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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2021 in all areas

  1. This is just my opinion. I truly believe that the people who got covid the first go around and the vaccinated people are relatively good to go. The issues are mainly with the people that have neither. They've got to weigh the potential side effects of the vaccine vs the potential outcome of getting the virus. I do not have the right to make that decision for anyone and neither does anyone on this site.
    8 points
  2. I may cherry pick, but its these 2 incongruous statements that are the backbone of my objection... The CDC is viewed as an "expert" with anything but anecdotal info, agreed? Than why did they suggest last year that upwards of 96% of the tests were false positives? Why do they continue to use data/results from a test they themselves have invalidated? Why do they market mRNA gene therapy as a 'vaccine' when it confers neither immunity nor lasting protection? As a former zantac user (and prilosec, and...), I find it baffling that educated and intelligent people ignore a history of graft and corruption and blindly follow instructions from this gubermint agency despite evidence to the contrary, because (the talking head on the tee vee said) they're an "expert"?! They have proven themselves beholden to the drug industry time and time again. Throughout these last 2 years they're a walking contradiction, and despite the fact they issue guidance 180 degrees from previous on a whim, people still listen. Reminds me of folks that defend wife beaters. Yeah, THIS time its different. We've ALWAYS been at war with EastAsia!!!!!
    8 points
  3. On Friday, October 15th, 2021, the way that you login to TGO will change. We will no longer allow you to login using your screen name / user name / display name. You will be required to use your email address to login. You will use your same password as you did previously. Why Are We Doing This? We are doing this to provide an extra layer of security for you. Unless you have goofed and made your email address publicly known on TGO, the only people who should be privy to that are yourself and our administrative team. No one else should know the correlation between your screen name and your email address. A common way of attacking a user account is to to try a "brute force attack" where they use your login name and try to guess the password. By detaching your screen name from the login process, we can help hide your login credentials from bad actors and make it a little harder on them. No vaccinations are required for this to work. But please do be sure that you know what email address you signed up using! You can find that info by checking your own Account Settings screen at this link. Please do that in advance of October 15th. Thanks!
    6 points
  4. A while back when everygunpart still had a bunch of Marlins coming & going, I grabbed a straight stock 30-30 on one of their one day sales. I thought I would build a light weight 336 some day once a stripped receiver came across my path. That day came.... sort of a few weeks ago on GB when a guy sold me an early 1950 336A 24" bl in .35 that was mostly stripped save for the lower tang, trigger & loading gate. Found a 35 bolt on Ebay and then once the 35 was in my hands, I found the reason for the dumping of it. Some Gun smith??? drilled and taped the receiver but ended up with off center holes just enough to have a problem getting a scope to zero in. The thing with tapping a non taped 336 and older was the ceiling of those receivers have a arched cut nearly half way across the ceiling of the receiver top. 2 of the dead center holes actually cut threw into that open slot that is where the lever sweeps up threw the bolt. Once a drill breaks the very surface, it quickly wants to move into that empty space and thus, bores the hole over to the right where there is hardly any resistance. Luck for this receiver, the guy didn't use the newer 8-40 base screws of a regular Marlin but some odd ball 6-40 screws. This allowed me the room to mill the small holes over in the mill just enough to over bore them with 8-40's of the weaver base and be damn near dead on straight! All tho he also drilled a 5th hole in there that was beyond help. Then for some ridiculous reason, someone extended the forend tip dove tail more than 1/8th forward so nothing would fit it. So much so, it was clearly visible sicking out beyond the wood! WTF..... well, I cut a new wide dovetail blank and friction fit that one and a second one up where you see the front barrel band. Both got belt sanded down to barrel OD and sand blasted & cold blued to pretty much match the matt finish that was on it as received. The pistol grip lower tang got a trim job that matched the straight stock yet kept the G300XXX SN in place. I'v read the cast bullet shooters love these pre micro groove barrels. I cut & crowned to 16.5" Trapper style. Makes for a good small critter gun with cheap lead loads. Any way, I topped it with new irons and a pretty decent China Spina 1-5 scope that has surprisingly nice glass. Originally, I would keep this since its as nice as an old meat gun comes but last week I closed on a pasture lot auction that is adjacent to my 13 acres giving me 30 and extending my back 410' against the state park land another 411'. Needless to say, I walked out of the closing with my pockets turned inside out. I'm dumping some guns these days that normally would have been traders or value makers. The last time the pasture lot was for sale was 1946. It was a total of 78 acres and the tax on it was only $680 bucks. Needless to say... a once in a life time buy for me and now puts me in green belt tax catagory for what I will keep out of the new 17 acre addition. Funny thing is the land auction closed 9 days before I collected my first SS check! If it wasnt for that new found cash..... the land buy would not have been possible. Compared to my 20.5" barreled model 36 30-30
    5 points
  5. The problem is that there is way too much information. And worse, there's way to much contradictory information. This all boils down to he said, she said. Everybody has "proof" of their opinion. But in the end, it is just an opinion. Science can prove whatever you want it to. Its just a matter of what info you chose to believe. I have good doctors. I know them and they know me. I choose to go along with them.
    4 points
  6. Do these numbers check out? I believe they do. Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.
    4 points
  7. Guns are like hot rods. You can sink a fortune in upgrades and add ons, but it means nothing when its time to sell.
    4 points
  8. Kahr makes the best carry gun IMO
    3 points
  9. That’s the beauty of Capitalism. If a profitable market exists then someone will address it. Primers are beginning to appear again now, albeit at much higher prices. Brass, powder, and bullets have been available through all of this, just in lesser quantities. Eventually supply and demand will equalize and prices will reduce. We are seeing this beginning to happen with ammo as supplies increase. All of this is based on no more unexpected upheavals in the market though, and I would never bet against something like that happening. Two years ago consumer ammunition consumption was ~8 Billion rounds per annum. Depending on who you believe, current demand is anywhere up to ~12 Billion rounds. A 50% increase in demand is not easily supplied in the short term. Eventually demand will drop to a lower level, hoarding will slow, and supply will increase. Capitalism - the worst form of economy, except for all the other ones!
    2 points
  10. I used to work with a guy that had a .32 flintlock built from a kit. Pretty nice rifle, that had a maple stock, 42" barrel and all browned. He talked about getting one in .50 for a long time. I need to work on my .50 Hawken and get it going. My uncle built it from a kit back in the late 70's.
    2 points
  11. Why don't they just make a plate that looks like the state flag? I hate the tnvacation.com thing too...I have a plate that was issued before it, and I'll for sure try to hold onto it if I switch vehicles. Stupid thing to have in the TCA.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Most of the time G43 in IWB kydex holster. Ameriglo Spartan Operator nightsights. It just disappears with the flush mag and feels like a part of me. I always have extra mag as well. I am very pleased with the way the G43 carries. In the woods it’s a G20 with the same Ameriglo Spartan Operator nightsights as my G43. I like having the 10mm in the woods, and I carry OWB in a Safariland ALS full retention holster. Works well for me. I go old school when I’m on the horse checking my farm fences. Then its a Cimmaron SAA clone 45LC in western leather holster. Uberti 1873 clone 45LC in the scabbord of course Those are my 3 main scenarios for carry. I pretty much always have one of those 3 on me when I’m not at work.
    2 points
  14. I haven't practiced in over two decades, and I don't want to. I know that there's a lot of confusing information put out there by both sides that's complicated by politicization thanks mostly to the left during Trump's last year in office. There are valid reasons for not getting the vaccine, and I wouldn't suggest otherwise. What annoys me is people posting information on this forum who's source is a so-called expert citing anecdotal cases as if they are derived by the scientific method. In the case of treating humans, the gold standard of the scientific method is the double-blind study. That means neither the administering party nor the recipient know whether they are getting a placebo or the real drug. Those studies take time, and unfortunately, the virus (the D variant), proves VERY contagious and seems to be killing younger people who aren't vaccinated because this was a disease killing old or disabled people. Unfortunately, anecdotal news reports of people falsely reporting COVID infections really invalidates CDC's mortality numbers. Any good physician weighs the risk versus the reward with EVERY patient before acting. Example: my disabled daughter did not get the vaccine because her neurologist did not know how it would affect her condition. Luckily, she survived her encounter with the D variant after a considerable stay in the hospital, but what if she hadn't? Not knowing the true mortality numbers complicates that decision. What we DO know is that the FDA has NEVER had a pool of vaccinated people this large with which to pull data. I would wager that the medicine cabinets of the people posting bull information on this forum are full of drugs who have had less of a test pool than the COVID vaccinations. The smaller test pools of the FDA explains why you get drugs that have been on the market for decades but then get pulled because serious issues come up. One example is Zantac. It's true that we do not have any long-term studies of these vaccines, but they were derived by proven scientific methods. My heart hurts for Phil Valentine and his family because he made a bad risk assessment when he decided not to take the vaccine. I don't want people on this forum doing the same damned thing because they were listening to some alleged expert spewing anecdotal information to the world to see how many people they can fool.
    2 points
  15. it seems like the Knoxville store was winding down their reloading section before 2020.
    2 points
  16. I've not in a long time. Been hunting with an inline for awhile now. I don't have a sidelock now but, do have a H&R Huntsman .58 with open sights. Might give it a try with round balls.
    1 point
  17. Went for the Navy Tristar as well. It's ok...best of a poor selection I think.
    1 point
  18. If things keep going like they have been, reloading as we know it may be a thing of the past. You can have a press, dies, scale, powder measure, calipers etc and if you don't have powder, primer and bullets all you have is expensive equipment collecting dust!! And guess what, the ammo mfgs. could care less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  19. until
    1 point
  20. Tough crowd. I like the retro look.
    1 point
  21. I like it. the shorter heavy barrel and low mount on the scope make it. .35 is on my wish list too.
    1 point
  22. Shane, that's an interesting test I will need to try. One question: When does the timer stop -- after you fire the last shot of the 10th evolution at the 7-yard line, or do you have to make one more sprint back to the 100-yard line while the clock is running? (Man, 9 sprints of 93 yards is a workout in itself at my age....) Thanks, Whisper
    1 point
  23. If you can't find someone to blue it, I highly recommend a product called Blue Wonder. It's somewhere between a hot blue and a cold blue. Midway carries it and there's a few you tube videos out there on using it. https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1006363070
    1 point
  24. If Kelly Keesling is your Rep, he is pretty good. Gun Rights are not his primary focus, but he does not vote against us. Also, he does not sit on any committees that hear our bills, but, he has signed on as co-sponsor when asked to, and I always ask. Mark Pody is a strong an ally as we have, but the Lt. Gov. has limited his ability to get anything done, as he was always a supporter of Mae Beavers and that is anathema to the Establishment. Remember McNally is in place because Ron Ramsey annointed him (McNally), and he plays ball with the Chamber.
    1 point
  25. Were these designed with Microsoft Paint or Word? lol. They all look like someone had 5 minutes to come up with 4 designs. I agree that the #4 - tristar watermark would be nice if the watermark was colored red and blue. I would vote that one if it wasn’t so monochromatic. If I have to pick one... I guess #3 - tristar modern. It’s basically the same layout we have now but with a different background picture. Plus it’s red, white and blue. Although I think its too dark with the blue background.
    1 point
  26. I do. I’ve probably killed more deer with my traditional muzzleloader than any other individual firearm I own (bow not included). That’s probably because of the way the season falls, and I tend to get a lot more picky once the modern gun season opens. I love hunting with it though. It’s a Traditions Buckskinner. I also have an inline muzzleloader, but I only grab it during the season if the weather is wet. It’s crazy how accurate you can get an open sight percussion black powder rifle. I DO NOT enjoy cleaning it though
    1 point
  27. Shadow Systems MR920 in a TRex arms Raptor aiwb holster.
    1 point
  28. Rain comes and rain goes, just wait a few days, come on, yall have lived here long enough, you know how it works.
    1 point
  29. My Doc is a black woman, very smart and very knowledgeable about what is what.
    1 point
  30. I was just taking a break at work and stopped in to check the used guns at a gun store in town. In all those polymer guns for sale I saw a huge chunk of aluminum and stainless steel. It was a Ruger P89 made in 1991 , the year I graduated school LOL . Looks to have had around less than 1,000 rds through it . Hardly any wear on the barrel or anywhere. It's the very early P89 with the single-sided decocker. The best thing is that is that I paid $199. If you know Ruger P-Series pistols , these things are like old AK-47's of the pistol world. They just run and run. A lot of reloaders use them to test hot rounds since they can stand a lot of pressure. My wife wasn't too happy when she saw a charge on the bank card for $199 LOL but I couldn't pass it up . Just thought I'd share. Have a great day.
    1 point
  31. I choose none of the above. Kinda like the vintage ones but that website reference is completely obnoxious, its text should not be bigger than the state’s nickname. The one we have now is fine. Since others have decided that is no longer good enough I’ll take whatever they issue. It’s only a license plate.
    1 point
  32. I hear ya. I've been having to get out quite a bit lately. Its like everyday the weather just can't decide if its going to rain or not. In a fifteen minute drive, I turn the wipers on and off about a dozen times. It gets annoying.
    1 point
  33. Says I have to be logged in. I'm not a member and have no need to join.
    1 point
  34. Mine has been reliable for years, I usually practice with the XDS 9 but carry the 45.
    1 point
  35. My Doc tell me the same as in the video, we do not trust the chicom jab!
    1 point
  36. It's been around for a long time for treatment of some human diseases but wasn't declared unsafe until it was recognized as a good treatment for Covid. How could they force the jab on everyone and allow a tried and true treatment to exist. According to my doctor, up until a month or so ago every pharmacy carried and filled prescriptions for it. Ivermectin proved to be even more of a ‘Wonder drug’ in human health, improving the nutrition, general health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide ever since it was first used to treat Onchocerciasis in humans in 1988. It proved ideal in many ways, being highly effective and broad-spectrum, safe, well tolerated and could be easily administered (a single, annual oral dose). It is used to treat a variety of internal nematode infections, including Onchocerciasis, Strongyloidiasis, Ascariasis, cutaneous larva migrans, filariases, Gnathostomiasis and Trichuriasis, as well as for oral treatment of ectoparasitic infections, such as Pediculosis (lice infestation) and scabies (mite infestation).14) Ivermectin is the essential mainstay of two global disease elimination campaigns that should soon rid the world of two of its most disfiguring and devastating diseases, Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis, which blight the lives of billions of the poor and disadvantaged throughout the tropics. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/
    1 point
  37. One that cared more about my health than a dollar.
    1 point
  38. If they are under aged and picked up, they should be taken to the bus station and sent to Chicago. They only had 59 shootings this weekend. If it’s too dangerous in your neighborhood call the police and make a report instead of remaining silent when asked for help on solving crimes. Most departments are under staffed and over worked due to the current political environment being run by who ever has the loudest voice. Like most conservatives, I have to be on fire to raise my voice. I’m ashamed of most of us for this. if they are underaged and in possession of a firearm, hold their parents responsible. If the kids don’t come to school, they are held responsible. That’s the way the world used to work. But common sense ain’t as common as it used to be. “May You Live In Interesting Times!” (But Damn)
    1 point
  39. I don't know the exact demographics. I will leave it to the site admins to address that but the sites roots are in Middle TN and there certainly seems to be a bigger contingent here from the Middle and Eastern parts of the state than the west. That said there are a couple things that are probably slowing response; 1) Seller - You are a new member with limited few posts and no feedback. Not anything specific against you but some established members are slow to deal with new members. 2) Item - Kel-tec shotguns are less than desirable to many. A fair number of folks, including myself, have had negative experiences with their offerings. 3) Location - Atoka is a bit "up the road" even for the Memphis/Bartlett/Cordova based folks. When I was still in Millington we considered Atoka "out in the sticks". Not that Millington was any great metropolis mind you. Welcome, Good luck with your posting and don't let this first one discourage you from the site.
    1 point
  40. I know......If the gun manufacturer hadn't made the gun, I would not have purchased the gun. If I hadn't purchased the gun, the theif wouldn't have been able to take the gun. If the theif hadn't been able to take the gun, he wouldn't have killed someone with it. It's the manufacturers fault. The theif is the victim. The dead guy a I are accomplices. Do I win the liberal logic award?
    1 point
  41. I totally see how it would be your fault if I broke into your house or car took things.
    1 point
  42. The blame is 100% on the thief.
    1 point
  43. 1. Reliability 2. Reliability 3. Reliability 4. Accuracy 5. Ergonomics 6. Carry comfort
    1 point
  44. I would suggest grease instead of oil. Lubriplate would be a good suggestion. The above info is good as all firearms need breaking in.
    1 point
  45. There are 3 that I carry regularly depending on what I'm doing and how I dress. Colt Commander .45acp S&W 642 .38 Special Colt Mustang XSP .380acp. However, every now and then I get a wild hair and might carry anything from a .25acp to a .45 Colt just for the Hell of it.
    1 point
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