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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2021 in all areas

  1. I took a group of Scouts camping last weekend - male and female alike. Scouting went coed a few years ago. It’s great. We were one of two countries that didn’t combine the sexes in scouting - Saudi Arabia being the other. Do I have some concerns about the increasingly rare spaces where “boys can just be boys?” Sure, I guess. That said, the organization formally known as Boy Scouts of America is going through bankruptcy right now because of some of the abuse that came along with that space. We all take child protection seriously these days - and by adding female scouts we have to be even more specific. So I’m all for it. Will they go through some growing pains? Almost certainly. For what it’s worth - no one made them do it. It was pure consumer demand. Too many girls were of the impression that Girl Scouts had basically turned into an MLM for selling cookies and they just wanted to go camping. The scouts themselves don’t care in the slightest - and I’ve talked to them a lot about it. It’s actually quite interesting to me that even at the youngest ages - the girls that show up as natural leaders.
    7 points
  2. When this “pursuit of happiness” involves mentally ill men wanting to play sports against and share locker rooms with girls, it infringes upon others.
    4 points
  3. I have zero problem with folks identifying their gender however they see fit, feel or self identify. I don't care where you put whatever part of you, in whomsoever you choose to put it, as long as they're on board. However..... folks have totally forgotten that gender & sex are completely different things. Your sex is decided by your chromosome makeup. Your gender is decided by what's going on in your noggin. Even if you're post-op transgender (you'll notice the term is now Transgender as opposed to Transsexual....) & are 100% physically a woman, you've completely changed your gender, yet retained your genetic sex. The form question is disingenuous. If you answer 'C' you may not be actually lying, just confusing sex with gender, as 99% of folk do these days; but it would be incorrect for literally everyone.
    4 points
  4. Well, one if the three should technically be prohibitive as it is functionally equivalent to answering yes to question 11f regarding being adjudicated as mentally defective.
    4 points
  5. Went to VA and took my booster shot today. Been 8 months since my last one. My wife took hers also. I think we are going to quit wearing the mask unless compelled too. What about you guys?
    3 points
  6. I always wonder why they need to know sex and race on the form at all. Seems like profiling. Of course I also wonder why we need the form at all, especially for those of us that already went through background checks to get a carry permit.
    3 points
  7. Coolest job interview I've ever had to do was with a young person, a couple of years ago. The Wife, staff & I couldn't honestly figure out whether I would be talking to a masculine girl, or a feminine boy. A more androgynous person I've never met in my life. I actually blurted out, during the interview "What are you?! Sorry, sorry... what's your preferred pronoun?" The answer I got was "I don't give a sh*t. My name's Andi, with an 'I' " I ended up hiring someone more experienced, but to this day I still don't have a clue! Hands down one of the coolest people I've ever met!
    3 points
  8. No shot, no booster, no mask. I'm guessing I'm probably younger than you guys though and lower risk. I also don't do Flu shots.
    3 points
  9. I put on a mask whenever possible; I have found it improves my appearance I'm not in the high risk group but plan on a booster in the next month or so. I carry a gun to protect myself and others. Similarly, I get vaccinated to protect myself and wear a mask to protect others.
    3 points
  10. When I hear "hatch" and "drum" I know I'm listening to a person that should be handling weaponry
    3 points
  11. I've never been a big fan of Rottweilers, there's lots of other larger dog options that'll be way easier to manage than a Mal. I also don't think it would be a good mix with your smaller dogs. They might be thought of as snacks. We have a lab mix and he's a pretty good dog. We got him from friends who's dog had puppies unexpectedly. He follows our boys around everywhere and barks ferociously at strangers while running the other way. Once introduced, he'll lean so hard he'll push you over and perhaps pee on your shoes if he gets real excited.
    3 points
  12. I've got a mal mix(we think). Even the vet isn't sure. I doubt I'll ever have a better dog. He definitely didn't get the hyper gene though. He loves to go hiking but is also fine sleeping all day. I wouldn't get a pure bred Mal unless I was retired and needed a full time hobby. Someone once said they knew a mal that would eat plants because he hated they were alive. As a puppy Gunner looked like this(last picture). We were convinced he was a Mal. Then he got older and turned into a handsome gray bearded mutt. Definitely has a Pitt shaped head. Unfortunately, he's got stage IV kidney disease so we're spoiling the hell out of him everyday. He's been the best dog I could ask for. Mean mugging...
    3 points
  13. I've tried to own a Sig P320 twice in the past. I bought a P320 Compact very early on and thought the grip felt like a bar of soap. I would absolutely compare Sig's efforts to homogenize the size and shape of the human hand to Apple's own efforts to model the "average human ear" with the first generation iPhone Ear Buds. They didn't fit me worth a damn and neither did the Sig. Fast forward a few years and I bought a Sig P320 Compact X-Series RXP. It had a much better grip but it still somehow felt slippery and weird to me. I'm one of those weird people who thinks Smith and Wesson did a great thing with the grip texture on the M&P M2.0 even though most folks think it feels like sandpaper. Recently I became aware that Polymer 80 was producing a grip module for the Compact (15-round) and Carry (17-round) size guns. I also became aware that Sig was producing an Carry model intended for law enforcement, called the X-Carry Pro RXP. Like the other RXP that I owned previously, the slide was milled for the Romeo-1 optic and also had rear iron sights. it came in the 17-round Carry grip with three mags and a special "Pro" version of the Romeo-1 that includes a steel shroud around the optic to add some protection to it, and a 6.5MOA dot - which is entirely my preferred size. Most importantly, however... the dudes at C&H Precision Weapons are now producing an adapter plate that allows you to drop a Holosun HE509T optic where the Romeo-1 was supposed to sit. Be still my beating heart! The combination of things resulted in a gun with a near 1911 grip angle, a grip that isn't slippery but also not too rough, and my preferred enclosed-emitter optic. Hell, the factory Sig X-Ray night sights are even perfectly sized to allow a lower 1/3 cowitness for the dot. I should buy a lottery ticket because everything with this combo was just coming up Millhouse. Alright... enough jibber jabber. Here's some gun porn. Click it to make it bigger. I took it to the range this morning and got the dot dialed in. It's a shooter. Oh, here's what it looked like out of the box. This lasted all of about 10 minutes. Not bad, really, but not my jam.
    2 points
  14. I don't have a problem with gay people. I've know both gay men and women in my time and frankly its never been a problem What does bother me is these non-binary azzholes who want to make a big deal out of of it and expect special treatment or consideration for it. Being different does NOT make you special. If you aren't sure, take a quick peak in your pants, mark the appropriate box and STFU.
    2 points
  15. Well, damn. Wilson Combat actually makes a grip module that I like better than the Polymer 80. This is their Carry II (Carry 2) variant made for the X-Carry 3.9" barrel models. It has a metal mag release, unlike the Polymer 80 grip. The circumference of this is somewhere between the medium and small grips produced by Sig Sauer. The texture is just right on the side panels and even more right on the front strap and back strap.
    2 points
  16. You know, Form 4473 used to just ask if you'd ever been committed to a mental institution.
    2 points
  17. I simply don't care what people call themselves. Am I going to list my pronouns in my email signature at work? Absolutely not. If you haven't watched Chappelle's latest Netflix skit on the subject it's worth a watch.
    2 points
  18. It’s probably best you don’t know. I googled it and it’s ridiculous. Might have to pull out some real, printed dictionaries this weekend to see what it used to mean.
    2 points
  19. What the hell is next? My grandfathers are spinning in their graves. I heard that calling ET an alien is now inappropriate. We keep this up and the Boy Scouts will be able to overthrow this place. If they bring the female Boy Scouts that is.
    2 points
  20. Just. Came from Walmart I say the question mark is the most appropriate can not tell if people are dressing for Halloween or this is normal attire for them Invest in Lead
    2 points
  21. The MSRP on the SA-35 is $699. Which I find to be surprisingly good. The prices I quoted are what's being asked on GB. I wouldn't be surprised if they sell. In fact, some those over $1000 prices are being driven by actual bids. There are always those people who just have to be the first to get whatever is new at any price.
    2 points
  22. WOW , thats like the car and truck business now. Toyota Trucks are marked up $5000 at some dealerships. I can wait thats for sure ! And this High Power , I am on the fence about it. I love me some all steel pistols. The only thing holding me back is the fact that I have a CZ75 Single Action Only pistol. I am not sure I can justify getting another all steel 9mm at that price. UNLESS you guys can give me reasons about why I should get one ? LOL
    2 points
  23. When I was a kid I whiled away the winter hours building plastic models and such... and the German WWII ones had THE BEST camo schemes. Dunno if they were effective but man if they didn't look cool as hell!!!
    2 points
  24. I made a trip up there this morning. While their supply isn’t back to normal, they did have a fairly decent supply of powder and projectiles. More rifle powder than shotgun/pistol. I got a pound of IMR3031 and some 38 bullets. I wanted a pound of IMR4350, but all they had was one 8# jug. I left it for someone who needs it worse than I do. Not a primer in sight.
    1 point
  25. Wife and I are 73 and got our boosters 10 days ago. She wears her mask when ever she goes in anywhere. I put it on if required or the majority of those in the building have a mask. I don't think masks do much to protect me or anyone else, she things it does. I don't want to rock the boat or start a fight over a mask.
    1 point
  26. Yeah but you’re on TGO. These aren’t the folks you admire and respect but rather the barrel of monkeys.
    1 point
  27. They go in the woods just like the boys. They might ask for a bit more privacy but they ain’t pampered.
    1 point
  28. Not surprising really. When a girl of any age makes her mind up that is what’s going to be done. Follow or get out of the way.
    1 point
  29. i’m a longshot fan for 6”+ barrel, titegroup for <5” barrel length on jacketed bullets. Both friendly to 45 super level.
    1 point
  30. Fully vaccinated and boosted. I wear a mask when required and I try not to push my luck. I am 100% convinced at this point, if your mind is made up pro or con, no one is going to change it. Best wishes to you all!
    1 point
  31. You can now get a passport being bicurious. Glad I live in the country.
    1 point
  32. Like I said in another thread, a biophysicist who specializes in viruses told me that trying to stop viruses with a mask is like trying to stop mosquitoes with a chain link fence. He also said that a mask that would be effective against something as tiny as a virus would suffocate you. Makes sense to me, but we do what we gotta do.....mostly.
    1 point
  33. About 35 years ago I had an investment advisory client in Sedona AZ, who had just retired after decades as the shooting instructor for a major Hollywood studio. Back then, they really wanted things to look very authentic on film, and to be safe. Those movie stars had to spend a lot of time with him before they ever got their hands on a gun on the set. I think he told me the job was usually about 75% making things look right and 25% safety, but he wouldn't approve any actor until they got the safety part down cold. His house was filled with signed photos, guns, hats, you-name-it from all those years. RIP David Chamberlain !
    1 point
  34. Leave us alone, English is our second language!
    1 point
  35. Got my 2nd shot in Mar and my booster in August. The wife's getting hers next week. Same about masks. I've tried to wear them and just have a hard time making myself. Guess it don't help me when I know that the masks wont stop much if any of Covid from getting thru. I wear it when Im in a place that says to.
    1 point
  36. Thanks Greg. I ain't been by there in several weeks.
    1 point
  37. I guess it's a WANT and not a NEED. But most guns are just that .
    1 point
  38. There's about 8 of them on GB right now. The lowest is at $910 and the highest at $1399. I think I'll just wait.
    1 point
  39. I can see that. Pick him up and shake him like a rag doll.
    1 point
  40. I’ve seen prices as low as 629, but listed as out of stock. The magazines are available via the Springfield website. Even if there is a delay getting the gun,I haven’t seen 15 round mecgars in stock for a while so might want to purchase a couple. I’m old and have never paid this much for a hipower, but times change. Good luck hunting fellas, I see a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World heading our way.
    1 point
  41. Not according to the media. A hood rat is a "child" for many, many years past 18. Especially when one is shot by a cop while committing a serious crime.
    1 point
  42. Malinois have been described as a smaller german shepherd on crack. Pretty accurate. I’ve been very impressed by the ones I’ve been around though. People are right about these breeds though. I have a german shepherd, or maybe he owns me, and it is a full time job. But I have never had a better friend. It’s a shame that we live in an age, and in a formerly free country, where insurance companies tell us what we can and cannot have. I’m sure the one you picked out will be a fine companion. I like how one lady said it when I was at the vet the other day. We were talking about different dogs and she said that we (as people) just don’t deserve dogs. That’s about as accurate a statement as I’ve heard in a long time.
    1 point
  43. YOU WANT TO GET A WHAAT?? My brother had a Malinois he was a great dog his name was Frity but everyone called him Gator (from afar). He is very serious about working the dog. Dog was very smart did whatever my brother told him to do. All his commands were in Chinese, my brother is Irish. The problem was when he was not around. Bit the neighbors kid twice, (kid teased the dog) would go after just about anyone that came to the compound . He did love to play with my Mastiff, they knew each other since puppies. When he tired her out she would sit on him to make him stop.
    1 point
  44. I've already checked with my LGS and they don't have any or know when they will. No luck on-line either. There are two gun shows near me next month. I'll look, but don't have high hopes. My guess is they won't be readily available for several months. But I will buy the first one I find.
    1 point
  45. Rulings like this give me hope that there is still some sanity in the courts. It a RIGHT to keep & bear arms. Not a privilege to be granted to those with enough money to exercise said right.
    1 point
  46. Thanks! Yeah, it feels pretty great in the hands. The Walther PDP is still my favorite and fits the hand like an absolute glove, but this is the best Sig P320 I have tried to date.
    1 point
  47. 143 yds. 3 TDs. Pretty good nite by most standards.
    1 point
  48. Picked this up over the weekend. All numbers match and looks to be fired very little. Came with 2 original mags and cleaning rod. Holster as well but it's a remake. Anyone have some experience with this gun? If so how do you like it?
    1 point
  49. Your right I'll be out gunned, I'll file a 5320.20 for a MG
    1 point
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