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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2021 in all areas

  1. Well I think if we eat food that isn't GMO or synthetic, we would all be better off.
    2 points
  2. Now you're talking. We need to outlaw narcan and legalize fentanyl.
    2 points
  3. I’m just glad we have so many medical experts on this forum.
    2 points
  4. Not at all. There may have been other people in the store that were armed at the time but the reality is most people do not carry a gun around. Even those who do I would not count on being the mythical “good guy with a gun”.
    2 points
  5. Just acquired this and decosmolined and cleaned it up. Not my first rodeo with cosmoline, but I did something different this time. Soaked everything heavily in Simple Green and let it sit for a day or so. Spray it again and wipe it down. Repeat the process with PB Blaster. Go over all wood, and any metal showing rust with 0000 steelwool. Process seemed to work well. Seems ammo is currently unobtanium. If anyone has 5-10 rounds they could spare, I would love to shoot it. Last picture is before I did anything to it.
    1 point
  6. On Friday, October 15th, 2021, the way that you login to TGO will change. We will no longer allow you to login using your screen name / user name / display name. You will be required to use your email address to login. You will use your same password as you did previously. Why Are We Doing This? We are doing this to provide an extra layer of security for you. Unless you have goofed and made your email address publicly known on TGO, the only people who should be privy to that are yourself and our administrative team. No one else should know the correlation between your screen name and your email address. A common way of attacking a user account is to to try a "brute force attack" where they use your login name and try to guess the password. By detaching your screen name from the login process, we can help hide your login credentials from bad actors and make it a little harder on them. No vaccinations are required for this to work. But please do be sure that you know what email address you signed up using! You can find that info by checking your own Account Settings screen at this link. Please do that in advance of October 15th. Thanks!
    1 point
  7. Don't know how many lefties we have on here but it's about time they did something like this. A 10-22 that doesn't throw brass in your face. https://www.fieldandstream.com/guns/left-handed-ruger-1022-review/
    1 point
  8. Now this is some health related research that I really want to believe. Love my butter and whole milk A diet rich in dairy fat may be linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, researchers say. https://www.foxnews.com/health/diet-rich-in-dairy-lower-risk-of-heart-disease-report
    1 point
  9. Either catch him doing something dirty like John Ford & Ray Blanton or wait for him to turn senile like John Wilder. Some say the Lt Gov position wields more power via the legislature than the Gov does. I don't know I can argue against that, IMO.
    1 point
  10. Sunday bump for a great TGO seller!
    1 point
  11. I have some experience with these and two 48s and feel they are worthwhile. If you are the type to get a new gun and carry it without putting a couple hundred rounds through it first, I would avoid them. There are two generations of magazines, but I don’t think the gen 1 is available any more. They recommend a metal mag catch, whether you use theirs or someone else’s. I would use theirs. The early mag catches were aluminum and don’t seem to like gen 2 mags. My experience is that Gen 2 mags and the new steel mag catch used together are reliable and are all Shield now sells. Call them if you have any questions—they are very helpful.
    1 point
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/24/health/schools-mask-mandate-outbreaks-cdc.html https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/masks-protect-schoolkids-from-covid-despite-what-antiscience-politicians-claim/ https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23744731.2021.1944665 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/effective-masks.html https://abcsciencecollaborative.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ABC_year-in-review_29jun2021-final.pdf ' Collected data from more than a million K–12 students and staff members in North Carolina, which mandated masking in schools from August 2020 until July 2021. The scientists reported little in-school transmission over the fall, winter or summer months. Incidents remained low even as, in communities outside the schools, levels of COVID cases fluctuated and mitigation strategies shifted. “The presence of masking in schools seems to be the unifying theme across all of those periods,” says Ibukun Kalu, a member of the group and medical director of pediatric infection prevention at Duke University. “When we look at cases that have masking in place—so masking students, staff, everyone that’s within that K–12 setting—we see rates of within-school spread as low as one percent.” ' ' In schools in other states where masks were not used consistently, such as in Georgia and Florida, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported on a number of COVID outbreaks during both 2020 and 2021. This past spring in California, an unvaccinated elementary school teacher who removed a mask several times to read to students triggered an outbreak of the highly transmissible Delta variant, according to another CDC study. A total of 26 people were infected, including 12 of the 24 students in the teacher’s class, a frightening rate of 50 percent. The infections spread elsewhere in the building to six students in a separate grade and moved beyond the school to infect eight family members of the affected students. The viral genomes in the infected people were either identical or very similar to the virus analyzed from the teacher, indicating that individual was the source. The outbreak occurred despite people following physical distancing guidelines, using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in the classrooms, and leaving the doors and windows open for ventilation. Masks, combined with other prevention efforts, reduce the risk that students may bring home the virus to parents or other relatives. This has been a big concern because adults are more likely to develop severe COVID. An online survey of 2.1 million Americans by researchers at Johns Hopkins University showed a 38 percent increased risk of COVID-related illness in households with a child attending school in person. That risk went down, however, as the number of school-based mitigation measures—such as mask mandates, daily symptom screening and canceled extracurricular activities—went up. When seven or more measures were in place, the increased risk disappeared. Experts have long advocated for an approach that relies on multiple added layers of protection—some to protect the individual and some to protect the collective—recognizing that no single intervention will be a magic bullet. Studies done in wider communities beyond schools give the strongest real-world evidence that masks stop COVID’s spread. An international team of researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial involving nearly 350,000 people across 600 villages in rural Bangladesh. Half of the villages got free cloth or surgical masks and a promotional campaign encouraging their use. The other half did not. The researchers found that the intervention significantly curbed coronavirus transmission, especially in villages that received surgical masks. The findings appeared in early September in a preprint paper that is now being considered for publication by the journal Science.' https://www.allsides.com/news-source/scientific-american But who am I to show you evidence when you can just listen to "the docs my wife works for..."
    1 point
  13. Here's some good ol' right wing, non CDC - NIH - State Science Institute propaganda. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/guardians-covid-crib-sheet-presents-facts/ Also read where the VAERS reporting is perhaps not up to date. Considering I have two family members with odd medical conditions coincidentally tied to supposed vax side effects, should I be ok with, "some folks just have bad reactions?" It's for the public good, but who gets to define the public and what is good?
    1 point
  14. I didn't insult your brother. You're the one that felt the need to drag me back into the ivermectin debate. I already wrote I don't care if people get it prescribed. My issue was with the people who are overdosing on the animal version from T.S. I'm all for it now though. For years I've watched internet hard asses write about natural selection. We're witnessing it. The election was stolen, Wu-FLu is a hoax, Ivermectin made for livestock is safe. #### yeah! Let's do this!
    1 point
  15. Vandy isn't going anywhere. They give other teams a "W" & Vandy gets a split of the bowl money without the expenses, never mind the tv contract money. They compete in everything except football. Baseball has won a National Championship & they played in the finals just this past year. Mens & womens basketball are down now but they've had good teams in the past. The women have a new UConn alum as the head coach, so I expect things to get better immediately there. It takes an exceptional coach to win in Vandy football. James Franklin is living proof of that. I recall a few of his comments as he departed for Pedo State. He was less than happy with the administration there. I've heard some say the snobs in academia would be thrilled if Vandy dropped sports all together. That's why they won't waive some admissions for athletes.
    1 point
  16. Yeah, UT just doesn't have the talent level to run with the Big Boys in the SEC. I counted 4-5 dropped passes in the game last night. Just awful. Roughing the receiver on the punt fair catch was a super stupid play too. But I like the coach, I think he'll be ok with an upgrade in talent. How about them Commodores? LOL! 64-0! 35-0 in the first quarter! Reminds me of the days when Watson Brown was coaching, his last couple of years & their blow outs. I think some of the upper tier private high schools could beat Vandy this year. GA Southern damn near knocked off Auburn. Replay officials robbed GA Southern on a reception review, calling it complete for Auburn. For those who don't know, long time GA assistant under Vince Dooley, Erk Russell, started the GA Southern program way back when. They often put my school (MTSU) out of the playoffs & gave larger schools a run for their money when they dared to play GS. What about Arkansas? Beating both A&M & Texas this year, now going 4-0. Those guys have got to be killing the Vegas boys. LOL! The GA-Florida game looks to be a spicy game if Florida wins out up to then. I will be SO happy when someone beats the hell out of Norte Dame!
    1 point
  17. Not sure a mask makes much difference. Maybe a N95 fitted properly would. Cloth mask are of no use at all, surgical mask may help with a cough or sneeze but it just redirects more than anything. The docs my wife works for say a mask may help 20%. Less if not worn properly. They also seem to need adjusted a lot while wearing so one tends to have their hands around their face a lot more. Most of the people i know that have gotten 19 wore a mask and got it from a mask wearer. The sickest guy I know that lived got it from his wife that worked in a med office, she got it from a PA there, all wore mask. I saw a report the the 6 feet social distancing was a arbitrary number not based on any science. So not sure how far away from people one needs to stay. Wash your hands a lot and protect our lungs. We have a nebulizer for the lungs.
    1 point
  18. The FBI load that I had in mind was factory loaded with a 158gr. lead hollow point bullet. The numbers frequently cited or 800fps average in a 2" handgun. These rounds came from both Remington and Winchester. This level of performance was eclipsed by high capacity 9mm Luger handguns. I don't think any standard or +P 38 Special loads equal the old 38/44 loads. Those guns were made on the N frame for good reason. I got an Outdoorsman 38/44 back in the Skunk Works. That is a great handgun. FBI Load: The other school of thought is that this load is just another HV 38 Special load in pre +P days. I'd say that a 158 gr. bullet and 800 fps is no toy. My loads for 38 Special use the 150gr. 358477 with heavy charge of ShooterWorld powder The powder,Ultimate Pistol, is slightly faster than Accurate #5. I shoot these in loads in 19 and 586 Smith's. Benefits of this level of loads is accuracy and easy control of the handgun. Next, I have two hollow molds for the Lyman 358156 bullet. That's the HP version of the 155 grain lead SWC. I plan to run these loads to 1000fps in 6" guns. This project is in the works.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. That isnt what I said. I said that the same precautions against getting covid also help against catching the flu.
    1 point
  21. From the Ruger site, we south paws get screwed every time!!! Suggested Retail$899.00
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Yeah! About 8 people last year I think.
    1 point
  24. Local dairy for this house. Whole,full fat, cream top gallon a week Highest butter fat content butter available Highest grade cheese Brown eggs from the neighbor Only bread is what I bake myself All in moderation of course I'm still gonna die but hopefully a little slower than the drive thru crowd
    1 point
  25. Quit eating margarine, y’all. That stuff is terrible for you.
    1 point
  26. Burchett RepublicanTN NAY Cohen DemocraticTN NAY Cooper DemocraticTN YEA DesJarlais RepublicanTN YEA Fleischmann RepublicanTN YEA Green RepublicanTN YEA Harshbarger RepublicanTN YEA Kustoff RepublicanTN YEA Rose RepublicanTN NAY https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2021293
    1 point
  27. Pontiac somewhere around '53 or '54 model
    1 point
  28. Adorable moment doting mother bear teaches her cub to use slide in a park in Asheville, North Carolina. https://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2021/09/23/7116313917046961227/1024x576_MP4_7116313917046961227.mp4
    1 point
  29. I've found the RIA firearms to be very good. Have had several and really like them. Actually have an unfired(just never got around to getting out with it) FS CS double stack 9mm waiting for me to take it out. As an alternate on the loer mid-range 1911 platform, look at the SDS imports. Got a Commander size , hard chromed 45 that will stand against anything else I own in 1911. And it's one of the tightest and best fitting, right out of the box 1911s I've shot. Seems that the Turkish manufacturers are beginning to be know for more than just the Canik line. Some very fine pieces still coming in from them. For now at least. Get one. You'll be happy with either.
    1 point
  30. I surely do think just that.
    1 point
  31. I like the retro ones that are shaped like Tennessee. Wish they would bring them back.
    1 point
  32. With our first cool front, time to bring out this old gem:
    1 point
  33. it truly depends on the daily scenario. but for more years than I want to recall, my Kel Tec P32 has been a constant companion no matter what else I carry.
    1 point
  34. Shield 9mm or Shield 45 at the moment. Just got a M&P 9mm compact. Once I am familiar with it, it may replace the Shield 9mm. I have been courting the P365 as an option.
    1 point
  35. https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy I guess you can make studies show whatever you want them to. You think they help go for it.
    0 points
  36. I have told a few people I don't eat nuts because I'm morally opposed to cannibalism.
    0 points
  37. Meanwhile yesterday, the first NCO I had at Ft. Campbell, James Ferebee, who became a middle school teacher in Clarksville after retiring, died after a week on a ventilator. He was posting about taking his daughter to the range last month and in no time he was dead. One of the strongest men I knew. Did not fall into the trap of getting out and getting fat. He was an awesome teacher, wonderful Tennessean, and a great Soldier.
    0 points
  38. Brushy Bill Roberts is currently pissing himself laughing.
    0 points
  39. I swear I tell myself that I wont look at this thread, yet here I am looking and reading. The dad-burn thing is addicting as all get out.
    0 points
  40. The best part of the video starts at .40 seconds.
    0 points
  41. Bit they’ve got this ‘Rona thing all figured out.
    0 points
  42. I carry a Glock 48 IWB (appendix) in a left handed T-Rex holster. In the summertime if my outfit doesn’t permit, I keep it in a crossbody Gun Toting Mama purse. Highly recommend the purse if you don’t mind some razzing from your friends. Lol
    0 points
  43. I am starting to believe a complete failure of the power grid may be a good thing for this country. It would suck, but at least we wouldn't have to have everyone telling everyone else how they need to live their life. On a side note, I am flabbergasted that no one has managed to convince those that disagree with them that they are right. Who would have thunk it. Keep at it guys, I have faith someone will break the barrier soon!
    0 points
  44. My brother in law’s brother was shot twice. He’s in stable condition and expected to recover. The phone for Top Gun has been ringing off the hook for permit classes since it happened. Folks in Collierville went from “It can’t happen here“ to “holy ####!“ real quick.
    0 points
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