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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2021 in all areas

  1. I have avoided posting about this case, but now that the case is almost over (closing arguments start tomorrow), I thought I would share some thoughts: 1. Rittenhouse testifying -- in the vast majority of self-defense cases, there is no choice. The defendant has to say he was in fear for his life. The Defendant is the ONLY person who can say what was in his own mind. Yes, the overwhelming amount of evidence here points to self-defense and this case has video evidence and witnesses that most self-defense cases will never have. Nevertheless, only Rittenhouse can say he was in fear. So, I suspect the defense attorneys felt they had to follow the normal course. Now, with that said, the attorneys may have had Rittenhouse testify about too many issues. On cross-examination, the prosecution generally is only allowed to cross-examine on the issues Rittenhouse testified to on direct examination. Had Rittenhouse just gotten up there and said "I was in fear" and then ended the direct examination, he might have avoided some uncomfortable cross-exam questions. That said, with the publicity and scrutiny on this case, I think the attorneys wanted to get a lot of details in that only Rittenhouse could testify to. While we would love to believe that juries follow the judge's instructions and only look at the evidence that was actually presented at trial, they DON'T. Juries always have questions in their own minds they want answered. If the attorneys don't anticipate those questions and put the answers into evidence, the juries WILL fill in the blanks with their own thoughts. I've seen it happen too many times and I've talked to too many jurors who say they do it. So, I am sure the attorneys felt the need to have Rittenhouse answer those questions. Normally in a criminal case, you do worry about the defendant testifying, but as I can tell, Rittenhouse didn't have any skeletons in the closet other than some really bad decisions. 2. General Thoughts -- this case should be a wake-up call to anyone who even thinks about using a gun in self defense. The current political climate is making even clear-cut self-defense cases hard. What I see as problematic in this case is that Rittenhouse inserted himself into a volatile situation. Should he have even been there? Whether you agree with Rittenhouse's decision or not, you have to know that some jurors will see those decisions as contributing to the situation. As we say in the legal profession, "bad facts make bad law" and this may be a classic example. Had Rittenhouse been in his own home and defended the home in the same manner (i.e., going outside, engaging the protestors, etc.), I think this situation would have been totally different. But he purposefully put himself into a situation where (i) he felt the need to have a gun to defend himself and/or property and (ii) he knew (or should have known) that violence was already occurring in that location. Therefore, it should have been foreseeable that force might be used at some point. Like it or not, there are jurors everywhere who will hold that against him. In short, be very careful about the situations you get into. Do everything you can to avoid HAVING to use a gun. Circumstances change in an instant, often with no ability to control it.
    11 points
  2. Not that we may not already be doomed as a country, but if there is not at least 1 person on that jury that has the sense to see this for what it is, we are worse off than I thought.
    6 points
  3. On another note (for those interested), this trial has been very interesting for us lawyers. Our profession is going the same way as the general public. Way too much emotion and hysteria taking over everything. Watching the DAs and the Judge going at it is comical, but unfortunately, not surprising. We are seeing more and more of these types of tense exchanges between attorneys and between attorneys and judges. Unfortunately, a sign of the times and appears to only be getting worse by the day.
    4 points
  4. The trial is showing to many that it will end in an acquittal. So what does the mainstream media do? They are now attacking the judge. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/11/us/kenosha-judge-bruce-schroeder-asian-food-comments/index.html https://apnews.com/article/kyle-rittenhouse-wisconsin-kenosha-homicide-0f514cc4c04762bf42cccb5f2473b76c https://www.npr.org/2021/11/04/1052485234/a-look-at-bruce-schroeder-the-judge-in-the-kyle-rittenhouse-trial
    3 points
  5. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2021/11/12/cotton-inflation-n2598941
    3 points
  6. Just how will Remington know?
    3 points
  7. Show us what you've bagged! So far, this is all I got. Weather lady said it wouldn't be windy today...she's a liar.
    2 points
  8. It’s really all a matter of semantics isn’t it? Someone in the business who is licensed to load ammunition using used cases is a “remanufacturer”. Bubba and Joe Bob who pick up the same random cases from a shooting range and load them are “reloaders” if they do so for personal use.
    2 points
  9. I’ve never been able to call one. They sure can’t resist seeing me sitting in a deer stand, however.
    2 points
  10. They can. They also give you coke can size holes on the off side. You have to realize that they have more horsepower than a 338 Lapua. They do not have the BC of the 338 though.
    2 points
  11. Generally, this the case in every trial. The jurors have no ability to ask for more testimony or answer questions about the facts. Jurors can ask the Judge to clarify a question about the jury instructions the Judge gives them. Jury instructions explain what the law is and generally what the jurors are being instructed to decide. But the jurors don't get to ask for more testimony. In my experience, even when the jurors ask for clarification on a jury instruction, the judge often says "just read the instruction again." Today, the Rittenhouse trial was all about the jury instructions, so if anyone is interested in what that sounds like in a real criminal trial, today's videos are pretty much what happens in all trials to some degree.
    2 points
  12. Awesome. I’m empty handed so far but checking out new public places and learning them as I go. I can’t wait to see a coyote be-bop towards me. I’m definitely one the guys who turns any season into coyote season when they show up! Good luck deer hunting this year also.
    2 points
  13. This is an important distinction. “Remanufactured” is not the same as a “reload”.
    2 points
  14. Funny? Yes. Too far off? Nope. I buy a lot of meats from Sam's Club. ( I try to keep ourselves a fair supply of both, and buy for another family member. Freeze what I can, but running out of freezer space. Have given thought to another freezer lately.) But to get back on point, the overall changes seems to be on the order of 20-30% in the chicken and beef products. With farms on the decline for years, chicken and beef production has sufferred. I don't see it improving very quickly.
    2 points
  15. Seems to me the last several Presidents have turned their time in office into some sort of spending spree with each one exceeding the prior President (and in some cases exceeding all past Presidents) regardless of party. Fiscal responsibility has been hopeless for decades. I blame it on career politicians of all flavors.
    2 points
  16. I hate to say it, but I think the poor kid is toast. MSM and every liberal with a keyboard convicted him within hours of the shooting. This trail is just for show. His only chance is for a hung jury and the prosecutor deciding not to retry. As for me, I believe the kid is only guilty of poor judgement for going there in the first place.
    2 points
  17. I’d LOVE to be in the woods tomorrow. I’m off all this coming week to hunt but have to work tomorrow. Shouldn’t complain with the rest of the week to hunt but I think tomorrow’s gonna be the best day temp wise for the week. But I’d say rut action should pick up as the week goes on so I’m still happy to be able to get out.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Supposed to be colder Tomorrow morning. 50 high and 30 low. and partly cloudy. I've still not seen any rut signs yet. No chasing, trailing, even got pics on trail cam a couple days ago with 2 bucks still running together.
    1 point
  20. Sorry, I missed a key. It was H110, which as of now is still offered in-stock.
    1 point
  21. Since we went off topic, I carry a Streamlight Stylus Pro EDC as well as a Gerber Crucial. I would feel naked without them. They each get used multiple times a day.
    1 point
  22. Both parties suck, so far as I'm concerned. Be that as it may, something's gonna have to give. We can't keep spending ourselves into bottomless debt. We need oil until a better, less-expensive alternative is available. I want food on the grocery store shelves and I don't like spending $8 a pound for bacon.
    1 point
  23. It is technically "factory" ammunition. I'd shoot it.
    1 point
  24. Technically, it is not a muzzleloader, as you do not load it from the muzzle, but from the front of the cylinder. I'm not trying to be obstinate, but have always wondered about that. I once saw a guy shoot a deer with a Colt Navy replica. I didn't figure it was legal, bur never knew for sure.
    1 point
  25. 6% Anyone believing it's only 6%, well I got this bridge...
    1 point
  26. On the ones I was on, the answers were very limited to what was in the trial. No new information only clarification for the judges instructions. I've only been in court about 12 times and only one was a murder trial so....
    1 point
  27. Hey...give him a break! My oldest friend, best man at my wedding, and general pain in the butt...was a shyster of a personal injury sort...and a pure, dyed in the wool, flaming liberal dem! But a nice guy and I miss him.
    1 point
  28. Take a look at upper hand holsters. Sensible lead time. Good value.. leroy ..
    1 point
  29. Hello all. I'm Dave, am here to learn from y'all Thanks
    1 point
  30. Welcome. We would love to see your projects. You can post them at www.f**koff.com Look forward to seeing them.
    1 point
  31. I'm another Shaw barrel guy and it's no big feat on a calm day using mini-mags to create a nickel to quarter sized ragged hole at 50 yards. Mine wears a Magpul Hunter stock and sports a cheapo Vortex scope on it but it shoots straight! Be safe at the range! Smoky MY FAVORITE M14 TWEAKS AND TIPS
    1 point
  32. Interesting observations, and many good points made Chip. For those of you who don't know, Chip is a real, live, blood-sucking vam- errr. lawyer ...
    1 point
  33. Back to Alec Baldwin (AB) wanting cops on set - as if that would have made a difference. They had an armorer on set BUT she wasn't around when the assistant director (AD) apparently grabbed a gun & handed it to AB & said, "Cold gun." If you aren't going to follow the rules (no gun handling w/o the armorer present) what difference would having hired a cop make? They'd just ignore that person, too, because them Hollyweird people are smarter than everyone else <sarcasm>. It's just more deflection. The real issue is inexperienced people handling a deadly weapon in a casual & sloppy manner. How were the guns out with no armorer present? Why did the AD not check every chamber? How did a live round get put into the gun? Why didn't AB aim to the right or left of an actual human being when pulling the trigger? Careless, clueless people treating a real gun like a toy was the issue; a cop being around would not have changed the outcome.
    1 point
  34. The Fedex Ground guys are subcontractors and get paid a flat rate per day. There is a lot of turn over, and that's problematic for us because Fedex Ground uses an address database that is years old. Fedex Overnight and Two Day comes right to us, but any Ground package gets re-addressed the first time it's scanned to a road about two miles away where our house number does not exist. There are notes if they scan the package, and the regular drivers know the deal. However, the day I had a case of ammo coming from Natchez they had a new driver. They wrote the address on the box in sharpie and left it on the ground next to a mailbox with a close number on that wrong street. Thankfully it was still there the next day when the regular driver happened to notice it after talking to us - he then made a second trip to our house that day to deliver it. I've also had USPS sent a Priority Mail package to the Virginia destination, via Guam.
    1 point
  35. With regards to that weapons statute, even if he ends up convicted on that one, the groundwork was laid at the start of the trial for it to be tossed as void for vagueness.
    1 point
  36. I used to cut the parts apart and sometimes if it looked like it needed it, I would sand. I always glued the parts together and then painted. At least if several parts were gonna be the same color. It's hard to glue parts together when they've been painted. Unless you sand the surfaces that join. I've had parts that didn't fit together well and had to sand a little and keep trying it till it looked good.
    1 point
  37. Northern Tool/Harbor Freight did have some clamp on style magnifiers with lights. I use one in the reloading room at times when needed. These have a limited reach, so not sure what length one would need for projects like this. I'm sure amazon has various ones.
    1 point
  38. Juries are unpredictable. This DA is a soup sandwich. Rittenhouse comes off as a touch of wannabe with good intentions and a boyish face. All of which could be well received if there is a mom or two on the jury. For the most part he answered well and avoided most of the trap questions, almost too well to the point of looking rehearsed. He got a little rattled on some pressure questions when he could have scored big and made the DA look even worse. This is expected though for his age and circumstance. It is not often that I root for the defense but this is one of those occasions. I was surprised how well he handled the situation that night. "If you have a case, argue the case. If you have no case, just argue." This usually applies to the defense but it seems to be the DA's approach on this one.
    1 point
  39. Seems to me that the big driver is the cost of fuel. Gasoline is up nearly 50% from a year ago, and the energy secretary seems to think the idea of opening up more drilling here is funny. The current administration thinks that the environmental benefits of reducing oil consumption outweighs the hardship caused by heavy inflation. They're even talking of closing another pipeline. Every item you see on a store shelf was delivered by a oil-burning vehicle. If the price of fuel keeps going up, so will the price of food, clothing, hardware and everything else. There's going to be a lot of unnecessary suffering this winter, I fear.
    1 point
  40. The nurse told me the same thing yesterday!
    1 point
  41. It's interesting that the GOP/Trump actually passed two of the three rounds of stimulus and yet they are calling it Joe Biden's inflation. Short memories it seems.
    1 point
  42. Do you a carry a knife? Lights are equally as useful for daily life. I seem to always find the dark spot in the brightest areas.
    1 point
  43. No shooting report to offer. That's not mine, we got some in at work and I was able to handle it and take the pics. My initial impression is that it looks good, and feels good. Trigger is better than the standard mag disconnect safety guns . Cycling the slide was just a little grittier than I expected but it probably just needs to be cleaned and lubed up.
    1 point
  44. Do you have a report to offer? I can’t be the only one waiting to hear.
    1 point
  45. The only thing he did wrong was pull that last shot a little to the left.
    1 point
  46. I’m a former backcountry ranger at Rocky Mountain NP and Mesa Verde NP, and on the bear management team at both. Our duty weapon in the early 1990s was a S&W 686, 4” .357mag. We carried the old Black Talon rounds. In 1995 we switched to Sig and we were issued P229 in 9mm or, if we purchased our own -which I did- we could carry P229 in .40, or P220 .45 acp. I chose the P220 with Black Talon rounds. A ranger buddy of mine worked in Alaska. When we had revolvers, Alaska rangers could choose .44 mag S&W and they carried 870 pump 12ga with slugs for the big bears. When we switched to Sig, he chose a P220 in .45. All said, I’m inclined to carry my .357. It’s been on my hip in mid, rain, snow, ice, on foot, horseback, ATV, and I never had a worry about a malfunction. For black bears our orders were , in order: noise, pepper spray, cracker shot, and if none of those worked, 12 ga slug to dispatch the animal. Animal attacks are very rare, but when they happen, they typically happen without warning, so whatever you carry, it should be accessible. You know how the movies show a mountain lion growling to announce its attack? That never happens. In Colorado my concern was always lions. And most bear problems are caused by people who approach the animal too closely, or attempt to feed it-I’ve seen some people take crazy chances for a picture.
    1 point
  47. Yes, I'm doing my part to beat inflation. I've already saved $230 this month (with taxes, more like $250) I bought a guitar earlier this month and a week later the prices were $100 higher. I then focused on a new amp and after I bought one, the model went up by $130. Next, I will start stockpiling strings in various gauges - lol!
    1 point
  48. Congratulations! I hope you were/are better prepared than us. I thought we were good...but Biden, inflation, and taxes have changed our position somewhat.
    1 point
  49. The writing off of student loans erks me something fierce. It's a loan, the last time I borrowed money I had to pay it back with interest. Printing more and more money is a special kind of stupid too.
    1 point
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