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I've tried to own a Sig P320 twice in the past. I bought a P320 Compact very early on and thought the grip felt like a bar of soap. I would absolutely compare Sig's efforts to homogenize the size and shape of the human hand to Apple's own efforts to model the "average human ear" with the first generation iPhone Ear Buds. They didn't fit me worth a damn and neither did the Sig. Fast forward a few years and I bought a Sig P320 Compact X-Series RXP. It had a much better grip but it still somehow felt slippery and weird to me. I'm one of those weird people who thinks Smith and Wesson did a great thing with the grip texture on the M&P M2.0 even though most folks think it feels like sandpaper. Recently I became aware that Polymer 80 was producing a grip module for the Compact (15-round) and Carry (17-round) size guns. I also became aware that Sig was producing an Carry model intended for law enforcement, called the X-Carry Pro RXP. Like the other RXP that I owned previously, the slide was milled for the Romeo-1 optic and also had rear iron sights. it came in the 17-round Carry grip with three mags and a special "Pro" version of the Romeo-1 that includes a steel shroud around the optic to add some protection to it, and a 6.5MOA dot - which is entirely my preferred size. Most importantly, however... the dudes at C&H Precision Weapons are now producing an adapter plate that allows you to drop a Holosun HE509T optic where the Romeo-1 was supposed to sit. Be still my beating heart! The combination of things resulted in a gun with a near 1911 grip angle, a grip that isn't slippery but also not too rough, and my preferred enclosed-emitter optic. Hell, the factory Sig X-Ray night sights are even perfectly sized to allow a lower 1/3 cowitness for the dot. I should buy a lottery ticket because everything with this combo was just coming up Millhouse. Alright... enough jibber jabber. Here's some gun porn. Click it to make it bigger. I took it to the range this morning and got the dot dialed in. It's a shooter. Oh, here's what it looked like out of the box. This lasted all of about 10 minutes. Not bad, really, but not my jam.5 points
Another anti-gunner, who has told the NRA "We are coming after your money" has no problem making money using guns. Such a hypocrite. Maybe the use of all guns should be banned for all movies. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Tho it would be in bad taste, I think it would be pretty funny if Trump went on SNL and did a Baldwin impersonation sketch, where he randomly shoots people.4 points
I’m going to put a FDE Surefire Socom 300 SPS on it. Now I need a second HK SP5 to sbr.3 points
Then he shouldn’t have a firearm in his hand. I don’t much care whether it was sabotage, bad judgement, or what, if he pulled the trigger, he owns the bullet until it comes to rest.2 points
Not exactly what *I* would call a "bold" prediction. LOL! 14 to 7, UT at the moment, end of the 1st Qtr. Maybe the power will go off in the stadium & that's how the game score will end? LOL!2 points
Maybe they should be expected to. These same actors want to hang a gunowner out to dry when someone steals their gun and uses it in a crime. Responsibility goes both ways.2 points
To me it appears there were a bunch of people unhappy with how the entire program was being run and any number of people could be guilty of putting live rounds in the gun. Regardless of who put them in it, if Baldwin failed to do what is correct and clear the gun himself before firing it he would have realized the gun was hot and stopped filming right then. Especially with knowing they had two misfires and learned they had live ammo on the site previously. He failed rule #1 in gun safety and that is "You always clear a firearm when handed to you regardless of who handed it to you." JMHO2 points
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We deal with “Hollywood” on a daily basis just watching or even reading the “news” these days. Baldwin Is not to blame and liberals have #### to do with it, but someone is going to pay. The truth will come out.2 points
WHOA! The interwebs are blowing up about this. Especially the gun forums. All kinds of stories coming out. Some have credible sources others are anybodies guess. One claims the non-union prop master/ armorer was actually a local and quite possibly a woman. Its said she brought the live ammo on to the set for recreational shooting. Somehow a live round got mixed up with the dummy ammo that was supposed to be used. I find this a bit hard to believe, but possible. Another said that it happened between takes and Baldwin was off on some kind of furious rant, screaming and waving the gun around when he fired it. Knowing Baldwins infamous temper, this may be plausible. Any way you look at it, there had to be more than one mistake made. Poor gun handling, poor judgement and plenty of stupid to go around. As to the truth, well we're dealing with Hollywood and a whole lot of money. Spin is the word of the day. Odds are that no charges will be filed unless there's a need for a scape goat. Baldwin will no doubt go free as he has too much money and influence in the liberal world. Unless the local LEOs are honorable men who can't be bought, we may never know what actually happened. Maybe the truth will come out in a couple of years when the civil suits finally go to trial.2 points
I have taken many classes from Shane over the last couple of years and I would high advise anyone that is wanting to learn more about personal protection or emergency medicine to check Shane out. Whether your a new gun owner or a experienced shooter Shane can help you take your game to the next level.2 points
Don't be at all surprised when Baldwin claims to be a completely innocent victim and never accepts any blame what-so-ever. In fact, don't be surprised when he doubles down on his gun control efforts because now he "knows" what its like to take a life. Btw: this azzhole anti-gunner has now killed and injured more people than I have in my 67 years as a gun owner.2 points
Not enough information out there yet. I despise anti-gun Baldwin, but don't want to jump to conclusions. The stories I've read make it sound like two people were hit from one discharge. I think most of us are assuming the discharge was from a handgun, but if it were a shotgun then two victims seems more likely. I'll be interested in learning more. Edit an hour later: A news article says that Baldwin was handed the prop gun, and a single round passed through a woman who was killed and struck a man who was not killed. This begs the question of why there was any live ammunition on a movie set. I suppose a long investigation will follow.2 points
$25 per gun purchase is bad enough, but 5 cents a round is lunacy... https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/cookcounty-illinois-gunrights-secondamendmen/2021/10/23/id/1041716/1 point
The Lee incident was a weird one. Squib in the barrel because they forgot to remove a primer, followed by a blank that turned it into a live round. This one was probably much more stupid and negligent. Gonna be interesting to see how it shakes out.1 point
Sean Penn, Rosie O'Donnell come to mind. Liam Nelson is another one. All need to spend some time in Cuba, Somalia or Russia for a while, see how they like it.1 point
A lot of people jumped to conclusions on this one. Alec might be a douchebag, but I'm fairly certain actors aren't really expected to clear a gun on set. I bet most actors don't even know the difference in ammo types.1 point
The holosun really fits in with the “lines” of that setup. It looks like it would feel good in the hand but also just plain looks good.1 point
I usually just type it all out, read it aloud, figure its TOO MUCH truth, backspace it away, go have a drink1 point
Deleted due to telling the truth and the ramifications from said truth.1 point
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Well it looks as if Miss Gutierrez-Reed is gonna be the fall guy. It seems that in a pod cast a couple of months ago that she commented about not being sure if she was ready to be a movie head armorer. I kinda find it hard to believe that a girl who has been shooting and handling firearms since she was big enough to pick one up would make such a mistake. But then, we all have brain farts now and then. Very sad indeed. Question: can you still get fingerprints off a fired cartridge case or does the heat destroy them? Seems it would be easy enough to check prints to see who actually put the live round in that gun.1 point
What does Ridley Scott have to do with this movie? He was not a part of this one or the 1984 one as far as I know. Edit- I miss read Hipower’s post above and thought he said he “I do not have an interest in the new one” because of Ridley Scott. That was my bad. That is what I get for posting “pre-coffee”1 point
Like the walkie-talkie edit from South Park! LOL! I would actually watch SNL if that happened!1 point
I was referring to real guns. I don't do plastic. Not even Springfield's plastic.1 point
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I just came here to post this. Gun safety issues in turn 2.1 point
I mean just in general. He sure seems like a world class butthole, but I guess Hollywood is full of them.1 point
Alec Baldwin is the biggest tool in Hollywood. Change my mind.1 point
https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-10-22/alec-baldwin-rust-camera-crew-walked-off-set The story keeps getting worse.1 point
The only thing we know for sure is that the initial report was completely wrong. I’m beginning to see a pattern with this.1 point
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In another report, Baldwin is blame-shifting by asking who would hand an actor a hot handgun.1 point
FN also makes the barrels for the Steyr AUG. Personally, that impresses me more than anything else FN does. I've got multiple FN firearms, love them all.1 point
Actually he went further than that. LAPD sent him a rifle for repair/refurbishment. He had it in his possession. Once the new gun laws passed, he not only refused to repair it, he refused to SHIP it back to them. He MADE them come & get the thing themselves. So one (or two) deputies flew in from CA, retrieved the rifle & then flew back to CA with it, unrepaired. Cheers for Mr. Barrett, IMO.1 point
I'm a bit of a sci/fi geek. But never really got into Dune. Never read the book. I tried to watch the original movie a couple of times, but never got past the first half hour. It always seemed to be more about politics and back stabbing than real sci/fi. From what I've seen of the previews, this is just another special effects driven movie with a so-so story. IDK, maybe I'll give this new version a shot.1 point
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You might wanna check case length. Some of that brass may need trimming. Also possible that the barrel has a short throat and tight chamber. You may need to adjust OAL accordingly. Third possibility is that your over crimping and slightly bulging the shoulder.1 point
Gladly, it means if you have to use deadly force or the threat of deadly force, you can be sued civilly, but can ask the Civil Judge to order a stay till such time as the criminal case is adjudicated. If you are not convicted of a crime, the civil case goes away. think of Treyvon Martin. As it stood, if you could prove yourself innocent of a criminal charge, you could sue the other party to recoup your legal expenses. This is far superior.1 point
Two things. 1. We all know what we should have as a Right to arms, it is spelled out in our Constitutions. 2. Fundraising for TFA is for the PAC. No Officer or board member draws a dime from these funds, of any sort. Our financials are public for anyone to see and unlike other organizations that use raised money for personal gain/gain TFA does not allow that. Quite the contrary, John donates huge amounts of billable hour time to this endeavor at no recompense other than a desire to see Tennessee returned to the original construct, (1794 Constitution Article 11 Section 26) that any free man could bear arms for the common defense. We are guaranteed that the legislature and our government is to keep their grubby dew claws off that Right, yet we are complacent and complicit in its loss via statute. This year gave us Civil Immunity, that is a great thing for Tennesseans. We can accomplish much if gun owners understand the Constitution, its intent and work together to accomplish those ends. To quote Paine: "A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice."1 point
My party? Not to get deep into the verboten political weeds here, but to be clear, it’s possible to dislike more than one thing at a time. When it comes to the lizard people in Washington, I hate both of the most common varieties. The point of that post you quoted wasn’t to say R bad, D good. It was that you can’t trust someone just because they have a R next to their name. Their purpose is to do what they think is best for themselves and their pockets. You have to hold their feet to the fire so that they understand what means doing right by you because if you don’t, they won’t.1 point
But, did you see him in Beetlejuice? He's a national treasure.0 points
Here's an interesting twist. The armorer was 24 year old Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the daughter of shooting legend Thell Reed. I find it hard to believe this girl would make such a stupid mistake. Did the assistant director grab the wrong gun? Why was a loaded gun there to begin with? This is getting stranger by the minute.0 points
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