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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2022 in all areas
Always listen to old man stories because 1: They are reliving a time they'll never get back. 2: You'll be making their day. 3: You may learn something. 4: You'll be old one day.9 points
Just spent yesterday and today watching an online auction. They sold 700 knives, which was a portion of the old man’s estate. I bought a couple. Wish I’d have bought a few more. This fella was well known in our community. He’d had a stroke, and either communicated with hand signals or a pen and pad of paper he kept handy in his shirt pocket. No telling what the old man was worth, but you’d never know it. He was as nice a guy as you’ll ever meet, and still a kid at heart. I always fancied myself as a pretty formidable card player, but you simply could not beat this fella and his buddy at Rook. No matter who I partnered with, I can’t remember once ever even getting close to beating them. If they cheated, I never caught them, and I have a pretty good idea what to watch for. Two reasons I post this. One, these type fellas are gone, never to return. Two, collecting pocket knives isn’t nearly as dead a hobby as I thought. His family and the auctioneer will be very happy with the results. Have a great weekend and thanks for listening!6 points
Selling my Dan Wesson ECP in 45 acp. Comes with all original components and an extra Wilson combat magazine. $1380 Willing to take gen 5 Glocks in 9mm with cash to boot. Also looking for a Glock 40 in 10mm or sig p320 70498940085 points
I like having the old sold threads. They can be helpful on descriptions of certain firearms and what certain types of guns are selling for. Maybe there is an easy way to archive them but still be accessible.4 points
Cool pistol. A bit of advice on posting items for sale. It is better to not put your phone number in the listing. Anyone on the web can get it. If someone is interested, they will PM you. You can then interact via PM with the person before providing your phone number if you want to make contact off-list.4 points
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Here they're predicting 4 maybe 6". Experience has taught it'll either be nothing or a foot. Either way, I don't care. I'm well stocked and have no need to go anywhere. I just love looking at the snow. From inside my nice warm house.3 points
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For some reason I wasn't asked to work this snow. I'd be nice to ride this one out. I've never played in the snow with the younger kids.2 points
Is there a way to just auto-delete thread that have been sold, or closed, or maybe there is a specific Prefix the OP can add to the title of a thread in the Trading Post once the item has sold, or is no longer for sale, that will allow the thread to be automatically removed.2 points
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Pre warning blued Ruger Security Six, .38/.357 Magnum, 6 inch barrel and adjustable sights. Very good condition. $600 cash, no trade offers please.1 point
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Does anyone know if the updated 2021 ATF Pistol Brace rules have gone into effect? I can't for the life of me figure out where we are on this garbage. Asking for a friend.1 point
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Story While I personally don't do country music, I had great respect for Mr. Emery. I never heard him say anything mean about anyone, even when some of them deserved it. LOL! He basically single handedly got the Judd's started, putting them on his show 2-3 times a week until they got signed by a record label. I'm sure he helped a lot of others too. He was a class act, IMO.1 point
At the end he makes a good point: write your s/n down on a piece of paper in your house. https://www.kcra.com/article/polk-city-iowa-arkansasgun-stolen-from-returned-26-years-later/387033671 point
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Me to it would be a great time to head to tellico. Your pictures of the falls and skyway where great hoping for more1 point
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This is a good point. Deleting may be excessive vs shifting to archives or the bottom of the que. That way available items stay in the front but reference material is available for specific search's1 point
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I've actually made sales from old threads. I posted some reloading dies, etc. and completely forgot about it. Many months later, I get a DM. If it had been something high-value, or taking up too much garage space, I would have worked to sell the item sooner. Just like other forums on TGO, I tend to view them in chronological order unless I'm searching for something specific.1 point
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It’s not much, but I have 5 rounds I’ll gift you. I found them in a mixed can of ammo I bought last year. I have no use for them. Next time I’m headed to the Academy where we met up last week I’ll let you know.1 point
You're spot on, a 30 day no reply should trigger an auto delete unless the user bumps it. A bump feature in our profiles similar to armslist would also be good and keep the most active in the front. Another option is to trigger an auto delete or auto archive when the seller marks as sold. What I notice is alot of users will put "sold" In the text portion instead of the tag area which makes it problematic for the coding. Thanks for being on top of it, little things like this keep the site alive and thriving.1 point
Welcome! I don't use the mobile mode that often but I'll do so today and see what I can sort out on this. Most folks use the Prefixes feature to indicate whether their items are for sale, for trade, if they are wanting to buy something, etc. Prefixes are also automatically turned into "tags" by the software. So long as they do that, you can search by the prefix or tag and see what's available. We do ask people to edit their threads and mark the prefix as SOLD whenever they sell their items. Some folks do this. Others don't. It's kind of annoying when they don't. So long as people use the prefixes like they are supposed to, you can filter out the items that are sold. I've hesitated to implement a feature where threads get auto-deleted after a certain number of days, but maybe I need to take another look at it. Does 30-Days without a reply seem like a good number? Of course, that means that people will need to come back and re-post their items for sale after the 30-day period, if they want to keep the listing alive. But it would help keep the forum clean. I'm open to suggestions from all of the members on this subject.1 point
People would be angry to learn how many "destroyed" guns end up at some officers' house as "his". At one time, a Metro Nashville PD Major had his own gun case at the old Gun Mart on Charlotte Pike. He sold guns out of that store that he had "liberated" from either the evidence room or the recovery room, I can't recall which. He got shut down & was "allowed to retire" in lieu of charges. Seem like I recall he did no 4473 nor BGC on any of those sold. I do know Metro Nashville NEVER releases, sells or gets rid of confiscated guns. They're stored & left to rust solid rather than being sold at auction to FFL holders. TN state law prevents them from destroying them, so Metro allows rust to do their dirty work for them. Sad.1 point
How is that different from the gun grabber's "if it saves just one life" BS???? Not to mention, shouldn't the public demand that cops be honest? In court: "Were you lying then or are you lying now, detective?" How would a jury know which part was/is the lie? To me, resorting to lying means someone is too GD lazy to do their job properly.1 point
As someone who has sat in an interrogation room across from a homicide detective, I will tell you that you do not have to speak to them.1 point
This part stuck out at me "She said her husband used her AR-15 and fired into the air as they heard their neighbors firing guns into the air, too. He does not have a concealed carry permit, but she does, she said, adding that the gun belongs to her. "We do this every year because it was New Year's Eve," she said. "Everybody (in the neighborhood) was shooting. It was a tradition. Everybody shoots on New Year's Eve." I have long wondered who the retards are that fire their guns into the air to celebrate. I cannot believe these people think this is acceptable. I had to go to YouTube to find the video. I guess I can see both points but I'm having a hard time finding sympathy for the deceased. He could have easily killed someone firing into the air like that. Did he deserve to die? No. But I also can understand why the cop might feel threatened. Imagine if he announces his presence and then the victim immediately unloads on him. That has happened before.1 point
Kinda cool. But it has that "way out of my budget" look to it.1 point
In other words, Americans. I detest when we are divided into groups by media or politicians.1 point
Well, one could make the argument that a gun show is a theme park for adults. Goodness knows it can cost a lot more too, if you're not careful!1 point
Do you guys really think any theme park in the country is going to allow people to carry guns inside? I get the desire but there are some places I just expect to be disarmed. Also, I don't want to carry a gun on a roller coaster that's going to spin me upside down and toss me around. It's not like they have zero security. Cops and metal detectors are about as much as one can reasonably expect.1 point
Try this number 299-0958 I went old school and actually looked it up in the phone book:D First time I have used the phone book in over a year...1 point
Spend enough time in the woods and you will eventually endure a day when you seriously have to contemplate if you would rather be at work instead. Yesterday was one of those days. I went out on my RZR with 200 pounds of corn to set out a new pig feeder. I planned to be headed back home well before dark. I got the new feeder put together and loaded the corn into it. At this point I realized that I forgot to bring new batteries for the feeder. I had planned to go over to another feed site to retrieve my cellular camera and move it to the new feeder so I figured that I would borrow the batteries from that feeder. I rode the 3 miles over to the other feeder and grabbed my camera and borrowed the batteries from the feeder. As I'm about half way back to the new feeder I sense and hear a funny feeling/noise from the front end. Got out to check and my driver's side front wheel was being held on by a single lug nut. It seemed that the stud of the remaining nut was bent and the one next to it was broken. I robbed 2 lug nuts off of other wheels and pieced it back together. Thank goodness I had tools. I proceed on to my new feeder site and set up the camera, it's way past dark at this point. I was satisfied with the camera setup so I proceed back to the truck. While traveling a logging road going down the mountain I attempt to drive over a very large water bar that a logging crew had recently put in place and managed to high center the RZR so that neither the front or rear wheels were touching the ground. Just a slight delay, I managed to winch myself over the water bar. Once over the water bar I'm about a mile and a half from my truck, but could more than likely get my truck to where I am if I absolutely had to. Yay, that means I'll get to sleep in my bed tonight and not have to return tomorrow to retrieve this garbage machine. A half mile from the "main road" my right front wheel just locks up. I have a whole lot of "Eff it" in me at this point, as I'm frustrated with this machine, my wife is aggravated with me as I was supposed to my home an hour before and she has to leave for work. Our baby sitter had been at the house for 12ish hours and I was afraid she may be getting aggravated as well. I decided to see if I could limp it to the main road and then walk the rest of the way to my truck. I wouldn't have minded the extra half mile walk, but there is nowhere that I could get turned around with a trailer and at that point getting the RZR turned to load wasn't happening either. 1/4 mile hike to the truck, no biggie. Loading was much more difficult than I thought with a frozen up wheel. Had I not had a winch it would still be sitting there. As I'm winching the RZR onto the trailer I reach in my pocket to retrieve a shackle and feel a AA battery. What's that? Yup, forgot to put the batteries in the new feeder. 7 mile round trip back to the feeder, ain't going to happen tonight. I made it home in one piece and with all of the broken pieces of the RZR. I was never uncomfortable. I had on appropriate clothing, and had extra clothing. Worst case scenario I would have likely abandoned the RZR and walked back to my truck. My wife relented when I sent her the picture of the RZR, as she probably just assumed that I was out running around in the woods having a grand ole time. (No idea why she thinks that I would do something like that?) Babysitter was very understanding about staying late and was washing dishes when I walked in. Gave her a generous tip for her inconvenience and understanding. A few hundred dollars and I should have this machine going again. Turns out the hub broke. Not sure if that was before or after the initial lug nut issue. I've owned motorcycles, boats, and campers, but this RZR is the biggest money pit of them all. Just before I loaded up at home Finally ready to head back home0 points
Have you talked to lately all those folks who bought those blankety blank Beanie Babies back in the 90s? Ask them how that worked out for them?0 points
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I like the area. I work there sometimes. Unfortunately you wouldn't want to be in the areas I work so this is a useless post. LOL. Congratulations on the new place.0 points
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I just super glue guns to my hands. Upsides: can't loose it, and I'm always at the ready. Downsides: one minute youre trying to unzip your pants in the bathroom...Then bam....surprise gender reassignment.0 points
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