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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2021 in all areas
My dad shot this 9 pointer at my place this morning about 8:30. He saw 5 bucks and 4 does. Not a bad morning.4 points
As an escapee... listen to @Jeb48. Honestly, one of the reasons I moved. We had a shotgun for home defense, but crime was still creeping in and getting worse despite living in a small country town outside a Knox-sized city. Kids broke into our garage, wifey agreed, it was time to get a pistol. Friend of a friend was a county Sheriff, had a talk with him. Said save my time, won't get a permit here, and even if I did, wouldn't matter, NY doesn't have castle doctrine/stand your ground law. Can't shoot the perp even if you had a gun. Loooooong conversation short: even if I caught someone raping my daughter in the act, I should call the police. Argument is you remove the criminals right to a fair trial by acting as judge/jury and shooting them. Yes. Really. I now live in Tennessee, and you'll understand why I say "I found America, again!"3 points
A friend asked me to install his new DD M4 RIS II FSP. But the rail didn't come with the wrench it was supposed to. Rather than wait for a wrench to arrive, I found a cheap castle nut wrench in my tool drawer that I don't use because I can't put it on torque wrench. It wouldn't fit but I figured it would be easy enough to file it down to fit. That took just a few seconds with the file and it fit good enough. Now I set myself to creating a hole in it for the torque wrench. I started by drilling out a hole with a 7/16" drill bit. Then I used a triangle file to make it square and then work it out to size. I should have taken pictures at each step but I didn't so here are some pictures after I'd been filing for a while. Yeah, my square is crooked but it doesn't really matter. The point was to be able to get it on to the torque wrench. Worked perfectly for getting this barrel nut torqued down. And now I have a wrench for that rail if I ever need it again.2 points
I just finished loading fifty rounds of 44 Magnum. I have out the old 1970's vintage Super Blackhawk for a trip to the range early tomorrow morning. I may bring along my 44 Magnum Vaquero to verify zero etc, Both a very good guns. For factory rounds I got several hundred rifle and handgun rounds stashed away. I'd rather shoot my handloads. The bullets are cast here from older molds from an estate sales. Picking up these molds gives me a wide choice of bullets independent of whims of retailers and the like. On this trip zero and accuracy can be worked out with 125 rounds of 44 Magnum. I'll probably come back with a few rounds. I can make runs of 45ACP bullets to keep shooting friends going in our match if necessary. I got two rifle projects on hold until jacketed bullets are back on the market. I don't think politicians had as much to do with this famine as panic buying and money grubbing retailers. I don't plan to spend money with the offenders starting with Midway.2 points
2 points
In NY, all your handguns are listed on a separate Pistol Permit Card that must be carried with the permit. Un-papered handguns carry a premium added cost to them if you want one. And those AH's think they own you. You pay more to breath the air in NY. Buy their gas and tell me not.... You have to be a fool to own anything in NY you cant carry away from there. Signed X-Fool2 points
Gave them 32 years of my life. My job was posted before my office was empty. Federal Express was a wonderful place to work. When we split up all the divisions and became FedEx it went to hell. I send everything USPS. I’m never disappointed, they always loose it or it’s delayed. Just as I expected.2 points
UPS surprisingly has the best delivery metrics right now. Like many things right now, it is a labor story - just not the one the companies and the politicians would prefer you hear and believe.2 points
I do both. I tweak rifle loads to try and get the smallest groups possible. As I am not a great pistol shot, o.k. Is good enough, so I load for volume. Mixed range brass and plated bullets are the order of the day. I’m glad reloading offers this flexibility.2 points
You know you want to see at night. TNVC/Night Goggles PVS-14 with a Photonis Echo tube. ~2hrs use. Size M/L Team Wendy Exfil bump. 2 Norotos mounts, 3 J-arms, spare eye cup. Tactical Tailor MNVD padded bag. Spec sheet available and included. $2900$2700 for everything. Not looking to split the package at this time. Here a link to the photo gallery. https://imgur.com/a/MXLNLUK SOLD1 point
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Really? I didn't know they were the smallest. I would've guessed someone else on that. Many other counties used to have powerhouse sports teams & then they added another school, split them up. Rutherford & Sumner are two perfect examples. I don't think Gallatin has been better than average since Station Camp came about. That's been 20 years now. Hendersonville suffered for a long time when Beech came along as well. This is where the smaller counties can maintain some continuity as well as keeping the community involved.1 point
I rarely buy from Brownells, mostly Midsouth Shooters. Tax is there, but prices are usually better, cheaper shipping than Midway. Also, on GB, most sellers charge 3% credit card fee.1 point
Yep, there's 2 playing now. A long line of 'em. Most of them better than average. We could us a few more next Fri nite.1 point
Trousdale Co now has the state record for most consecutive years making the playoffs. Quite an achievement.1 point
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Good news for those seeking a better price on a new Python. The Gun Crew has several Pythons as well as an Anaconda for sale on GB that are blems. The Python has a "buy now" price of $1599, way less than the usual $2,000+ we usually see. I have NOT seen the blem guns, so I can't comment on how bad or how little the blem is. Regardless, it would seem to me to be worth saving $400-500 on a gun though, IMO. Here's an example of one. Python blem I buy a lot of my guns used in order to save a chunk of $$, so a blem wouldn't phase me in the least as long as it was fairly small. Thought this might help someone?1 point
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Your dad got a nice buck Hozzie. I decided to take this fat little 6 pt.1 point
Trousdale Co won last nite vs Tyner 31 - 16. Travel to Meigs Co. next. Meigs ranked #1 in 2A, TC @ # 5 My Army guys beat AirForce today in a nail biter. 21 - 14 in OT.1 point
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Terry, I have quite a bit of factory ammo that's been around here for quite sometime, but like you I prefer to shoot my handloads. As most are more accurate anyway, then if something happens to me it will be easier for the better half to sell the factory stuff. RP1 point
After being down at halftime, 20-7, Macon County came back last night for a 28-26 win against Chattanooga Central! They’ll be headed to Red Bank next Friday night for the second round playoff game. Go Tigers!!!1 point
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I load 8 different rifles for myself and one for a close friend. Then I load 8 pistol calibers. I couldn't tell you the last time I bought factory center fire ammo. Oh, I remember it was about 2 yrs. ago, I was walking through the sporting goods department at ww and noticed they had Federal 150 gr in the blue box for $9.99 a box. I bought 10 boxes and still have 8.5 boxes sitting on the shelf. RP1 point
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They go to the farm out in the country, where dogs sometimes go to?1 point
1 point
Eh, not really. One's background has a lot to do with that, IMO. If a person has a lot of arrests (never mind convictions), then they're probably shady. But the average Joe Bob who trades in a hot gun doesn't get much more than an interview to see where he got it from. The gun is then confiscated & if the guy passes the smell test, he's on his way. I once had a dealer who had a NIB Ruger sell at a gun show. When the TICS check was ran, the gun popped up as stolen. We guessed something in the S/N got transposed as the gun was direct from a wholesale distributor. He lost the gun, never got his $$ back. For those whom may remember her, Bob Pope's long time assistant Tammie bought a .222mag rifle at a show, doing a private sale. She traded it in years later to The Gun Crew & it came up as stolen. She knew the guy well who sold it to her & she was pretty shocked about it. She lost the gun as well.1 point
They will rape you on shipping costs. Pay close attention that charge when you check out.1 point
Right. Odds are that if it hasn't been put on a truck for delivery yet, nobody there can run in the back and put their hands on it.1 point
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What I make of all that is a first class chinese fire drill. Reminds me of the Pedo Biden administration: no organizational skills, no plan, piss poor execution and deflecting blame onto others. I still ask why the guns weren't locked up & under the total control of the armorer? If she wasn't on-set, the guns shouldn't have been available, IMO. Libtards are always lamblasting gun owners when a firearm is stolen: "Why wasn't it locked away?" Well, right back at them, IMO.1 point
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Other differences between NY CC and TN EC. For anything but the restricted permit you have to have a valid reason for wanting a permit like you carry large amounts of money for your job. Personal protection will get you a no. I lived in a very conservative county, the judge that made the decisions even came to our local meetings of the NY gun rights organization and it still took me 6 months after I turned in the paper work. My reason was I take walks after dark in the country. Took a month just to get the personalized application which included a photo and fingerprints on the application. You also can not even touch let alone own a handgun without a permit. The system is setup to delay issuing as long as possible. This is to make the world safer, but there is no class room or range requirements just bureaucracy.1 point
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Cleveland has a really nice downtown cruise-in where they close it off the streets 4th Saturday of the month. The last show was this month. We normally take this since we all fit in this one:1 point
Personally, for that kind of scratch, *I* would prefer a custom 1911 of some sort. $4k would score a NIB SA Professional or a serious Ted Yost or some other top tier 1911, IMO.1 point
Me either, but you and I are not the seller's target market. Grayfox54 nailed it.1 point
I'm not willing to pay those prices for a pistol that would never leave the safe.1 point
Greetings & salutations. We’ll let you peek into TN freedom from your CA fiber window.1 point
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I've been meaning to take a picture of mine for a long time. Just never got around to it. This thread has prompted me to get off my butt, dig 'em out of the safe and do just that. Left to right: Browning 1886 SRC .45-70 Winchester 94 .30-30 Winchester 9422 .22LR Winchester 94 Trapper .45 Colt Winchester 94 Trapper .44 magnum Rossi 92 Trapper .357 Magnum.1 point
Shooting about 20 will do that. Still hopeing for a bison to show up, LOL.1 point
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