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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2022 in all areas
6 points
Merry Christmas TGO. Lets see what you got for Christmas. I bought myself a new snow shovel, this one ought to do the job.3 points
The wife got me an awesome new wedding band (the original was too tight)… Plus a couple mags and tuckable holster for the xds that I’ve been carrying. My dog bought me a couple Heritage revolvers too. LOL. Parents set me up with a smokeless fire pit and the kids got me a new phone case and life jacket. I’ve been blessed! Merry Christmas all!3 points
My son got me this Best Quality Speed Loaders | AR-15 Speed Loaders | RRS Speed Loaders awesome of him..2 points
Megastar is 10mm with one mag, in original box with tools and papers. No signs of being fired but does show signs of long term storage. $1200 Firestar 40 is minty, unfired, two mags, box and papers with tools. $600 Firestar 9mm shows signs of storage, unfired, one mag, box and tools and papers. $600 I'd prefer a single transaction. Looking to trade for interesting items such as S&W 27 nickel with presentation box or Winchester 94 or ? And I'm always looking for 22 revolvers. More detailed pics to come, gauging interest here. All offers entertain. 423.237.82032 points
We as a people have gotten way to easy on POSs that commit crime!!!2 points
Once they have enough EV's on the road they will begin having the problems in Summer too!........JMHO2 points
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I suppose that everyone has to make their own judgement about this kind of thing, but I don't want to see a world (San Francisco for example) where it's okay to steal. I see it as being less about the stolen merchandise than it is about a civil society. If a store decides to just let people walk out with whatever they can carry, the cost is transferred to the rest of us, even if it is a tax write-off. I think we've all seen videos of gangs of organized thieves going into a store and taking everything they can carry. I don't want our country to be like that. And while I agree 100% that it's tragic that the RK employee was killed, I admire him for having the courage and conviction to do his part to slow the downward slide we find ourselves in.2 points
I got called in as reserve for our loss prevention at Sears in high school. Mostly just blocking exits and trying to funnel them where we wanted them. I did end up in a wrestling match one time. The guy made it to his car and was fighting with one handcuff on. I managed to get the other cuff hooked around the seat so he couldn't swing. He gave up when the cops arrived. In retrospect, that was really stupid for $5.35/hr and maybe a couple hundred in merch. Most places have a policy against that now... just let them go if they make it out of the store.2 points
I don't know if the store employee was loss prevention or not, doesn't matter. I spent a little better than 5 years working in loss prevention. I must say it's mostly a job for the young and dumb, which was fitting for me at the time. I've had shoplifters threaten to shoot me and I just fought them harder. I was in more physical altercations then I care to count. And for what? A couple of hundred dollars worth of a giant corporation's stuff that they are going to write off if it walks out the door, while I was earning $7-11 an hour. I count my blessings daily that I was never seriously hurt doing that job. I enjoyed the hunt, and the capture immensely back then, but wouldn't do it for any amount of money today. When you do that work you eventually pick up a 6th sense for when someone is going to shoplift. I often get that feeling when I'm out shopping and I'll post up and watch from a distance. I have absolutely no intention of doing a thing, there is just some satisfaction watching my hunch play out. Not my circus, not my monkeys.2 points
This just in....he's now a resident of the Knox County hotel complete with a zebra suit, shiny bracelets, and orange kicks.2 points
For Sale or Trade: As New/Unfired Barrett M82A1 package includes: -M82A1 -Pelican case -Leupold Mk Iv LRT -Otis cleaning kit -All factory paperwork/documents, to include blank warranty card -500 rounds of factory ammo (mixture of Barrett and Lake City) Price: $13000 ***PRICE REDUCTION to $10k**** Trades: I will take full or partial trades for your Gold or Silver (valued at daily spot price), Rolex watches, or possibly a combination of cash, precious metals, other firearms, and livestock. I travel between Chattanooga and Fort Campbell/Clarksville on a weekly basis, so can meet at either location, or public location between the two points.1 point
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Hey guys, so I’m jumping headfirst into the super Moto thing. first off it has a rebuilt title I bought it that way. The guy said it was from a theft. I highly doubt it because it has frame sliders on it that have rash on them but there’s no rash on anything else on the bike. By saying this, it still rides shifts and runs like it should have put around 2000 miles on it in the Twisties East, TN. It does have a small dent in the tank from my kid trying to help daddy out by putting the bike up when it started to rain. It also has a flat spot about 8000 RPM where it feels like it’s cutting fuel for a second . I bought a power commander five to throw on it and have not tuned it yet. Now that I’ve scared everybody from buying it , let’s list a couple good things about it. 2012 with 11.5k miles Very stout bike but comfortable to ride all day ( detuned cbr1000rr motor) I’ve owned 68 bikes and rode plenty others and outside of a couple bmw bikes and triumphs this one is one of the most comfortable and easy to handle bikes I’ve thrown a leg over yoshimura r77 exhaust power commander V newer Michelin power sport tires I do not have the passenger pegs. I have no idea where I put them. I’ll take them off every bike I have because I don’t take passengers that’s the whole point of having a bike for me. feel free to contact me at 615-390-7867 with any questions I will give you everything I know and nothing I don’t. located near Opry mills mall May do some trading, but really like to sell as I have my eye on a Ktm 450exc which is undoubtedly, gonna get me in a lot of trouble asking $45001 point
Glock 20 appears to be unfired, 2 mags, excellent like new condition, no box. $550 I also have about 400rnds of personal defense ammo separately. Taurus Millennium is used, low round count, one mag. 45acp $350 Has pocket clip on side. I'm always looking for 22 revolvers. Also looking for S&W revolvers....can trade up or down. Offers entertained. 423.237.82031 point
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Decided to keep the stock. Will list the barrel in its own add.1 point
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I've been following this thread and honestly, I just don't know what to say. It seems that human life has no value anymore. Taking a life over petty theft? What does that say about us as a society? In this case, I hope all those terrible stories you hear about what happens to young, pretty boys in prison are true.1 point
Thompson 50 Cal. Muzzle loading rifle. Dual set triggers, bore in excellent condition as is entire rifle. Williams rear sight, much more precise than the original leaf sight. All accessories ( 300 caps, 300 balls, all tools.) included. All you need is powder ( black or pyrodex) to shoot. $350.00 or trade. ( firearms only)1 point
Tristan is the third son this family has lost in the last four years. I’ll be honest with you all, I’d rather seen this piece of trash walk out with the ammunition and bungee cords he stole, rather than this young man be shot and killed over such trivial stuff. Tristan’s life wasn’t worth the price of that stuff. Law and order be damned.1 point
At least you wont shoot your eye out with that. After a bit this one might hit you in the head with that shovel!1 point
From the quality of your sales Mr Calexiter, I have to try and influence you into moving closer to East Tennessee!! The cost of living is lower!1 point
Very nice S&W and grips as well I have owned several sets of VZ 1911 grips over the years and loved all of them, it should not have been a surprise to me that I love their revolver grips just as much the folks at VZ are all good people as well1 point
I've killed a bunch of deer with a .270. .A 270 was my first deer rifle over 25 years ago. I've tried about every bullet on the market. Years ago the Winchester Silver Tips were great. About 10 years ago something changed and they didn't do as good of a job. Most recently I've run Hornady American Whitetail 130 gn with good success and it's a pretty budget friendly round. I've had two bad experiences with Remington Core-Lokt in .270. One was probably the biggest buck I ever shot at. I found a 2" long chunk of rib bone on the ground where I shot it, but the deer made it to a river and drowned. I spent several hours in a pair of leaky waders with yeppers in the teens trying to find that deer unsuccessfully. The second issue was a small buck at 20 or so yards. Didn't even act like he was hit. Slowly walked in around the tree that I was in and I put another one in him. Upon inspection I had hit where I was aiming both times. I've used Core-Loct in other bigger slower calibers, such as 30-30 with much success. As my rifle collection has grown and my hunting locations have dwindled I find myself leaving the .270 in the safe in favor of other guns. Mostly because my .270 is set up to shoot longer distances and I'm not seeing those distances in most of my hunting situations currently. The caliber excels in the 100-300 yard range, and 300 is my personal limit. Depending on the round, you will typically see around 6 inches of drop at 300 yards, and another 10 inches at 400. (Hint: a 200 yard zero will put you 1.5" high at 100 yards. A 200 yard zero will put you in the kill zone anywhere from point blank to 300 yards with minimal holdover.) I'm running a 6.5x20x50 scope, which makes 300 yard shots fairly easy. I have found that under 100 yards and particularly under 50 yards I have not had good experiences with a .270. The majority of deer I've killed in the 100-300 range have dropped. While the majority of deer I've shot with a .270 at under 50 yards have run a good ways. I attribute this to the bullet moving too fast and not expanding. I suspect a heavier bullet moving slower would remedy the situation, but I haven't messed with it, as I carry something like a 45-70 or a 12 ga slug gun when hunting in those situations.1 point
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Great looking grips and gun @willis68! I just put a set of VZ's on my (new to me) 1984 S&W Model 66 last Friday. Run great with Dry Fire. Too cold for these old bones to shoot 'em this weekend, but plan to run them tomorrow.1 point
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I suppose it depends on how you look at it. Lot of facets there. When I left the profession in 2010 the policy had changed from "get then back in the store by any means necessary" to "ask them politely to give back in the store and if they decline, get as much information as possible but let them go". I too would hate to see a society where it's acceptable to just walk out of a store with whatever you want. But our society has become so litigious that retailers have found that it's cheaper to let the merchandise walk. Of course the alternative is to lock up high risk merchandise. I hate going into a retail store more than about anything, but I especially hate the thought of having to track down a key holder to make a purchase. There are no winners here other than the thieves.1 point
As I have said in the past, the TGO is the real social media I interact with. I scroll Instagram, but I don’t interact there. While I may not agree completely politically with everyone here, we all like guns and we all like shooting and we all feel that this is our constitutional right. Also, I have had direct interactions with many of the members here and I have yet to meet someone I didn’t like. Merry Christmas to you all!!1 point
Correct, for purchases through Blue Label dealers (like GT Dist.) Not eligible for direct-from-Glock blue label. That requires active or retired LE/Mil creds, active penal-colony creds, or active LE recruit. https://us.glock.com/en/buy/blue-label-program1 point
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I can tell I'm not one of these people because I've never been fast enough to see @Grand Torino knives still available for purchase. By the time I see them they are already sold. Usually within a few minutes.1 point
I usually do not wade in on matters like this, its just a senseless crime. However, what jerks my chain, the number of what ifs if this POS was behind bars on his previous incursions of crime. The article below explains two recent priors: Such as a recent aggravated robbery, felony evading, and a separate incident in Oct for shooting another individual. Do you think the justice system has any remorse for what happened to this RK employee for failing to keep this POS behind bars? https://www.wbir.com/article/news/crime/kcso-shooting-occurs-behind-rural-king-in-halls-suspect-at-large/51-b221c0ef-c87f-41ad-ae26-47f8cf7df6a01 point
Televised firing squad or hangings need to make a comeback for this POS.1 point
Prayers to the family of the victim of this POS. Glad they caught him and hopefully the courts will do their job...1 point
Considering he shot and killed someone to not get caught shoplifting, here’s hoping that his lack of sense holds out long enough to get recognized in the same outfit.1 point
aimpoint, vortex, and eotech all make solid magnifiers. The holosun 3x is good as well for a more budget friendly version. Each of those come with solid mounts, if your PRO is on a riser might want to look at the unity options for the higher magnifier.1 point
I don’t know but she’s hot and definitely trouble with two fingers on the trigger. I didn’t know you could hold a lever action like that. Yep, definitely trouble.1 point
I contacted VZ Grips, I love their operator 2 Grips for the Colt Cobra, they said that even though it states on their website's these are not for the King Cobra, they claim many folks do report they fit perfectly. They said if I order them and they do not fit, they will give me a full refund. So, I have a set coming1 point
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