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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2022 in all areas
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I own a few automatic watches, around 15 Swiss made Invicta back when they were made in Switzerland. Most have the 7750 Movement. I just bought this one last month it's a Swiss made aouto Piolts watch, I'm looking to add an Omega Moon Watch to my collection ssoon. Here's the new one I just got, I'll get the Invicta's together and post some pics of them later on.2 points
Being an aviation fan, I pined for a Speedmaster in my younger days. Not feasible at the time, It started me down the road of a handful of Seiko’s over the years. You never forget your first, bought it at the BX in 1985. Keeps perfect time 37 years on. Hopefully it being quartz doesn’t distract, in it’s day it was a groundbreaker.2 points
Good looking watch. A new NH35 movement alone costs about $50. I use them to replace the 7S26 movement when a 7S26 needs service…cheaper to upgrade to an NH35 than service a 7S26. Wear and enjoy.2 points
Went out for my first trip of the year . Ran out to a little deeper water. 65 to 125 feet. My catch for the day. 35 Sea Bass, 4 Big Dogs. A really big Winter Flounder, and a 26 inch Cod. The downside is halfway back in the throttle on one engine stopped working. Engine starts and shifts into gear, but the throttle will not advance. Always something. I would love to replace my Controls and Cables, but I can't find anyone I trust to do the work. Even with the technical issues, it was a great day on the water.2 points
Anyone who doesn’t have nuclear at the forefront of their plans for eliminating fossil fuels isn’t a serious participant.2 points
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Equally as scary are people that are just now wanting to "get into" guns with little or no guidance on how guns operate. I see them all the time when I setup at shows and do my best to educate them even if they have zero intention of buying one from me. I'm sure some walk off with the "what a d!ck" attitude but a few have thanked me for education on how some guns function and terminology. Im no BOB but I try and do my part2 points
One of the biggest problems we face is that anti-gunners know absolutely nothing about guns. Yet they're more than willing to spread lies and mis-information like it was gospel.2 points
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Its not political or 2A related, but with all this BS going on about guns, food for thought. And maybe why this country is going down a bad road. Just some interesting information and facts on mental health. Pretty sad actually. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-wests-struggle-for-mental-health-illness-uvalde-shooting-depression-anxiety-religion-meaning-authoritarian-11654034338?st=gztdu6ijctwkqbq&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink1 point
Because I'm going to make another post with detailed information and links to sources in a more clear format that's easier to digest and help others be able to identify Belgian made firearms.1 point
"Happy to make a donation to a charity of your choosing." Outstanding offer that we should all consider when appropriate.1 point
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I also had to have an automatic watch for reasons unknown to myself-I just always wanted one- I also ended up buying an Invicta Pro Diver Automatic that's been very time worthy- At first it was running about 2 minutes a week slow-now it's been accurate for quite awhile- At less than $100.00 a person can wear it as a daily-1 point
My taste runs to pocket-watches, as I can't tolerate rings or bracelets. I learned at a young age that it's pretty easy to take one apart, but a bit more challenging to put it together again.1 point
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I just got a new knock-around watch. From the internet, I think it is the HiPoint of the dive watch world, the Invicta Pro Diver. Best I can tell, it's hated by watch snobs, grudgingly accepted by watch guys and loved by the fanboys. The original pro diver is as close a copy of to the original Rolex Submariner you can get for $60 - $70. Homage watch is the term used. I was actually looking for a field watch style and Invicta popped into my search. The model I got, 35422, has the field watch look with the simple, clean Rolex-like dive styling, without the maintenance costs of a high end watch. I have a high end automatic Swiss watch, with daily wear, it requires maintenance every 3 ish years or so. It costs, you gotta pay to play. Being a left handed shooter, I wasn't interested in buying another high end watch and subjecting it to recoil. Didn't see a G-Shock that really caught my attention... For $60 plus shipping, the quality is pretty amazing. Stainless steel case with substantial weight, finish of high polish and brushed surfaces is good. Flame Fusion synthetic sapphire crystal, nice marketing. This model does NOT have Invicta etched into the case opposite the crown. The additional etching Master of the Sea and Pro Diver at the top and bottom of the face seems optimistic. Screw down crown, a little gritty, who cares Fave and bezel are well done, lume fades but visible up to 6 hours. I like the counter balance Invicta logo on the second hand What sold me on this watch was the exhibition back and seeing the works. It uses a Seiko NH35A automatic movement.1 point
Personally, I thank Joe for bringing a fantastic end to the 9mm vs .45 debate. There is now no question which is superior. Come on .45 lovers and tell me how your slow thumper penetrates so deep and with such velocity as to remove lungs through the exit wound!1 point
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Man I’m sorry! At that point I wasn’t sure if I wanted to sell it or not so I threw out a high price. I apologize!At that point I wasn’t sure if I wanted to sell it or not so I threw out a high price. I apologize!1 point
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"They" are trying to kill the middle class. Why? Because we have guns and are tired of all their crap.1 point
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When you think you've heard it all.... When you think it couldn't be worse.... When you think there is no freaking way they can spin further out from the truth... Joe Biden and the DemocRats do just exactly that. Today they are trying to bring back public transit mask mandates. Everything else is failing so miserably they have to try and stoke fear again. Fear is the only thing they have left...1 point
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Chattanooga Rifle Club and Oak Ridge Sportsman’s Association (ORSA) have High Power Rifle matches.Info is on their websites.1 point
A tall oak tree and some rope would be a good start to straightening out our political mess!!1 point
So does this mean that the media and politicians will no longer be able to claim the AR15 platform is a "weapon of war"?1 point
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