Problem is there is not much of a collector market locally. I've sold most of the lesser value ones. What I have left are going to need to go to gunbroker or some other large market to realize their value.1 point
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