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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2021 in all areas

  1. I’ve been holding it in, but here you go. I’m reasonably certain now that my wife as well as both children have had the virus. No clue how I managed to avoid it. Only the wife has been vaccinated, and I expect she had it when she got the second dose. Aside from the employer required vaccine she decided to take, none of us have costed the taxpayer or health insurance company a dime. I may die of it before morning, but I still stand by my statement that it is no one’s business whether we’ve had the jab, and it would be impossible for us to infect anyone if we aren’t infected ourselves. Carry on whining and looking down your nose until you’re satisfied.
    6 points
  2. While I'm firmly in the "folks should take the jab" camp, I have zero belief the costs are being accurately passed downstream here. The insurance companies are not getting hit with "real costs" as you indicate. During COVID, they have had phenomenal financial results in 2020, and won't be doing too bad in 2021. Think of all the outpatient work they didn't have to pay out...all those surgeries that didn't happen, and all the other routine things. I work in imaging, and we noticed a lot of women just skipped a yearly mammogram. My auto insurance sent some small rebates because they realized folks were driving less...but I got zilch from Blue Cross during the same time.
    6 points
  3. Best and fastest way to let the entire mod team is to report it. These are screen caps of that asshole trying to fish me in. Click the three dots and select report. Then choose spam and the first mod to see it can zap the SOB instead of having to wait for a particular mod that you PMed to get online. We really appreciate the help y’all give us in ferreting out these bastards.
    5 points
  4. Seems like I'm reading and hearing about a lot of vaxed people getting Covid and many that die. Plus Im reading that vaxed folks can still spread it...I g9ot the Moderna and the booster, due to my age and health issues, but I'm really wondering about this whole issue. I also wear a mask inside places that require it, but Im reading much about how that might also be ineffective...I HATE that this whole issue has turned into a political thing, but come on, man. Where's the truth?
    4 points
  5. Holler back once all the illegals are vaccinated and we’ll talk.
    4 points
  6. That would be awesome! Get rid of health insurance completely and everybody jus pay their damned bills.
    4 points
  7. I flew ( not pilot ), in Huey helicopters often during combat missions in 'Nam, back in the day. Always wanted to learn to fly when I got back to the world, but that didn't work out. Would love to have one, so out of curiosity, I looked online & found one. Located in Maui, Hi. Ready to fly, only $525,000. Obviously, a few bucks past my meek budget. Did make my mouth water tho. Checked back again later.......SOLD already. Oh, well. I love those old birds, save our bacon several times. Medivac brought me out after I was wounded. Maybe in another lifetime, LOL
    3 points
  8. Hashtag jelly.....
    3 points
  9. I just took an online Coursera course for work, Covid-19 Contact Tracing. One questions was: You just discovered in an interview that the contact was illegally in this country, what do you do? The answer I selected, Immediately terminate the interview and notify DHS of the contact's location, was somehow not the correct answer!
    3 points
  10. All of the recent scammer activity on TGO and other big gun forums uses the same tactic: A new "member" registers for an account and immediately sends a private message to legitimate members of the community with an alleged off-site, out of state contact, who either has the item they want to buy or is wanting to buy the item they have to sale. To date 100% of this activity has been fraudulent. In order to make it harder for these scum to operate in the shadows, I am considering the following changes to TGO: Placing all new members into a category that forbids them from being able to send a private message until X-Number of days have passed since registering, or X-Number of posts have been made in other areas, or some combination of the two. If a person wants to bypass that restriction, they can buy a Benefactor subscription, at which point we have a way to track them down if they do something illegal. Otherwise they participate by providing meaningful content for a brief period of time, after which they can send private messages. What do you all say about this plan?
    2 points
  11. Fellas, please lift my niece up in prayer, she’s in Erlanger with some kind of flesh eating bacteria. I believe in the power of prayer as well as the healing power of God. thanks everyone.
    2 points
  12. Seems like @Defenderis trying to do the right thing but understandably questions the barrage of conflicting information we are all being overwhelmed with. Is it now wrong to question such things?
    2 points
  13. .45-70 is probably the round I shoot the least, yet enjoy reloading for, the most! I load subsonics (535gn GC cast over a light load of AA5744 for right on 1120fps) Sounds like a .22, kicks like.... well, like you'd expect! But my gosh are they accurate. I have Vernier sight marks out to 800yds with this load. One day, I'll shoot a pig with one just to see what happens. I'm guessing it won't be near as impressive as I imagine.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Send a pm to any admin with the info and they will take care of it.
    2 points
  16. That logic is long gone !
    2 points
  17. It occurred to me that it would be beneficial to allow an easy way to identify where an Event or Gathering was occurring inside the state of Tennessee, which in turn helps knit communities together to create what I am going to call "TGO Rally Points". These Rally Points are really just logical representations of the way our Tennessee members are relatively close to at least one of the five major population centers in the state: Chattanooga Knoxville Memphis Nashville Tri-Cities With that in place, you can now choose to use (purely optional) an area prefix when starting a new thread about an Event or Gathering in this particular forum. You do so by choosing the option from the drop-down when you are creating your thread.
    2 points
  18. It's a decent holster and at least a way to carry another mag.....kill two birds with one stone. Awkward and unconventional but serves its purpose.
    2 points
  19. Doesn't make sense for me-difficult to access spare mag when pistol is already in shooting hand-never a good idea to have pistol and spare mag in same holster-
    2 points
  20. I’m thinking about getting a G29 to carry OWB around my farm and such. I have a G20 already. I really like it and like 10mm, but the size makes it cumbersome when I drive the tractor or other vehicles. It just generally gets in my way, lol. Sometimes I’ll carry a Jframe or G43 but find myself wanting the 10mm. I have not compared the 29 to the 20 in person. Is there a noticeable difference in the carry size scaling down to a 29? Is it concealable under a t shirt if I go into town? Who has one and how do you like it?
    1 point
  21. Nope. You won't. If you die from it, it will be slow and agonizing. One pulmonary doctor in this area described it as a ghastly death. Everybody needs their choice though. And yeah, the hall monitors are gonna keep being what they are. It's why we smacked them around in high school. When it comes to believing you already had it, my brother has lots to say about that. The teenage girl had bad headaches for a solid week. The wife (53ish high school PE teacher), is into week 3 of splitting headaches and fever. And my brother is going into week 3 himself after an infusion. He's healthier than the PE teacher. Anyway, they though they had it before too. They are out of the woods, but are still sick sick. My brother would get the vaccine to avoid all the hell he has been through. But, when it comes down to it, I'm responsible for ME alone.
    1 point
  22. I have great neighbors compared to the stories here. We do have one bad apple but so far has not bothered me. He has turned in two neighbors for zoning violations. Nothing dangerous, one couple, good friends, sold their land and moved because of him. They were living in a 5th wheel longer than allowed while trying to get a house built. They were with in days of moving the trailer to where no one could see it after getting a septic system in and water run back where the house was to be built. Had to move it off the property making them rent expensive campground space. Made them so mad they put the place up for sale and left the area. Other couple he turned in are new and in the process of putting a tiny house on their property and he didn’t like they way they were doing it and zoning has gotten involved and delaying them moving it. I was told our zoning board is pretty laid back on enforcement as long as there isn’t a safety issue but have to enforce if there is a complaint. Needless to say no one on the road likes him. Next time I see the tiny house guy I will stop and tell him the rest of the road has nice people that mind their own business, only one A**hole on the road. On the other hand when some one said they never had a neighbor ask for permission to shoot, that has happened once, but the neighbor was asking permission to shoot his new revolver on my range since he didn’t have his built yet. We took turns for a half a box or so of shells.
    1 point
  23. I haven’t read it (probably not published anyway), but I know more vaccinated people who have died than I do unvaccinated. 3 vax 2 un
    1 point
  24. And in the fast lane. I've flown in helis several times while I was in the Corps. They're noisy and bumpy!
    1 point
  25. Fellow H1'er caught this driving down the highway...
    1 point
  26. had a hankering for a cross draw for one of my .45s. put a straight drop on my off side and couldn't reach it with my strong hand. mind you I am overweight and have had spine surgeries that limit my twisting. On the bright side, it pushed me to lose the belly.
    1 point
  27. nothing I have ever seen is as awesome as the A10 on an attack run! BRRRP! and GON on a wingtip 180 turn
    1 point
  28. I go the route of stuffing their postage paid return envelolpe with a letter stating that as long as Wayne is in place and spending member's contributions on fancy suits that they will not see another dime from me. I also point out some of the cases in which I feel the NRA dropped the ball politically. I keep that letter on my computer. Each time I receive a NRA solicitation I print the letter, put it in their envelope and send it in.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I still use a flip phone, but just for text, and very few words. I use a tablet at work or a laptop at home.
    1 point
  31. Not the ideal position for a backup mag, but better than at home in the safe?
    1 point
  32. Maybe in your area but every tag I have is a 2 sticker
    1 point
  33. Divert much? You are now whining about other things that all of us pay, too. This is about addressing real costs incurred by anti-vaxxers It's pretty simple - if you want lower health costs, take the free vaccine. If you wish to avoid the vaccine, expect to pay more in medical care. After all, it is sick folks who refused to vaccinate that drive up the costs and clog up hospital services. Setting insurance prices based on risk assessment is accepted business practice and one that is consistent with capitalism.
    1 point
  34. When you get it figured out how to get all my money back from all the taxes and insurance I have paid into the system. You get that money back for me and I won’t be a burden on anybody. You made a very broad statement.
    1 point
  35. Folks should accept personal responsibility for their choices and not expect others to bear the costs for their decisions.
    1 point
  36. Yeah, but not on the bike. Nasty weather down here. Maybe next time.
    1 point
  37. I sold my G29 several years ago. This was not a good thing. My problem with Glock's for concealed carry is width. I'd get another G29 in a second but have not see a preowned gun lately. I found the G29 to be powerful and accurate.
    1 point
  38. O Lord, thank you for another day, please look after this young lady and the family in this time of need. Thank you Lord for another day.
    1 point
  39. So, I’m 5’6, 170 lbs ish. My clothes aren’t tight, but aren’t baggy either. I can conceal my G29 better than my G19. The shorter grip really makes it a breeze to carry. won’t lie, it has significantly more felt recoil than the 20 does, but that is par for the course. Shoot it a few times and you figure out how to handle it. Another option is a chest holster, which would hold either the 20 or 29. That puts the gun in a different place that may be more comfortable for your needs. Also still easily concealed under a jacket if needed. I will say, the 29 is a touch wider, it is tight in my G20 holsters.
    1 point
  40. Found an old gauge full choke. Thank You for reply.
    1 point
  41. I've had this on the calendar for months but now with it so close I'm not sure if I'll go or not. With the announcement its their last I can only imagine the crowd
    1 point
  42. I see a lot of holsters like this one. Just don't get it. Glad to see I'm not the only one. It only makes sense with Appendix carry.
    1 point
  43. I had "naked neighbor" at my last place, and he was at least part of the reason I sold out and moved to TN. This guy is a retired Navy Captain, and seemed like a pretty good guy when he moved in. Pretty soon the neighborhood women started to see him outside wearing nothing but a loin cloth with his 70 yo skinny ass hanging out the back. I had ten acres, he had two and a half, and if he wanted to run around naked he had plenty of space to do that out of sight of the road. One day my wife came home complaining that naked neighbor was at it again, so I took my camera to our property line and took several pictures of him fondling himself, and told him that next time he had one of his frequent parties I was going to distribute them to his guests. That was the last time I saw him in his loin cloth. He also had a dog that he refused to control. That dog killed another neighbor's cat after chasing it inside her house. One day the dog chased my cat up onto my deck. The cat went up one more level where the dog couldn't follow and I came within an inch of killing the dog. But it really wasn't the dog's fault, so I grabbed it by the collar and was hauling it up my driveway with a 357 in the other hand. NN was waiting at the top of my driveway, having already been threatened with a beating if he ever set foot on my property. I told him the story and that the dog almost died five minutes previously, and son-of-a-gun, the dog didn't show up on my property ever again. I had good-to-great relationships with everyone else in that neighborhood, but this guy really was the naked neighbor from hell.
    1 point
  44. Get ya a good burro Brother. They hate coyotes and will stomp em dead. All my ole buddies in East Tennessee have em in with their cattle… leroy…
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. I agree. my vote would be for benefactors only. and yes, I'm one of the guys who complained about armslist changing. but I believe they did it for financial reasons and didn't grandfather in existing members. yes, I can spot the scammers and believe in freedoms but this is a private forum. I joined not for the classifieds but for the information and camaraderie. I thought long and hard about it because of big brother and my lack pf privacy so it isn't something I did on a whim. Glad I made the choice I did.
    1 point
  47. That's a great feature. Can that be added to the Trading Post? Seems like it would be useful there too. Optional, of course as some things are mailed and location is irrelevant.
    1 point
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