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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2021 in all areas
I don’t like the inability to delete ads. It could be worse; Armslist requires a paid subscription not only to see the ad body, but now you can’t even see the price without logging in. A site with as many data breaches as Armslist has a lot of nerve asking for access to my bank account in order to do business there.3 points
3 points
1935 and JMB is highly significant. Reckon it is what I think is? Something like a P-35 perhaps? I’m excited.3 points
Works fine, just looks different. Change is the one constant with the internet.2 points
I have also used it for years to buy/sell/trade occasionally. It was so simple before the change. I complained about the change and got a pretty quick response that said: I understand people are resistant to change, but updates are necessary to operate on the constantly evolving internet. The old website technology was obsolete. The software company that developed the core codebase stopped providing updates and discontinued support in 2018. The majority of our audience uses a smart phone to browse and shop the Gun Owners Club. The old website was not designed to fit on smaller screens. Google started penalizing page rank in 2015 for websites that did not have a mobile friendly layout in 2015. We did our best to keep the website similar to the old platform while making it mobile friendly and adding improved messaging, image uploaders and many other new features. There are instructions available to help you in our FAQ https://www.###.com/faq If you need additional tech support, we are here to assist you.2 points
And here I'd gotten all hopped up on the Turkish clones! I just meight have to sell something and buy one...if it's what you think!2 points
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Once you have invest in a generator I have found that the best way to make sure they start when needed, which. may be months or years apart, is to use the right fuel. I run 100LL aviation gas. AvGas has a shelf life of 10+ year with no needed additives added for storage. I also drain the carb after each use. The worse gas to use in the corn gas most stations sell, shelf life less than 6 months. At the very least use the alcohol free gas, shelf life a year or two with additives added. I keep 5-15 gallons of AvGas in a backyard shed. I also keep 5-10 gallons of alcohol free gas in the shed for other small engines that get run regular. The only corn gas on the property is in our everyday vehicles. I refill each kinds of gas when I open the last 5 gallons. In a long term outage I will burn what's available including corn gas that I syphon out of everyday vehicles. When the outage is over, if I burned anything but AvGas I will drain what's left and fill with AvGas and run long enough to flush the system, then drain the carb and put it away. Using this method, when I have an outage I turn on the gas and either wait a few minutes for the carb to refill by gravity or I do a few slow pulls on the starter rope then a few quick pulls and it is running. A friend went a different way and bought a tri-fuel generator and runs it on LP, it has an almost unlimited shelf life but unless you already use LP and have a big tank it can be hard to store enough 20Lb tanks to last you long. He has a 500 gal buried tank for his furnace that he taped into.2 points
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You got the lack of transparency thing right. But they also don't care what the members think. I hadn't been happy with "Compromise Wayne" for a long time, but when news of his shenanigans came out, I tried to speak up. Oddly enough, NRA's e-mail suddenly went down and phone calls only got recordings. The NRA leadership has completely lost touch with the membership and don't seem interested in what we have to say. They have become just like the politicians they are supposed to be fighting.2 points
I wish more companies were like Barrett. Ronnie refused to sell his rifles to LAPD because civilians could not own them.1 point
Well, not everyone has the stones AND the scruples to tell the onliest ones like CA government agencies to piss off like Ronnie Barrett did.1 point
The pic Chuck posted was loaded on Springfield's site earlier with the caption "we're bringing it back".1 point
Comment found on another site in response to this being posted: "Given that the Tisas Regent BR9 has disappeared from the market, my bet is on them being rebadged by Springfield. There is a distant outside chance that Dasan Machineries of South Korea has tooled up for BHP without anyone noticing, but at last check they only offered barrels. Dasan has definitely been providing support for SAI’s M1A and Saint lines, and probably their M1911 as well after SAI cut ties with Brazil’s IMBEL – Fabrica de Itajuba roughly a decade ago. Dasan clearly lost out when their biggest US client, Remington, tanked. SIG-Sauer Inc. reportedly dropped them as a subcontractor a few years ago. Dan Wesson has been another client, and it should be interesting to see if their parent company CZ drops Dasan in favor of Colt’s in-house production capabilities."1 point
Wise decision. Vegas doesn't stay in business by paying out a lot of bet winners. LOL! But since the Titans have hit town, one never knows which team will show up, IMO. The team that beats a real good team like the Bills (this year) or slapped the Chiefs around in Nashville (last year) or the one that got hammered 50-something to 10 by New England a few years back or this year's loss to a winless Jets team? *I* would've bet the farm the Bills would've rolled based on how they hammered the Chiefs this year in KC. Obviously I caught flack for that pick, but it seemed logical. Bu, like the commercial say, future results aren't based on past performance. LOL!1 point
BTW, opossums in my neck of the woods have no pedigree, they're just possums. LOL.1 point
Funny that they think FN isn't good enough for citizens to have....like it's a secret security military only weapon1 point
And yet the citizens of California can’t purchase one as it is not on the roster of handguns considered to be safe for the public to own.1 point
Your recommendation led me down the nylon rabbit hole and I landed on the Diamond D Denali. Seems like it’s be way more comfortable, half the price and should fit more guns if needed. I can’t wait to get this whole rig set up.1 point
For hunting, Uncle mikes makes some decent, inexpensive chest rigs. Don't have a suggestions for wearing on the hip while working around the property.1 point
Yeah, same here. The math just barely works out to break even IF everything goes to plan. Solar's definitely not a money saving move in our part of the country yet. I've been considering it more for the grid-independence than any real cost savings.1 point
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I've looked at solar a couple times over the years and the payback is just too long for my taste. We have the benefit of cheap TVA electricity, so it's hard to justify solar.1 point
I thought about the tri-fuel adaption kit for my Honda EU6500is. Not so much for the LP as for the NG. I could hook up to my house gas line and have unlimited fuel during a power outage. Not gonna help much if we have a true EOTWAWKI, but running a genset would be the least of my worries then. Truthfully, I'm beginning to think that the best way to generate electricity in an outage is to not have an outage. I've been considering solar panels with a power wall (big battery for the house). Way more expensive than a genset, though. The breakeven on it for my needs is about 20 years . . . and the panels are good for about 20 years. . . . . I want to see if the Tesla roof will finally be released. It's an interesting way to go. I'll need a new roof in about 10-15 years. Hopefully it will be available by then.1 point
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I think it is a shift light, when the revs get to a preset number the light comes on. Thanks for sharing the pics1 point
The gun "shortage" is definitely over. Everywhere I go places are packed full of guns and ammo is nicely stocked. Can't say that for the car and truck situation.1 point
I posted a gun on there a few days ago. When you log in and go to publish the ad it will let you list a few each month free. Like you I was a bit concerned about the $2.99 charge but it did not ask me for any info or credit card information. I believe it is still free for occasional listings just more complicated. I just went over there. Went to top of page and hit PUBLISH button and it took me right to the listing page. Try it. I think it is working.1 point
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Those were all working, shooting firearms. No fakes with filled barrels in order to shoot blanks. Last *I* looked, John Wayne was pretty real.1 point
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This thread started out honoring a man that deserves and earned respect. I feel we need to drop the Covid-19 crap, and respect the man. RIP General Colin Powell, my god give you everything you deserve in heaven.1 point
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The little 'honda' units are quiet as can be, and will 'get you through'. They're expensive vs. the 5kw units but their form factor and sound level are worth the price of admission.1 point
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I want John Wayne’s double-barrel shotgun from McLintock that he poked that settler at the clay slide with and called him Pilgrim.1 point
The red canister is an oil filter I think. That is what they used back in the old days. Then someone invented the spin on type which was easier to change then Toyota decided that a canister filter was better with 2o rings, special fitting to drain and a special wrench to remove.1 point
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Not at all surprised. All the key board members are WLPs cronies and in just as deep as he is. I've been an annual member for almost 40 years. Every time I start thinking about a life membership, WLP does something else to piss me off. So I just keep taking it year by year. We need the NRA. They're the big kid on the block. But I'm not at all happy with the current leadership. The other day I got a letter begging for more money again. I wrote on it in big bold letters: "Until Wayne LaPierre and all his cronies are gone, you will not get one extra cent from me". Then I mailed it back to them. I doubt it'll do much good, but at least they know how I feel. I recently read somewhere in gun news (Guns America?) that the Charles Cotton, President of the NRA, is quietly negotiating with the courts to re-organize the NRA which would include dissolving the entire current board of directors including WLP. I can only hope this is true.1 point
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To the original poster: Those are 4 fine weapons! I agree totally with your assessment. I presently do not owned any of those pistols but I have in the past. Thanks for posting that.1 point
I have had my Honda EU2000 since 2003. With a little common sense I can run everything to be comfortable. I went one step further and added UPS units to our computers, entertainment center, internet hub, etc so that I can ride out short outages and only start the generator when it looks like it is going to be longer. About 2 years ago I picked up a Wen 1250-Watt inverter generator. It acts as a back up to the Honda (with a bit more conservation) and burns less gas for long outages. It also gives me a lighter generator when I don't want to drag the Honda around. Both are very quiet and can not be heard inside the house or by any of my neighbors.1 point
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