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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2021 in all areas

  1. I hope everyone involved is ok, but you touch upon something important here. The newer LED style lights that have come into use definitely increase visibility during the daytime and that is great for increasing safety then. At night they are blindingly bright. To the point of being dangerous in my opinion. That “deer in the headlights” phenomenon you mentioned is real. I find them to be so painfully bright that I often have been forced to look away from the forward view and just watch the road line on the opposite side of where the car is. It prevents me from being able to maintain full and complete view of the road. When I’m at the wheel of 80k pounds of vehicle, this is extremely dangerous for everyone involved. Those lights need a nighttime setting.
    9 points
  2. Well, like Greg, I can lay a hand on one fairly easy. And believe it or not I've added 3 since the pic was taken. RP
    5 points
  3. All of you seem to forget that there are four rules and they can never be ignored. Ignorance is not a defense. 1. All guns are always loaded. 2. Never point a gun at anything you aren't willing to destroy. 3. Finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. 4. Know your target and what is beyond it. You can break any one of these rules and generally there are no severely negative consequences. The rules are designed that way. Sometimes we MUST break a rule (field stripping a glock for instance). But we should be cognizant of the other three rules in those cases. Alec broke three rules. He ignored rule one and broke rules two and three. Are other people culpable in this situation? Yes. But as firearms owners we should never try and justify someone else's negligence. I don't care that he doesn't know guns or like them. I don't care. He has to use one for his role so he should educate himself. He should be as close to an expert as he can get in the time allotted. Could you imagine a cop that didn't like guns just going on the force, or a security guard? Their dislike is NOT a defense to whatever bad action they might take. In a perfect world, the two shot wouldn't be anywhere near in front of the gun. There are remote controls and viewing devices that could have allowed them to be in a safe location. But we don't live in a perfect world. In this world, Alec, the person that handed him the gun, and the people in charge should be held responsible for this lady's death. Each of them is equally responsible.
    5 points
  4. Ignorance doesn't make negligence an accident.
    4 points
  5. My magazines are stamped Made in Italy. Look to be mec gar mags with the springfield logo engraved on them. I recieved my gun Friday, Its definitely worth the msrp, I would have waited had i not got in early before the crazy price war. I cleaned it and ran 2 magazines of 147 gr speer lawman through it, very accurate, smooth shooting gun. Trigger pull measured 4.5 pounds, crisp break. sights are good, pistol felt well balanced and typical springfield good fit and finish. Im very happy with this gun and am on the list for another one, but i wont overpay for it. I'll put more rounds through it this week, been super busy the last few days. Pics i have are too big to attach, but it really is a very nice weapon.
    4 points
  6. I been reloading since I was 18. Im now 69 and still reloading. I think the savings in reloading depends on which caliber you are loading for. At one time before all the shortages to me it wasnt worth it to load some of the pistol calibers as you could buy them cheaper. Ive slowed down on reloading now on some of it but still reload my black powder rifles alot. It keeps me shooting and I really enjoy throwing those big balls at swingin steel
    3 points
  7. I joined the Navy the day after my 18th birthday in '62. Put in 21 years, 15 of which were sea duty, working in an electrical/mechanical field. After I retired, I went to work for the Postal Service and worked as an Electronics Tech maintaining and repairing the mail sorting equipment at the Mail Distribution Center in Memphis. I retired from there after 26 years in 2009. I've had more hobbies than I care to count. Most were doing things with my hands and didn't require my traveling too far from home, wooden ship models, leather work, oil painting, photography, gun kits, reloading... etc. I would stay with a hobby until I felt competent, then move on to something else. My wife used to say "The only consistent hobby I've had was collecting hobbies"
    3 points
  8. A lot of people screwed up. There was a lot of screwed up stuff on the entire production. From what's come out it seems obvious that most of these screw ups were the outcome of trying to save a buck and just plain being cheap. As a producer, Baldwin is ultimately responsible for everything wrong on that set. Its his own fault if he wasn't properly trained to handle a firearm. But I still maintain, Baldwin and only Baldwin is responsible for pulling that trigger. Its his bullet.
    3 points
  9. This is my SBH in 44 MAG. The Recovered round is a swaged bullet I made.
    3 points
  10. I had surgery yesterday to repair my ring finger on my left hand. Doctors call it trigger finger, a knot on the leader where it goes through the guide. A simple procedure, no big deal. I was afraid I would have to put it off after coming down with covid but I recovered in time. The stress of worry has been very trying. My step son lost his father last week from complications of the same lung ailments I have. He didn't have covid but I have no doubt that it will be recorded that he did. I don't doubt many have died from this virus but it has been blown way out of proportion. Add in the anger and tears from the abandoning of Afghanistan, worry that I will lose my job for not getting the jab. How am I not crazy you ask? I have a good wife and an all powerful God that love me through thick and thin. And a bunch of friends most of whom I've never met in person here that make me laugh and yell daily. Thank you God and thank you friends.
    3 points
  11. Been there. Got hit by a drunk driver in 2010 while on a stop. Most led bars on patrol cars have a dim button you use at night so it isn’t as bright but good and visible.
    3 points
  12. Im a new member but joined so I could be able to talk with a couple members on here I have known from another forum.
    2 points
  13. I kept hearing some Grunts from over east but didnt know where to locate them. That Sidinman told on ya.
    2 points
  14. Welcome to the forum old buddy. Glad you're here. Missed ya.
    2 points
  15. Smokeless and sabotless. 2850 fps with a 275.
    2 points
  16. Since I used to work on Police cars, I can attest to the fact that blue lights do indeed have a Hi & LO setting. It seems that some officers don't understand this or how to use them accordingly. I, too, have been blinded by blue lights at night. I can see where that could be used as a reasonable defense.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. I too have the same support system you have. It's the best! I had a good October and will pray you have a better November papa61. God be with(bless) you and yours. We all have down times, and are in need of support, from time to time. May your bio-rhythm be on an upward swing in Nov.
    2 points
  19. REDD... Back in the good ole days, we burned a ton of 2400, H110, n 296 thru 45 Colt Blackhawks with excellent results. About 1200 fps wuz the norm for these " heavy loads "... The old time bulletmakers had a great lineup of 45 colt bullets from about 250 to 275 grain hollowpoints n soft noses. All of em shot like a house afire. We found that there wuz basically no difference between the heavy 45 colt loads n 44 mag loads as to accuracy n power. To this day, I wouldn't turn around for the differences between em. As to the revolvers, there is nothing lighter n easier to carry than the old aluminum frame 4 3/4 inch blackhawks. If ya want somethin a bit heavier, round up a ruger bisley or a vaquero (.. I like the 5.5 bbl length ..). Ya simply cant beat em if ya are a big bore revolver guy and ya reload. We only own eight of em, from 7 1/2 to 4 3/4. I used ta carry a 4 3/4 regularly loaded with mid range heavy cast bullet loads ( ..900 fps or so ..). Buy n use without hesitation. Ya will be well armed, indeed... leroy...
    2 points
  20. A good wife and God will help you through it all. I am thankful to have both. I pray the future is better for all of us. Thank you pap61 for your service also.
    2 points
  21. You DO know he supported the AW Ban, yes? He was quoted as saying civilians have no need for AR's or AK's or any guns of that type. Those are NOT the thoughts of a "great" man, IMO. My .o2
    2 points
  22. I'm glad you are here among us. You've probably already figured it out, but TGO is full of some of the finest people on the planet. We tend to cover each other when times get rough, even if it's just to make them laugh or to share a prayer or two. I'll let the other clowns keep you laughing, but I'll gladly say a prayer that your November is far better than October has been.
    2 points
  23. No shots, no masks, no B.S. in my life!
    2 points
  24. No shot, no booster, no mask. I'm guessing I'm probably younger than you guys though and lower risk. I also don't do Flu shots.
    2 points
  25. Mogli has hit the center of my concern RE " reloading ": "...The condition we are facing many change the discussion in the not too distant future. What I am seeing is the price of primers has doubled from reliable vendors ..." Since our buddies at CCI have been gobbled up by the big cartridge guys, i have been of the opinion that primer production for reloading would go to " zero "... That is exactly what has happened. I don't look for any " alturistic outreach " by the big ammo manufacturers to us reloading curmudgeons. I hope i'm wrong; but i can't help but notice alturism n good will among corporations seems to be waining a bit. CCI was the greatest friend the reloader ever had... The big cartridge companies, not so much... In recent times, the Ruskies were better friends to the reloader with their Tula primers than the americans... SIGH... sad leroy...
    2 points
  26. I've been meaning to take a picture of mine for a long time. Just never got around to it. This thread has prompted me to get off my butt, dig 'em out of the safe and do just that. Left to right: Browning 1886 SRC .45-70 Winchester 94 .30-30 Winchester 9422 .22LR Winchester 94 Trapper .45 Colt Winchester 94 Trapper .44 magnum Rossi 92 Trapper .357 Magnum.
    2 points
  27. Picked up a Henry lever action Sat. .22LR caliber (so I can afford to shoot it), octagon barrel, wood stock, blued steel. But what got me cranked up was it came with a threaded bbl in addition to the octagon shape! I had not seen this combo before then. With rare exceptions, I lust after every octagon barrel rifle I finger bang. Doesn't matter the caliber, they just make my heart rate go way, way up. Sadly, it has the usual buckhorn rear sight, which means that won't work for me as the sight picture is inconsistent. So I also picked up some gently used scopes while I was there. I got two Nikons & one Redfield for $250 OTD! Now the only excuse for bad shots will be.............................. me. Henry still does their lifetime warranty too. Also still made in the USA, which I like.
    1 point
  28. Congrats on the new Henry I also own several including the oct barrel 22 I have 2 of them. Those are accompanied by a 357 single shot there 22 pump a 38-55 sidegate and a 41 mag. I like the Henry 22 alot and can still shoot the irons which I feel lucky to be able to do. I also own numerous BP rifles with big oct barrels. Now whats wrong with Rugers?
    1 point
  29. I let it slip, in a weak moment. Good to see you way over here Al. RP
    1 point
  30. Sounds like a super nice collection!
    1 point
  31. Should add "unshaven" to the shirt! LOL!
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. While I am inclined to agree, there are caveats which would not only have you ignoring these rules, but actively go against them. One is when you use sims, and another is when shooting (no pun intended) movies. But because you are ignoring these rules, you need to have a safety plan in place which will mitigate the danger of doing so. When I participated in some hostage rescue training, both as a hostage and a hostage taker, we were well briefed on the weapons and projectiles that would be hitting us (in the case of being a terrorist, and once as a hostage) and issued PPE to protect us from the sims. All weapons were checked, and double checked with no live ammo anywhere near the training areas because all weapons were real. In movies, there are scenes that would have you actively ignoring these rules as well, and as I hear and read more about this, there are safety rules that should keep everyone safe. But apparently these rules are not always followed, as we have in this case, the Lee case, and a few others I have read about.
    1 point
  34. .62 French Fusil. 90gn Ffg Goex & a 342gn soft cast ball.
    1 point
  35. Made the trip to the VA this am, got my booster shot. No issues.
    1 point
  36. I never get too teary eyed when career politicos, Washington insiders, or flag officers assume room temperature. Many times it makes the world a better place. Your mileage may vary. non carin leroy...
    1 point
  37. Prayers for the officer and his family.
    1 point
  38. Any one see MSU. And Michigan great game can’t wait for TN a and Kentucky go VOLS
    1 point
  39. Can't say for absolute sure, but I think the cylinders may be heat treated differently. The .44 Special cylinder may be too short for the Magnum cartridge. Isn't that a 5 shooter? The frame may not be up to the stress. There's a reason Taurus didn't just make that gun a .44 magnum to start with. I wouldn't try it.
    1 point
  40. No shot, no mask, and not folding to the mandate. These decisions should be made by each individual based on their health or any other reason they see fit. I do wish there was more truthful information that could be trusted so an informed decision could be made, but unfortunately every single governmental alphabet agency has lost my trust in doing even that.
    1 point
  41. I read an article this morning that says that Ireland is among the nations with the highest vaccination rate AND the highest hospitalization rate. I got both shots, and am considering the booster, but I'm also convinced that there's something more to this that we're not being told, and it ticks me off.
    1 point
  42. I would like to say yes but this damn cedar tree jumped right in front of my bullet. I have taken some does with a 10mm 1911. The 10mm does a great job on deer. None of my shots were over 60-65 yards and all the deer went less than 50 yards before pilling up.
    1 point
  43. next class will be Nov. 13 at Pellissippi State. Lot of people now understanding the limits of permitless carry. Invest in yourself and learn the law and some basic firearm knowledge. This IS NOT a class to learn how to shoot. One should already be minimially familiar with their firearm and its function.
    1 point
  44. I would strongly recommend a pre 64 Winchester or an older, pre safety Marlin as opposed to anything of new manufacture. I can also recommend a 99 Savage.
    1 point
  45. Everyone needs at least one lever action rifle. I have Rossi stainless in 357.
    1 point
  46. I could probably lay hands on a lever rifle if needed.
    1 point
  47. Exactly and the reason for my previous question. No one is going to get into the reloading game today and load at that kind of cost/round.
    1 point
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