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  1. If you run into one asshole during the day, it happens and they were probably just an asshole. If you run into assholes all day long, you’re the asshole.
    7 points
  2. How can you get so many things ass backwards? I almost forgot. My new Frankenstein router table with home made top...
    7 points
  3. I’ve been holding it in, but here you go. I’m reasonably certain now that my wife as well as both children have had the virus. No clue how I managed to avoid it. Only the wife has been vaccinated, and I expect she had it when she got the second dose. Aside from the employer required vaccine she decided to take, none of us have costed the taxpayer or health insurance company a dime. I may die of it before morning, but I still stand by my statement that it is no one’s business whether we’ve had the jab, and it would be impossible for us to infect anyone if we aren’t infected ourselves. Carry on whining and looking down your nose until you’re satisfied.
    5 points
  4. I'm ready for the new Emperor to go, the SOB! We went from one extreme to the other. I think only assholes like DC.
    4 points
  5. I understand you. Medically retired in 2011. Really didn't like it, but I had no choice at the time. It was fun for a while. Then I began to get bored...with everything. Various hobbies came and went. Spent a LOT of time on here. That was, and still is, good. But as the years go by, those issues that led me here are starting to cause me more physical restrictions. It sucks. But still here. God isn't thru with me yet. There must be something I'm meant to do.
    4 points
  6. No need to be so condescending. But then of course you are ever so much smarter than me, I'm sure. I said I took the vaccine and booster because I thought it was best for me, at my age and with my health. I just don't think it should be mandated for several reasons, not least of which it seems at least in some cases that it can be spread by a vaccinated person. Here's the link you wanted, at least one of them: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/08/10/us/covid-breakthrough-infections-vaccines.html Mind you, this is from a very liberal, woke organization, so if they are printing it, I would imagine the numbers are higher.
    4 points
  7. Saw a lot in 'Nam I'll never forget, but the most amazing thing was "Puff The Magic Dragon" gunship. This was an AC47 modified with 2 General Electric miniguns in the left side of the plane. Capable of sending 6000 rds per minute to the ground ( usually 300 ). I could literally rain unholy hell down on the enemy. My first & only encounter was one Sun. nite, after we had been in a firefight all weekend. Finally finished that, just as we were getting ready to rest for the nite , we were ordered to go to the base of a mountain where B Co. was in a firefight in a village. We were to be a blocking force to prevent B Co from getting caught in a cross fire. Shortly, Puff showed up, and rained down fire on the enemy. One solid stream of fire from plane to the ground. Every 5 rds was a tracer. I'd heard about Puff during Infantry training, but this was simply awesome to see. Later, mods have been made. Now there is even a Howlitzer. Here's a screen shot of the firepower.
    4 points
  8. I go the route of stuffing their postage paid return envelolpe with a letter stating that as long as Wayne is in place and spending member's contributions on fancy suits that they will not see another dime from me. I also point out some of the cases in which I feel the NRA dropped the ball politically. I keep that letter on my computer. Each time I receive a NRA solicitation I print the letter, put it in their envelope and send it in.
    4 points
  9. I like these folks yard art! This T-28 is over in Coal Field
    3 points
  10. My old man was career USAF. Back in the day, he would derive his flight plan to fly over the house and waggle his wings. As kids we loved this. I still react like Pavlov's dog to this day when I hear certain radial engines overhead.
    3 points
  11. Seems like @Defenderis trying to do the right thing but understandably questions the barrage of conflicting information we are all being overwhelmed with. Is it now wrong to question such things?
    3 points
  12. How did we get from rude neighbors (on both sides) to Trump hysterics?
    3 points
  13. My view, all of the stuff I read about WLP came from the same media that I do not trust anyway. My perception, people just regurgitate others or the media, not first hand knowledge. I don't know what to believe. I do question the credibility of any information during the same time the NRA is being attacked like never before in its history, this causes me to question everything. The spin factor is full on. I do know, if WLP cared about the NRA, I mean truly cared like you and I would, knowing all of the negative news and the perception what appears to be large swath in membership has of his poor performance and taking to much funds for his life style, factual or not, WLP should resign immediately for the health of the NRA, take one for the team. If he has that much of an ego, make him a emeritus or something if you have to, just remove him from a very public leadership role. I am confident he has achieved enough to retire comfortably for rest of his life. We need a powerful and healthy NRA now and in the near foreseeable future with the full assault that is occurring on the organization. The left is relentless, we need the same relentless from the NRA, with leadership, and members. A house divided will not stand (Matt. 12-25). Life Member!
    2 points
  14. Not surprising at all since we always have to pick between only two terrible choices.
    2 points
  15. Complete recovery after getting the antibody treatment that I'm not so sure she really needed.
    2 points
  16. I've been retired about nine years now. Had to retire because of heath. So not being able to do a lot just do what I can. It took some getting used to but you will find a hobby to interest you. The worst part I have found with not having anything to do is you never know when you are finished.
    2 points
  17. Damn I'm glad you saw it too
    2 points
  18. The AC-130 has got to be one of the most versatile planes ever designed.... sure got their moneys worth out of that airframe.
    2 points
  19. I have great neighbors compared to the stories here. We do have one bad apple but so far has not bothered me. He has turned in two neighbors for zoning violations. Nothing dangerous, one couple, good friends, sold their land and moved because of him. They were living in a 5th wheel longer than allowed while trying to get a house built. They were with in days of moving the trailer to where no one could see it after getting a septic system in and water run back where the house was to be built. Had to move it off the property making them rent expensive campground space. Made them so mad they put the place up for sale and left the area. Other couple he turned in are new and in the process of putting a tiny house on their property and he didn’t like they way they were doing it and zoning has gotten involved and delaying them moving it. I was told our zoning board is pretty laid back on enforcement as long as there isn’t a safety issue but have to enforce if there is a complaint. Needless to say no one on the road likes him. Next time I see the tiny house guy I will stop and tell him the rest of the road has nice people that mind their own business, only one A**hole on the road. On the other hand when some one said they never had a neighbor ask for permission to shoot, that has happened once, but the neighbor was asking permission to shoot his new revolver on my range since he didn’t have his built yet. We took turns for a half a box or so of shells.
    2 points
  20. Seems like I'm reading and hearing about a lot of vaxed people getting Covid and many that die. Plus Im reading that vaxed folks can still spread it...I g9ot the Moderna and the booster, due to my age and health issues, but I'm really wondering about this whole issue. I also wear a mask inside places that require it, but Im reading much about how that might also be ineffective...I HATE that this whole issue has turned into a political thing, but come on, man. Where's the truth?
    2 points
  21. That would be awesome! Get rid of health insurance completely and everybody jus pay their damned bills.
    2 points
  22. Not at all surprised. All the key board members are WLPs cronies and in just as deep as he is. I've been an annual member for almost 40 years. Every time I start thinking about a life membership, WLP does something else to piss me off. So I just keep taking it year by year. We need the NRA. They're the big kid on the block. But I'm not at all happy with the current leadership. The other day I got a letter begging for more money again. I wrote on it in big bold letters: "Until Wayne LaPierre and all his cronies are gone, you will not get one extra cent from me". Then I mailed it back to them. I doubt it'll do much good, but at least they know how I feel. I recently read somewhere in gun news (Guns America?) that the Charles Cotton, President of the NRA, is quietly negotiating with the courts to re-organize the NRA which would include dissolving the entire current board of directors including WLP. I can only hope this is true.
    2 points
  23. I've been doing much the same for a couple of years, including to all ILA stuff which used to get the brunt of my bucks. Endowment member, btw. - OS
    1 point
  24. Interesting on the effort question. I too have had some experience in recovering stolen guns. Some 25+ years ago, I had some guns stolen from my gun business, a few cheap FMJ double pistols and a few Russian SKSs, and at that time, SKSs were not expensive <$100. Anyway, about 5 years later, the police agency that made the report contacted me about being informed that one of the guns was recovered in a border county in North Carolina. I called the NC agency, they said I could pick it up anytime. I was not in a big hurry to drive over there, and actually forgot about the gun for about 6 mos to a year, then remembered and decided what the heck, I will go get it, called to confirm that I was coming over. The same NC police dept. argued with me they did not have the gun, got real hateful with me on the phone, denied they ever had it, wanted to know what other agency had reported it recovered. I even talked to same person who confirmed that they had it a year earlier. I dropped it, and never pursued it. I was younger and had a no care attitude. I tell this story because I had another agency in East Tennessee to recover another gun several years later, and they confirmed it was one of the cheaper guns I had stolen, but they too were not too friendly with me on the phone, having a jerk attitude, and telling me the difficult process to get the gun. Since the gun had no real value to me, <$40, I dropped it too. I wonder if this systematic of other agencies on gun recovery? Now if my Russian SKSs are ever recovered I will probably be very tolerant of the process and more apt to recover them.
    1 point
  25. Well that doesn't bode well for me.
    1 point
  26. My wife and I both are regular multi-vitamin consumers with vitamin D3 enhancement. She also takes elderberry. She wore a mask around the house when we knew the first granddaughter was COVID positive. I wore no masks. COVID can hit one and not the other because the J&J is only around 66.3% effective; therefore, it worked on my daughter and my wife was part of the 33.7% of the people it did not work on. It did make her symptoms less severe, because with her co-morbidities she'd have likely died. The Moderna is 95% effective, so I'm NOT one of the 5% it is not effective on.
    1 point
  27. My dad flew combat missions with the EC-47 in Vietnam. It was unarmed, but a huge target because the NVA and Cong feared the AC-47, which by that time they were effectively knocking out of the sky. He often flew with AC-130s and said the firepower those unleashed was incredible. He had a huge problem with crew members/CIA intelligence operatives shooting M-16s wildly out of the plane drawing fire to it (his plane was shot up several times including a forced landing) so he had ALL weapons removed from his aircraft except the .38 S&Ws carried by him, the co-pilot and navigator. Keep in mind, his missions were to locate and follow NVA field commanders moving along the Ho Chi Minh trail in Laos & Cambodia so that they could be neutralized. Ineffectively firing upon them was counter to the objective and dangerous to his plane and crew.
    1 point
  28. I had a co-worker than complained that every place that they had ever lived they were surrounded by bad neighbors. He contributed it to bad luck......I told him to look into a mirror to see what the problem was. He also didn't have any friendly co-workers.
    1 point
  29. I had a bad neighbor, but he died several years back. Got another I don’t really care for, but he’s better than me, so he rarely ever even speaks. No problem there. I couldn’t hand pick better neighbors than the rest of them.
    1 point
  30. This is great, thanks so much for the laugh!!!
    1 point
  31. Glad everyone is on the mend. If I can be of help to anyone - feel free to reach out.
    1 point
  32. Nope. You won't. If you die from it, it will be slow and agonizing. One pulmonary doctor in this area described it as a ghastly death. Everybody needs their choice though. And yeah, the hall monitors are gonna keep being what they are. It's why we smacked them around in high school. When it comes to believing you already had it, my brother has lots to say about that. The teenage girl had bad headaches for a solid week. The wife (53ish high school PE teacher), is into week 3 of splitting headaches and fever. And my brother is going into week 3 himself after an infusion. He's healthier than the PE teacher. Anyway, they though they had it before too. They are out of the woods, but are still sick sick. My brother would get the vaccine to avoid all the hell he has been through. But, when it comes down to it, I'm responsible for ME alone.
    1 point
  33. Many vaccinated covid patients die you are reading? Where are you reading that? Please link it. You hate that it has become political yet you dont believe the truth because it doesnt align with your political views. The emperor has no clothes.
    1 point
  34. Best and fastest way to let the entire mod team is to report it. These are screen caps of that asshole trying to fish me in. Click the three dots and select report. Then choose spam and the first mod to see it can zap the SOB instead of having to wait for a particular mod that you PMed to get online. We really appreciate the help y’all give us in ferreting out these bastards.
    1 point
  35. Not the ideal position for a backup mag, but better than at home in the safe?
    1 point
  36. Mr Ash, name calling is beneath you.
    1 point
  37. It occurred to me that it would be beneficial to allow an easy way to identify where an Event or Gathering was occurring inside the state of Tennessee, which in turn helps knit communities together to create what I am going to call "TGO Rally Points". These Rally Points are really just logical representations of the way our Tennessee members are relatively close to at least one of the five major population centers in the state: Chattanooga Knoxville Memphis Nashville Tri-Cities With that in place, you can now choose to use (purely optional) an area prefix when starting a new thread about an Event or Gathering in this particular forum. You do so by choosing the option from the drop-down when you are creating your thread.
    1 point
  38. Heck if it isn't ironic I stumble across this corner of the interwebs tonight.. http://www.youmeandtheafter.com/2021/10/vietnam-1967-1969-life-and-times-1-4.html?m=1
    1 point
  39. I grew up on AF bases. Dad was Stationed at Ellsworth AFB for 8 years. It’s a B1-B base. I learned to sleep through MITs (Minimal Interval Takeoffs) at 0500 during exercises. Imagine the sound of two 4 engine supersonic bomber jets taking off in full afterburner every 30 seconds around a mile away. It would shake our house. I sleep like the dead now.
    1 point
  40. I think even if it wasn't fly worthy, it'd make a great front yard ornament, LOL
    1 point
  41. Gray fox, I totally agree. I've been an annual member for I don't know how long. I don't agree or like the WLP thing. But, we need the NRA on the National level, and State. Without their stand at times, we would be gutless toast. If they leave NY, maybe they'll move to TN. We're gun friendly here, so why not? I can't imagine why anything gun related is still in NY anyway.
    1 point
  42. I can certainly relate to your situation, Wingshooter. I too, have a farm and I own a G 20 as I like the 10mm round as well. The G 20 works just fine for riding my horse and most things, but it is cumbersome on the tractor and in my truck as well. I don't have a G29 but when I look at the specs I am not sure if you would gain very much in the way of size reduction. While the G 29 is about 1.25" shorter, it is actually a tad bit wider (1.38" vs 1.34" for the G 20). For me, the issue was the width. What I did was to go with the Springfield Armory XDs in a .45 caliber. While not quite the power of a 10mm, it is still no slouch and I was able to get the width down to slightly under one inch. It made a noticeable difference and I really like the sidearm. I have over 1,500 rounds through it and it is very reliable. Good luck.
    1 point
  43. Wow! I’m truly thankful for my neighbors.
    1 point
  44. Here's you something to think about. Trump had great policies and if he could have controlled his Trump personality just a little bit better, he would still be president. I really believe if I were this woman's neighbor we could get along. I believe I could shoot on my property without pissing her off. The problem with people today is everyone is so defensive that they can not see the other person's side. It is always better to try and work with your neighbors than fight with them. I've had bad neighbors and I've had great neighbors. If you want a great neighbor, be a great neighbor. In the end it is worth the extra effort.
    1 point
  45. Just out of curiosity, how much property are you on? Can you move 100 yards away from the neighbor's house and still remain on your own property to shoot? TN laws don't allow you to shoot at a game animal while hunting if you are within 100 yards of a house, or even to chase an animal within that distance. But that's a hunting regulation, not a "shooting" regulation. You didn't mention any CC&R's attached to your property, so I assume there are none, but in any case, being a good neighbor might mean finding another place to shoot. At a very minimum I'd go and speak with the neighbor about your shooting activity. Perhaps she'd be agreeable to occasional gunfire if you show her where you're shooting and demonstrate that it's safe. A little respectful, friendly conversation can go a long way.
    1 point
  46. Right now Canik is #1 in the best bang for the buck, IMO. They may or may not be as accurate as a CZ (I haven't shot a Canik yet), but the quality is certainly there. I'd take one over a Glock eight days a week.
    1 point
  47. That's a great feature. Can that be added to the Trading Post? Seems like it would be useful there too. Optional, of course as some things are mailed and location is irrelevant.
    1 point
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