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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2021 in all areas

  1. I was just taking a break at work and stopped in to check the used guns at a gun store in town. In all those polymer guns for sale I saw a huge chunk of aluminum and stainless steel. It was a Ruger P89 made in 1991 , the year I graduated school LOL . Looks to have had around less than 1,000 rds through it . Hardly any wear on the barrel or anywhere. It's the very early P89 with the single-sided decocker. The best thing is that is that I paid $199. If you know Ruger P-Series pistols , these things are like old AK-47's of the pistol world. They just run and run. A lot of reloaders use them to test hot rounds since they can stand a lot of pressure. My wife wasn't too happy when she saw a charge on the bank card for $199 LOL but I couldn't pass it up . Just thought I'd share. Have a great day.
    6 points
  2. I hope you are asking in earnest and don't easily get offended. Academy has the shotgun for sale you are selling for the same price new. We are a cheap bunch here. We like a deal. I've found that if I keep marking my price down, most items will eventually sell. Being a new member makes some folk skeptical. Requiring a bill of sale runs some folks off. Your location is obviously a stumbling block for many. I hope these suggestions might help in some way without offending.
    6 points
  3. I don't trust any elected politician at all or anyone they have on their payroll !!!
    5 points
  4. The FDA denied booster shots for the general population, but allowed booster shots for those 65 & up, plus those with crucial conditions. This was for the Pfizer vaccine. Moderna hasn't been approved yet, but is expected to be in a few weeks. On a personal level, I've had both Moderna shots via the VA. When their booster becomes available, and fits my time frame ( 8 mos. ), I will get it. Do I trust Fauci, CNN, or anything resembling Gov? Heck no. But I do believe in vaccines. Look at Polio, smallpox, and others that were eradicated because of them. Flu shots can be hit or miss, depending on whether or not the target the right strain. So far, in my case, they have been spot on with the flu. I haven't had any side effects from the Covid vaccine, and I've not been in the ICU on a ventilator. I spent 16 mos. in an Army hospital after being wounded. I never want to experience anything like that again. To each his own. JMHO Larry
    4 points
  5. See my post above. Overall, I haven't seen anyone say that they trusted Fauci - at least not within the past several months after his conduct and connections have come under scrutiny. Personally, I do not put much stock in ANY government bureaucrat.
    4 points
  6. My personal doctors. All of whom said take the vaccine. I'm over 65 and have mild COPD. If my doctors recommend a booster, I will take it. My time frame would put it in late November. BTW: I had zero side effects.
    3 points
  7. I don't know the exact demographics. I will leave it to the site admins to address that but the sites roots are in Middle TN and there certainly seems to be a bigger contingent here from the Middle and Eastern parts of the state than the west. That said there are a couple things that are probably slowing response; 1) Seller - You are a new member with limited few posts and no feedback. Not anything specific against you but some established members are slow to deal with new members. 2) Item - Kel-tec shotguns are less than desirable to many. A fair number of folks, including myself, have had negative experiences with their offerings. 3) Location - Atoka is a bit "up the road" even for the Memphis/Bartlett/Cordova based folks. When I was still in Millington we considered Atoka "out in the sticks". Not that Millington was any great metropolis mind you. Welcome, Good luck with your posting and don't let this first one discourage you from the site.
    3 points
  8. I guess I'm the odd man out, My absolute favorite small carry weapons are the Sig P230 and my Ruger LCR in 38 spec. I actually have several more small ones that never get carried and should be gotten rid of. Several have never been fired.
    3 points
  9. Not at all. We all gotta find our way through this world. As long as you're not hurting me, I wish you well. I'm sure we agree on way more points than not.
    3 points
  10. This one should be here this week. Started out as a 1962 S&W then ended up at Clark Customs in 1976 to be turned into a PPC competition gun. This one is in 38spl.
    2 points
  11. I’m holding out for the biscuit and gravy iteration.
    2 points
  12. People say don't eat something that's made for horses, and I say. Do you know how much some horses are worth? I don't think they would put harmful crap in anything for horses.
    2 points
  13. It's been around for a long time for treatment of some human diseases but wasn't declared unsafe until it was recognized as a good treatment for Covid. How could they force the jab on everyone and allow a tried and true treatment to exist. According to my doctor, up until a month or so ago every pharmacy carried and filled prescriptions for it. Ivermectin proved to be even more of a ‘Wonder drug’ in human health, improving the nutrition, general health and wellbeing of billions of people worldwide ever since it was first used to treat Onchocerciasis in humans in 1988. It proved ideal in many ways, being highly effective and broad-spectrum, safe, well tolerated and could be easily administered (a single, annual oral dose). It is used to treat a variety of internal nematode infections, including Onchocerciasis, Strongyloidiasis, Ascariasis, cutaneous larva migrans, filariases, Gnathostomiasis and Trichuriasis, as well as for oral treatment of ectoparasitic infections, such as Pediculosis (lice infestation) and scabies (mite infestation).14) Ivermectin is the essential mainstay of two global disease elimination campaigns that should soon rid the world of two of its most disfiguring and devastating diseases, Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis, which blight the lives of billions of the poor and disadvantaged throughout the tropics. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/
    2 points
  14. My wife of almost 42 years and myself - along with my training.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Two things. 1. We all know what we should have as a Right to arms, it is spelled out in our Constitutions. 2. Fundraising for TFA is for the PAC. No Officer or board member draws a dime from these funds, of any sort. Our financials are public for anyone to see and unlike other organizations that use raised money for personal gain/gain TFA does not allow that. Quite the contrary, John donates huge amounts of billable hour time to this endeavor at no recompense other than a desire to see Tennessee returned to the original construct, (1794 Constitution Article 11 Section 26) that any free man could bear arms for the common defense. We are guaranteed that the legislature and our government is to keep their grubby dew claws off that Right, yet we are complacent and complicit in its loss via statute. This year gave us Civil Immunity, that is a great thing for Tennesseans. We can accomplish much if gun owners understand the Constitution, its intent and work together to accomplish those ends. To quote Paine: "A thing moderately good is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice."
    2 points
  17. Got my 1st Moderna jab a week ago. I'll let ya'll know if I grow a tail or something.
    2 points
  18. I haven't been following this thread or any of the Covid stuff for a while now. I'm just tired and fed up with all the opposing arguments and tons of opinions and "proof" of this or that. It really disturbs me that a world wide health crisis has devolved into a heaping, huge pile of political bull####! I've had enough. I'm gonna speak my mind . For every "scientist" who makes a claim, there's another equally "qualified" "scientist" who claims the exact opposite. And to all those folks who "did their own research" I say Bull####! You already made up your mind and went searching for "proof" to support the opinion you already had. And then there are those who oppose the vaccine, social distancing or wearing a mask on the grounds of "Freedom". Admit it, you're just a stubborn three year old who doesn't like being told what to do. Especially when you don't like the political party that's telling you to do it. WAKE UP DICKHEAD! It ain't about freedom, its about staying alive! Many of you are stubborning yourselves to death! Undisputed facts: 1.The Coronavirus is real AND it can be deadly. 2. There are approved vaccines available that at the very least have shown to lessen the effects of the virus. 3. Hospitals are overrun with Covid patients who are dying in record numbers AND the vast majority of these people are un-vaccinated. 4. The average American is a hard headed idiot! One more thing, a large portion of the dead are Republicans/ Conservatives who didn't get vaccinated for political reasons. At this rate so many of us will die that the liberals won't need to cheat in the next election. Believe it or not, the future of our nation is at stake here. I did take the vaccine. I do wear a mask and social distance. I am being a responsible adult. if you don't and end up dying, don't expect any pity from me. That's my opinion and if you don't like it, tuff ####!
    2 points
  19. Vote on a new tag design for TN! https://www.tn.gov/governor/rate-the-plates.html
    1 point
  20. Just bought one of these this week. All positive reviews and I must say my initial impression is very positive. Feels good in the hand, nice balance. Comes with a decent holster. Slide cut for optic. Warren steel sights with FS luminous. 2 changeable backstraps. Shot very nicely to POA and handled all reloads and cycled flawlessly with HP. Has a 12 rd and 15rd mag. Can be had around $400. Lifetime warranty. If you have been thinking about it, I don't think you will be sorry. 3.6" barrel, little chunkier than the S&W 1.0 compact which it won't replace but is a nice option.
    1 point
  21. 1. Reliability 2. Sights 3. Ergonomics 4. Size/concealibility 5. Available holsters
    1 point
  22. Fixed it.................... OP, there's generally 2-3 reasons when there's no response to an ad, IMO. 1) Odd or eclectic item. A Kel-Tec shotgun falls into both categories, IMO. These have been on the market for a while & the novelty has worn off. 2) Price. As mentioned, when one can buy new for the price of a used one, why buy used? 3) Personally, *I* have no issue with a bill of sale. Some folks require a carry permit in lieu of a bill of sale. Some (like me) don't give a rat's ass either way. Some would never think of buying or selling to a stranger. Everyone has their own thoughts on this process, so don't take it personal. When pricing an item, look first on Gun Broker on completed auctions. This will give you an idea of current market value of an item. Make sure the ones you're comparing to are used, so apples to apples. Generally speaking, a used item values around 75% of its new price. There'll be some exceptions, of course, there always are. But figure on taking a 25% hit if you bought it new. My .o2
    1 point
  23. Just found this & thought I'd post it in case anyone wants to go. Fall leaves may be turning by then, so one could double up with a nice drive through the non-crowded mountains of SE TN. Good trout fishing here as well, for those whom do that sort of thing. Even drag someone's dad along as well, IMO. There's always nice cars at these shows, older stuff. Plan ahead, gents!
    1 point
  24. Then Hwy 41 to Chatt or Hwy 64 all the way in to Polk Co would be good rides, IMO. Anything BUT I-24, IOW. LOL!
    1 point
  25. I wish I had a doctor I trusted.
    1 point
  26. If they are under aged and picked up, they should be taken to the bus station and sent to Chicago. They only had 59 shootings this weekend. If it’s too dangerous in your neighborhood call the police and make a report instead of remaining silent when asked for help on solving crimes. Most departments are under staffed and over worked due to the current political environment being run by who ever has the loudest voice. Like most conservatives, I have to be on fire to raise my voice. I’m ashamed of most of us for this. if they are underaged and in possession of a firearm, hold their parents responsible. If the kids don’t come to school, they are held responsible. That’s the way the world used to work. But common sense ain’t as common as it used to be. “May You Live In Interesting Times!” (But Damn)
    1 point
  27. I have had 2 buddy's that have had the Moderma shots through the VA with 1 of them just got his 3rd because he is visiting a Premi grandbaby at Vandy and it is one of their requirements for him to visit her. Neither of one of them have had any side effects from them at all. I am not against Vaccines as like you said, they have worked very good at eradicating many diseases over the years but then those vaccines took years to develop also and didn't just whip something up in a lab in 5 or 6 months, call it a vaccine and start jabbing folks in the arm either. They also didn't put a mandate on them either. They only required them for children to begin school.
    1 point
  28. PSA: Best observe all speed limits in that part of the state.
    1 point
  29. They are calling for them for folks >65-years sold. It was a unanimous vote too.
    1 point
  30. Many cite leftist cnn, nyt, npr frequently as truth. Many trusted fauchi, his credibility is waning fast as his lies are exposed. As for individuals, I wouldn't say as I'm sure it would be seen as a personal attack.
    1 point
  31. Yeah , I'd have a hard time buying a P-Series for more money than when they were new , even though they are worth it. There are still good deals out there , you just got to be consistant and keep looking.
    1 point
  32. So your saying they just make chit up as they go along? Imagine that. So far, we've been told to stay home for two weeks to flatten the curve, social distance, wear a mask, wear two masks, take a shot, take two shots, and a third shot. Who can say we are any better off regarding Covid than we were a year and a half ago? Who is now willing to hop on one foot and rub their belly if told to do so?
    1 point
  33. Tank of a pistol. Love them! Congratulations on the score!
    1 point
  34. I have been looking for another one of these ever since I let my last one get away in a trade and finally found this one a friend of mine was willing to part with. He said it has been a safe queen since he got it and has had 1 mag fired through it to make sure everything worked properly. He has the box for it also and will dig it out and bring it to me. BT got my last one in a trade for his Model 60 Bersa he knew I wanted and he wanted my Body Guard so we just traded.
    1 point
  35. I would have done the same thing. They are reliable as you can get. They are just big and heavy.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Lots of lack of common sense. I don’t blindly follow the CDC because they lie a lot, almost as much as their boss. But, I’m not gonna die, and won’t make anyone else sick. I’m mad at my friends for dying because they refused the vaccine. Senseless loss.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. This kind of thing just makes me nuts. (See AuEagle's post above.) We have PHD's on both sides of the issue giving us opposing information, and all of it seems reasonable to me. One group of smart people telling me that the virus originated in a lab in Wuhan. Another group of smart people telling me that it's unlikely. One group of smart people telling me a paper mask is going to help alleviate spread of the virus (which I find implausible), another group telling me paper masks are going to save us all. We have Dr. Fauci telling us that masks aren't going to do anything, and few months later suggesting we wear two. We have candidates Joe Biden and Kamela Harris telling us they don't trust the "Trump" vaccine, but President Biden and Vice President Harris tell us that taking the vaccine is mandatory. Our "scientific experts" and the political class really should get their act together and stop confusing the issue with contradictory proclamations every fourth day!
    1 point
  40. As one whom has had multiple conversations with gun grabbers, y'all need to learn that they associate guns with crime, no questions asked. "If he only hadn't had a gun", they like to say. In their twisted "logic", they believe a firearm magically changes a honor student Boy Scout into a mass murderer somehow. Doesn't matter the individual, as long as he/she owns a firearm they're a future school or mall shooter in their minds. Of all the ones I've asked whom were gun grabbers, none had a grand-dad or dad or uncle take them shooting with a .22 as a kid. In short, they never got to experience the wonderful side of learning to shoot as a kid. As a result, guns remained a mystery unless the media has "educated" them on how horrible and evil guns are. All those "news" shows whom have been shown to be blatantly lying about their segments after they aired, the gun grabbers believe whole heartedly. Movies with planes being shot down with a single shot from a snub nose also plays into their phobia. I've also had multiple gun grabbers tell me how they "couldn't control their emotions, they'd end up shooting someone if they owned a gun". Therefor if THEY can't control their emotions, by extension, WE can't control ours either. Therefor guns need to be banned. Of course they always bring up the old lie about "owning a gun means you're 43 times more likely to be shot with your own gun" bull manure. This has been debunked repeatedly, but they keep using it as if it's accurate. And they always bring up the "why do you need a machine gun to deer hunt?" horse manure. I loved pointing out the aftermath of Katrina, where the cops walked off their jobs to go take care of their own families, leaving the public to fend for themselves. They were always speechless when I asked them which one of their siblings or grown kids they would be ok with being murdered since they couldn't defend themselves? Or how many women is it ok to be raped since men are larger & stronger than women? They never reply to any of those. Last summer's riots all across the US has also spurred many of them to buy their first gun. I worked a gun shop last year from Mar to Oct. I can't can't the number of people who told me they were buying their first gun because they were scared the cops would be off sick with the china flu. Sadly, I doubt if a single one voted for anyone other than another gun grabbing politician. There is a long, long, list of politicians & celebrities who decry firearms ownership but run around with armed security. One in particular, Samantha Bee of the TBS show, led a protest of bringing inner city kids to her neighborhood school. On her show she trashes everything conservative without let-up. Hypocrite first class. Former columnist Carl Rowan, Sr was famous for never failing to love a gun ban. Then he shot a "teen" who scared him when he came home one night & a bunch of "teens" were partying in his backyard pool. Nor was Rowan ever charged with an illegal gun, as he failed to have a DC license to own. Hypocrite. Almost without fail, a gun grabber will mention the words "I feel" during their anti-gun rant. It's never the words "logic", "reason" or something similar. It's always about the "feelz" with them. I also enjoy asking them if they have a sign in their yard saying "Home owner owns no firearms"? They always say no to that & I tell them they lack the courage of their convictions. They never answer to that. Ask a gun grabber if you can take them to the projects one night, drop them off & meet them 2-3 miles away. See what they say to that.
    1 point
  41. I need a gunsmith around Knoxville to rebarrel a model of 1917 aka P17. Apparently it takes a dedicated wrench. Thanks for any and all help.
    1 point
  42. I am left handed. Lately, I have noticed that while all my 22lr chambered handguns shoot to point of aim. I have begun shooting harder recoiling handguns to the right. The harder the recoil, the further right they shoot. No doubt the problem lies with me and not the handgun. What am I doing wrong, and why am I not having this problem with 22s?
    1 point
  43. Ive carried my LCP 1 for nearly a decade.. Probably put a few thousand rounds through it with no failures in memory. Ive put a few recoil springs in it, not failure related just as upkeep.
    1 point
  44. I carried a Star PD .45 for many years. The XDs .45 is the first pistol that came along that was worth retiring the Star. I've carried the XDs for a couple of years now and the more I use it, the more I like it. I also have a KelTec P3AT I use when it's too hot to carry the XDs. As long as I use nice, hot ammo, it is 100% reliable. I also like the original Remington model 51 in .380. Mostly just because it fits my hand so nicely! But it's also 100% reliable.
    1 point
  45. Rooster tails is one of my all time favorite lures.
    1 point
  46. I use red dots on target guns; but not carry guns. If a person is far enough away you need a sight; you probably shouldn’t be taking the shot in a parking lot with people around. I can assure you your effective range will be greatly diminished when you have an adrenalin rush pumping; especially if you are being shot at. It may not impact you but having experienced it; I smile when I see the “shot placement” comments. Shot placement is a given; knowing how you will perform under that kind of pressure is not. Handguns have their limitations; I wouldn’t add the possible problems of a red dot sight into the mix. That’s just my opinion.
    1 point
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