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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2022 in all areas
3 points
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I've certainly had worse! 3 of the 285gn Prvi at +/- 2400fps, into a See-Hair over 3/4" makes me happy! Bring on Cape Buffalo season.3 points
I experienced something this morning that I've read about. All those fancy lane holding and collision avoidance features with all their fancy sensors... don't see motorcycles. I was in the left lane and this newer Hyundai comes up on my right. I looked over as he came alongside and about when my front tire even with his door, on goes the turn signal and here he comes. Never turned his head to look. I grabbed the brakes, hit the horn and high beams. He was about half way in my lane with my right bar about a foot from window glass when he realized the problem. Turn your frickin head and look!!! Sheesh. Don't let your wife read this Erik.3 points
They are shameless in using any end-arounds as they chip away at the long term goal. But there are a couple delicious ironies in this one with their contradiction of liberal ideology. It disproportionately effects the disadvantaged groups who liberals profess to love as they do not have surplus cash on hand and have to buy items on credit. Secondarily, it promotes more non trackable private party sales among the group they most detest, us law abiding conservative gun enthusiasts who clearly have to much money. While they would prefer to ‘redistribute’ that wealth to the group they are most effecting, they are simply having us pass it along amongst ourselves. They didn’t think this one thru, not that one could ever accuse them of thinking versus over-reacting.3 points
Re-Factor Tactical's Brain Box / Kill Zone Target This may trigger some folks, but the fastest way to end a gunfight is to accurately and quickly produce fatal trauma in the central nervous system. This target will hone your ability to do that. Printable_Targets_KillZone.pdf3 points
getting out of 10mm sale: ̶$̶2̶2̶5̶0̶ ̶$̶2̶0̶0̶0̶ $1500 CMMG BANSHEE MK10 10mm pistol 1 glock 10 round magazine 2 SGM 30 round magazines(30) 1350 rounds of various high quality 10mm ammo (a $1.5k value) BANSHEE only spent 1 day at the range, so it is very gently used. Has a Strike Industries hand stop on it and a silencerco 3 lug muzzle device installed that could easily be swapped for a muzzle device of your choice.2 points
Grandpower Stribog 9mm sp9a1 gen 2 with folding brace, original case and 3 mags. $1100 with optic $900 without Maryville area meet.2 points
Anyone with the "Hello I'm New" badge cannot send a new PM, part of the anti-scammer package2 points
I found this in a past post. (Memphis TV channel 13 reported some info on the Kawasaki shop incident. I know the man who carried in to the store. Went to Bartlett PD until bail paid. At court received probation and fine. Could not carry until probation ended. Had to reapply for permit. Didn't get weapon returned until after court hearing after probation ended and PD did a TICS check. Lawyer fees $5k, probation a little over 2 years. )2 points
Quiet, light, interchangeable batteries. No way that thing isn’t a barrel of fun!2 points
Dot Torture There isn't much to say about this one other than that it takes some work be able to consistently get a clean run. dot-torture-target.pdf2 points
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He used 16 sticks of dynamite and two gallons of gas to try to blow a safe! Kinda reminds me of Jimmy Ferris from Texas and his story but I don’t think anyone went to jail for that.1 point
This guy is THE MAN for Rossi lever action rifles. He has parts and the knowledge to do anything for a Rossi rifle. I have dealt with him on several 92 's. Trust this man and his opinion. Thanks, Robert1 point
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Its only going to get worse as more and more people rely on their car to drive itself.1 point
John at Cypress Creek Outdoors is my go to place for smith work. Fair prices and quality work.1 point
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Love the gun and package just don't want one in 10mm. GLWS1 point
Big n' Little / Fast n' Slow Dot torture with a sadistic twist. This will force you to learn how to mash down on the gas and pump the brakes, accordingly. Target_Pistol-target-2.0.pdf1 point
More Dot Torture Print out a stack of these and then shoot for speed and accuracy. Don't suck! Target_Kinetic All The Dots.pdf1 point
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So thanks to another awesome member that saw my post, I now have a gently loved goruck GR0 with a few add-ons on the way. While I was excited about the Vertx, I think I’m going to be much happier with this one. Overall build quality just seems to be next level compared to the Vertx I handled in person. I’ll likely never wear either of them out but that no BS GoRuck warranty is pretty awesome.1 point
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I test rode a Zero electric street motorcycle & I liked it a lot. It was light, quiet, and simple to maintain. It handled well. It was simple to ride (just gas & brake; no clutch or shifting gears.) If I was just commuting back & forth to work with short 30 to 45 min rides on the weekend, I could see getting one. But as a streetbike the way I like to ride, their range is just too short for me. But as a dirtbike, like @Erik88 is getting, I think electric is a perfect entry level ride. The range is adequate, maintenance is minimal & it will be quiet. It will also be fun & that's the real point of having one. It's going to get his foot in the door with riding w/o freaking out the wife. It seems like a solid plan. I had friends test ride some KTM dirtbikes in CO & they were really impressed with them. These were hardcore ICE-type guys who came away wanting the electric KTM if there was a way to swap battery packs or do a rapid recharge like over a lunch period. They liked to ride a lot when they went out & needed just a little more range but they were not "average" riders either. Electric dirtbikes make sense to me if you aren't doing the Pan-American trail or something like that. I look forward to hearing how it goes @Erik88.1 point
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No local dealer. I had to order from a company on the West coast and they ship it in a box. It's mostly assembled. I have to install the front wheel and handlebars. That would have been my preference too. I really wanted a Honda Dual sport. I'm hoping this will let me get my feet wet and once my wife sees I haven't killed myself she will ease up Having said that, I think this will be a lot of fun. The reviews are very positive. https://youtu.be/aJIN4I4tZP81 point
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I have some exciting news. I reached a compromise with my wife. Instead of ordering a motorcycle I heard about what are essentially electric dirt bikes. 50 MPH, 60 mile range. I ordered a Talaria Sting. Pretty excited about it. Here is a stock photo for now. I'll post more once I pick it up next week.1 point
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If I've ever mistakenly missed a sign, I've never been caught. If asked to leave, I'm happy to as I prefer not to enrich anti 2A businesses.1 point
As mentioned above, join the TFA. That's one of the best ways to try to get good work done on our behalf on TN Capitol Hill.1 point
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Those currently in office greatly benefit from pitting one group against another. Furthers their agenda. Don't fear your fellow citizens until they give you direct reason. I consider every day a struggle to survive and thank God I have.1 point
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^ What Jayhawker said. Have shot two different generations of full auto Thompsons. One quite a few times. If you keep them to a three round burst (trigger control) they will decimate the center of a target.1 point
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Throw in some duct tape and it would get the Red Green seal of approval. Very resourceful!1 point
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