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I was set up at Knob Creek last weekend and the reloading stuff was slim. Pat's Reloading had WC844 and WC846 for $195 for 8lbs. Primers were non existent. Grunt67 was on the money. ALL the primers are going into ammo orders at the moment. A couple vendors had a few boxes, but they were asking $125 and $145 per 1000. Saw a couple boxes get sold. One vendor had ten one pound bottles of Varget. He wanted $50/pound. Another vendor was set up with a collection of powder but it was all $45/pound and higher. None of it sold. A brass vendor was selling .223 fired brass at $125/1000 and .45acp at $100/1000. It didn't sell. On the flip side of that projectiles sold like crazy. Spectre Supply brought 1-1/2 Tons of 9mm, .223 and .30 cal. They were completely sold out by 11:30 Friday morning. Every projectile they had was sold in less than 2 hours! Ammo sales were hit and miss. The big vendors were trying to sell Barnaul steel case .223 at $390/1000. We did not see a lot of it moving. 9mm was at $25 a box. .45 acp was at $30 and $35 per box. We did have a good talk with the guys from Pat's reloading. They have a direct line to the primer producers. They said there are huge orders out there for primers. When those orders finally get delivered to the vendors, most wont be able to handle the elevated price on the bill and there will be a big dumping of primers on the market. First quarter of 2022 is when a lot of these orders are slated to be filled. I guess we'll see how it plays out then.3 points
Check with John at Cypress Creek Outdoors in Dyersburg. He milled the slide on my CD HiPower and has done a lot of other Smith work for me. If you explain to him the time constraints I don’t see it being much of an issue.2 points
Agreed. Cars and Coffee coming up next Sunday so I broke this one out in hopes of attending2 points
I don't that ammo wasn't selling. I saw plenty of cases of ammo in various flavors leaving to the parking lots on the goats and being packed on shoulders. The ammo vender next to the Century tent seemed to be doing well and thier pallets kept getting smaller and smaller over the two days. The ammo that Apex had also dwindled down quite a bit. Not too mention the cases headed out to the fireing lines but I suppose that was the point of the weekend. That said, I didn't buy one round of ammo as I thought it was way over priced and I wasn't really there for ammo. I was still a great weekend and glad I made it to the last one.2 points
Greetings y'all! Hopefully most of you were able to see the incredible introduction David, the Administrator of this forum, posted about our training company. If not, I will add it to the bottom of this message. I just wanted to put out there that our classes for the rest of 2021 have been added to the calendar of this site. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me here or contact my wife, CKerwin, who handles all of the admin, scheduling, marketing, etc... We have the first quarter of 2022 done as well and will have it up on the schedule within the week. You can visit our website at https://www.personalsurvivalsolutions.com/ for a full view of what we do and why we do it. Thank you for taking the time to check us out and we hope to meet and work with many of you soon! Always Vigilant, Always Prepared! Personal Survival Solutions Shane & Calley Kerwin Written by David for TGO "Introducing Shane Kerwin and Personal Survival Solutions: As most of you know, I am a firm believer in getting good training from reputable and knowledgeable educators with experience in firearms safety, effective and responsible use of firearms for personal protection, risk avoidance and de-escalation techniques, unarmed combat and personal emergency medical skills. It is very rare to find a person who can educate on more than one or two of those concepts at a high level of proficiency. That is not to say there is anything wrong with finding a person who is an expert in any one facet of "preparedness", but rather to point out that while we all endeavor to be well-rounded practitioners, it is difficult to find people who are far enough down that road themselves that they can effectively instruct others. Often times, the people who operate at that level of proficiency come to us from highly trained, highly specialized units of military service or law enforcement. Shane Kerwin, founder of Personal Survival Solutions, is such a person. Mr. Kerwin served in the US Army's 3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group as a junior Medical Sergeant. During his 16-year tenure with 5th Group, Shane served as junior and senior Medical Sergeant, Company senior Medical Sergeant, Special Operations Target Interdiction Course (SOTIC), senior Cadre and Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge, Company Operations Sergeant, and Detachment Operations Sergeant (Team Sergeant). During his time with 5th Group, he deployed 7 times in the Global War on Terrorism and has additional deployments under his belt. Now operating in the civilian sector, Shane Kerwin is bringing intensive, realistic and proven skills and concepts to the rest of us. He has made it his new mission to help regular people protect themselves and increase the security of their families by imparting what he has learned on the topics of Mindset, Weapons, Skills, Equipment and Environment. The ultimate goal is to teach you to make good critical decisions to mitigate threats and respond to an increasingly dangerous world. I hope that you will not only join me in welcoming Mr. Kerwin and PSS to our community, but that you will click over to their website, learn more about what he has to offer, and sign up for a class or two. Maybe we'll end up in one together. "1 point
On Friday, October 15th, 2021, the way that you login to TGO will change. We will no longer allow you to login using your screen name / user name / display name. You will be required to use your email address to login. You will use your same password as you did previously. Why Are We Doing This? We are doing this to provide an extra layer of security for you. Unless you have goofed and made your email address publicly known on TGO, the only people who should be privy to that are yourself and our administrative team. No one else should know the correlation between your screen name and your email address. A common way of attacking a user account is to to try a "brute force attack" where they use your login name and try to guess the password. By detaching your screen name from the login process, we can help hide your login credentials from bad actors and make it a little harder on them. No vaccinations are required for this to work. But please do be sure that you know what email address you signed up using! You can find that info by checking your own Account Settings screen at this link. Please do that in advance of October 15th. Thanks!1 point
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I think Royal Range offers slide milling. I know Nashville is a bit of a haul for you but maybe shipping is an option for them and you.1 point
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3 o'clock. barely noticeable under a t-shirt. specifically, pistol is at 3. puts the mag a little to the front.1 point
My company (Hawkeye’’s Refinishing) was a vendor there several years ago. On Sunday we could purchase any rifle caliper for 12 cents or less by case price. 8mm went from 6 to 8 cents a round, .308 about 10 cents. Boy, for the good old days. It just got to be just a zoo with the kids, dogs, and of course the strippers.1 point
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I've got 550 45/70 bullets left to load & enough powder & primers to load them. After that, I've got enough to last me a few life times. So personally, it won't bother me, but hate it for my reloading brothers. A miracle could be in order.1 point
I pick up primers every once in awhile if the price is not incredibly crazy. But, finding them is hit or miss, most of the time.1 point
A.J, I am glad to hear of her great recovery. I used to use the work coincidence quite a bit, I rarely use it nowadays. I have witnessed too many miracles of God healing folks. That is what we all need to remember, God is still in the healing business!! Any you my friend said it best, God shows us all his mercy and grace and I pray he continues to give this country His mercy and grace and not his wrath. Keep us updated as we love to hear how our prayers are being answered!!1 point
Grunt you have that exactly correct, the reloader community gets what is over what the ammo mfgs. need to make loaded rounds. They aren't in business to keep us going that is for darned sure. I wouldn't doubt if they didn't increase the prices to just the breaking point for us reloaders and keep it there. They could care less if we reloaded or not, in fact they probably would wish we didn't then we would all be at their mercy for ammo. They can quit if they want to, me and my family shouldn't run out for at least 25 years, and that's if I can't get anymore components.1 point
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I would like to say yes but this damn cedar tree jumped right in front of my bullet. I have taken some does with a 10mm 1911. The 10mm does a great job on deer. None of my shots were over 60-65 yards and all the deer went less than 50 yards before pilling up.1 point
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my son just received his new holster and loves it. He bought my M43 Firestar and size 2 fits very well. seems to be well made and looks as good as the pictures. of course he doesn't have my spare tire to reach across. lol1 point
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CZ-52: This is ancient history and may not apply. Back in the day I had gotten an nice specimen from the main importer. This gun had a drop safety. If loaded and the hammer dropped the gun would discharge. There was a recall. The reason was given that those guns had been refurbished with problems resulting. These guns are interesting well made firearm. In those early days someday in the homeland had dropped the ball. I know not to trust any drop safety without a safe tryout.1 point
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I've recently found three website with information you can't find on mainstream media. They are lifesitenews dot com, thecovidblog dot com, and childrenshealthdefense dot org. I suggest everyone check them out.1 point
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The crowd and show sure did change over the years. Years ago there were crates full of surplus guns, box lots full of parts, ammo. It all went away.0 points
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