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My point is that you are wrong about their motives. No, they shouldn't get preferential treatment. They should get the God damned politics out of this once and for ALL.6 points
My brother got back to be after the doc. They wouldn't give him the antibody infusion because he has no health problems. They did give him Ivermectin (what Erik calls horse wormer). This was Cincinnati based Mercy Health. Same folks I use.4 points
I have talked to a bunch of folks that refused the vaccine. NONE because they didn’t care.3 points
3 points
I have not, but shall google it. O.k. I did. I do not subscribe to that belief. I especially think”hate crimes” are a load of crap. I’m of the opinion that everyone should be treated equally.2 points
They should be the only ones in need of it assuming the vaccine works. If it doesn’t, you’ve been scammed. I believe, like in court, intent should not be considered.2 points
I had no ill effects from the first shot of the Moderna vaccine, but the second made me pretty uncomfortable; chills, aching joints, etc. That lasted only about 18 hours though. Hope your wife is over it soon.2 points
2 points
On Friday, October 15th, 2021, the way that you login to TGO will change. We will no longer allow you to login using your screen name / user name / display name. You will be required to use your email address to login. You will use your same password as you did previously. Why Are We Doing This? We are doing this to provide an extra layer of security for you. Unless you have goofed and made your email address publicly known on TGO, the only people who should be privy to that are yourself and our administrative team. No one else should know the correlation between your screen name and your email address. A common way of attacking a user account is to to try a "brute force attack" where they use your login name and try to guess the password. By detaching your screen name from the login process, we can help hide your login credentials from bad actors and make it a little harder on them. No vaccinations are required for this to work. But please do be sure that you know what email address you signed up using! You can find that info by checking your own Account Settings screen at this link. Please do that in advance of October 15th. Thanks!1 point
Legislation aimed at restoring out Right to Arms as intended by the Founders of Tennessee, codified in our Original Constitution of 1796 which stated: Article 11 Section 26 "That the free men of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence." is currently being held up by the Senate. We have good solid House members who will bring legislation and a leadership that is while not gung-ho on our issues, is not obstructive. The current Speaker is not a man who is overly concerned with gun Rights, but, he is a politician who I truly believe has sights on higher office. Most likely a run for Governor in '26, and as such, wants to have any very vocal has money and willing to work conservative minority unopposed to his ascension. (State wide radio adds this last session prove that gun Rights activist can have an effect, the switch board at the General Assembly was shut down for a full week due to the number of calls generated by a call to action and bill boards put up in strategic districts.) House Champions are Rep.s Clay Doggett, Rusty Grills and Chris Todd. (Doggett sits as Chair of Judiciary Sub Committee, he is a great man and a true supporter of our Rights, Todd and Grills are strong advocates as well and work hard to further our cause. Our problem is the Senate. This is a group of Untouchables that stand with their foot on the neck of restorative legislation and the Don of that family is Lt. Gov. Randy McNally. In negotiations on the "Constitutional Carry" issues last session, the mantra was "we got everything the Lt. Gov. would allow." In talking with the NRA lobbyist, he specifically stated that the constriction to true Constitutional Carry was the Lt. Gov., and he should know, he worked for him for years and helped put the current Senate ion place as he was in charge of campaigns for the GOP, and served as an aid to Gov. Bill Lee prior to taking the position of lobbyist with the NRA. (Side note, TFA and the NRA actually are trying to mend fences, and, get them to realize that Tennesseans should be involved in dealing with Tennessee issues, the prior lobbyist from the NRA was a Democrat from Virginia who donated money to Ralph Northam, not someone who should be sitting like a hen on our rights I think...I was a Life Member of the NRA before the current lobbyist was born.) Current Champions in the Senate for our issues are Paul Rose, Kerry Roberts and Mike Bell. They sit on the most important committee (Senate Judiciary) and I believe Senator Rose to be the best man in that organization. I can get a meeting with him and he will listen to the facts, we try to get our House sponsors to work with him, if he sponsors a bill it is going to go forward. Senator Joey Hensley also is on our side. However the main hurdle to good solid restorative legislation is the Lt. Gov.1 point
Right now have a STI 45 ACP Commander Clone. I find it somewhat better finished than my old RIA 9mm. I don't care about tricking out any potential carry gun. The thing works or it does not. Somebody may laugh at the gun. The laughter stops when they see your targets. I find my gun to be accurate and reliable after 300 or so rounds of lead bullet loads. To me, anybody can say what they want about the Filipino guns. Owners appear to be happy finding the guns very serviceable. My only change to the STI was replacing the rubber grips for wooden. OP was looking for suggestion for a low cost but not cheap handgun. When somebody is giving information about a gun always ask about their hands on experience.1 point
hipower - definately understand my friend. On a separate but related note. I've got a gentleman who has been coming out to run them with me to get back in shape and lose wieght. He has about 100 lbs that he wants to lose. He has some physical limitations, but we works around them. He walks most of it and only does what he can. Some of the positions are diffiecult for him, so we modify it, but he keeps coming out to push himself. it is encouraging to see. Thanks for the feedback gents.1 point
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Computers and all the new gadgets are really great, when they work as they are supposed to. Which is sometimes seldom!!1 point
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Two days ago, at the threat of being fired, my wife got the second jab. She’s lying on the couch, pretty damned sick. I still find it foolish for a healthy person to take something that makes them unhealthy.1 point
The press conference was basically one big "Can't get into that. Its an on-going investigation". So they ain't talking. At least not yet. Another press briefing will be tomorrow morning. Police say it was NOT a terrorist attack. A reported 14th victim checked them self into a Collierville hospital, was not shot. It was an anxiety attack. UNCONFIRMED: Local news reports the shooter may be an employee who was fired earlier today.1 point
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I can't say that I'm a great football expert, but at least I have my website for making bets. When the quarantine started have noticed, the betting websites started to become extremely popular. People wanted to make some money in their free time, so I decided this was the perfect opportunity to open a gambling website. The bossaction.com helps me a lot to maintain the website working. Most of all, I like that they offer me customer service, so I don't have to care about finding multiple persons and administrating the customer service.1 point
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My brother in law’s brother was shot twice. He’s in stable condition and expected to recover. The phone for Top Gun has been ringing off the hook for permit classes since it happened. Folks in Collierville went from “It can’t happen here“ to “holy ####!“ real quick.1 point
The above quoted section of our original Constitution says it all. Free men do not need permission from the government to bear arms, long guns or handguns. Article 1 Section 1 of our State Declaration of Rights, says thus: Section 1. That all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; for the advancement of those ends they have at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. Section 2 says: That government being instituted for the common benefit, the doctrine of non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind. We the People are supposed to be in charge of this government, it is our money that funds it, and it is supposed to serve us. The legislature now has the power by law to regulate the wearing of arms, but only with a view to prevent crime, put in the 1870 Constitution to keep the freed slaves from having arms. Took from then till 1995 to allow us to legally carry a firearm, and that with a tax. The legislature thinks they are supposed to be in charge of who can carry what when and where, but that is not how it is set up, it is just how it has morphed to them being able to sell you your rights. H.L. Mencken said "The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods." Never truer words were spoken.1 point
Had a guy at work die of covid last night. I do not know his vaccine status, but I'll try and find out. That makes 8 out of 30ish thousand employees. My 10 year old daughter in getting a blood test to see if she needs a second blood transfusion so his status is not on the top of my list at the moment.1 point
I'm surprised the death count is that low given how many were shot. I really hope it stays that way.1 point
This guy is a 92 expert. If he doesn't know all the options, I am not sure who would. He does deal with more traditional parts because he does lots of cowboy guns, but has a scope rail and red dot setup. I had to get him to fit an ejector to one I have. He sells the parts, but they have to be fitted. I could not find the parts anywhere else that did not require hacking off body parts or buying an entire action. https://stevesgunz.com/1 point
I know you asked Mac, but there is a shortage of plasma in places. It's short around here.1 point
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This is great. Perhaps you could start by hitting up @TGO David about a Vendor membership so you can actually advertise here at TGO. You know, boundaries and such.1 point
If you got it back to where you can see the external screen, you should be able to go back to that (Right-click the Windows desktop and select Display Settings), select the laptop display on that settings screen and choose the duplicate or extend options. You can hit identify here is you do not know which is which1 point
I really like the scout scope set up. Took me a little To get used to it but once I did it is fast acquisition. The scope on mine is a fixed 2 power.1 point
1 point
The caplock on top was built for me by John D Anderson here in Tullahoma. .54, 42" 1:56 Rice barrel, completely built to my specs. Long rifle dimensions with Hawken furniture. The flintlock Fusil was built by a friend in Jacksonville. .62, rifle octagon-round 42" 1:62 Colerain barrel. Exhibition grade maple stock. Keyed, not pinned barrel.1 point
My BIL and his brothers used to make it. Their father was a chemist and had everything they needed on hand. They used it to make rocket engines for model rockets.1 point
1 point
Nothing wrong with the laptop. I turned something off. I can boot it while holding "D" and all the colors show on the screen. I plugged a monitor directly into the laptop, and now I can see what I'm doing. She can work it out with IT tomorrow. Thanks for the help guys!1 point
I like it. The only thing I would change is to make the scope a low power on a scout scope mount. I have a 16" lever gun in .45-70 and it is my favorite woods gun. The short barrel really makes for an easy carrying, quick shouldering and fast follow up shots if needed.1 point
Were these designed with Microsoft Paint or Word? lol. They all look like someone had 5 minutes to come up with 4 designs. I agree that the #4 - tristar watermark would be nice if the watermark was colored red and blue. I would vote that one if it wasn’t so monochromatic. If I have to pick one... I guess #3 - tristar modern. It’s basically the same layout we have now but with a different background picture. Plus it’s red, white and blue. Although I think its too dark with the blue background.1 point
I choose none of the above. Kinda like the vintage ones but that website reference is completely obnoxious, its text should not be bigger than the state’s nickname. The one we have now is fine. Since others have decided that is no longer good enough I’ll take whatever they issue. It’s only a license plate.1 point
LOL! You get the distinction of paying a fee to advertise for the tourism bureau. Isn’t that awesome?1 point
Just drop one of these near a stump or a low area that gets lots of water, not running though. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/champions-choice-trace-mineral-salt-block-50-lb?cm_vc=-100051 point
Not really well prepared on this front at the moment. I was keeping boots and change of clothing in a bag for a long time, but seem to have moved it out. Just a thought from an old geezer, keep a few days/week supply of any meds you might take on a daily basis. And remember to change them out about every month to keep them fresh and viable for use.1 point
As a guy who has had a couple bad days, I'd suggest any "bad day" kit should focus on stuff for a long walk. 1 - for feet: Comfortable shoes, several pair of socks, moleskin, duct tape, foot powder, extra shoelaces. 2 - hydration: containers w/ at least 3 quarts of water, filter or iodine for more. 3 - clothing: season-appropriate outfit for long walk outdoors, hat, sunblock, and bug spray. 4 - medicine: stuff to treat pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and itching, also a minimal first aid kit and chap stick. 5 - general: TP. Flashlight. Radio. Rope or cord. Multi tool. Map of your area. Compass. Protractor. Money. Some food. An inexpensive general issue assault pack or backpack will normally hold this stuff.1 point
Trust me, you WANT the Tisas. If you don't like it, I'll buy it off of you. I have no risk here!1 point
Moped is correct. Cimarron specializes in Cowboy Action Shooting guns. Their 1911 is a copy of the original for use in "Wild Bunch" matches. Its not what you're looking for. I also have a Norinco in my safe. Its getting kinda hard to find one that's unmolested. Many were used as a base gun for some fine custom jobs. I decided to leave mine original.1 point
I have a Rock Island. I don’t see how any handgun could be considered an improvement over it.1 point
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