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5 points
4 points
The MSM and the leftist pimps that drive them on are never gonna shut up or stop their jhad against this republic until their voice is so small it can’t be heard. ANTIFA and BLM are just their thug troops. Some of them got their shadows removed from the earth here. Kyle Rittenhouse made Kenosha, Wisconsin, the USA, and the world a better place by defending himself that sad evenin. That said; a victory for civilization and the people of this republic was won when this verdict was rendered. There are plenty of billionaires and millionaires driving this jhad; not to mention those 60s hippie sons and daughters of Satan in tenured positions in academia. Until we go after them, this ain’t goin away… We are dividing more n more, and the chasm is just gettin wider… Vote n buy more ammo… leroy…4 points
Unfortunately, this is not a new phenomenon, and it's certainly not confined to the left. You can find plenty of historical examples of news media frenzy about black people charged with crimes against whites. (In fact, this was one of the early tools used to promote gun control laws in the US.) Right here in Tennessee we have the example of Edward Carmack, the editor of the Nashville Tennessean in the early 1900s, who spoke and wrote approvingly of lynching blacks. Think the Tennessean would publish anything like that today? Of course not. Some in the news media have always tried to influence the outcome of trials and public reaction to verdicts. Don't be fooled into believing that we're seeing something unusual.4 points
I spent the last 3 weeks watching/listening to a solid 3/4 of the proceedings via the Rekieta stream. It was an excellent and extremely illuminating insight into this case in specific and the legal system as a whole. For me the biggest takeaway is that if the prosecution was willing to go that far and engage in such blatant misconduct when the cameras were on, what are they getting away with when the cameras are off? It was really quite sickening.4 points
Just another thing that’s factually incorrect. They were assailants. Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on the grounds of self defense. That means he was defending himself from assailants and he was the victim of their violent assaults.4 points
The majority of the news media are certainly on the side of the political left, but it's a misunderstanding to believe they all are. News media on the side of the right do exist, they're just outnumbered: Newspapers -- there's the Washington Times and the New York Post; television -- there's Fox News and OAN. When you get to online sites it's more balanced -- there's a ton of right-leaning online media sites, and they range from thoughtful and well-reasoned to screaming hysterical tin-foil-hat conspiracists. As with all information provided by the news media, the consumer's best approach is to sample widely with extreme skepticism, use your critical thinking skills, and make your own decisions. Cheers, Whisper3 points
Anything is possible, but I don't see him becoming another Zimmerman. Their cases and situations are vastly different. Zimmerman's was a lot murkier and there wasn't quite the obvious slant and slander by MSM (although he was the first "white Hispanic" I have ever heard of). Hopefully, Rittenhouse has some good guidance in the near future. I don't see a problem with him going on a couple radio shows and sitting down with Hannity on TV for a few minutes. I do hope he sues the dogsh*t out of MSM for two reasons--I hope he becomes independently wealthy, but more importantly, the leftist MSM's ability and eagerness to push misinformation and blatant lies to sway the national mood or opinion needs a serious bitchslapping. Rittenhouse is in a position to do just that.3 points
Yes, but it was while a candidate and in a public medium, so slander applies.3 points
3 points
Then that should include Joe Biden. He called him a white supremacist a few days after the arrest.3 points
No, you sue everyone who defamed you by calling you a murderer, white supremacist, etc without being found guilty by a jury of your peers.3 points
Sent this to my son early this morning. He was supposed to join me today but his schedule wouldn’t allow. I tend to get sarcastic when I haven’t gotten enough sleep and things aren’t going well. Opening morning report: Off work 11:00pm previous night. In bed by midnight. Up at 4:00am. Feeling of approximately negative-6 hours of sleep. Left house approximately 3.6 months later. Drove to hunting area. Parked and walked remaining distance to stand. Temperature 30 degrees. Wind blowing out of the N, S,E,W,NW,NE,SW,SE. Approximate wind speed 751.395 MPH. Next objective: Drink coffee. Saw a couple bucks about two weeks ago while I was up here working, but I’ve only seen 4 does today. Trying to hang out til afternoon but this wind is aggravating. Anyone had any luck so far?2 points
My good buddy and fellow member bigun has been having some mobility problems that were getting progressively worse lately. He and I usually touch base via text or phone on a daily basis but he dropped off the radar a couple of weeks ago. I got a message from his daughter about four days later telling me he was in the hospital and was improving so decided to wait until I knew more before posting anything. He is now out of the hospital and in a rehab facility so he's still making progress. I'm sure he would appreciate any prayers, well wishes or any other encouragement sent his way. The facility just lifted their 'no visitor' policy this week so I was able to pay him a short visit yesterday.2 points
Saw several does and a couple of baby spikes, along with a flock of turkeys. I spent the entire day in the stand and didn’t see one shooter buck. Wife wondered why I didn’t take some does. I told her if you’re like me and NOT an expert hunter the best chance for a buck is early season. I’d like to get a buck or two before I start taking does. Going to try again tomorrow morning Lord willing.2 points
He didn’t. That’s why I don’t get facts from or spread memes. A good majority of them are BS.2 points
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2 points
I'll be honest, if someone dropped napalm on several hundred antifa, I'd be concerned about the business nearby catching on fire.2 points
I didn’t get out since I got one in muzzleloader season. Buddy killed a nice 10 pt he has been after for awhile.2 points
This was my first stab at a flap holster as well as my first try at lacing. You'll notice an extra hole as I severely misjudged where the snap should be. Frustrating, but trial and error is about the only way a hard headed guy like me can learn.2 points
In typical liberal fashion, the left and MSM are now playing the race card. Now its all about the inequality of justice between blacks and whites in this country. They're now saying that Rittenhouse got off because he's white. If he had been black, he would have been convicted. ect and so on. One way or another the liberal left is bound and determined to cause as much trouble and unrest as possible. I think they actually want riots. JMHO: but I believe that if Rittenhouse had been black, he never would have been charged.2 points
This subject was raised a few months back and I was educated and corrected by more knowledgeable members here on the law regarding it. You only need the correct form if you were going to transfer it In a title II status. Removing the stock and replacing it in a brace returns into a title I status and means that you can travel across state lines with it freely. An SBR is only treated as an SBR when it is configured as an SBR. Changing the configuration changes the way it is treated under the law.2 points
You already cited the example of William Randolph Hearst, who specialized in telling outright lies about people and policies and bears much personal responsibility for the Spanish-American War, so it's clear that there is nothing new about lying national news media. The scope of the lying is larger because the scope of news media is larger, but claiming that the lying itself is new or unique is simply incorrect.2 points
Anyone who shoots a rioter for ANYTHING is going to get charged these days. Doesn't matter the circumstances, the shooter IS going to get charged. Hell, the idiot lawyers in St. Louis didn't even fire their guns (the woman's wouldn't even work & the DA had the cops fix it, an illegal act itself) & they got charged & plea bargained to lower charges AND lost their guns. These thugs & punks are fully Dimocrat-supported AND shielded. Never forget that as we go about our holiday travels to enemy territory, gents. Video everything if you're involved in something. Videos are the only thing that saved Rittenhouse as ALL the prosecution witnesses lied under oath. ALL of them. Something to keep in mind.2 points
One of which is a convicted male-child rapist. All of whom attacked Rittenhouse repeatedly.2 points
You may have read what you claim but you "knew" nothing of the sort. I also note it's easy to claim you "knew" something after the fact of it happening.2 points
The single most disturbing thing about the reaction of the liberal elite is that they seem to want to abandon our system of trial by jury. Mayor De Blasio of New York City called the verdict a miscarriage of justice. It seems that many on the left want trial by public opinion rather than a jury trial. Since the results of this trial went against their wishes, the trial was unjust. We're seeing more and more of this, with people being pilloried in the press and by elected officials who are supposed to uphold the constitution. I find it frightening.2 points
I’m really hoping that this red pills a lot of folks who didn’t pay a whole lot of attention while prosecutors pulled this kind of #### on folks from the other end of town because “they were probably guilty of something”. They can and will go after y’all just the same if’n they decide it’s what they want to do.2 points
I use a sled, and so far no issues, but I don't strap it down, it just rests on the sled, and after I'm zeroed, I confirm on a bag.2 points
@DanielThe major news outlets have definitely been portraying a one sided and inaccurate narrative as to the facts of the case. That said, I do think that the fact that you are familiar with firearms and self defense concepts and laws allowed you to see the obvious in that he was legally justified in his actions. So while you may be able to see the facts, someone else of a particular worldview and without that same foundational grounding may only see the emotional narrative. Then maybe the folks here will only the misinformation and miss the fact based reports because of that. The exact same bull#### can dazzle different folks in different ways.2 points
2 points
Actually, he WAS charged, tried, and found not-guilty. (I understand the quote came from Maria Shriver.)1 point
Came to post this. They're worse than Black Rifle Coffee Company, IMO. Can't believe anyone would give them a single dime. Shameful.1 point
It's too cold in Wisconsin in the winter to be protesting over something you're getting bussed in and paid for......just sayin1 point
Now that we are on to the defamation issue, I believe Rittenhouse would have a case if the statute of limitations hasn't passed yet. This post is based on TN law and WI (and other state's) laws are similar, but likely have a different statute of limitations period. Libel (written) and Slander (spoken) are both part of defamation. To prove defamation, it's pretty simple: 1. a false statement (like, "he's a white supremacist"); 2. caused damage to the plaintiff (this will be hard to prove for Rittenhouse, in that any single statement by any single person would be difficult to prove caused damage beyond what others were saying); 3. the false statement was made negligently, with reckless disregard for the truth, or with actual malice (the standard varies a bit with public and private individuals). All of those appear to apply here, but again, proving that any particular false statement (for example, by Biden) caused Rittenhouse's damage might be difficult, but I could certainly see a jury finding that Rittenhouse's reputation was damaged by some of those specific comments. The main concern is whether RIttenhouse has waited too long to bring the claim. In TN, you have to file the claim within 6 months of the statement. Statements have been made since the day the shooting occurred (and continue today), but when was the damage done? So, it would be difficult to pinpoint what specific statement caused what specific damage. That said, this criminal case was (in my view) very instructive to anyone who was willing to keep up with the details. A group of lawyers on YouTube were live-streaming the entire case and commenting in real time. Those videos are still up and provide a LOT of explanation about what was going on. This case had some bad lawyering on both sides, but I know I wouldn't want one of my trials televised and other lawyers critiquing me as it happened. No one does everything perfectly, but there were a few glaring mistakes on both sides. If you are interested in detailed analysis of the trial, I would encourage you to go look at the Rekieta Law videos. They did an excellent job of covering the trial.1 point
And calling Kyle a white supremacist. Those boys may have been white. But in their hearts, they was black.1 point
1 point
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1 point
Glad to hear he's on the mend - and that he's got someone who cares about him enough to notice when he's not around.1 point
Because of all the flue talk, in our area, I went and took a flue shot this morning. I don't want to be sick during the holidays if I can prevent it. I seem to get everything I get close to and we got a lot of family coming in for the holidays. Three of my extended family have colds, at present, so I decide to err on the safe side if possible.1 point
Same here. I remember back in the 70's people would react to the weakened live virus that they used, but modern vaccines don't use live virus anymore. One might get a variety of influenza that isn't covered by the vaccine, but that could happen with or without the shot. It seems like great insurance to me.1 point
After getting a bad case of flu about 25 years ago I started getting the shot every year. Never had a reaction other than a sore arm for a day or so and have never caught the flu again. May be luck on both cases but I'll take it.1 point
Once she trusts him and lets him touch/pet her he could likely find out. There is generally a small incision scar after the dog has been spayed. Both of my females have had a small scar. Vets are not plastic surgeons and generally are not as concerned with scars when completing surgery. One of the best tricks I have seen/found for getting a stray/abused/or otherwise skittish dog to trust you and humans again is non attentive proximity. This means you bring the dog into a somewhat restricted space, say a laundry room or a smaller enclosed porch. You get a bowl of food at a meal time and place the food on the floor for the dog to have access to it. You then sit on the floor, allow the dog to eat in their own time, and do not approach or attempt to touch the dog. You start by sitting as far away as you can from the dog in that space and just more or less ignore them while they eat, bring a book. You are close but not attempting to handle or approach them. You do this over the course of days moving slightly closer each day. By the end of it you will likely be able to sit right next the bowl and pet the dog while it eats. It gets the animal used to your proximity at a vulnerable time and the animal learns that you are non threatening so they can relax in your presence.1 point
She actually played a little bit this morning. I brought her a racquetball, bounced it on the driveway a bit, then tossed it for her. She tossed it around a bit herself, but got tired pretty quickly. I could tell she wanted to be friendly this morning, she bounced back and forth and even put a paw on her head, but still won't let me pet her. My wife and I sat on the deck and she got close enough to sniff at my wife's shoes. I'm pretty sure she'll come around.1 point
You sure generalize a lot I have two sons (18 and 23) who both work construction, and I’ll wager either could work circles around you. One has an engineering degree and the other is still in high school.1 point
All this. Always speak to her in a slow, moderated voice so she won't spook. Anyone who abuses a dog should die from rectal cancer, IMO. Lowest of the low.1 point
1 point
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