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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2021 in all areas

  1. Can't say for absolute sure, but I think the cylinders may be heat treated differently. The .44 Special cylinder may be too short for the Magnum cartridge. Isn't that a 5 shooter? The frame may not be up to the stress. There's a reason Taurus didn't just make that gun a .44 magnum to start with. I wouldn't try it.
    7 points
  2. Got 36yrs as a Pipe Welder, started when I was 18 working with my father doing Pipeline Maintenance on high pressure Natural Gas Lines in PA were I was raised. The last job I worked with him was a 36" line that stretched 68mi on our part, the rest went down into WVA. to a pumping station. I got out of that line of work for a little while. Moved here to TN and started welding for the Pipefitters Local 572 in Nashville, did that up until a year ago. I went in the hospital for some basic stents, but that turned out to me having heart surgery. Well 5 bypasses later while I was getting ready for the bypass surgery, I got digonased with stage 4 Colon and Liver Cancer. Been almost a year on Chemotherapy Treatments and they seem to be working. I had to take a disability retirement early (I'm 55yrs old) they gave me a 5yr window so hopefully I can beat this. But I can tell you this I enjoy being retired, just not this way but I don't miss crawling around in the dirt, or being 200' in the air welding.
    6 points
  3. Almost of opposite line of work compared to this list. Electrical engineer by trade after getting a CAD degree in 2002. Worked in VA designing electrical systems for carrier CVN 78. Moved to TN in 2005 and bounced around until 2009 and got laid off. Had 2 kids and was a stay at home dad for 11 years. March 2020 started working for my city in Public Works. Graduated to equipment operator a few months ago. I'll likely never have a desk job again. I work in the elements every day, in blue polyester pants. I get hot, nipped by sweat bees, pick up dead 4 legged critters sometimes and run a 5 ton truck with a crane attached that can pick up a stick or move a car. Some days stink but 99% of the time I enjoy what I do and folks around me. Wife brings in the income. I'm working for my own sanity and good benefits.
    5 points
  4. Simply put, NO ! I owned a 24 and 624 S&W for a long time and have owned the model Taurus you own now. While I'm a huge S&W fan and believer in their quality I would NOT slide a 44mag round into a 44 spl and let it fly. You may get lucky once or even twice but as noted by grayfox there's a reason that gun is chambered like it is. Regardless of modern materials Taurus has tested that gun to withstand 44 spl. pressures which is a different animal than 44 mag. Id track down the Taurus to match my rifle and leave that 44 spl. as is.
    4 points
  5. My magazines are stamped Made in Italy. Look to be mec gar mags with the springfield logo engraved on them. I recieved my gun Friday, Its definitely worth the msrp, I would have waited had i not got in early before the crazy price war. I cleaned it and ran 2 magazines of 147 gr speer lawman through it, very accurate, smooth shooting gun. Trigger pull measured 4.5 pounds, crisp break. sights are good, pistol felt well balanced and typical springfield good fit and finish. Im very happy with this gun and am on the list for another one, but i wont overpay for it. I'll put more rounds through it this week, been super busy the last few days. Pics i have are too big to attach, but it really is a very nice weapon.
    3 points
  6. Elmer blew up a lot of revolvers too. I
    3 points
  7. Not only NO, but HELL NO!!! Just shoot the 44sp from the rifle and be happy.
    3 points
  8. Spent 36 years with the Army, 4 years active, 32 as an Army Civil Servant. 18 years of that as a tank mechanic, but then got burnt out on being greasy, and transferred into public affairs for U.S. Army Recruiting Command HQ my last 8 years. That was an interesting gig. I retired in 2010 and haven't had a bored day yet. Did I mention I like guns?
    3 points
  9. Highly outraged? Yes I am but you gotta consider the context. Movie making is where adults playing bang bang with guns is normalized and basic gun handling logic is suspended. Or at least left in the hands of those delegated to safety on set. Instead of Baldwin who I dislike, I think what if some 18 year old unknown bimbo starlet was put on the set and handed a "safe prop gun"? Never using a gun before in her life. The experts said here, shoot. It's perfectly safe. If she killed someone I doubt the outrage would be on the actor. System sucked and maybe Baldwin the experienced actor should have known better. Certainly as Baldwin the producer. Average actor though with the system that was in place?Not guilty I'm guessing.
    2 points
  10. Not quite that sexy, but I'd love one of those flashy things. I do have a hobby that's kind of turned into a second job. It requires as much governmental paperwork as the first, but it's so much more fun. And..... I'm not allowed to post about that either.
    2 points
  11. Mine shoots just about like any other G.I. issue 1911. Completely reliable, but accuracy is nothing to brag about. It is combat accurate at reasonable self defense distances. You can hit a man sized target at 25 yards. That's all that was ever expected of it.
    2 points
  12. As a state employee I've had thoughts of eventually transferring departments and operating equipment ( I have a background with heavy equipment). My current income is pretty decent for a state employee, but the work can be stressful. I've driven dump trucks in the past and get extremely bored with the repetition, but the mental engagement required by an excavator or backhoe keeps me interested enough to enjoy the work. Perhaps when we pay off the house in a few years it will be something to look at.
    2 points
  13. Someone did a half decent job beautifying that thing.
    2 points
  14. You DO know he supported the AW Ban, yes? He was quoted as saying civilians have no need for AR's or AK's or any guns of that type. Those are NOT the thoughts of a "great" man, IMO. My .o2
    2 points
  15. No shot, no mask, and not folding to the mandate. These decisions should be made by each individual based on their health or any other reason they see fit. I do wish there was more truthful information that could be trusted so an informed decision could be made, but unfortunately every single governmental alphabet agency has lost my trust in doing even that.
    2 points
  16. Shoot I'm no expert on this. It's a mix of several things if I had to guess. We get way too much from China. We're basically seeing the delayed reaction to the quarantine. On a more local level, the shortage of workers here in the US is causing manufacturing gaps. I've also seen many manufacturers are being delayed because their vendors can't keep up. It just keeps trickling down. There is also really high demand for many products. Americans are doing a ton of online shopping. Another issue I've noticed is that a lot of manufacturers and distribution centers are using buildings that are old. When I worked at Keurig our goal was to produce 100 million kcups every week at a facility that only produced half that when it was designed. That's not a problem unique to them. Most of these companies try to run as lean as possible too. Demanding more and more from people. It only works for so long. People get burned out. A lot of these issues were present before covid and the supply chain was already stressed before this. We've barely been keeping up and covid/quarantine just unmasked the issue. The average truck driver is around 54 years old. It's only gonna get worse.
    2 points
  17. 20+ odd years in the print biz as a computer/technology whiz when I was in NY, then moved here. Have had stints in various trades over the years, at one I acquired a CDL. Before the kung flu I ran produce distribution in the Knox area for a big name you've all heard of... Now I'm working with my neighbor who owns a fire sprinkler company while I hone my stock trading skills. Been a PHUN week!
    2 points
  18. I am 73, immune compromised, have agent orange poisoning from year in Nam(Danang), heart disease (bypass), and diabetes, and may I say am truly lucky to be alive. I took the booster and will take a flue shot next month. Don't have a problem with it nor the ones who don't want to take shots. After all this is America. Kinda like religion, I got that too, but that is one's choice also. For me, Jesus the Christ takes good care of my dying part for me. I have a blessed life. Hope you guys feel the same way too. IMHO, religion is the most important part of my life. YMMV!
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Mint condition. Includes original box and 2 mags. Purchased from GR8Smiles. I’ve never fired it. Asking $625.
    1 point
  21. I was lucky enough to receive from the CMP a service grade, all matching 1945 Colt 1911A1. The slide and frame finish matches correctly and all the internals are correct for the year. I wanted to give the CMP a big shout out from one who collects U.S. military. For those of you who want a piece of our military history, check out the CMP website. The minute this .45 touched my hands the price doubled or tripled. You cant beat that anywhere I know of. After I pass I’d love to be a fly on the wall watching the fight from my nephews as to get this weapon.
    1 point
  22. Yes it is…..especially now. But just several preseason shots and 2 or 3 meat shots should hold me about 3 yrs or so.
    1 point
  23. Michigan has a helluva quarterback. We’ll see him in the NFL.
    1 point
  24. Some swear that the blue flashing lights will give you the "deer in the head lights" effect.
    1 point
  25. I understand... The 45 will work like a charm in thinkin Brother... Good hunting... leroy.
    1 point
  26. Yeah, just like the rest said, buy a .44 Magnum. I know they're expensive but, that's the way to go. Old guys like Emer Keith, used heavy frame .44 Specials and loaded hotter loads but, not as hot as .44 Magnum.
    1 point
  27. Any one see MSU. And Michigan great game can’t wait for TN a and Kentucky go VOLS
    1 point
  28. I forgot about that club. I was a member there when I lived in Sweetwater. Yes, it is an excellent facility.
    1 point
  29. It all about chamber depth and throat location. The .44 magnum and .357 magnum were purposely made long so that they would would be stopped at the chamber throat and not seat fully resulting in the cylinder not being able to close. This all about safety. The chamber could have the shoulders of the throat reamed a bit allowing the magnum cartridge to fully seat, however the shorter over all length of the cylinder could cause the nose of the bullet to slightly protrude out the front of the cylinder.
    1 point
  30. while I have not had my stamps as long same for me, no one has asked to see them.
    1 point
  31. That's just good common sense to do so, IMO.
    1 point
  32. This 1911 is available for a mere $4,999. Plus tax & TICS, of course. I've actually held this exact gun. The pic doesn't do it justice, IMO. It's just a beautiful specimen of a Colt 1911. I'd rather spend the $4,999 on this over a Python, IMO.
    1 point
  33. Spending 36 years with the Army, I'm a vaccination kind of guy. I took a flu shot every year since age 19, I'm 66 now. The last time I had the flu was when I was 18, so for me, I think they work. So it was no big deal for me to take the Covid vax, but to each their own. Some people just don't like the idea of a vax, period, That's the great thing of being an American, we have choices. Personally I'd rather take the vaccination risk than rolling the dice on how full blown Covid may or may not play out. Any doubts I had on getting the vax were erased when we lost Steel Harp. Him and I were about the same age. I wish the best to all of you for avoiding this damn virus.
    1 point
  34. Most useless gun in my safe is a single barrel 20 ga. Remington shotgun; never been fired. (Will probably list it for sale at some point.) Why useless? I don't need it as it was originally purchased by a friend for my elderly mother when she lived alone after my dad died. The friend bought it for my mother after I took S&W Model 36 away from my mother and the friend was upset that she did not have a gun in the house. Why did I take the revolver away from mom? One night Mom woke up from a dream and was convinced she saw a man standing in her bedroom. She took the 36 from her bedside table and emptied all five rounds into her closet. One round went through the closet and took out her relatively new TV . . . Mom died in 2017, but this remained a treasured story for us.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. For the last 9 years I’ve been a Senior Electrical Designer for a midsized National electrical engineering firm, designing switchyards and substations for large power distribution companies. Before that I was. Senior Civil Designer, specializing in water and sewer. I’ve also done subdivision and roadway design, been a survey party chief and a draftsman, both on the board and CAD. I have experience in both Microstation and Autocad.
    1 point
  37. I retire in about 12 years. Can't wait to tell the stories. I have done things for the company most wouldn’t believe. I seen some F$%ked up things also. I should probably be in therapy. LOL.
    1 point
  38. Electrical Engineer by education. Used that degree to walk across a platform and get the paper. I've done industrial automation, low-voltage wiring plant design and installation, and all manner of IT work from small-shop to mega corporation. These days I manage a bunch of engineers in an information security role who can still remember all of the stuff I've forgotten about or who are infinitely smarter and more talented than I ever was. One of these days I'll figure out a way to kick the cheese habit and then I won't give a damn who's moved it or where.
    1 point
  39. Mechanic, 22 years. Ive worked corporately for Nissan and Cummins. I now manage and do training for a national repair chain.
    1 point
  40. We buy too much #### from China
    1 point
  41. The law says he is responsible. And so, the other excuses really don't matter. They either enforce the law or they don't.
    1 point
  42. Lets not forget that sometimes the kids take the car without permission.
    1 point
  43. Currently a safety guy for a state agency that shall remain unnamed. Previously I have worked a series of mostly low paying, but interesting and mostly fulfilling jobs including, heavy equipment operator, explosives handler, professional photographer, and retail loss prevention agent.
    1 point
  44. I'm very excited for this World Series, love my Braves. I'm curious though, is MLB gonna move the games out of GA because of voting laws? Bunch of hypocritical peckerwoods
    1 point
  45. Congratulations on getting a fine piece of history! I haven't heard much about the CMP guns in quite a while. I guess they still have some then? I got one during the first round. Mine is a 1942 Colt frame with an Ithica slide.
    1 point
  46. I've never seen one in .32acp, only .380acp. Not saying they were never made, only that I've never seen one. It baffles me why Sig dropped this model as it was extremely popular. In fact, Bersa released a model that copied it down to the tiniest detail & they still make it. For those whom may not know, Sig made a P-230 & then followed with a P-232. Outside looks the same, but Sig tweaked a few internals for the P-232. At the time, their only real competition was the Colt Mustang line. Due to the grip size & feel, the Sig outsold the Colt by a huge margin. Sorry to ramble in a for-sale ad...............
    1 point
  47. Used 18" 870 - $300 Coyote cerakote - $150 XS sights - $80 Not paying Wilson Combat the extra grand for their rollstamp...... Priceless!
    1 point
  48. Yes. And you are not required by law to show a stamp at a gun range. The operator may kick you out, but that's their business decision just like no shirt, no shoes, no service. I have no idea where that narrative got started but RSOs aren't the ATF.
    1 point
  49. Had a chance to try it out yet? I always wondered how those kind of mounts do. Do they tend to move around with each shot so you can never really get it dialed in. Did you have the bolt bent or buy one already done? Looks good.
    1 point
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