A lot of folks aren't going to like this post and I think I am honestly past the point of caring. Why? Because the people who won't like it don't have any solutions either and their feelings on what I am about to say is why we are where we're at in the first place.
This country has forfeited its moral compass. We have a sin problem that has been intentionally hidden behind the symptomatic mental health problem, which itself is one that not many want to talk about. We have allowed leftists to take God out of our society. People, young and old alike, have practically been forbidden to talk in publicly funded places about the God who heals hearts and minds, who tells us what is right and wrong, and with whom heavy human burdens can be traded for peace that transcends worldly hurts.
Kids brains are now saturated from Pre-Kindergarten, forward, with all manner of unnatural doctrines which warp their minds and injure their souls. They are told that boys with XY chromosomes and penises can call themselves girls, and that girls with XX chromosomes and vaginas can call themselves boys, and that anyone who dares conflict those misconceptions is guilty of assaulting their self-identities. Men are Women, Adults are Kids, Kids are Sexual Beings, Left is Right, Right is Left, Wrong is Right, Right is Wrong and God is a Myth.
These days, a messed-up kid with a list of grievances in his heart often doesn't have a father AND mother at home to confide in, because we've allowed leftist ideals to destroy the nuclear family. And if the kid does have one or both at home, there is a chance that one or both are terrible human beings, themselves, and maybe the cause of some of the kid's pain. Or, at best, apathetic to it because they are just adult-sized children too, living selfish self-centered, hedonistic lives and lacking any natural compassion for their child.
That kid typically hasn't been brought up to understand that there is a real and loving God who cares for him and to whom all of his hurts and pains and anger can be brought to have them sorted out and healed.
So that kid just festers with confusion, anger and rage, like an infection below the skin, just waiting to burst and release all of what has been trapped inside of him. And then he makes the news, with a weapon of any sort, and a victim or list of victims upon whom he released his wrath.
We are reaping what our society has sown over the past five or more decades. We asked for this. And if we want to change it, we've got to get involved. We have to save our kids by investing in our kids. Not just our biological children, but our society's children. There are a lot of kids out there who don't have mom or dad, or for whom mom and dad are a part of the problem.
This isn't a situation where we can write checks and make donations and other people do the work. If you're reading this and you care about where our society is headed, you can personally get involved and you NEED to. Kids from Pre-K up to early adulthood need your mentorship, your guidance and your heart.
Like I said, a lot of people won't like this post. So be it.