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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2022 in Posts

  1. I am the second owner of this rifle. Didn't seem to have been shot very much when I purchased it. I recently replaced the barrel to a Faxon 13" and SLR gold BCG. (About 200rds through both) Has JP Rifles silent captured spring and LAW folder with SCS adapter. Olight w/ pressure switch. Primary arms acss reticle optic. Trex sling and neonag sling strap. For an extra $400 I can include 1000rds of 556 55gr ammo(with ammo can) $1200 Cash money takes the rifle. I live in Nashville but work takes me all over. Should be fairly easy for me to meet someone if need be.
    3 points
  2. Looks like what happens when a typical bear market rally collapses. Most of the factors which drove stock prices down over the last 8-10 months are still in place, inflation hasn't abated, and the Fed is signalling every way they can that interest rates are going to continue to rise. In most prior instances where the Fed set out to conquer inflationary cycles, they had to raise rates beyond the actual inflation rate. We're still a long way from there ...
    3 points
  3. No taste to the capsules. This is what I use Amazon.com: Tart Cherry Capsules | 200 Pills | Max Potency | Non-GMO, Gluten Free | Tart Cherry Juice Extract | by Carlyle : Health & Household Availabe in a lower dose also
    3 points
  4. I’d call TWRA and ask them. https://www.tn.gov/twra/wildlife-management-areas/cumberland-plateau-r3/catoosa-wma.html
    2 points
  5. Hello TGO! The safe is full and its time to move some pieces that don't get alot of love. I purchased this sweet setup from a TGO member a year or two ago and it is nuts accurate. Very fun to shoot and the optic is stunning. Fluted and threaded barrel, beautiful trigger, and very smooth action. I just don't shoot it nearly as much as it deserves (not really a bolt gun guy). Prefer to sell as a package but willing to split it up: ($225 each OBO for the rifle or optic). Ftf, in or around Middle TN, DL flash required, HCP preferred, cash only. Open to offers. Thanks, -V
    2 points
  6. I have a lot of the knives mentioned like the BM Bailout and a Spyderco Enduro 4. If I were buying knives all over again my first purchase would be a Buck 110 slim. It’s about a 3.75 inch blade and weighs about 2.8 oz. It’s also a $32 knife nowadays. Bucks 420 heat treated steel is equivalent to a lot of steel costing three times as much.
    2 points
  7. I’m satisfied with the news I’ve received. Crooks being indicted and going to jail. A guy pleading the 5th who said only criminals and the mob did that. It’s a win, win in my eyes. I’m going to make popcorn and s’mores to eat while the government and “patriots” kill each other. If I survive the crossfire, I plan to help the natives rebuild their country. I don’t have a dog in this fight yet. I figure evil will come for me after it’s done bullying women and gays.
    2 points
  8. 3300 miles 6’9” bed 10 speed automatic 4x4 with shift on the fly xl model with power everything and vinyl seats and floors . brand new bfg ko2 285/70 17 line x bed extang tri fold bed cover backup camera Bluetooth radio Everything a man needs and nothing he don’t. Only selling because I’ve come across an old truck that will do everything I need and to be honest I don’t like having something that’s this nice lol. Don’t have to sell it just don’t really need it just throwing it out there . priced under trade-in value $60k title in hand I will have more pictures up tomorrow of interior
    1 point
  9. For sale or trade is my M&P 45 FDE with thumb safety. Very nice gun. Very good shape. I’ve ran 200 or so rounds through it. I purchased new a few years ago. Carries very well for a 45. Will come with everything a new one does. (Back straps x3, 2-8round mags, locks, and paperwork. Plus a 14 round extended mag and rail mounted light. I believe I have a few boxes of Hornaday personal protection ammo that will go also. As well as a black leather OWB Belt Desantis holster. Cash price is 550.00 or trade for Glocks, Sigs, or AR9, AR15, or AR10. Can add cash either way. No rush or hurry to get rid of it. Maryville/Knoxville are but I travel from Bristol to Chattanooga and all over ETennessee for work.
    1 point
  10. Looks like just a pre-sale to scare the chickens out. There are no signs of real capitulation. The folks are just whining. Wait until they are crying, and for a while at that.
    1 point
  11. I put 250 miles on my bike today. T’was awesome! That is all.
    1 point
  12. I own lots of both hammer and striker. Personal preference, I like the hammer style (ie. CZ, Sig, etc.) best but I think JustEd has summarized my overall view, quite well.
    1 point
  13. I may have an accuwedge at the house you can have. If you changed your mind on the handguard, get the one below and I can install it for you for free and while I have it apart, I can shim the barrel. I can’t paste the link. but there is a BCM rail in the trading post.
    1 point
  14. Yes the show was typical of Columbia shows. Pretty sorry. Lebonan show ,parsons show and Sparta show are 10 times better.
    1 point
  15. I’ve had gout for 42 years. I have tried all the home remedies. None helped me. I have been on uloric for several years now and it has been a mirical cure for me.
    1 point
  16. Striker for carry Hammer for range Although for IDPA striker still wins. That is because the precise light trigger pull of a hammer fired gun is of small value when running and gunning Not having to deal with an external safety while drawing or holstering is an advantage — for me at least JMO, your mileage Mary vary
    1 point
  17. So, I am not trained as a medic (we don't have those in the Marines), but I've trained in Combat Lifesaver, so my IFAK is tailored to what I can use and will use. I keep: 2 tourniquets, a CAT and a SWAT tourniquet. Buy a real CAT, then get a knockoff from Amazon to practice with. And stage your tourniquet, don't leave it in the plastic Compressed or rolled gauze 3x3 gauze squares Medical tape Israeli bandage Chest seals Medical shears Various sizes of bandaids Various meds in single packs (Tylenol, aspirin, Benadryl, Imodium, etc.) I prefer the individual packs you can get from a gas station. I know they're more expensive, but I don't like the idea of tossing a few pills in a Ziploc. Even if you label them, too much risk for me. I don't carry stuff like an NPA or a decompression needle. Too much risk there. You're protected under the Good Samaritan rule to assist someone externally, but once you start inserting things into people you open the door to litigation.
    1 point
  18. Uric acid can also form kidney stones. I have had the pleasure of both kidney stones and gout. I try to watch what I eat. Don't drink much, but I love shellfish and liver. I will usually have a bout of gout soon after we return from vacation on the gulf coast.
    1 point
  19. The 1:9 twist should do best with 55-69 gr bullets. The 1:7 twist should do best with 69-77 gr bullets. ARs with free float handguards are usually more accurate than those with standard handguards. I also came from a bolt action hunting/target shooting background and had to change my expectations when I started shooting ARs. All else being equal, bolt action rifles are just inherently more accurate than semi-autos. Not to say semis can't be extremely accurate if built and tuned right, but you seldom find one that will hang with bolt actions straight out of the box.
    1 point
  20. As for your particular issue, I can’t be of too much help. I think your best course of action would be to call the DoS and seek assistance from the department that handles permits. I can answer one question for you though. The permits issued prior to the creation of the Concealed Carry Permit are classed as Enhanced Carry Permits.
    1 point
  21. Looks good. Mine came with the new stock as well. I finished it with pure tung oil and it came out looking pretty good I think. https://imgur.com/z8p6iDB
    1 point
  22. Another beautiful revolver.
    1 point
  23. Apparently 2167 people last year are like most politicians.They need the crap kicked out of them.
    1 point
  24. One of my issues is that I do not reload 5.56. I got my first AR a couple of years ago right when the ammo situation started going to Hell. Its been enough of a problem finding components for the calibers I already reload, that I haven't even bought dies for the 5.56. Just don't need the headaches of a new caliber right now. So I'm pretty much at the mercy of the market for my ARs. The majority of ammo I use is either mil-surp or cheap bulk stuff. Honestly, I haven't even been able to settle on a particular bullet weight or style for these rifles yet. I have bought a few boxes of premium ammo here and there as I find it. But so far there hasn't been any noticeable difference in accuracy. That's one of the reasons I started this thread. The truth is that the only reason I own these rifles is because there are so many people saying I shouldn't be able to own one. I'm kinda stubborn that way.
    1 point
  25. I took some friends and their Dad shooting today. He was visiting from Spain and had not shot a firearm since he was in the Spanish Army 40 years ago. I failed to get many pictures but they had a great time. I love these opportunities to paint firearm ownership in a more positive light, especially for people who might otherwise only hear negative things where they live.
    1 point
  26. Does this seem familiar to anyone else? VID-20220604-WA0062 (1).mp4
    1 point
  27. Picked this up at the gunshow today, $300 OTD tax and background included. I got home and ran 250 rounds of Armscor 36 grain HV .22 LR hollow points through it. The trigger in double action is heavy but not intolerably so. Its not a target pistol by any means, but for a trail gun/around the farm beater its not bad. The single action trigger break is surprisingly light and short. I had one misfire in 250 rounds and it light off on the second go around so it may have been the ammo. I have not yet tried it with the .22 wmr, but I am very happy with the pistol so far especially for the price. As far as accuracy I havent bench rested it, but it is coke can accurate off hand at 25 yards and considering the shooter thats pretty good in my book. If you have considered one I highly reccomend it as of now, Ill update if anything changes.
    1 point
  28. Here's a couple of more.
    1 point
  29. I've been attending gun shows since about 1975 and have been present for two negligent discharges of handguns, but never for a flare gun. It must have been...enlightening.
    0 points
  30. I used to use them in a couple of my issued M4s that had less than ideal upper to lower fitment. It helped some, but not as much as installing a free float rail and a better trigger. Even after those upgrades and shooting 75grn Hornady Match ammo I still couldn’t break into sub MOA at 100m with the M4 until I bumped up from an 4x ACOG to a 3-9x Leopold. When I was younger I thought anything Mil-Spec was the bees knees. But after my time in the military and subsequent time as a Gov contractor in the procurement field, I won’t let anything “Mil-Spec” in my safe…wouldn’t want my good #### to get lazy or catch an STD. On your M&P start with some match ammo of a weight that corresponds with your twist rate. If that doesn’t work throw a free float rail on it. If that doesn’t work throw a better trigger in there. If that doesn’t work throw a decent optic with 6x or better magnification on there. If that doesn’t work it’s probable you. On that note, have someone else shoot it at each of the above mentioned progressive steps to make sure it’s not you. If it’s you take a class.
    0 points
  31. I hear the same thing from TGO members in Memphis. Its only a three hour drive over here and you can stop at the new Buc-ees in Crossville along with the other thousand people trying to get in at the same time.
    0 points
  32. Jake Freeman made himself 110 million at 20 years old. He'll likely spend the next 50 years wearing a suit and attending business meetings. If I had come into that kind of money at 20 I would have likely been found dead before 30 on my private island wearing a pair of cargo shorts and not owning a shirt.
    0 points
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