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Adopted two kids while ive been gone. Proud daddy to a now 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. We got our son when he was 22 months, and our daughter when she was 5 days old.6 points
This cracked me up considering Conservatives have treated him like a God the past few days. I hope Kyle realizes he's being used. The best thing for him would be to stay out of the spotlight and try to live a normal life away from people like T.C.4 points
And just how much play will the MSM give race? I had to go to InfoWars to even see what the assailants race is. Personally, I don't care what his race is vis the crime, but I'm getting tired of seeing "white supremacy" when something like Rittenhouse happens, and crickets in a case like this.4 points
Fixin' to meet the big guy. And, I ain't talking the beady eyed wonder. Kimberly is looking good as usual...4 points
Just picked this one up off armslist tonight. Gonna make it into a nice brush gun hopefully. The stock has a 6" crack running forward from the butt plate and the bluing is starting to pop like most of the post 64 models. Plans are to either pin and refinish the stock along with the forearm or buy new and fit as necessary. Cerakote in Socom blue or whatever gets me the closest look to bluing from 5' since these models do not take bluing well. Add a Williams FP peep sight and a brass front blade. Shoot and enjoy.3 points
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He's a teenager going to government schools. I don't care what he supports. I wanna know if he is gonna sue some "journalists".3 points
I saw a preview. Kyle said he supports BLM and there are a lot of prosecutorial injustices. This will be a fun watch.3 points
I don't think so. I believe this may well be a case of a career criminal who got himself high as a kite, committed another crime, unexpectedly found his escape route blocked and paniced. At least that's my guess based on the very limited info currently available.3 points
No, as he hasn't paid them much if anything, his NFL pay is not touched, which is substantial enough to keep him solvent, and his notoriety and I dare say his popularity gets him into anywhere he wants. I don't think it was about the worth of the items, he is a just a narcissistic individual that wanted to get his stuff back no matter what.3 points
You are a better friend than me. If dude can build a race car, he can build his own damn garage.3 points
I adopted 3 from foster care. It's a hell of a thing. People think they know, but they don't.2 points
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Hopefully he knows enough and there will be ample time for him to disavow BLM the organization not the general statement. A lot of prosecutorial injustices? Damn straight. Enough for all races and creeds to complain.2 points
When asked by Smith for comment about the two Never-Trumpers leaving the network, Carlson said it was “great news” and that “our viewers will be grateful.” I'm with Tucker. They need to get on over to CNN, and take that squeaky little Chris Wallace with them.2 points
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As soon as I saw how close this was to Kenosha, I assumed this was retaliation for the Rittenhouse verdict.2 points
As much as I hate to say it, filing federal charges for acts that violate federal law during the same incident is not double jeopardy. Recall the cops involved in Rodney King's case as an example.2 points
I don't really believe the feds can charge him with anything. However, powerful political people and liberal public opinion are pushing hard for it. Since when has a little detail such as the law ever gotten in the fed's way? Don't take anything for granted. I just e-mailed my Congress Critters to let them know how I feel. I suggest that you do too.2 points
It pisses me off that the liberals are calling for Federal intervention. They didn't get their way so now they want the feds to charge him with something, anything. Interesting how these so-called progressive thinkers can't understand the concept of double jeopardy. Hey! Cry baby! You lost! Get over it!2 points
I'd be telling my "friend" to come get his chit out of my garage. I'm funny that way though...................2 points
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Glad you lived to tell about it. Welcome back! You still doing blacksmith projects ?1 point
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OH, if you get a .357 get at least a 4" barrel. Don't fall for a super light snubby if hunting.1 point
Newly classified assault style SUV with pedestrian catcher on front and bullet proof glass as not to be able taking out driver with AR15- Mid pricing at the dealer of your choice-sign up now for Black Friday Pricing- Quantities may be limited-1 point
Jesus I hope this rare method of mass killing doesn't catch on. It's been done more successfully in Europe and there's so many easy targets out there. The worst one I believe was... Nice, France attack in 2016. 86 deaths 458 injured. Germany had a pretty bad one too. Much easier and deadly for a lone attacker than a so called assault weapon.1 point
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Just another leftist "hero" peacefully demonstrating, nothing to see here.1 point
Yeah, you'll have some $$ in a RAR, it's possible to just buy one in the caliber you want for less $$, but there's not as much fun in that is there. My RAR would not shoot well (consistently) so I decided to swap barrels. Call PV and ask them what their barrel nut requires for proper install and torque. Savage wrenches are pretty cheap, and using the proper tools is better than messing up the nut, or not getting it torqued properly. You'll need a torque wrench as well I did not swap triggers, but did swap out the spring in the factory trigger for only $10-20. It's better, but not much, so... I do get compliments on my 6x45 RAR, I put it a Boyds AT-1 stock, bedded, etc., so it a shooter now, sub MOA at 200 so it was a success to me. LOL1 point
Better price than what I expected from what I've seen online. Fortunately I stocked on inexpensive (4.5 to 5 cents per round shipped for Aguila SV and CCI SV), and some not so inexpensive (i.e. Eley Tenex), 22LR before prices shot up.1 point
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My favorite 22 was discontinued so I was forced to find something else. The return of 22 let me try a few and I'm happy with the results. 50 yards.1 point
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I'll be honest, if someone dropped napalm on several hundred antifa, I'd be concerned about the business nearby catching on fire.1 point
My kid shot an 8 pointer before I could even get in my stand this morning. See the picture thread at the top of this page.1 point
@DanielThe major news outlets have definitely been portraying a one sided and inaccurate narrative as to the facts of the case. That said, I do think that the fact that you are familiar with firearms and self defense concepts and laws allowed you to see the obvious in that he was legally justified in his actions. So while you may be able to see the facts, someone else of a particular worldview and without that same foundational grounding may only see the emotional narrative. Then maybe the folks here will only the misinformation and miss the fact based reports because of that. The exact same bull#### can dazzle different folks in different ways.1 point
I would recommend an old, pinned and recessed Model 28 Smith and Wesson (Highway Patrolman). If your budget allows, go for the glitzier model 27.1 point
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I won a P10F last year and figured I would end up selling it, but I really like that gun and kept it. But my favorite? Glock 34.1 point
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