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I would recommend an old, pinned and recessed Model 28 Smith and Wesson (Highway Patrolman). If your budget allows, go for the glitzier model 27.3 points
3 points
I find it hilarious they portray it as a single causation. And the fix is sure as hell not singular. But that's my opinion. Regarding preparing i learned a lot from the 2008 O-chit fest and smaller blips since then. As anyone on here that cooks will tell you the cut of meat isn't necessarily a deal breaker. With the right prep you can make cheap cuts come out fantastic. I spend quite a bit of time in grocery stores and always chuckle at people that blow past cuts on sale and pay crazy prices for the same cut just butchered differently and displayed so its more appealing to the eye. Having an additional freezer is always a great thing and doesn't stop with meat storage. You can extend the life of grains, seeds, legumes etc with proper prep. I'm still looking to add a couple more pieces of vital equipment to the arsenal before this "increase demand by reducing the supply" dries up the inventory.2 points
Picked up a second freezer Saturday, there's a steer in Meigs county with a date at the butcher Monday morning.... I'll get him in two weeks. Anyone know a good hog farmer in EastTN?2 points
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2 points
Both parties suck, so far as I'm concerned. Be that as it may, something's gonna have to give. We can't keep spending ourselves into bottomless debt. We need oil until a better, less-expensive alternative is available. I want food on the grocery store shelves and I don't like spending $8 a pound for bacon.2 points
https://www.statista.com/statistics/187867/public-debt-of-the-united-states-since-1990/ Focus mostly on the increase from 2000 on. They’re all responsible for our descent into Venezuelan territory.2 points
The filter on TGO blocks the words I have for Tom Cotton. Amazing how they forget how much debt was added from 2016-2020. Even Rand Paul admitted there is no difference between the two parties when it comes to spending.2 points
Seems to me the last several Presidents have turned their time in office into some sort of spending spree with each one exceeding the prior President (and in some cases exceeding all past Presidents) regardless of party. Fiscal responsibility has been hopeless for decades. I blame it on career politicians of all flavors.2 points
2 points
A friend asked me to install his new DD M4 RIS II FSP. But the rail didn't come with the wrench it was supposed to. Rather than wait for a wrench to arrive, I found a cheap castle nut wrench in my tool drawer that I don't use because I can't put it on torque wrench. It wouldn't fit but I figured it would be easy enough to file it down to fit. That took just a few seconds with the file and it fit good enough. Now I set myself to creating a hole in it for the torque wrench. I started by drilling out a hole with a 7/16" drill bit. Then I used a triangle file to make it square and then work it out to size. I should have taken pictures at each step but I didn't so here are some pictures after I'd been filing for a while. Yeah, my square is crooked but it doesn't really matter. The point was to be able to get it on to the torque wrench. Worked perfectly for getting this barrel nut torqued down. And now I have a wrench for that rail if I ever need it again.1 point
Can't argue with that. Decent schedule coming up as well. Saints missed 2 XPs, could have tied. Who knows. Had 5 starters out too. That's football tho. As they say, games over.1 point
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1 point
When I was LEO, we carried Federal HST. I still carry it in my personal carry.1 point
I cut meat at a old fashioned meat shop for 7 years, was in chain store retail as cutter and manager also was a meat specialist for a large wholesale company for 7 years. I have been out west to the feeder lots and processing plants. The neg of buying whole or half steers is the 1. The amount of waste, a lot of bone and fat. 2. A lot of ground beef. I like mine 80/20 and most places do not defat as much as I would like. 3. I like steaks primarily, most of what one gets in a steer is roast and ground beef. I have seen meat shops take some steaks out during the processing to keep for themselves so make sure you dealing with a reputable butcher. When i did them we would weigh the whole thing, cut and wrap it all keep the waste and reweigh it for the customer so they would know we gave it all to them.1 point
Lucky gunner did a nice set of tests using gel blocks a few years back and published the results. Sold me on the Federal HSTs in 124gn.1 point
Lol, no Sir, have a lead on a local guy, but only sells it by the package... Haven't asked about a whole yet. Ironically, there's a Honduran guy on one of my job sites that used to be a butcher, processes deer on the side now, but I was told he could do a hog if I wanted. Got my wheels turning.1 point
1 point
I bought a Calwell Stinger a while back. It's seems to work well with my AR and is adjustable. It will allow for a 30 round magazine. Not too hard to assemble either. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/caldwell-stinger-shooting-rest1 point
When it comes to spending, both parties are equally as guilty. This!!! Agreed. This is why I mostly vote Libertarian anymore! My wife and I were talking about buying a beef the other day. Sadly, I have no second freezer. The cost of one would almost be what the beef would probably cost. He's a friggin' idiot. Brandon himself admitted the COVID stimulus checks were one of the leading causes of this round of inflation. As for buying meat, I've changed to different cuts of meat. Instead of chicken breasts, it's chicken thighs. Ground beef is supplemented with ground chicken and turkey now. Being more shaved beef, as well. Also eating more fish and seafood. What's a steak or beef roast?1 point
I have 3 .45s and got my very first 9mm this year. It does feel like a mini gun compared to the 45s. Sold it and got a PF9. great little gun. You made a great purchase, congratulations. I personally prefer 1911 but the M&P is a great pistol.1 point
Which is why I hope they bury Baldwin UNDER the jail over this. I hope they also sue his arrogant-libtard-loving-butt off too. I hope he ends up broke & destitute like a former child actor.1 point
1 point
No, unfortunately I recently moved to Ridgetop and haven't had a chance to put up an antenna yet.1 point
I had a stone the size of the end joint on my pinky, they had to go in and get it. Not fun. Be sure and get the stone analyzed when it's out. Most by far are calcium oxalate. (I know that because I had to analyze many of them during my 41 years as a lab tech) Mine however was uric acid. I have taken Allopurinol for the last 27 years to reduce my uric acid level and haven't had another stone since. Knock on wood. Yours is most likely calcium but it pays to be sure.1 point
Well that's pretty cool that your suffix is TEN for Tennessee. I wish I had a tree on my property that I could have run an end fed dipole to. Thats why im doing the inverted V g5rv instead.1 point
That's what you get for waving your wiener through the hole in the wall at her.................... Anything going up my urethra is going to be with me unconscious.1 point
I'm betting those ARE the rules on well run sets.1 point
My question is this: why wouldn't ANY gun being used on-set be kept under lock & key with ONLY the armorer having the key? Why wasn't the gun(s) kept like the nuclear launch codes? One person & ONLY one person having access to them? Armorer not on the set? Then the guns can't be touched by ANYONE else, period. They're locked away. Clearly that would make too much sense for Hollyweird.1 point
1 point
I would go with whichever shoots best in my gun (accuracy, cycling, recoil factor). Either one is a good defense load.1 point
Sabotage is a possibility, but stupidity is far more likely. Many mistakes were made by many different people. But in the end, Baldwin pulled the trigger.1 point
1 point
They can. They also give you coke can size holes on the off side. You have to realize that they have more horsepower than a 338 Lapua. They do not have the BC of the 338 though.1 point
6% Anyone believing it's only 6%, well I got this bridge...1 point
Back to Alec Baldwin (AB) wanting cops on set - as if that would have made a difference. They had an armorer on set BUT she wasn't around when the assistant director (AD) apparently grabbed a gun & handed it to AB & said, "Cold gun." If you aren't going to follow the rules (no gun handling w/o the armorer present) what difference would having hired a cop make? They'd just ignore that person, too, because them Hollyweird people are smarter than everyone else <sarcasm>. It's just more deflection. The real issue is inexperienced people handling a deadly weapon in a casual & sloppy manner. How were the guns out with no armorer present? Why did the AD not check every chamber? How did a live round get put into the gun? Why didn't AB aim to the right or left of an actual human being when pulling the trigger? Careless, clueless people treating a real gun like a toy was the issue; a cop being around would not have changed the outcome.1 point
The first one sucks real bad. My first one hit me while I was a LEO working a parade. My PCP was open that day, so I went to him after the parade was over. On my way to his office I felt the stone shoot into my bladder. I passed it into a filter screen at the doctor's office. I have had many since then, and I drink approximately a gallon of water each day. That, alone, is not enough. I was kicking out stones like a Pez dispenser. Besides drinking water, you can reduce your risk by not eating food with high oxalate levels: Beans (low-calcium types) Beer Beets Black pepper Chocolate Coffee Cranberries Dark green vegetables Nuts Oranges Rhubarb Soda (cola) Soy beans Sweet potatoes Tea (black) Tofu Wheat bran You can also increase items that fight oxalate absorption like high-calcium foods: Broccoli Watercress Kale Okra Kidney, baked, & navy beans Chickpeas Supplements high in calcium and citrate help as well. I supplement with calcium citrate pills.1 point
Update: Had a conversation with a very nice lady at Springfield Armory yesterday. They are shipping my order again at no charge. Got e-mail today with new tracking number and expected delivery on Friday. I've said it before, Springfield Armory has the best customer service in the business. Now if Fed Ex can manage not to lose this one.1 point
Outside of proving bonafides in a legal context, self declaration of expertise is a red flag for me.1 point
I find they run the gamut from shouldn’t have a gun to expert marksman just like the general population.1 point
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0 points
The Jets don't have to deal with refs. They suck SO bad, the other teams never need any ref help.....................0 points
Lol. Sounds great ! I was referring to miss piggy though. Are you wanting to buy it on the hoof like your Angus? I've seen several ads for live where you go out to the lot and pick it out but no one offering processed hog anywhere since Rona took off.0 points
Lot of home cooking going on in Nashville today. That roughing the passer call was pure garbage. Refs determined to get Titans a score. Added a PI , just to make sure.0 points
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Right now, the wee barstard is somewhere between my kidney & bladder & is giving me fits. The pain is 1% of what it was, but I still can't move around well. I have THE worst trapped gas & I've thrown up everything I've eaten since the 80s. I can't bear to be upright (sitting or standing) for more than 20 minutes at a time & I haven't had solid food since Tuesday night. I'm told that once it clears the Ureta & gets into my bladder properly, I should be golden. But that could take several days.0 points
0 points
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