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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2022 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. A new hunting buddy. I'm desperately looking another person or two to hunt/camp/four wheel with. I hunt pigs, that's my focus. I'll also hunt most anything else that presents an opportunity. I pay to use a large piece of privately owned land outside of Monterey, TN. TWRA has approved the taking of pigs on the property at any time, by any means. I pay $500 per year to use it and you would have to as well. I've been hunting this place for 3 years and in my opinion it's well worth the money. An ATV or SXS is a must have. I have one established bait site with a cellar camera on it, and would like another. I also have a camper that I like to take up there on weekends that you would be welcome to use when I'm there. There were 4 of us that started hunting the property together, only one other remains and he works an odd schedule so he's usually there when I'm at work. I honestly don't mind the solitude, I rather enjoy it, but I've found myself in a sticky situation or two, miles from camp, and many miles from anyone that could help. I figured it's at least time to see if I could find someone to start hunting with me. I try to get up there 1-2 weekends per month. I also have to run up from time to time to fill the feeder or do maintenance on the feeder. I have a son that's 1 1/2 years old that will be joining me within the next couple of years, so if you have kids, they are more than welcome (immediate family members are permitted to accompany you on the property at no extra charge). I honestly go up to ride my four wheeler or SXS as much as I hunt as I'm still trying to learn the property. I will note that since there is no season on pigs I do this year round. I live in Lebanon, and as I stated the property is outside of Monterey. I work Monday through Friday and get off work at 3:30. I typically cut out an hour or two early on Fridays and head out. I usually try to be home by noon on Sunday to get a little family time in. Though I have the ability to talk about pig hunting for hours, I am absolutely still learning. Your knowledge of pigs isn't important to me. I'm happy to be out in the woods, bringing home bacon is icing on the cake. What is important is that you are dependable and free of drama, I only have so much time to spend in the woods and don't want to sacrifice that because of some silliness.
    5 points
  3. Heard this yesterday, again. It reminded me, again, of how lucky I am, in so many ways. As bad as many things are, they could be worse. As good as some things are, the ones that REALLY matter couldn't get much better. I have a good woman, good life, good kids, all my parts (most of which still work properly) and I woke up on the right side off the grass this morning. So Happy New Year NES, I hope it's better than you expect. Lee Montgomery Gentry https://pandora.app.link/rKCvcFXZsmb I have days where I hate my job This little town, and the whole world too Last Sunday when the Bengals lost Lord, it put me in a bad mood I have moments when I curse the rain Then complain when the sun's too hot I look around at what everyone has And I forget about all I've got But I know I'm a lucky man God's given me a pretty fair hand Got a house and a piece of land A few dollars in a coffee can My old truck's still running good My ticker's ticking like they say it should I got supper in the oven, a good woman's loving And one more day to be my little kid's dad Lord, knows I'm a lucky man Got some friends who would be here fast I could call 'em any time of day Got a brother who's got my back Got a mama who I swear's a saint Got a brand new rod and reel Got a full week off this year Dad had a close call last spring It's a miracle he's still here But I know I'm a lucky man God's given me a pretty fair hand Got a house and a piece of land A few dollars in a coffee can My old truck's still running good My ticker's ticking like they say it should I got supper in the oven, a good woman's loving And one more day to be my little kid's dad Lord, knows I'm a lucky man My old truck's still running good My ticker's ticking like they say it should I got supper in the oven, a good woman's loving And even my bad days ain't that bad Yeah, I'm a lucky man I'm a lucky lucky man
    3 points
  4. I would say the vaccination definitely helped. Except for a stuffy nose i'm 100% back to normal already (obviously still quarantining for others safety).
    2 points
  5. Inexpensive guns can be addictive
    2 points
  6. Remington 700 American Wilderness edition 300 WM. Only 5 rounds down the tube. 4 boxes of ammo minus 5 rounds from one of the boxes. 800 for all
    1 point
  7. Custom built Black Widow take down recurve bow. Model MA lll 62”. 57# at 28”. Beautiful condition no scratches or nicks. Handmade leather quiver attaches to the bow. Comes in a black widow factory bag. Also included is a handmade leather field quiver that has numerous different type arrows. Bow was used in Alaska and has dropped a 6 foot black bear. Really a beautiful piece but not able to draw her like I use to. please email for best response. Proarcaviation@gmail.com
    1 point
  8. I honestly cannot remember anything earlier than this and have photographic evidence of me carrying not one but two of these, circa 1974. Some photos you can just... smell. And if you know what I mean, you know what I mean. Sweet, sweet Sulphur.
    1 point
  9. North American arms 22 Magnum revolver, stainless steel construction, five rounds. I think this is the smallest thing you can put in your pocket. 300.00$ email for best response. Proarcaviation@gmail.com
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Got my base model Dagger on Friday and took it to range. Shot very well for me. Trigger isn't the best but not as bad as some of the reviews I have seen. Not one failure so reliability is good so far for me. I'm happy with it.
    1 point
  12. @Worriedmanmight be the one most likely to have heard anything of that nature. Why do you ask? Have you heard something and if so, can you tell us from where?
    1 point
  13. Some smart person or company should make some sort of candy/snack bar/cookie in thin. green squares and call it Soylent Green. They'd make a fortune!
    1 point
  14. I have the Shield. And then got the P365XL for its capacity (and it just feels great in my hand). However if the Plus had come out earlier, I might be rocking that instead. I might still get one at some point. I do like S&W pistolas
    1 point
  15. From Wikipedia Plot By the year 2022, the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution and an apparent climate catastrophe have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. There are 40 million people in New York City alone, where only the city's elite can afford spacious apartments, clean water and natural food (at horrendously high prices, with a jar of strawberry jam fetching $150). The homes of the elite are fortressed, with private security, bodyguards for their tenants, and usually include concubines (who are referred to as "furniture" and serve the tenants as slaves). America has also adopted the metric system. It was all the Metric System’s fault.
    1 point
  16. Being a happy new owner of the Shield Plus, this sneak peek of the CSX did give me pause. Did I buy too early? But now that more details, including videos are out, I'm patting my Plus with pride and saying "meh" to the fanfare. I hope it sells, but you won't see me at the head of the line.
    1 point
  17. Sure does give a thought or two...don't it? Such a ridiculious move. At least that's what was said about it when it was released. Government control over people's lives. Food shortages. Being told that old people are a drain on society and should consider voluntary euthanisa. Elites controlling everything and having all the luxuries denied to everyone else. Synthetic foods and meds for the masses...when they were available. Even those in short supply. Sounds errieliy familiarto me. Does it to you? But of course this is all just fiction. It could never happen.
    1 point
  18. If asking about the buddies purchase, it was a 95 also. RP
    1 point
  19. Says it is an aluminum alloy frame. $599 pre-order price https://www.rangeusa.com/product-details?id=158967
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I hope you end up with a waiting list, this is an awesome offer. I don't hunt, but would hang out and enjoy if I lived closer!
    1 point
  22. As has been said many times here, we don’t have a justice system. We have a legal system where you’ll get all the justice you can afford.
    1 point
  23. When the waiting lists are fulfilled I reckon. I’ve seen several reports of the extractor issue around 800 rounds as previously mentioned, and complaints of “sharp edges”. Whatever, by the time I get to walk into a store and just buy one, hopefully there’ll be no more complaining.
    1 point
  24. PM sent... Smith & Wesson preK .22.
    1 point
  25. I hope you get to feeling better soon and symptoms stay mild.
    1 point
  26. Well, theres definitely more interest in all firearm types than ever before. And I think a lot of it is my age group, late 20's to early 40's. Most guys in that group have good jobs, are fairly settled, and guns are relatively cheap compared to some other hobbies. Priced a set of golf clubs lately? Or performance car parts? And by the time I hit 30, and most of my peers I know as well, we have all the tacticool we can stand so we start buying stuff that draws our attention. Old school steel, wood, high polish and engraving. Couple that with a restricted supply and prices start to sky rocket.
    1 point
  27. Savage is apparently doing well enough that they can increase their product line and try new things. That's called innovation. Good for them for at least trying.
    1 point
  28. I guess that depends on your definition of success. Hypothetically, if they end up being a $299 price point gun, and sell a tens of thousands of guns to people who would otherwise buy something like a Taurus. Is it a success or not? Their bean counters will determine that I guess. I'm not saying it's going to be successful, and maybe it flops but through their R&D it might shake loose something that is what you would consider a success. Again the market will dictate that. This is getting off in the weeds a bit and not exactly apples to apples but to your example, many companies that are not traditional "truck" companies have ventured into the truck market, Honda and Hyundai, Jeep (less recently) and soon to be Tesla to a lesser degree. Whose to say that they don't have something in the works to compete in that 1500 class. If Honda came something are you going to say "It'll never work they should only build sedans and fuel efficient SUVs"? Or to keep it in the Gun world when Glock finally builds a PCC are you going to say "who needs another PCC? Glock should just keep making handguns"
    1 point
  29. I don't have a problem with it. The market will dictate whether or not it will be successful. If everyone had that attitude companies like Ruger wouldn't be around.
    1 point
  30. This has always been a dream of mine. But where's the Cannoli ?
    1 point
  31. Single stage ... breaks very smooth.
    1 point
  32. It is if you beat it out of him.
    1 point
  33. I think guns and do-nuts are a great combo
    1 point
  34. Mighty bold to bring a single-stack micro 9 to the market when everyone else has upped the ante with increased capacity in the same sized package.
    1 point
  35. Nice. Now go blast away. Give us feed back. I'm interested in one not only because of the price point but because all my stuff is Glock and this is another compatible tool. Cheap enough to keep in the shop or tape behind the toilet or washer n dryer....
    1 point
  36. No one ever updated. Got it in today. Guys at the gun store liked it, they didn't know they existed. They had a Gen 3 G23, so we took the slide off of that and we all played with it for a few. None of us liked the trigger. That was okay, I already had a new one at the house waiting on it. Put my new slide assembly on it and now I will wait until the weekend to get some time to myself to go shoot it.
    1 point
  37. It is a Type 44 carbine, a variation of the Type 38 rifle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_44_carbine Looks like it is in excellent condition. If it hasn't been goobered with since it's liberation in the Pacific and is still in the original 6.5 x 50mm caliber, I'd try to find some ammo and shoot it. Arisakas are known as some of the strongest bolt-action military rifles ever used. Graf's has some ammo in stock now.....https://www.grafs.com/catalog/category/categoryId/164 Steinel is another source for this not easy to find caliber, but they are on backorder....https://www.steinelammo.com/product/6-5-x-50mm-sr-arisaka-140gr-sp/ As for care, just keep the steel oiled up and it should be fine for a long time to come.
    1 point
  38. It's people, it's people!
    0 points
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