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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2022 in all areas

  1. I inherited this pistol from my dad last year. Prior to inheriting it, I didn't get to shoot it because the ammo, 38 acp, is obsolete (a lighter load version of 38 super, which eventually replaced 38 acp). Several years ago he found 200 rounds but it's otherwise become unobtanium, so he didn't want to shoot it. I found out you can hand load it, so I'm able to shoot it now. This one was manufactured in 1906. And for those who don't know, this was one of the predecessors of the 1911. I believe this has lived it's whole life in our family, and it'll remain in the family. My son is into guns too, and so he'll inherit it from me eventually.
    7 points
  2. Perhaps a reading of the actual bill, (which merely allows the Enhanced Permit holder to carry in such places as off duty officers) and not letting the MSM and FOP dictate the message would explain the intent of the bill and clear up the lies perpetrated in their messaging. The State decried the curriculum for the permit course, and have decided that said curriculum is with the money spent by the Citizen. As such they have tendered a license for that special class to carry a firearm. Officers can only exercise their "police powers" while "On the Job" per two Tennessee Supreme Court cases. In Jamesena WHITE, et al. v. REVCO DISCOUNT DRUG CENTERS, INC., Decided: November 22, 2000,the court pointed out police officers in Tennessee do not possess the exclusive authority to make arrests, as private citizens possess this power in many of the same circumstances as officers on official duty.   See Tenn.Code Ann. § 40-7-109 (1997) To the contrary, when officers are “off duty,” our statutes generally treat the officer as an ordinary private citizen and not as an agent or employee of the municipal police department under a general duty to keep the peace.   See, e.g., Tenn.Code Ann. § 38-8-351 (1997) (allowing officers to participate in political activities when “off-duty and acting as a private citizen,” but not when the officer is “on duty or acting in such officer's official capacity”); Tenn.Code Ann. § 38-8-303 (1997) (making distinction between “the performance of the officer's official duties” and the officer's “off-duty [private] employment” for purposes of disclosure in official investigations).   Consequently, to the extent that a nature-of-the-act analysis focuses upon some continuous duty of police officers to keep the peace, that analysis is impractical in this state. In Ezell v. Cockrell, 902 S.W.2d 394, 403 (Tenn.1995) (stating that an officer's ability to arrest at any time does not give rise to a duty to do so, but “only delineate authority and responsibility of police officers”), and a blanket rule declaring that police officers are under a never-ending duty to keep the peace is contrary to existing Tennessee law. The bill in question then would simply allow the Enhance Permit hold to carry in locations that an off duty police officer can, as they are one and the same as declared by the Tennessee Supreme Court when off duty,. If the TCA Code allows non trained designated law enforcement (judges) to have the same berth to carry as off duty officers, why not Enhanced Permit holders, as the Permit holder is never "On The Job"? https://caselaw.findlaw.com/tn-supreme-court/1333232.html https://law.justia.com/cases/tennessee/supreme-court/1995/902-s-w-2d-394.html
    6 points
  3. The purpose as I understand it is to allow EHP holders to carry wherever LEO can carry, as in places where private property owners and businesses have posted. The optics of this bill are horrible and the bad press is really cranking up.
    5 points
  4. Tennessee Gun Owners Trading Post Updated August 14, 2023 Terms and Conditions By using the Trading Post, you agree and affirm that TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is an "Information Service Provider" as defined by Federal Law and that TGO is not the seller of ANY of the firearms or other items listed here. Listings are posted by third parties. TGO's role is similar to that of a newspaper which publishes classified ads. Our knowledge of a transaction is limited to the information contained in an item's listing and user registration databases. Rules for Using the Trading Post Observe all Federal, State and Local laws at all times. Clearly and accurately describe the item that you are offering. Disclose any flaws, any blemishes, any problems. Provide clear photos when possible. Do not offer items on behalf of a friend or other third-party. Only list items that you own and are in possession of. Do not make "testing the water" types of posts. Only post if you are ready to sell or trade. Do not agree to buy or take possession of an item unless you have all of the resources (money, items for trade, etc.) necessary to complete the deal. Complete any agreed-upon transactions within seven (7) business days unless both parties agree, in writing on TGO, that an extension of this deadline is acceptable. All transactions are final, and all items are provided as-is and without warranty unless the seller/trader says otherwise. Do not make any replies designed to interfere with the sale or trade of an item. If you wish to haggle, do it privately with the seller. No one cares what you think about the price or availability of an item. Don't be a dick. Access to the Trading Post may be revoked if you fail to follow the rules, fail to follow the law, or fail to be honest and ethical in your dealings Haggle privately. If you are a new member and can't send a private message, just post a public reply and ask the author of the ad to contact you. Haggling does not belong in public. It is no one's business what you think an item is worth. That is between you and the seller. Suggestions for Buyers and Sellers When agreeing to meet in person, put safety first. Trust your instincts! Consider only meeting at a public place with surveillance video (police stations are great for this!) and only meeting during daylight hours. Try not to meet alone, but also be clear in advance if you will be bringing a friend as backup. No one likes to be surprised by the presence of other people if it wasn't expected. Check the TGO Trader Feedback of the buyer / seller before you commit to a transaction with them. A person having "No Feedback" is not necessarily a bad thing but watch out for people with negative ratings for past deals. Scammers love to operate in private. Be extra careful if someone with little or no public content approaches you privately regarding an ad that you posted. Consider telling them to post their reply publicly where the moderators can help keep an eye on things. Every online payment service has their own list of things you may not use their service to pay for. Failing to follow their policies could result in your account with them being terminated, funds frozen or loss of buyer/seller protection. Be sure you know what they allow. Zelle, Venmo, PayPal Friends & Family and other services may not offer much (or any) payment protection. We recommend cash for in person transactions and PayPal Goods & Services for any non-restricted sales of things that are being shipped. Again, be sure that you know what the payment service provides and allows and be sure to check buyer/seller feedback here on TGO. Be willing to pay a little more for insurance from the payment service or shipper. Why Can't I Post New Threads? Are you a Benefactor member? As a thank you for supporting TGO, we typically give our Benefactors elevated permissions in some of our forums. When you buy a Benefactor membership, you're paying for a media service (TGO) similar to paying for a magazine subscription. You aren't buying the "right" to buy or sell anything on TGO. We merely make those areas available to you as a Thank You for helping us provide this forum to the public. Click here to become a Benefactor member. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Staff. This article evolves over time, and we always appreciate your ideas.
    4 points
  5. I keep hearing so much about cops being bad. Granted, a few are. Most aren't. As you know I worked as a mechanic for my city for 25 years. Cops drive patrol cars. So it was quite normal to have cops in and out of the shop on a daily basis. I got to know quite a few of them personally. I can tell you for a fact that the vast majority of our Police Officers are good, decent people who have just chosen a tough way to make a living. I know I couldn't do it. The few bad ones we've had over the years didn't last long. I'm sure its different in large cities with higher crime rates. I know Memphis is so desperate for officers that they've lowered their standards to rock bottom. Truth is they have a lot of complete idiots in uniform. But that doesn't mean that they're bad or crooked. They are trying to do the right thing. I still firmly believe that the vast majority of Police officers all over this country are good people. Its only the bad ones you hear about.
    3 points
  6. While I acknowledge that there are bad apples in LE, as in ANY trade or profession, I continue to respect those who take on the dangerous and necessary job. Personally, I have never had a bad experience with any cop. Even when I've been pulled over and ticketed, I realized that the cops were doing their jobs and I brought those tickets onto myself by my own choice to speed. LE is a job that I sure wouldn't want to take on, but I am eternally grateful for the GOOD men and women who choose to do it.
    3 points
  7. AH! And there's the rub. We are NOT LEOs. I have no desire to be a de facto LEO. I don't see how our 2nd Amendment rights can over rule a property owner's rights. Schools, government buildings and such, yes. But if a private property owner chooses to post their property, No. Their house, they make the rules. Frankly, I don't see any way in hell this will pass.
    3 points
  8. I was a member there back in 2012. The Club has 2-Trap fields 1-Skeet with 5 stand. 200 Yard Rifle range. A range for plinking and a Pistol range with paper and steel. Nice place. At the time there was no Club house don't know if they have one now.
    2 points
  9. I've been watching Rob's channel for about 1.5 years, run a phone I de-googled myself, a vpn on my home network, and no more FB. The big 3 things he advocates for if you don't want to be surveilled. Good stuff. Not impossible. De-googled android (AOSP), which Rob talks about all the time. You can even buy a de-googled phone from Rob at a very reasonable cost (or do it yourself if you're techy). You can use YT without spying. Newpipe app on android and an "invidious" server in a web browser (e.g. yewtu.be). Both are anonymous AND eliminate ads. I've only just started down this road, but he even has a solution for that. You can get a cheap sim card for an old phone that you strictly use for 2FA, from a place like h2owireless or ting. If anyone really wants to stop being surveilled and manipulated, you can do it without going back to the dark ages. In most regards you don't really have to give up anything other than you really gotta get off FB. But even there, once you decide you're ready for that, I think you'll find that you don't really miss it. Social media relationships are pseudo-relationships IMO, better to invest your time and energy elsewhere. If anyone wants to learn more, mainly I'd just suggest watching a bunch of Rob's videos, but I'm happy to help if anyone wants to ask me anything.
    2 points
  10. If someone could point out with empirical data that non criminals carrying would increase crime I might be up for increased training requirements. I personally think that every Citizen should be allowed to attend the POST training, figure a reasonable cost and let me go. My tax dollars pay for everyone else that gets to attend, why not me? Graduate the class, carry everywhere. Never forget the "Sheriff for Life" bill passed by the TN Legislature. The Sheriff is the Chief Constitutional officer elected in each County and until the 90s was elected first and then required to attend POST Certification school. The Sheriff's Association strong armed the GA into granting the requirement that ONLY POST certified individuals can seek that office, hence the Sheriff for Life status we now enjoy in TN. The Sheriff's Association, the Chiefs of Police, the DAs and the TBI have opposed every attempt to reconstruct via statute what was stripped by the Legislature in 1823 and 1871 from the enumerated Rights recognized by the original Constitution in1796 re Right to Arms.
    2 points
  11. So I'm feeling a little under the weather and decided to watch an old rerun of Leave it to Beaver, a show I enjoyed as a kid. In this episode, Beaver is invited to a party and finds himself the only boy among half a dozen girls, and he's miserable. He sneaks out of the living room and finds himself in the hostess's father's den, where the father is waiting, expecting Beaver to have made an escape. So here's the great part. The father has a collection of firearms, a Sharps rifle, an old six-shooter, and a gun rig that may have been worn by Billy the Kid. The father lets Beaver admire and handle the firearms and try on the gun rig. Can you imagine? A TV show that shows a 7-year old boy handling ---- GASP---- guns? A man letting a child handle those guns without the child's parent's permission? Several firearms in a den inside a glass-door gun cabinet with kids in the house? Now, I actually would never invite a child to handle a firearm without his parents' permission, but the point is how normal those things were in the late 1950's. Boys were expected to be fascinated with guns, adults were trusted to show a firearm to a kid, and people weren't going to freak out that there might be a gun in the house. What a huge societal change since I was watching that show.
    1 point
  12. This is the listing of Representatives that hold real sway over the outcome of 2nd Amendment restorative bills this session. As you can see, the Republicans have a numerical advantage in the Criminal Justice Committees, sub 9-2 and full 13-4. Understand this, if we fail to achieve good progress, it is not because of Democrats. Bill are killed in committee, that is the purpose of them, to give cover to the entire assembly. The reasons there is no recorded vote in committees is to hide the facts and allow the general members to say they did not vote against a certain bill while campaigning. Republicans on Criminal Justice Sub-committee: Chairman Clay Doggett, Michael Curcio, Andrew Farmer, Bruce Griffey, Dan Howell, Leader William Lamberth, Debra Moody, Lowell Russell and Jerry Sexton. Democrats: Bill Beck and G.S. Hardaway. Republicans on Criminal Justice full committee: Chairman Michael Curcio, Vice Chair Jerry Sexton, Scotty Campbell, Clay Doggett, Andrew Farmer, Bruce Griffey, David Hawk, Dan Howell, Bud Hulsey, Leader William Lamberth, Debra Moody, Lowell Russell and Paul Sherrell. Democrats: Bill Beck, Vincent Dixie, G.A. Hardaway and London Lamar. With the advent of re-districting this year, each of these elected employees of our is faced with the challenge of getting re-elected. This is the year to make our voices heard, contact these members and support the initiatives that are important to gun owners. Be polite and know your issue, when you e-mail or call, be brief but show knowledge of the public chapter the bill affects. Numbers matter, incite your contacts to join in advocating. Contact info for committee members (sub and full): Republican: Chairman Clay Doggett, Phone: (615) 741-7476, rep.clay.doggett@capitol.tn.gov Chairman Michael Curcio, Phone: (615) 741-3513, rep.michael.curcio@capitol.tn.gov Chairman Andrew Farmer, Phone: (615) 741-4419, rep.andrew.farmer@capitol.tn.gov Bruce Griffey, Phone: (615) 741-6804, rep.bruce.griffey@capitol.tn.gov Dan Howell, Phone: (615) 741-7799, rep.dan.howell@capitol.tn.gov Leader William Lamberth, Phone: (615) 741-1980, rep.william.lamberth@capitol.tn.gov Debra Moody, Phone, (615) 741-3774, rep.debra.moody@capitol.tn.gov Chairman Lowell Russell, Phone: (615) 741-3736, rep.lowell.russell@capitol.tn.gov Vice Chairman Jerry Sexton, Phone: (615) 741-2534, rep.jerry.sexton@capitol.tn.gov Scotty Campbell, Phone (615) 741-2050, rep.scotty.campbell@capitol.tn.gov David Hawk, Phone (615) 741-7482, rep.david.hawk@capitol.tn.gov Bud Hulsey, Phone: (615) 741-2886, rep.bud.hulsey@capitol.tn.gov Paul Sherrell, Phone (615) 741-1963, rep.paul.sherrell@capitol.tn.gov Democrat: Bill Beck, Phone, (615) 741-3229, rep.bill.beck@capitol.tn.gov Vincent Dixie, Phone: (615) 741-1997, rep.vincent.dixie@capitol.tn.gov G. A. Hardaway, Phone: (615) 741-5625, rep.ga.hardaway@capitol.tn.gov London Lamar, Phone: (615) 741-3830, rep.london.lamar@capitol.tn.gov Outside of calling asking your representative to co-sponsor good bills, get in touch with the committee members and ask for their vote to let the House debate and pass or fail the issues. Bills I consider important this year: HB 1898 by Grills renames enhanced and concealed handgun carry permits as enhanced and concealed firearm carry permits. HB 2323 by Grills As introduced, permits a private citizen to threaten to use deadly force in making an arrest without being subject to certain limitations. HB 2521 by Sexton revises various provisions governing the prohibition or restriction of weapons at meetings or on property owned by a private or government entity GOA bill HB 2524 by Sexton ss introduced, eliminates the criminal offenses of possession of a firearm or club with intent to go armed from 39-17-1307. HB 1375 by Todd lowers age to allow permits (if amended). HB 2770 by Todd As introduced, requires any person or entity posting signage prohibiting the possession of firearms on a property to accept custodial responsibility for the safety and defense of any person authorized to carry a handgun HB 2777 by Todd As introduced, grants a defendant who has been charged with a criminal offense based on the use of force or threatened use of force and who asserts that the force was justified by law the right to at least two justifiable use of force hearings prior to trial, at which the prosecution has the burden to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the use of force was unlawful; requires the court to dismiss the criminal charges and find the defendant immune from criminal prosecution if the prosecution fails to meet that burden. Judge Carter Act. HB 2554 by Hurt As introduced, expands the definition of "law enforcement officer" to include a person who has been issued an enhanced handgun carry permit. All but the HB 1898 by Grills are in Criminal Justice Committee, his is in Civil Justice, and I have no idea why, Firearms bills are supposed to be heard in Criminal.
    1 point
  13. The ham will continue to get drier (more and more moisture removed) as they hang - but you really can’t over do it. Once you get the moisture down below a certain level - it’s just inhospitable to bacteria. At some point it will be so dry that you will just use it to make really great soup.
    1 point
  14. A wonderful family heirloom. Load for it, shoot it and pass it along.
    1 point
  15. The bill does not make someone who has an enhanced carry permit a law enforcement officer or give that person LEO arrest powers like the media is trying to scare the public. The bill should be read and also you have to read 39-17-1350 and the carry privileges allowed for some state employees, including non LEO employees, while not working. Those carry privileges include (while not working) the ability to carry at K-12 schools, colleges, all state and local government property, 'posted' property (unless asked to leave), etc. So basically this bill would enhance the TN enhanced permit similar to the MS enhanced permit.
    1 point
  16. Be sure to report back if/when you go
    1 point
  17. I think I am about 40 minutes away from where it is suppose to be
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. https://www.gatlinburgsportsman.com
    1 point
  20. Oh my, I love that. Glad you are keeping it original
    1 point
  21. Neat seeing another 1903 here, although mine's a Pocket Hammer (38 acp), made in 1906. Just inherited it from my dad last year and I'm pretty sure it's been in the family since it was first sold. It's staying in the family, but it's also staying original.
    1 point
  22. I'm late to this thread, but I'll pile on since we're truth telling on S&W. Sorry to hear I'm not the only one having S&W problems, David. I bought a Shield Plus in July. It has a problem with the slide stop getting stuck in the upright position which makes it a bear to get the slide to drop forward. Not exactly a feature valued in a carry pistol. I sent it back in the Fall and received it back around Thanksgiving. They had done nothing to the pistol. Despite the polite CS lady jotting down what was wrong with it and the required letter describing the problem enclosed with the pistol, the technician misconstrued the problem as the slide refusing to lock back according to the bill of work that came back with the pistol (the exact opposite of the problem). I called back and the CS fellow I spoke with seemed annoyed at first. It took some back and forth for him to understand the problem. It's been back in S&W's hands since the beginning of the month. Some of the time taken is my fault. I had some life drama and didn't take it to the range right away where I discovered the issue. Then I waited again over Christmas so FedEx didn't lose the pistol in a ravine outside of Memphis with the Christmas package rush. But the bottom line is this pistol should have never left the factory in this condition. This was supposed to be an upgrade over my Shield V1 as my EDC, but it's fate is in limbo currently and not looking good. For a $700 pistol, my expectations have not been met. The Shield Plus had made it onto a coworkers short list for his next purchase, but he smartly delayed purchasing during this drama. After mine came back still malfunctioning, he crossed it off his list entirely and bought a Sig ... which had a problem of its own. Can't win for losing.
    1 point
  23. I finally got one at G&L. I can't wait to take it out and make some noise.
    1 point
  24. Please clarify. Exactly where would a EHP holder be able to carry that we currently can't? Would or would not that include privately owned and posted property? Specifically stores, restaurants, sports stadiums, concert halls and other public venues.
    1 point
  25. My thanks also for the clarification @Worriedman. I wish this bill were worded more clearly. at least it's name and summary. I never thought in a million years that it was meant to give someone like me, law enforcement powers, above what any normal citizen would have. That was drummed up by Gun Control Advocates as a scare tactic, just like how the streets were going to turn red with blood, when the HCP was first purposed here in Tennessee. Something that is said whenever a Concealed Carry friendly bill is brought up in any state. As for additional training, I would not be opposed to that either, but at a much cheaper rate than would presently apply. The cost of additional ammunition alone, right now, would set one back a bunch! Throw in "Joe Expert's" training class (how the HCP System is currently carried out, in the private sector) and I could see the cost of getting a EHCP getting out of hand very quickly! That being said, additional training is never a bad thing to my way of thinking.
    1 point
  26. I love motorcycles... just about any motorcycle. The Harley has a whole different feel than my other bikes, more relaxed, a bit more elemental. The BMW is my "go to" ride, it'll do everything, but sometimes I want to rip it up on the Ducati, and sometimes I just want to putt on the Harley.
    1 point
  27. Depending on which part of TN you're in, the riding can vary greatly. Lots of rural areas to ride in, certainly. But from (say) the Cookeville/Manchester area to the eastern TN/NC border is where the best riding is. Options of riding in the valleys for the flatter roads to taking to the mountains for the twisties (Ducati/BMW!), there's plenty for everyone, IMO. Dealer support is good too, especially in Chattanooga. My advice is to avoid the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area like the plague. Bumper-to-bumper traffic almost all the time. Ride the Dragon once just to say you did it & then avoid that one too. Lots better options out there with minimal traffic. I'm down in the SE TN corner, where we do all the kayaking & rafting. Perfect motorcycle riding territory too. Let me know if you need help on anything?
    1 point
  28. We're preparing to move out of crazy Oregon to oh, so perfect for us TN. Riding there is one of the things I so look forward to. I have a 2001 Harley Fatboy and a 1986 Harley FXRC. The latter is a beauty I inherited from my dad. Lots of sentimental value, plus I like old school (my daily driver is a nice 66 mustang). I'm thinking about selling the Fatboy before we move and eventually get a touring bike for exploring TN and so that my wife will want to ride with me more.
    1 point
  29. Well, I did lead all sales staff in total guns sold on any given weekend. But seriously, if a gun sits on a table for weeks/months/years at an inflated price, what's it worth then? No one buys it, so it's not worth that price, IMO.
    1 point
  30. It’s at the end of his add listing. $1200
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I think it's pretty much as you've said. It doesn't allow for Gomer's famous "Citizen's arrest! Citizen's arrest!" for permit holders. Gun grabbers are all blathering about guns being stolen from cars but they're silent when I point out the owners HAVE to leave them there because they can't take them in. Crickets from them. I have mixed feelings on this bill. I think it should be cleaned up & tightened up a bit, IMO. My .o2
    1 point
  33. Ehhh, not absolutely screwed, IMO. We would slap a fresh rd into the chamber & then slap the lift gate on the bottom which releases the bolt (which I'm sure you know). Then, if we needed to, slid in an additional extra rds into the mag tube. It's a lot faster than it sounds. I had one match in Cleveland, TN where a clay got tossed into the air. It was my LAST target & I had an empty shottie. Everyone enjoyed a good laugh at my expense on that one. On another match there, I fired my last rd on the last target, locking the bolt back for the "cease fire" command. Ironically, I did a (for me) super fast tactical reload of 5-6 rds shortly before. I didn't have a target count nor rd count. It just happened to work out perfectly for me that ONE time for me. Funny part was, everyone thought I'd done it on purpose. I kept quiet on that one!
    1 point
  34. OK, after all the super fine 1911's, I'm going to upset the apple cart with my personal rat rod 1911. Back when I built this 3 5/8ths barreled pop gun in 82 from full size 1911A1 parts, the only thing this small size was the Star PD 45. The Officers ACP didn't come out yet for another 3 years. I made up a cut down magazine for it but just so happened the Officer's ACP mags fit my shortened frame perfectly. At the time, I was running the Auto Ordnance 1911 line so I built this from junk seconds parts that I scrounged from the line & Numrich parts bin for the most part aside from the too loose for a production build essex frame. It was a fun project that shoots pretty good.
    1 point
  35. Nothing adds more enjoyment to the act of coming together to celebrate the Second Amendment quite like seeing our numbers expand. Newcomers bring fresh perspectives, new ideas, practical questions and exciting new energy. We love to see new members joining the Tennessee Gun Owners community! In order to improve the way new members are integrated into the community, we are making some changes. First... As a newcomer, you will begin your journey with us as with the New Member designation. Special Badge: Your content will have a special indicator letting folks know that you are new to TGO will be shown on your content whenever you post. Private Messages: You will be able to receive and reply to private messages, but you will not be able to create them. This helps us combat spam accounts. Second... After you have been with us for at least ten (10) days and contributed to public content at least ten (10) times, your account will be moved to Active Member status. Private Messages: Once you have Active Member status, you will be able to send new private messages as well as receive and reply to them. Ten Days, Ten Posts: Again, you can automatically move out of New Member status by being with us for at least 10 days and making at least 10 public posts. But what about Benefactors? All of the above can be bypassed by becoming a Benefactor member. You can do that by clicking here. A Benefactor membership is a cheap way to support the TGO community monetarily. It gives you the ability to make non-commercial ads in our Trading Post forums. It bypasses all of the new member restrictions. Our Benefactor members truly have "skin in the game" and are the lifeblood of TGO. We hope that you will consider becoming one, if not now - down the road.
    1 point
  36. My mystery 1911. All G.I. parts. A mixture of 1911 and 1911A1 parts. 1914 Springfield U.S Arsenal frame with a Colt slide. Looks like brand new. All parts are properly military marked. But no arsenal rebuild marks. Best anybody can figure, this gun was put together from parts. By who or why is completely unknown. Just another Army issue 1911 mixmaster.
    1 point
  37. .62 French Fusil. 90gn Ffg Goex & a 342gn soft cast ball.
    1 point
  38. FUJIMO is a great member , buy with confidence. If I had the money I'd take that Ruger.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I swear they’re low key the industry’s R&D department. If it was revealed that the big US manufacturers all threw them some coin to keep them afloat, I wouldn’t be surprised. I swear selling guns is a side business to coming up with goofy #### that will be a hit a decade or more down the road.
    1 point
  41. I just learned about this on another forum I visit. It appears that two bills have been introduced in the State Legislature that would classify Enhanced Handgun Permit Holders as Law Enforcement Officers. As I understand it, the purpose is to remove some of the restrictions on where we can carry. Basically, EHP holders would be able to carry anywhere LE are allowed. While I like that idea, there also appears to be much confusion about it as well. Honestly I just don't see this as passing. Can anybody provide more info? Just what do these bills really mean? Permit Holders to be LEO
    0 points
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