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Adopted two kids while ive been gone. Proud daddy to a now 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. We got our son when he was 22 months, and our daughter when she was 5 days old.10 points
@Redhansen - The gig is up! You've found me. Shooters Nation is/was a labor of love for me. I miss doing the show as much as some folks, yourself included, seem to enjoy listening to it. There honestly isn't a week that goes by that I don't think of picking right up where we left off. I'd love to, really. I am going to send this to Mark. He isn't on TGO but I wonder if he might be getting the itch to do this again too. If not, I may bring it back with some other help. Cancel Culture definitely played no small part in our decision to stop where we were. Back in 2020, when we recorded the last episode, things in the world were absolutely starting to spiral out of control. The election took a lot of already polarized people and flipped them on their heads. People I knew personally were losing their jobs or being threatened with such for things that they had said online about the election, about the "social justice" movement, about the racial riots, etc. Mostly those folks were just saying what sane people would say. Basically just "This is wrong. This is nuts. We've got to let cooler heads prevail." etc. Dangerous things, those words of ours! Anyway.... THANK YOU for this thread and your comments. They made my day. And they've got me staring at the microphone and recording equipment here at Shooters Nation HQ and thinking What would happen if I fired this up and just started running my mouth again? Who knows! We might find out sometime soon.8 points
I guess I agree with Rittenhouse about BLM--I support their right to protest (even though they often refuse to acknowledge the realities surrounding the incidents they are protesting), but they lose me when they block streets, burn/destroy/loot, advocate for killing police, and promote Marxism.6 points
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So this is where Im at now. The cracked is sealed completely with acralock. I drilled a blind hole through the bottom and seated a 1/4" rod about 4" long into the stock and acralocked into place. I decided to just leave the black dot. I can always use wood filler later to help blend it. The stock is hand sanded to 220. The pictures are with it whipped down with a damp rag. Thats the final color im after. Next comes hand sanding to 600 grit then a truoil finish. Then the forearm will get the same treatment. Im happy with it. Total repair cost to date $04 points
I like the policing idea that we saw on 60 Minutes. The police chief said it saved his officers over 3600 calls so far. I do think the social workers should have a taser, pepper spray, radio and a baton just in case. Not every 911 call should require a police presence. Having someone respond to traffic accidents like the Memphis PST’s and others to respond to potential mental health issues without escalating the situation is a win in my book.4 points
Two trials…one for the driver, and another one for the last judge who let him back out on the street. Is there no accountability whatsoever for judges? It would seem that today, police are largely peeing in the ocean when they try to do their job.4 points
Maybe this has been addressed, maybe this isn't allowed. I'm unsure, don't lynch me. The shooters nation podcast. I avidly listened to Shooters Nation as i traveled across the country for work. I will admit, I didn't start listening until somewhere around early 2019. So, I was a little behind. Anyway, after the last episode ("0071 COVID-19 Isn't the Apocalypse that we planned for") I waited a few weeks thinking COVID had slowed things down. Now, almost two years later with no new episode. Which really sucks, because I have since tried atleast a dozen other podcast, none of them shine a light to SHooters Nation. I have yet to even make it through a full episode of a single one. Unless I missed something somewhere, there was no mention of canceling. Is it gone forever? (The only acceptable answer here is no) Is it on a new platform? Was it a victim of "cancel culture"? Does anyone have any of these answers, or do I just look like the grown version of a one hit wonder, pop band fan boy? One positive effect is that I found this TGO site while searching for our pair of 2A talk show hosts. TGO Seems like a winner in a sea full of has beens and lost causes. Very well laid out, maintained, and none of the irrelevant digging to find content related to anything firearm. Stay classy, C. Hansen3 points
I’ve been reading, but not responding to your post since you’ve been a member. Judging by the adjectives you like to use to describe people, I would NEVER attend a party with you. If you were paying attention, my response was to another member. I’ll continue to disregard you, and I hope you’ll do the same regarding me. Good day!3 points
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Geez what a crazy event. Glad you survived. I'm available as a wingman if you need one when your selling another gun. Great looking kids. Congratulations and thanks for stepping up to the most important job and man can have. Being a dad!3 points
I adopted 3 from foster care. It's a hell of a thing. People think they know, but they don't.3 points
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Hey y’all, how about a little more Rittenhouse, and a little less general politics. Aight? Thanks.2 points
@TGO David Mission accomplished! Overall, I'm glad to find TGO was just hiding you away and all is well. If you need any encouragement to revisit Shooters Nation, I'm sure I could drum up a long list of supporters patiently waiting for the "new episode" notification. I personally know at least a dozen "fan club" members. That being said, I hope yourself and Mark know how respected yall's opinions and gear reviews are. You seem to have a knack for selecting great guests and introducing the perfect subjects. There has thus far not been a podcast on any platform (I have many) geared towards the 2A community worth it's weight. Many have decent content. I just unfollow around episode two, when they start mis quoting laws and legislature. Blow the dust off that mic, pour and glass, and YES run your mouths. I believe I speak for many when I say, we enjoyed it!2 points
I won't watch it. Carlson has never been my cup of tea. I get that he's trying to be some sort of a shock-jock, but I just can't listen to him. I do read his monologue once in awhile, but I have to sort the wheat from the chaff with him. That's a bit too tiring for me...and I'm not retired.2 points
LOL! Brett Baier and Chris Wallace? ROTFFLMAO. Both have shown their liberal proclivities.2 points
Rob, Here's the first review I read on the Sidekick: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/gun-review-diamondback-sidekick-22-revolver/2 points
Brownells has the Ruger Wrangler on sale for $164 (using the code "TAG"): https://www.brownells.com/firearms/handguns/revolver/wrangler-22lr-4-62--prod128021.aspx2 points
Not the same way. If everything else was the same up to the moment they grabbed the gun, I would have chased them to get a tag number and called the police enroute. But hindsight is always 20-20 and im betting they never forget it, because i know i wont2 points
Brought the stock into work with me today. Filled the cracked using the screw hole as an entry port, and pumped the entire hole and crack full of Acralock. We use this stuff to install boat decks onto hulls. 2750 psi working strength, 80-120% elongation before it sheers after curing. Its some heavy duty ####. I got it taped and zip tied up tight while that cures. Full cure is 1.5 hours so at lunch im gonna pull it down and drill it and dowel it with 1/4" diameter aluminum rods in a couple spots, again installed using acralock. My goal isnt an invisible repair, its a clean and neat repair with as much strength as possible.2 points
Glad you healed up and thank you for adopting your kids. America needs kids being raised up right and you changed the path they probably would have taken. When selling something to strangers, I usually meet at a local police precinct parking lot (even guns). It's not foolproof, but cuts down on shenanigans. Most people I'm dealing with say "that's a great idea." One fellow said he wouldn't meet there and that told me all I needed to know.2 points
Were I Kyle, I would hire some guy to play my black, gay lover. Take him on the show with me. Wonder how many libtard head's would explode?2 points
The defamation case (if ever filed) would generally be filed where the damage occurred (in Illinois since Rittenhouse lives there, but that isn't always were the damage occurred. The real issue is showing real damage, not speculative damage. Can he show that (for example) CNN's coverage specifically caused him a specific damage (like losing a job opportunity). He can be (and likely was) damaged by a general character attack, but which of the thousands of "false" statements by hundreds (maybe thousands) of media outlets caused his damage? As for the case you mentioned, it is very difficult (if not impossible in TN) to sue someone for a lawsuit they filed against you. We deal with this all the time in litigation and generally (absent very specific circumstances and intent) claims made in a lawsuit cannot form the basis of another lawsuit.2 points
I spent the last 3 weeks watching/listening to a solid 3/4 of the proceedings via the Rekieta stream. It was an excellent and extremely illuminating insight into this case in specific and the legal system as a whole. For me the biggest takeaway is that if the prosecution was willing to go that far and engage in such blatant misconduct when the cameras were on, what are they getting away with when the cameras are off? It was really quite sickening.2 points
All pictures and the event transpired 2.5 years ago in 2019. No more investigation so i can discuss facts openly. So I have been gone from here a few years with life in general keeping me busy. In April of 2019 i had an ad for a Glock 36 posted on Armslist. The ad was answered by text message on Easter Sunday and I arranged to meet the buyer the next evening in Knoxville. Mistake #1 I didnt insist on meeting in a familiar, safe area. I left work and got to the Little Ceasars, agreed upon meeting place, at the meet time. Mistake #2 I went alone without someone to watch my back. Two young, black men showed up and we discussed the gun. They talked through the passenger window and I stayed in the truck with the windows down. I had a loaded firearm concealed out of sight. Subject A went to "get the money" and started the car. Subject B then grabbed the unloaded glock from my seat and ran to the car. Im not wired to let someone drive off with my stuff but I did maintain enough cognitive thought to know that shooting an individual in the back running away from me in a parking lot would end with me in prison. So instead i used the truck to try and stop them. I hit then the first time in the passenger side and caved in their door. I then chased them onto Hembree street where the passenger took a few pot shots out the window striking the truck at least twice. I then struck them in the driver rear quarter pabel at approximately 80 mph when they slowed and tried to turn left at MLK. I went through there car, blew the intersection and through an abandoned block building on the other side of the street. At the end of the day they both went to prison for multiple felonies, I recovered the gun that was stolen. I also totalled two vehicles, my 2003 Toyota Tundra and their 2015 Chevy Malibu. I ended up in the ER for my wreck injuries. I crushed my sinuses, broke most of the bones in my face, split my forehead, broke my C7 vertebrae and generally got messed up. So word to the wise. Stay vigilant, meet somewhere familiar, take people with you, and if your gut says dont do it, then listen1 point
1 point
I’m glad you’re back up to speed. Congratulations on the kids. Stay safe.1 point
https://thehill.com/homenews/media/582815-bret-baier-confirms-his-concerns-about-tucker-carlsons-jan-6-documentary1 point
Lost a few on GB as well. I really, really hate that dang 15 minute rule of theirs! I know it's to "give everybody a fair chance." Bull! Just to aid the site and get higher sale prices.1 point
Man, here’s wishing you a far less exiting life going forward. Also, it’s takes a special kind of people to rescue and adopt children. I greatly admire you for that.1 point
I haven't watched enough TV to pass the bar yet. I'm gonna wait and see. Sandman kicked their asses, and still five years away from the end of his cases. Glad you have it all figured out though.1 point
If you sink the rods a bit, you could plug the hole with a wood plug stained to closely match.1 point
I think @TGO David is holding out and building content to sell to Spotify in 2022. I could be wrong though1 point
Unfortunately your buddy Tucker and his sister Maddow have set the stage to allow media to say whatever they want and be untouchable in court. I'm going to assume anyone Kyle tries to sue will use the same defense.1 point
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How far are you from turning 21? I totally understand wanting to be a handgun owner. However, if it is just that you want one now, as opposed to 6-12 months from now, it might be the easiest to just wait. And Fujimo is correct, they are addictive.1 point
No idea about the fate of the podcast, but I vote for the "one hit wonder pop band fan boy" choice - mostly because I like the sound of that ...1 point
Ain't seen that one yet. Friend of mine is dead set on the Wrangler for some reason. Might be he's not into 22mag. Once I pay off my Dagger I might look into one of these. Dad has a small stash of magnum laying around.1 point
As did I. I think we are both right as the MSM is saying it's a culmination of things that led to this. Edited to add I don't think it's "retaliation" per say as much as "lets see if i can do it and get away with it". I hold this in the same column as the "mob rob" in Frisco recently. A "F it lets do it and see what the law does". Great time to be a "social worker" as 60 minutes reported on that very thing last night1 point
1 point
I'll be honest, if someone dropped napalm on several hundred antifa, I'd be concerned about the business nearby catching on fire.1 point
Now that we are on to the defamation issue, I believe Rittenhouse would have a case if the statute of limitations hasn't passed yet. This post is based on TN law and WI (and other state's) laws are similar, but likely have a different statute of limitations period. Libel (written) and Slander (spoken) are both part of defamation. To prove defamation, it's pretty simple: 1. a false statement (like, "he's a white supremacist"); 2. caused damage to the plaintiff (this will be hard to prove for Rittenhouse, in that any single statement by any single person would be difficult to prove caused damage beyond what others were saying); 3. the false statement was made negligently, with reckless disregard for the truth, or with actual malice (the standard varies a bit with public and private individuals). All of those appear to apply here, but again, proving that any particular false statement (for example, by Biden) caused Rittenhouse's damage might be difficult, but I could certainly see a jury finding that Rittenhouse's reputation was damaged by some of those specific comments. The main concern is whether RIttenhouse has waited too long to bring the claim. In TN, you have to file the claim within 6 months of the statement. Statements have been made since the day the shooting occurred (and continue today), but when was the damage done? So, it would be difficult to pinpoint what specific statement caused what specific damage. That said, this criminal case was (in my view) very instructive to anyone who was willing to keep up with the details. A group of lawyers on YouTube were live-streaming the entire case and commenting in real time. Those videos are still up and provide a LOT of explanation about what was going on. This case had some bad lawyering on both sides, but I know I wouldn't want one of my trials televised and other lawyers critiquing me as it happened. No one does everything perfectly, but there were a few glaring mistakes on both sides. If you are interested in detailed analysis of the trial, I would encourage you to go look at the Rekieta Law videos. They did an excellent job of covering the trial.1 point
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The original question was “What you think the jury will come back with. “ what’s you opinion on what you have personally seen during testimony given during the trial. Not what any talking heads have told you to believe. I personally believe you should place the opinions of the media both left and right and balance it it both hands. At the end of the day you will be standing with two hands full of BS. I believe, from watching the testimony, that there will be a full acquittal. Either way, the first beer is on me.1 point
Capacitors have physical limits. I once worked on a CO2 gas laser used to make holes in industrial diamonds to thread very small wire through. It had .2 Farad capacitor and was huge. I think another technology might be better like a rail gun. We did research on rail guns where I retired from. The projectile would melt in normal atmospheric pressure. This was in the “Star Wars” experiments.1 point
Having a battery in with the mag that runs capacitors would be the ticket. In an equivalent of a bolt gun that will fire once every second at 3000 fps accurately would be fantastic. I just wonder what guys thought about smokeless powder after shooting black powder their entire life. The big thing is, what are these guns going to be capable of in 5 to 10 years? In the books they fired dart type projectiles similar to a tank sabot round only smaller.1 point
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