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While I get that thinking, that just isn’t my approach anymore. I’m not going hands on with someone unless absolutely necessary. A fistfight can become a deadly encounter even without someone introducing outside weapons in a blink of an eye. Folks get punched, fall and hit their head or myriad other things and die all the time. It just ain’t worth it. I’m 100% de-escalate up to and including fleeing the altercation until I have no other choice. I got into a lot of fights when I was a younger man. I used to say that I won some and lost some. With the perspective I have now, I lost them all as far as I am concerned because I didn’t avoid them.7 points
Andrew Branca (Attorney and author of Law of Self Defense) wrote a pretty good opinion on this case over on Legal Insurrection. Chad Read Shooting: Evidence Supports Manslaughter, Not Justification (legalinsurrection.com)5 points
Maybe, maybe not. That’s all information that I am sure will part of the investigation. While I lean towards it not being a good shoot, I don’t think any of us have enough information to conclusively say one way or another. At least not in a legal sense. Ethically and morally, I don’t see myself being able to justify the decision that Carruth made that day had I done the same. I’m not excusing Read of his behavior either. His actions surely led to his death, I’m just not convinced it was justifiably done. Yo me this appears to be one of those cases where there are no innocent parties. The decedent, the mother, and the Carruth all appear to me to be in the wrong.4 points
Thanks for the heads up, y’all. The politics section is missing on purpose and that’s not so it can migrate to general off topic. Seeing it creep in a bit more as of late, not just with this post but in a more widespread sense. Please refrain from making explicitly political posts not directly related to 2A related legislation. Thanks for the cooperation.3 points
3 points
So much for that.It was, Tuesday morning, That's what I said, when I got up, I told myself I wasn't going this morning. Got up went to the bathroom and then made coffee. Opened the laptop checking some forums while having coffee. Then I get a shower and having another coffee I check the time. Heck I've got an hour or so before work so I fill the thermos and away I go. Not far, got a little hunting house right in the backyard overlooking an old hog lot. The neighbor just recently disced up and planted new grass. Been seeing deer out there the past week now, the grandson and I watched a couple sparring out there last Saturday. Ok, Ok, I've been out there maybe 30 mins. when a nice doe crosses, checking behind her as she does. About the time she's pretty much across a second doe starts across and when it's about half way I notice something else coming . Oh heck, buck grab the binos yep... one of the decent ones that has been on a couple different cameras. So I grab the ole 30-30, a Marlin Westerfield 30-30 made in '65, now he's about the middle of the field and around 100 yds. I put the scope on him and focused, eased the hammer back, and next thing is Bang. Tail flew up he jumped and hauled ass, I watched him hit the woods, then I looked back and the young doe was just still standing there like... What happened. I gave it a few mins walked down to where he was standing but no blood. I knew I hadn't missed, so I walked toward where he ran. Saw his white belly before I ever got to the woods. All together he might have gone a 100 yds. The load was a 170 gr Speer Hot Cor over 29.2 grs of imr 3031. Bought the rifle a couple years ago hadn't even shot it much till this past Summer. First time I've hunted with it or any 30-30 in 10-12 yrs. Inside spread 16", live weight was 185 lbs after gutting and head removal it still weighed 113.5 lbs. Game warden said it was 4.5 yrs. old, probably the nicest deer I've ever taken.3 points
I'm glad I was blessed with A+ role models growing up. Both being born in 1921 they went through a lot of sh!t growing up and that allowed me not to have to suck the tit that is the internet for daily guidance lol.3 points
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I mentioned this before but when it comes to actual fake news it seems to be more prevalent on right wing websites. I'm not talking about biased news we see on liberal outlets either. I also don't trust those sites at all from a privacy and security standpoint. If I see zero hedge I won't even open it anymore.2 points
shooting someone in self defense should always be of last resort.....I don't see that here.2 points
Montgomery County Shooting Complex will be closing Tuesday November 30 until ? They will be doing maintenance and metal reclamation of all ranges. Time period will be put out when available. Just a heads up.1 point
Wasn't no deer today but dad got a big ole hog on public land in Scott County.1 point
I'v been looking out for a nice SA 357 for a while now to complete a 3 gun set and this one popped up on GB at a discounted price. I was rather mesmerized by how the CCH finish took on a completely different color placement solely determined by the engraving pattern across the top strap. So, despite the crappy white plastic grips and Hold your breath on how bad the Transfer bar trig was going to be..... I bought this Davidson's special Traditions Bill Tighlman Pietta. And yup, the trigger was worse than I could have imagined. In this first picture, you can see how far forward the skinny trigger is in the guard. Half that rearward distance is all take up to get the trans bar up infront of the frame mounted firing pin. And then you get a crazy amount of sear drag under a heavily over cocked hammer notch angle geometry. So, I hit EMF up for a Alchemista model low, wide spur firing pin hammer and extra wide trigger. It took some frame milling to get the new hammer to work and nearly 1/4" of weld added to lengthen the trigger into a newly egg shaped trigger guard to give me an extra nice full bodied trigger to finger fit. Those pictured grips were what I thought might fit but didnt on the Pietta but were an easy fit mod on the Uberti Stallion 22. I ended up fitting a Altimont set of Walnut grips onto the finished work. The groups were light 357 reloads 30' off hand on the left and Fiochi 142g FMJ at 45' off sand bags. Funny how the factory hot loads shot nearly 3" lower! The revolver is exceptionally tight in its lock up timing and fit to frame. Its capable of much better accuracy due to my 2 shooting handy caps that happened to be squinting like crazy over my glasses to get a relatively usable sight picture and the hopefully...... maybe short lived tennis elbow in my right arm that I stupidly let our new Blue Healer dog put in me by trying to satisfy her insatiable apatite to play tug of war! She's 40 lbs of Jack Hammer on the end of a loop rope........ much to my new found ailment, off hand shooting is not what it used to be.1 point
Rob, I'm as jealous as one guy can get, LOL. Great looking rifle.1 point
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W Hey Whisper, just as I said one shot, that is the exit side in the one pic. Those ole 170's work well, I also load those in my Marlin 308 MX. As to the manifold, they are off of a 4.3 Chevy. RP1 point
Things like that are funny. You never know how you or someone else will react in a situation like that. I wouldn't hold it against her at the moment. I've watched some people die in spectacular fashion and most of the people around me were men. They all reacted from the indifferent to just turning their hands.1 point
most places I have seen offer coating service for the cut areas or complete slide. For the cost I would rather just pony up the money and get it coated and not have to worry about it rusting.1 point
I still don’t understand how the women there can be so calm, even in Texas.1 point
Good analysis. The still frame from taken from the house POV in this article tells the whole story in my opinion. In the vid Read appears at the moment of shooting to be standing almost at attention arms at side and at least 7 feet? or more away from the pointed carbine. Looks like he had almost come to his senses and realised what a dangerous situation he got himself into. He was standing still. No immediate threat like moments earlier. Texas law and a good lawyer might save shooter but at that moment in time, killing the man was just wrong and .. smacks of revenge, anger and loss of control. 3:15 just sticks in my head, dead man kept repeating that. Jesus help me but I've been that stupid angry in my younger days. When you're right and know it, you're willing to die on that hill to prove it. Too bad he didn't just walk away and deal with it some other way. His Kid has the vid now to haunt him for the rest of his life. And the bad living situation he probably had is now 100 times worse I'm guessing.1 point
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Yeah that would have definitely been cheaper. I guess I can be that guy for someone now! Established members only of course.1 point
Here’s a one shot group I made just this morning. It went in through the shoulder on the far side. Looks like it works!1 point
I know Royal Range does slide milling, don't know anyone who has had it done there but they do it. Personally I would go with the RMR/Holosun footprint, seems to offer the most options.1 point
In the future you might find someone to loan you the gauges if you are doing a one off project like this. I have Go, No Go, and Field gauges for 6.5 but am over in Middle TN. If you cant find anyone to loan them to you you can always rent them. A bit cheaper than buying them outright. I have been leaning toward doing a similar project with the Savage Axis line since I don't buy Ruger.1 point
I read and learn. Don't shoot 257 but the knowledge will translate. TGO people are great!1 point
I think I’ll call this one “hamburger”. A small, tender button buck will be perfect for grinding. Sure was cold this morning!1 point
Something else you might want to consider is the Leupold DeltaPoint Micro. It does not require the slide to be milled as it replaces the rear sight. In addition to being a red dot, it also functions as a rear sight so you do still have a manual backup. One of the things I really like is that it works with my existing pancake holsters with no modifications.1 point
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just a follow up. Neither gun has BUS. I have shot several thousand rounds through both guns.1 point
Ohio & Michigan was epic! Great game to watch. Michigan was fired up & hungry to win. Alabama and Auburn was a nail-biter. Auburn looked to have it in the bag, but Alabama took it 99 yards with something like 1min 38sec on the clock & no timeouts. Clutch football when it mattered. The four over-times were the icing on the cake; what a great showdown! Props to Tinley from Auburn playing so well with a bum ankle. Truly a gutsy performance.1 point
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It would be great if you could let us know how your work on the Roberts came out. I did a no brainer on a Ruger #1B in 257 Roberts. I took some of my go-to loads for my varmint rifle to try the rifle out. The result was like you described. Horrible results on the best day. Finally, found the answer. Ruger had throated the rifle for 100 gr.+ bullets. The COL 0f 3" was easily done. That Ruger is not a dual purpose rifle. That means my favorite 75 and and 87gr bullets would not work. It is a MOA rifle with the right cartridges. When you are dealing with a built up Roberts you may find some interesting problems dealing with the way the gun was put together. For example, my old Mauser is made up as a varmint rifle with short throat and 1:12 twist. How would that work with a 120 grain spitzer bullet? My rifle was not made as a dual purpose rifle. Hope your rifle works out.1 point
I'm really having a hard time buying self defense on this one the more I think about it. It really looked like the shooter was HOPING for an excuse to kill him. That doesn't mean the dead guy was innocent. At minimum, he made horrible decisions.1 point
Ego will get you killed faster than anything else. It’s a sad case all around, especially for the son who lost his father in all of it. At some point he’s going to likely end up seeing the video of his dad getting killed. I can’t imagine how devastating that will be for him.1 point
1 point
No no no... guns are the original Pokemon. Gotta collect them all.1 point
I'm "affectionally" known as THE GRINCH in parts of my family. I think my 2 light up Grinch ties, my full head grinch mask, the small collection of Grinch toys, and the 6 ft motion activate...singing Grinch from a few Christmas dinners really solidified my official standing. Plus...I too hate people in general. They are lazy, worthless, greddy, and uncaring automotons. As individuals, some are worth saving. Not many. But some. And most of them are on here!0 points
Nice buck. Also, is that a manifold for a John Deere three-cylinder I see in the bed of that old Chevy? How many shots did it take to bag that? Cheers, Whisper0 points
Now you know a one shot group only proves you know how to aim, pull the trigger and hit what you’re shooting at, good job!0 points
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