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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2022 in all areas

  1. Everyone is always quick to find some way to ties these wack jobs to their ideological opponents, but the truth is that they’re normally just wack jobs. As always, the best idea is to simply wait for the information to come out. Making an informed judgement is so much better for every reason.
    9 points
  2. To make it clear, we aren't voting on whether to exile Daniel from the island. I do think his posts could be more thoughtful and less inflammatory, but I agree with @Chucktshoes regarding thought diversity and opposing viewpoints. I don't want to see TGO become an echo chamber, and if we run off anyone with an opposing viewpoint that's exactly what we will become.
    8 points
  3. Who seems to use your ownership of guns in the same way that folks like Tim Kennedy use their “I am a veteran“ card to advocate for gun control or the way that some people will use the “I have a black friend” card as a shield. While you may own guns, you seem to come here solely to advocate against them and shove general politics into anything you can. Considering this is a forum dedicated to talking about firearms and expanding firearms rights, I will ask again. Why are you here?
    8 points
  4. So if you don’t have any actual interest in firearms, why are you slumming it around here amongst us?
    8 points
  5. Statement in bold could be applied to swimming pools, vehicles, hammers, kitchen knives, etc. Less kids would drown if we didn't have swimming pools. Less families would die if we didn't have vehicles. Less boyfriends would bash the brains of their girlfriends if they didn't have hammers laying around unlocked. Less girlfriends would stab their cheating boyfriends if kitchen knives were all made out of plastic.
    7 points
  6. I posted this back in November of 2021 but the day after I posted it a family member died and with everything that was going on I kind of just forgot about it. This is a M1 garand in really good condition my grandfather purchased after he got back from the Korean war. The rifle is in great condition for its age. Price is $1200 firm. These are getting harder to find especially in this condition.
    6 points
  7. I think it's fine to change your mind over time on issues. Sometimes I will start to question my stance after a horrific shooting. That train of thought usually stops every time I sit down and really think about the proposed gun control laws that are presented. I honestly don't think any of them will be meaningful at all. Nearly all are just attempts to make us feel safer which I hate. The other issue is that a lot of people calling for gun control are completely uneducated on firearms. They don't understand that an assault weapon ban is really a ban on all semi auto rifles. Some people on Reddit and Twitter call for an all out ban on the 2nd amendment which isn't helpful at all. On the other hand, I'm extremely concerned about the rate these mass shootings are happening and that our government is simply incapable of doing anything to stop it. As a country, we're so divided we can't even discuss the issue in any meaningful way. No one, and I mean no one, wants to talk about how much crime occurs because of gang violence. Few want to admit just how much new gun laws would disproportionately impact minorities either. They aren't coming to the white suburbs to enforce new gun laws. I can promise you that. So day after day these shootings continue to happen and nothing changes. Republicans are extremely hypocritical because they will blame it on mental health and then refuse to pay for treatment. I want people to be safe when they go to movie theaters, parades and schools. I personally don't feel safe at these places. We have a horrible ####ed up culture that seems to get worse every day. Guns are the easiest thing to blame because we don't know what else to do. I really believe all of us share some of the blame for this, not as gun owners, but as Americans. We are consumed with work, stressed out, and are so divided we're not always decent to one another. Until some sort of top down culture shift happens this will only get worse.
    6 points
  8. I’ll be honest with you Daniel, being one of the more moderate people on this forum (one who typically sides with Erik88, Linksys, ChuckTshoes, BTR and is not a Trump follower), you come across as a troll to me. And you have been coming across like that for years. How you’ve managed to keep a membership here, is beyond me. The only time you ever show up is either during an election period or after another tragic shooting. And then simply to antagonize. I don’t think I’ve once seen you talk about any firearm or firearms related subject other than gun control in the decade or so I’ve been here. And again honestly, that makes me wonder if you even own firearms. A political hack and troll is actually what you come across as. And quite honestly, if you were to leave for another gun site on the internet, I doubt anyone would miss you. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
    6 points
  9. I’d be willing to bet my last dollar, in this day and time, you will not find anyone to do this for you. As it would be considered building a firearm that does not have a serial number it does not belong to the builder.
    6 points
  10. I would argue that you'd have to be a wack job to join some of these leftist, or far right for that matter, organizations.
    6 points
  11. It's not your fault. I've felt this way for some time. Today I just reached my boiling point. He may have once upon a time, been a contributing member here, on other things, but it seems over the last several years, all I've seen him do is come on here and run amok on gun control or post things that are derogatory or not pertinent to the issue at hand. I've never once felt the need to IGNORE a soul here, but today I reached my limit and have done so.
    5 points
  12. Getting back to the original subject..... I just saw reports that the rifle was purchased legally. The shooter was dressed in women's clothing. Most likely to hide his many tattoos. He climbed down off the roof and blended into the crowd to make his escape. He walked to his Mother's house and took her car. PD put out info on shooter and vehicle. A good citizen saw and reported the car. PD made a traffic stop and shooter was taken into custody peacefully. A second rifle was found in the car. He may be crazy or just plain evil. But the shooter ain't stupid.
    5 points
  13. He could be mentally ill or he could be just f’n evil. There was a lot of premeditation in his actions. He should be held accountable. I don’t care what side of the political fence he claims. He has no soul. I simply posted the pictures for those who always see the antifa boogeyman to show that there were other pictures out there showing the murderer as a fanboy of TFG. Again, his politics don’t matter, just give him a fair trial and let the chips fall where they may.
    5 points
  14. I don’t know what, if any, biases statista hold. Everytown on the other hand is a Bloomberg funded organization created for the sole purpose of enacting gun control so its biases are a known quantity. One is a data set of unknown quality. The other is a data set that is extremely suspect in its veracity due to the strong bias of its source.
    4 points
  15. I tend to agree with this. Out of 350,000,000 people in this country odds are you are going to have a few that are just purely evil. With this many people and a certain percentage of them just plain evil, it is surprising that we have as few mass killings as we do. Actually we don't have that many. The media just blows up everyone that we do have.
    4 points
  16. You might want to consider getting rid of them. I hear those things are dangerous!
    4 points
  17. At the end of the day the guy is a world class d*ck. It’s troubling that I had to both sides something like this with photos. I assure you the families that lost loved ones yesterday could care less about the killer’s political leanings. What difference does it make? What difference would it make if this idiot were the king of socialist? Why can’t we call out all dumb f*cks with guns without checking to see if there is a R or D next to their names prior to gauging how angry we become over mass shootings? ####’s crazy! I don’t have any answers besides leading my family out in fire teams and performing bounding over watch when we go outside of our perimeter (home).
    3 points
  18. I think you might have been suffering from confirmation bias when you saw those photos and interpreted them to mean that he's a Trump supporter. Dressed like Waldo from Where's Waldo and standing at a Trump Rally? That looks like a socialist Antifa soy-boy peacocking for his buddies on social media. Draped with a Trump flag, using it as a cape, acting like a moron? Possibly a Trump supporter but more likely just another form of clowning for his circle.
    3 points
  19. Thanks I think that would be the best option as I don’t agree with anything he writes
    3 points
  20. All politics aside, when will the masses understand that it is the person behind the object that is doing the harm? no one called for a nationwide ban on SUVs after that nutjob plowed through a Christmas parade. As somebody so correctly posted, swimming pools, baseball bats, kitchen knives and hammers are used to kill. It is the person, the intent, the evil inside that person that turns ANYTHING into a deadly object. You cannot legislate a person's intent only their actions. Firearms are tools, period. For good or for evil they are tools. Anyone's intent to remove my legally obtained tools from my possession will not be welcomed lightly, no matter how many people "might,may,could,possibly" be potentially harmed.
    3 points
  21. No, no public voting of that. Not how we do things around here. We have been an echo chamber for long stretches of time. It’s why I am so happy when diverse worldviews arrive and help us not to be that.
    3 points
  22. Turns out that living is dangerous business. Every time we try to fix that, we end up with more government bureaucrats and government programs that only cause more unintended problems. Who gets to pay for this? You and me. I’ve been told that insanity defined is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.
    3 points
  23. I asked a direct question in hopes of getting a clear and direct answer for once. Thank you for providing that. While I absolutely don’t agree with your views (at least as I understand them) I can see the merit in your aims. I will suggest altering your technique. If it seems as if I have changed from being initially supportive of your presence upon your return to expressing disdain there is a reason for that. Your posting style as of late has been more indicative of someone interested in trolling as opposed to legitimate discussion and exchange of ideas. If you’re actually looking to engage with folks here in an honest manner, then do so in a direct and honest manner instead of throwing shade and #### posting. Diversity in thought and even contrarian viewpoints are valuable to any community. The problem is when those views are expressed in a manner designed to elicit anger and sow discord. It is the reason that we eliminated the general politics sub forum. It did not bring anything positive or contribute to the overall health of the community. Even in a place that is mostly leaning in a similar direction, it just ended in needless fights. So stow the general/world politics posts. They’re not welcome. Getting back to the main point, how about more posts like your last? That’s what I was hoping to see from you when you returned with an obviously contrarian worldview. If you want to be an actual part of of this community, I know I personally want you to be, heterodox views and all. If you’re just going to go back to stirring up mess with no purpose, you won’t have to leave voluntarily.
    3 points
  24. So let’s change the discussion. You give us 3 things to fix this that do not infringe in the rights of others. And for the record, I have never physically hurt any person. I don’t look kindly on the implication that I am somehow responsible for any of these shootings. Exactly HOW am I hurting others by owning firearms?
    3 points
  25. They also don't separate crime-related shootings from nut-job shootings. So if 3 or more gang bangers shoot each other over a drug deal, that counts as a "mass shooting". Or something more in the grey area like a bank robbery with 3+ shot that also counts. But neither of those scenarios are the same, psychologically, as the seemingly random-victim nature of yesterday's parade shooting, Buffalo, Uvalde, Las Vegas country music fest, the DC snipers, etc.
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. Before people should need to pass a phycological review to own a firearm I think it would be far more important to need one to run for any kind of Public Office-
    3 points
  28. Nice condition model 642. Carried and shot very little. It includes 3 sets of factory grips, pink and black rubber boot grips and a set of black rubber combat grips. Also includes an Amish made leather owb holster, 100 rounds of tula and approximately 80 rounds of Remington 125 grain SJHP .38 +p self defense loads. Looking to trade for a full size semi auto such as a Glock 17, 20 or 21. Most looking for a 9mm or .45 acp. Will consider a 10mm, but no .40s please. Will also consider other quality brands of semi autos. Meet local to Oak Ridge/West Knoxville.
    2 points
  29. Well here's to him pulling an "Epstein" while incarcerated
    2 points
  30. I actually thought today it's possible that both are true. He could have been some sort of far left loser at one point before being pro Trump. Looking at him he looks like a a confused and pathetic individual that doesn't stand for anything and just wants to get a reaction from anyone willing to give it. I think your initial claim of mental health is accurate because I just read he attempted suicide in 2019 and police were informed at that time. Another time he threatened people with his knife collection apparently.
    2 points
  31. I enjoyed having you around during the election because this place was a circle jerk and you were one of the few people to have a different opinion. Lately it seems like you've gotten frustrated and all your posts have shifted towards being snarky. I have certainly been guilty of this too but I've tried to get better about it. But yes, some people here hate hearing a different opinion and aren't going to like you or I no matter how politely we offer a different opinion. My advice would be the same as the others. Soften the way at which you debate. It's nice having a different view point here. Especially someone in the military such as yourself.
    2 points
  32. From this I am guessing you and I were in agreement when it was previously discussed that closing asylums a few decades back was not a good choice. I would look to finding a way to move back to that model. Obliviously we would need to ensure funding was there for treatment and protection of both staff and patients.
    2 points
  33. Good accurate post. Personally, I've never fired upon another person, with the exception of Vietnam. I will never go along with changing parts of the US Constitution just because someone disagrees with it. My vote would be an involuntary exit from TGO. JMHO
    2 points
  34. I can vouch for Wilco Tactical, my son and I use him for all of our transfers, he’s great to deal with.
    2 points
  35. Anytime I deal with the government, I consider it a hassle. I wish I could go ahead and purchase a lifetime drivers license to go with my lifetime gun permit. Then I would never have to set foot in the DMV again.
    2 points
  36. You arent hurting anyone by owning firearms. We are hurting others by supporting and campaigning for decreased control of firearms. There are people here who want all restrictions on the ownership of all firearms and related products removed. I am obviously a gun owner. I have not given my firearms away. I have no plans to give my firearms away. I do not advocate for less regulation of the firearm industry. It would take me awhile to give you three things to "fix this" as you have to look at secondary, tertiary, etc effects and that is not my realm. I AM open to looking for some things and enacting them if we (as a country) find some.
    2 points
  37. I'm sure some young whispersnapper from TGO would love to help you next time for a reasonably small percentage.
    2 points
  38. I’ve owned 3 of those 1991A1s,they were all very accurate.This is a great deal especially with the Novak sights.
    2 points
  39. It is to the point you can almost predict this stuff. One of many reasons I choose to avoid crowds.
    2 points
  40. The answer to that is he’s a felon who can’t own guns. I’m not terribly interested in his ideas on regulating them out of the hands than can.
    2 points
  41. Because they get to heavy? I have one I use for ammo that is not currently in smaller cans. I can barely pick it up and it is not full.
    1 point
  42. Good breakdown and commentary from Breaking Points about the event.
    1 point
  43. The 22 year old suspect has been named. He is on the loose in his 2010 Honda Fit. His AR-15 was recovered at the scene.
    1 point
  44. That pistol flat out shoots too.
    1 point
  45. I have seen old guns also turned into art-say behind a shadowbox or hung on a wall-
    1 point
  46. I'd look for a gun buy back campaign and make a buck or two.
    1 point
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