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10 points
Wasn't no deer today but dad got a big ole hog on public land in Scott County.9 points
I’m slowly getting better. I have COPD and it put me in the hospital again. I thank everyone for the prayers and well wishes. Some of y’all I have met in person most i have not. But it makes you feel good to read the comments. Chip is a true friend indeed. We keep a check on each other important when you live alone. Anyway thank y’all.9 points
Brother in law was late getting to the dinner table today. Called about 1030 and asked for some help getting one out. He knocked down a nice 11 point. He has hunted this same deer for 2 years now and Im happy he finally got to see it through.8 points
10.5” AR pistol built from an unmarked BCM blem upper, Maxim Defense PDW brace, JP silent capture springs buffer system(original Maxim springs included), Radian Raptor CH, BCM grips, 17 Defense Manufacturing “We The People” lower. $950 OBO $800 Does not include Eotech 512. This is not a safe queen gun. It was my truck gun when I was an OTR driver and has traveled to all 48 contiguous states. There are usage and mounting marks and it has had over 1k rounds through it. So it’s broken in, but not nearly through much of its lifespan. The lower receiver is new as I replaced it because I wanted to keep the lower it was originally built on. Only selling to recoup funds from the safe I just bought. I’m only available on Fridays and Saturdays to meet, but will ship at buyer’s expense. Ad closed. Breaking up to sell a couple of individual parts.7 points
4 points
While I don't know the specifics of the local laws in this case, most states have statutes that say something to the effect that if you're present, and/or assisting in a crime that results in a murder, you're as guilty as the guy who pulled the trigger. I suspect that the one you mentioned is at least guilty of that type of charge. I'm good with frying the lot of them ...4 points
3 points
3 points
On one hand the homeowner introduced the firearm in a situation I do not think it was not warranted. On the other hand the loud mouth then advanced and threatened to take it from him and use it on him. The law may be with the homeowner in that the mouth refused to leave when told to but not sure I could justify deadly force there. On another note the mouths wife seemed very calm for just seeing her husband shot.3 points
Lord blessed me with a decent 9 point this morning. I've passed two spikes, 4 point, 6 point and a small 8 this season. I hunt the North Cumberland Unit in Scott County and just couldn't let this guy walk.3 points
Just visited Galco Holster's web site. They're offering 25% off any order over $50 on Black Friday. I'm looking hard at their Miami Classic II shoulder holster. That's a nice savings for me, over $70 worth. ETA: My Miami Classic II arrived & I happily assembled it. Went to put my USP Compact 9mm in & the thumb strap is about 2" from being able to have the snaps meet. I mean it's not EVEN close. So I emailed Galco & even added pics showing the issue. Their response? "The thumb strap can be lengthened with slight twisting while pulling strongly." WTF?????? So I tried to do exactly what they said to do. 30 minutes later the strap is STILL the same length, the snaps are still 2" apart & my thumb is tired & cramping. So I again emailed them, got a RMA & tomorrow off it goes back to Galco. I have all sorts of holster brands in leather. Bianchi, DeSantis, Goodrich & Gould, Don Hume, etc. None, and I mean NONE required any sort of fitting, stretching or whatever to fit. Oh, I may have loosened a tension screw or something tiny like that. But I @#$%^&* sure didn't spend 30 minutes cramping my thumb for NOTHING on any of those. They were strictly plug-n-play. This was my first attempt at a thumb strap retention holster & it will certainly be my last one. So...................... Buyer beware, gents.2 points
2 points
Also just in time for them to change the definition of what being "vaccinated" means apparently2 points
I agree. Once the shooter went inside the house he could have armed himself and called the cops to report a trespass situation. If the big loudmouth enters the home, then all bets are off. This entire situation is shady.2 points
Yeah, agreed. From what I saw on that video alone, I would say it was not a good shoot. But there's probably more to the story. This one will be interesting to watch to see how the DA goes with it.2 points
2 points
I think one could reasonably believe that the shooter was in fear for the bodily harm and /or life of his girlfriend and himself. For me, that in and of itself makes getting the gun not such an issue. He never points the gun at the guy until the guy basically initiates contact and tries to take the gun. At that point, I think all bets are off. What is probably of even more importance are things we don’t know like any previous threats, etc.2 points
Yep, it's a Ruger PCC. They aren't very loud. Also -- when someone confronts you holding a rifle, shouting "Use it, mother####er" is probably not the most effective de-escalation technique.2 points
Also it looks like a PCC based on the magazine.2 points
In the now-closed thread on the Rittenhouse verdict, which chucktshoes wisely closed because of excessive thread drift, bobsguns posted this: -- Sure, we're ready for something better. But who? How? One has to be insane to get involved in politics these days, IMO. It's an excellent question, and one that I write about occasionally in other venues. Some short thoughts -- There are different levels of getting involved in politics. At the level of actually running for office, most people aren't going to find the idea attractive, useful, or even tolerable, and for a variety of reasons. But there are other types of involvement, some requiring minimal effort but offering potential rewards. 1. Contact your elected officials and let them know your thoughts. If they're doing the right thing, thank them. But even if you know the official holds a view diametrically opposed to yours, let him/her know you disagree and are watching. Politicians spend a lot of time in an echo chamber hearing from their sycophants how wise and great they are. Reminding them there are other views -- and reminding them in an intelligent and reasoned way -- may not change their minds about anything...but if they start hearing the same "other view" more and more, they might start reconsidering. 2. Choose your information sources wisely. News media today are starkly polarized along political lines but they range across a wide spectrum of polarization, and there are some in or near the middle that have less bias. Seek them out. Also, consume information from both the right and left (maybe not much at the extreme limits) because there are good points to be made on both sides. You might learn something that could influence your own thinking, or you might gain some insights that will help you refute claims from the other side. I know there's a certain crude appeal to dismissing all news and information media by saying "They're all liars and you can't trust any of them," but that's simply not true for intelligent people willing to do little work and exercise their critical thinking skills. 3. Work toward making things better. An excellent way to do this is for looking for areas where there's an opportunity to make a difference. For example, there are people on both sides of the aisle who favor better voter identification laws. The left wants them to prevent voter discrimination, and the right wants them to prevent voter fraud, but the operative point here is that there are people on both sides who agree on this issue. To a small extent, we've seen the same thing in some of the discussion of the infrastructure bill -- both the right and left recognize that we need better roads and bridges and a more robust transportation system. And there's a growing chorus of voices from Dems and the GOP for instituting term limits for elected officials. What if politicians and voters on both the right and the left cooperated on those issues where there's agreement instead of demonizing each other because of issues where they disagree? No, we wouldn't have heaven on earth, but we'd have progress. 4. Finally, and perhaps most important: When you see politicians or news organizations on the left or the right that promote general hatred and contempt toward the other side just because they're on the other side, recognize that you are being played. Whether it's Tucker Carlson or Rachel Maddow, Anastasio Ocasio-Cortez or Marjorie Taylor Greene, Breitbart or Democratic Underground, understand that they're promoting anger and divisiveness because they profit from doing so. They want more money, more votes, more campaign donations, larger audiences, additional sponsors. People working together to solve problems simply doesn't pay as well for politicians or the news media. I've written enough for now. There are plenty of smart people with good intentions and creative ideas here on this forum. I'd be interested in your thoughts. (Those of you who are morons, please hold your comments. ) Cheers, Whisper2 points
2 points
The reddit title is incorrect. The shooter was actually married to a local judge but they are divorcing. This was the father of his girlfriend's children he shot. The home is the shooter's. Neither the ex-wife nor the children live there. Looks like reddit has removed the video but there is a mirror link in the pinned post. https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/10/lubbock-police-release-statement-fatal-shooting-chad-read/ https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/ https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/crime/2021/11/24/video-shows-shooting-chad-read-linked-kyle-carruth-lubbock-home/8754796002/1 point
Exactly--go get the girlfriend, get everybody inside, and call the police. If the guy starts busting in, things change. Otherwise, I don't see how the guy walks if TX laws are similar to TN. I know several people who have had tense situations when someone is picking up the kids from the ex and a boyfriend/girlfriend/new spouse is involved. Gunfire has never been the result, though. ETA: For the record, I am not a divorced dad lol1 point
1 point
Just ordered a shoulder holster, straps & leather care kit. Saved over $80 with the BLACK25 discount code. Galco is good stuff too!1 point
1 point
1 point
^^^ this. We don't know if the shooter has had prior experience with the mouth being violent which could add to the defense that a reasonable person would be in fear of their life or serious harm.1 point
Ego will get you killed faster than anything else. It’s a sad case all around, especially for the son who lost his father in all of it. At some point he’s going to likely end up seeing the video of his dad getting killed. I can’t imagine how devastating that will be for him.1 point
From the title, I thought maybe he got lucky with a super model. Either way, NICE RACK! Welcome back, Spots!1 point
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1 point
Salvation, family, health, opportunity. I could never make everything, but there’s a solid start.1 point
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1 point
That's strange, our Wal-Mart has them for $21.95 + tax. I'd check again if I was you, often times what's on our Wal-Mart shelves doesn't match the tag on the shelf below it.1 point
1 point
The Edge I handled had a pull every bit of 5#. While not awful by 509 standards, I think it’s unacceptable for a so-called competition model, especially one that costs this much. I suppose it’s possible other examples might have a lighter trigger than the one I played with, but I’ve never had a FNS or a 509 with anything like a good trigger (VP9, Canik TP9 and PPQ).1 point
Yes, that part of their defense strategy seemed questionable, at best. It's equally hard to argue a justifiable homicide of any sort when you chase an unarmed guy down, hold him, then kill him. I'm not a lawyer, and didn't follow the case very closely, but pretty much everything I've read about it screamed murder from the start ...1 point
1 point
When you say the factory rounds grouped better makes me think that the reloaded rounds are not up to pressure. I will also tell you that old guns like old flat base bullets. In a 57 mm case I have had great results with AA 2520 and AA2700 with the heavier bullet weights1 point
1 point
I traded it in on a Springfield 1911. Everytime i looked it at I got madder than hell so it had to go1 point
Better than what shows up so far on Ammoseek and the like. The cheap stuff starts out at around 9 cents, plus shipping, and goes up from there. Availability is better, however prices are still elevated. It took about 12-18 months last time after 22LR and other common calibers started showing up again regularly for prices to fall back significantly, I figure it will be at least that long this time around. Good thing I subscribe to the old "buy it cheap and stack it deep" philosophy ...1 point
I actually just finished watching this. I thoroughly enjoyed it and now want another bike. Not electric though.1 point
1 point
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